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71 - 90 cm (1151)91 - 110 cm (1109)100 cm (963)Meno di 50 cm (840)191 - 210 cm (785)111 - 130 cm (772)131 - 150 cm (754)171 - 190 cm (738)200 cm (633)151 - 170 cm (563)120 cm (478)50 - 70 cm (469)90 cm (462)80 cm (451)180 cm (409)160 cm (389)150 cm (355)0,5 - 1 m (316)140 cm (276)1 m (222)291 - 300 cm (219)60 cm (217)211 - 230 cm (190)231 - 250 cm (182)300 cm (157)50 cm (149)Più di 300 cm (140)1,1 - 1,5 m (130)2,1 - 2,5 m (95)175 cm (94)2,5 m (94)130 cm (88)220 cm (80)240 cm (78)125 cm (77)1,6 - 2 m (74)250 cm (60)110 cm (55)170 cm (53)75 cm (51)81 - 100 cm (45)5 cm (44)45 cm (43)105 cm (39)225 cm (39)1,5 m (38)205 cm (37)77 cm (37)155 cm (32)30 cm (23)41 - 60 cm (23)20 cm (22)115 cm (20)181 cm (20)23 cm (20)25 cm (18)70 cm (15)71 cm (15)190 cm (13)230 cm (13)Meno di 0,5 m (12)101 - 120 cm (11)251 - 270 cm (11)2 m (10)40 cm (10)44 cm (10)81 cm (10)1,2 m (8)122 cm (8)141 - 160 cm (8)1,7 m (7)181 - 200 cm (7)20 - 40 cm (7)204 cm (7)0 - 20 mm (6)0,9 m (6)15 cm (6)271 - 290 cm (6)114 cm (5)5 mm (5)10 cm (4)164 cm (4)61 - 80 cm (4)73 cm (4)85 cm (4)Meno di 20 cm (4)132 cm (3)143 cm (3)145 cm (3)188 cm (3)192 cm (3)197 cm (3)215 cm (3)224 cm (3)54 cm (3)89 cm (3)91 cm (3)98 cm (3)0,5 m (2)0,6 m (2)0,8 m (2)1,1 m (2)121 - 140 cm (2)135 cm (2)153 cm (2)161 - 180 cm (2)165 cm (2)182 cm (2)183 cm (2)245 cm (2)255 cm (2)260 cm (2)270 cm (2)275 cm (2)280 cm (2)46 cm (2)95 cm (2)108 cm (1)126 cm (1)127 cm (1)136 cm (1)144 cm (1)147 cm (1)148 cm (1)149 cm (1)152 cm (1)159 cm (1)163 cm (1)172 cm (1)174 cm (1)179 cm (1)18 cm (1)19 cm (1)210 cm (1)213 cm (1)216 cm (1)218 cm (1)226 cm (1)227 cm (1)233 cm (1)235 cm (1)236 cm (1)251 cm (1)254 cm (1)256 cm (1)274 cm (1)38 cm (1)42 cm (1)52 cm (1)56 cm (1)58 cm (1)63 cm (1)7 cm (1)70 - 80 mm (1)82 cm (1)84 cm (1)90 - 100 mm (1)Non specificato (92954)
Meno di 50 cm (1496)Più di 300 cm (900)50 - 70 cm (625)71 - 90 cm (533)91 - 110 cm (452)191 - 210 cm (423)291 - 300 cm (384)200 cm (383)100 cm (347)300 cm (303)171 - 190 cm (300)90 cm (214)180 cm (203)131 - 150 cm (179)111 - 130 cm (174)150 cm (131)50 cm (126)80 cm (116)20 cm (87)151 - 170 cm (84)120 cm (75)30 cm (72)4 cm (71)211 - 230 cm (64)60 cm (63)231 - 250 cm (62)1 - 10 cm (50)81 cm (49)Meno di 20 cm (48)45 cm (45)9 cm (44)125 cm (41)140 cm (40)75 cm (40)25 cm (38)3 cm (38)105 cm (36)130 cm (35)175 cm (35)250 cm (30)27 cm (30)160 cm (29)20 - 40 cm (28)40 cm (28)5 cm (28)38 cm (27)77 cm (27)70 cm (25)29 cm (24)46 cm (23)23 cm (21)39 cm (21)7 cm (21)7,1 - 8 cm (21)7,5 cm (21)190 cm (20)225 cm (20)8,1 - 9 cm (20)8,5 cm (20)8 cm (19)155 cm (18)205 cm (18)71 cm (18)81 - 100 cm (16)52 cm (15)110 cm (14)170 cm (12)220 cm (11)44 cm (10)10 cm (9)141 - 160 cm (8)18 cm (8)185 cm (8)10,1 - 20 cm (7)14 cm (7)186 cm (7)90 - 100 mm (7)91 cm (7)115 cm (6)12,1 - 13 cm (6)12,5 cm (6)51 cm (6)6 cm (6)76 cm (6)164 cm (5)230 cm (5)251 - 270 cm (5)271 - 290 cm (5)275 cm (5)54 cm (5)56 cm (5)100 - 110 mm (4)12 cm (4)121 - 140 cm (4)181 - 200 cm (4)24 cm (4)57 cm (4)15 cm (3)195 cm (3)204 cm (3)33 cm (3)6,1 - 7 cm (3)6,5 cm (3)1,1 - 2 cm (2)1,5 cm (2)124 cm (2)145 cm (2)15,5 cm (2)2,1 - 3 cm (2)2,5 cm (2)28 cm (2)41 - 60 cm (2)43 cm (2)61 - 80 cm (2)89 cm (2)0 - 20 mm (1)1 cm (1)10,1 - 11 cm (1)10,5 cm (1)101 cm (1)106 cm (1)109 cm (1)13 cm (1)135 cm (1)144 cm (1)147 cm (1)153 cm (1)157 cm (1)159 cm (1)16 cm (1)165 cm (1)166 cm (1)17 cm (1)170 - 180 mm (1)172 cm (1)181 cm (1)2 cm (1)202 cm (1)210 cm (1)218 cm (1)240 cm (1)26 cm (1)270 cm (1)30 - 40 mm (1)32 cm (1)34 cm (1)42 cm (1)5,1 - 6 cm (1)5,5 cm (1)53 cm (1)58 cm (1)61 cm (1)64 cm (1)72 cm (1)79 cm (1)85 cm (1)9,1 - 10 cm (1)9,5 cm (1)99 cm (1)Non specificato (95930)
Giardino e arredamento esterni (101607)Recinzioni, fendivista e cancelli (101607)Strutture e ombrari (1975)Decorazioni (1003)Materiali da giardino e paesaggistica (700)Cura delle piante, terriccio e accessori (363)Arredamento da giardino e da esterno (194)Altro giardino e arredamento esterni (50)Piscine, saune e idromassaggio (37)Compostaggio e rifiuti da giardino (32)Piante, semi e bulbi (22)Utensili manuali e attrezzature (14)Illuminazione da esterno (3)Laghetti e giochi d'acqua (3)Riscaldamento, barbecue e cottura da esterno (3)Casa, arredamento e bricolage (2040)Bricolage e fai da te: materiali (15708)Sicurezza e antifurti (318)Articoli per animali (394)Tessile da letto (287)Decorazione della casa (167)Tappeti, corsie, moquette (108)Tende, tendaggi e accessori (99)Articoli per cucina e bar (45)Bricolage e fai da te: attrezzatura (30)Decorazioni matrimonio (16)Altro casa e bricolage (9)Feste e occasioni speciali (8)Arredamento (4)Pulizia e bucato (2)Caminetti e stufe (1)Commercio, ufficio e industria (5267)Costruzione (8)Lavorazione metalli, saldatura (591)Manutenzione e sicurezza (43)Agricoltura e allevamento (25)Strumenti medici e di laboratorio (20)Elettronica industriale (1)Movimentazione materiali (4)Fissaggi e attrezzi (3)Adesivi e sigillanti (1)Automazioni, motori e driver (4)Commercio al dettaglio (5)Arte e antiquariato (186)Attrezzi, macchine e utensili (114)Altro arte e antiquariato (58)Tappeti e arazzi (1)Sport e viaggi (183)Sport d'acqua (41)Equitazione (32)Sport con la palla (17)Viaggi (17)Campeggio ed escursionismo (16)Calcio (5)TV, audio e video (34)Smart home e sorveglianza domestica (34)Informatica (26)Networking e reti home (20)Software (6)Fumetti e memorabilia (13)Fumetti angloamericani (13)Giocattoli e modellismo (15)Case di bambole e miniature (9)Modellismo ferroviario (4)Collezionismo (29)Cartoline (11)Bellezza e salute (8)Mobilità e disabilità (6)Salute (1)Altro bellezza e salute (1)Auto e moto: ricambi e accessori (5)Auto: ricambi e accessori (5)Elettrodomestici (1)Piccoli elettrodomestici da cucina (1)Infanzia e premaman (1)Nautica e imbarcazioni (56)Altro nautica e imbarcazioni (1)Fotografia e video (1)Accessori foto, videocamere e droni (1)
- Schaller -
129 EUR
Schaller M6 135 Locking 6l Ch
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641056935
MPN: 10020220.01.50
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller M6 135 Locking 6L C New, Clamping Machine Head Set for Electric Guitar, Precise, wear-free premium mechanisms, Contents: 6x Left, With Velvet-Tec and LX6-Lube technology, Very high quality surface finish due to improved manufacturing processes, Construction: Closed, Buttons: M6 Metal small, Ratio: 1:18, Shaft length: 19.5 mm, Second shaft length (staggered): 21 mm, Bore: 9.8 mm, Mounting: Screws & Locknut, Screw tab: 135, Schaller article nr: 10020220.01.50, Finish: Chrome-plated, Including: Fixing screws, banjo bolts and washers, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
79 EUR
Schaller Bm 4l Ni
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641534006
MPN: 10250101.26.71
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller BM 4L Nickel, Machine head set for electric bass, Design: 4 left, Construction: open, Gear ratio: 1:20, Shaft length: 21 mm, Bore: 17.5 mm, Mounting: screws and bushings, Schaller No.: 10250101.26.71, Surface: nickel-plated, Includes mounting screws and counter bearings, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
141 EUR
Schaller Guitar Bridge 3d-6 Bc
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641147701
MPN: 12120401
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Guitar Bridge 3D-6 BC, Bridge for Electric Guitar, Flat mount bridge, Adjustable in height, intonation and string spacing, The roller bridge saddles reliably minimise string breakage while maintaining intonation and tuning stability, Dimensions (L x W x H): 73 x 49 x 12 (15) mm, Finish: Black , chrome-plated, Included 3 mm washer and 3 mounting screws

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
89 EUR
Schaller Bm 4l Bc
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641152804
MPN: 10250401.26.71
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller BM 4L BC, Set of Machine Heads for Electric Bass, Configuration: 4 left, Type: open, Gear ratio: 1:20, Shaft length: 21 mm, Bore: 17.5 mm, Mounting: screws and bushings, Schaller no: 10250401.26.71, Finish: Black, chrome-plated, Including fixing screws and counter bearing, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
12.2 EUR
Schaller Gtm Studs (m4) N
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641027171
MPN: 22300100
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller GTM Studs (M4) N, Height Adjustment Screws, For Schaller GTM bridges, Finish: Nickel, Schaller item no.: 22300100, Delivery quantity: 1 Pair

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
9.6 EUR
Schaller String Locking Insert Blocks Black
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641261889
MPN: 20693000
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller String Locking Insert Blocks, String Locking Insert Blocks, Fits most Floyd Rose Style tremolos, Colour: Black, Set of 6 pieces

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Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
15.2 EUR
Schaller Toggle Switch Plate G Gold
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641155003
MPN: 15200500
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Toggle Switch Plate G, Cover Plate, For 3-way toggle switch, Colour: Gold, Schaller number: 155

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Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
9.9 EUR
Schaller Security S-locks Pin Set M N
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641221654
MPN: 24030100
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Security S-Locks Pin Set M N, Strap Button Set for Schaller S-Lock System, Pin and screw made from one piece, Easy to install with a 3 mm hex key, Specially turned threads for maximum grip in wood, Thread diameter: 4 mm, Thread length: 22 mm, Hardest steel and double wall thickness for maximum durability and security, Medium length, Surface: Nickel, Schaller Nr.: 24030100, Includes high quality felt washers to protect your instrument

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Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
29 EUR
Schaller Dome Knobs G
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641178002
MPN: 15020500
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Dome Knobs G, Set of Potentiometer Knobs, Knurled, cylindrical knob, Material: Brass, Attachment: Grub screw, Outer diameter: 18.3 mm, Height: 18 mm, Shaft bore: 6.0 mm, Weight: 26 g each, Schaller No.: 15020500, Finish: Gold-plated, Screws included, Package quantity: 2 Pieces, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
4.55 EUR
Schaller M6 Small Metal Button Ch
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641504078
MPN: 11010200
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller M6 Small Metal Button CH, Button for Schaller Machine Heads, Schaller Nr.: 11010200, Small metal button for Schaller M6 machine heads, 1 Piece, Finish: Chrome, Made in Germany@+*Note:* Does not include mounting material!@+@+

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
106 EUR
Schaller M6 135 6l N
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641054306
MPN: 10020120.01.36
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller M6 135 6L N, Machine Heads for electric and steel- string acoustic guitar, Velvet-Tec and LX6- Lube for outstanding precision and superior tuning comfort, New M6 collar washer for easy mounting, Solid centring of the axle, 6 Pieces, In line left, Enclosed construction, Knob: M6 small metal, Gear ratio: 18:1, Mounting: Screw(s) and hexagon banjo bolt, Screw- strap angle: 135°, Manufacturer no. 10020120.01.36, Finish: Nickel, Included fixing screws, collar washers and hexagonal banjo bolt, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
126 EUR
Schaller M6 Pin Locking 6l Ch
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641242444
MPN: 10030220.01.53
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller M6 Pin Locking 6L CH, Locking Machine Heads for electric and steel string acoustic guitar, 6 In line left, Ultra-precise, wear-free premium mechanics, Velvet-Tec and LX6-Lube for unrivalled precision and outstanding tuning comfort, Very high surface quality due to improved manufacturing processes, Enclosed construction, Knobs: Small metal, Gear ratio: 1:18, Shaft length: 21 mm, Bore: 9.8 mm, Mounting: Pins & lock nuts, Schaller Nr. 10030220.01.53, Finish: Chrome, Included banjo bolts and washers, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
21.3 EUR
Schaller S-locks M Ni
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641145769
MPN: 14010101
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller S-Locks M NI, Security Locks, Set consists of belt pin, lock and lock wheel (one pair each), Silent function for noiseless operation, One-piece belt button made of hardened steel with self-tapping wood thread incl. felt disks for the protection of the instrument paint, Extended thread also holds very thick guitar straps up to 6 mm, Bolts made of stainless steel for minimum wear and thus highest safety, New design of the ball for best feel, Lock-wheel with special patent thread and locking screw prevents the locks on the belt loosen, Fully compatible with all existing Schaller Security Locks (without Silent Feature), Size: M, Surface: Nickel

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
12.2 EUR
Schaller Stm Studs (m8) N
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641027010
MPN: 22280100
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller STM Studs (M8) N, Height adjustment screws, For Schaller STM bridge, Finish: Nickel, Schaller art. no.: 22280100, Package quantity: 1 pair

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
106 EUR
Schaller Hauser Acrylic Go
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641563006
MPN: 10330563.31.13
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Hauser GO Acrylic, Machine Head Set for Classical Guitar, Set configuration: 3 Left / 3 Right, Construction: Open, Grand Piano: Acrylic, Gear ratio: 1:16, Shaft length: 29.6 mm, Bore: 10 mm, Mounting: Screw, Finish: Gold, Schaller No. 10330563.31.13, Mounting screws included, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
27 EUR
Schaller S-locks M Bc
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641330332
MPN: 14010401
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller S-Locks M BC, Security Locks, Taglia: M, Set con perno per cinghie, fissaggio e bulloni Schaller per il bloccaggio (1 paio ciascuno), Funzione Silent per prestazioni prive di rumore, Fissaggio alla cinghia in acciaio temprato in un unico pezzo con viti autofilettanti per legno e dischi di feltro così da proteggere la vernice dello strumento, Le filettature estese supportano anche cinghie per chitarra molto spesse, fino a 6 mm., Perni in acciaio inossidabile per la minima usura e la massima sicurezza, Nuovo design della sfera per una migliore tattilità, Le manopole di bloccaggio con speciali filettature brevettate, insieme alle viti di bloccaggio, impediscono ai perni di staccarsi dalla cinghia, Compatibile con tutti i Security Locks Schaller (senza caratteristica Silent), Colore della superficie: cromo nero

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
21.3 EUR
Schaller S-locks M Ch
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641004462
MPN: 14010201
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller S-Locks M CH, Security Locks@+, Taglia: M, Set composto da perno per cintura, chiusura e Lock-Wheel (una coppia per componente), Funzione Silent per un funzionamento silenzioso, Fissaggi per la cinghia in acciaio temprato in un unico pezzo con viti autofilettanti per legno e dischi in feltro per proteggere la vernice dello strumento, Le lunghe filettature si adattano anche alle cinghie per chitarra molto spesse, fino a 6 mm., Bullone in acciaio inossidabile per garantire un’usura minima e la massima sicurezza, Nuovo design della sfera per una migliore tattilità, Lock-Wheel con filettatura speciale brevettata e vite di bloccaggio che impedisce ai fissaggi di allentarsi sulla cinghia, Compatibile con tutti i Security Locks Schaller (senza funzione Silent), Finitura: cromo

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
59 EUR
Schaller Stm Tom-style Bridge C
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641452003
MPN: 12080200.11
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller STM TOM-Style Bridge C, Bridge for Electric Guitar, Suitable for bolt spacings from 74.0 - 74.5 mm, Non-reverse model: Intonation screws point towards the pickup, Adjustable in height, intonation and string spacing, Low-friction roller saddles for excellent tuning stability, Perfect for tremolo guitars, Wide flat roller notches for low strings and deep U-shaped notches for high strings, Saddles: Brass, Single string spacing: 9.7 - 11.5 mm, Total string spacing: 48.5 - 57.5 mm, Dimensions: (L x W x H): 83.8 x 18.1 x 12.5 mm, Total hole spacing : 74 - 74.5 mm, Weight: 58 g, Schaller no.: 12080200.11, Finish: Chrome, Includes two M5 impact sleeves and 2 M5 height adjustment screws, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
76 EUR
Schaller Keystone Sr Lock. 3l/3r Ni
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641204725
MPN: 10140123.16.55
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Keystone SR Lock. 3L/3R NI, Machine Head Set for Electric Guitar, 6 Pieces, Set configuration: 3 Left / 3 Right, Schaller article nr: 10140123.16.55, Perfect vintage dimensions and true to original look, Top locking clamping, Construction: Closed, Buttons: Keystone single ring, Ratio: 1:16, Shaft length: 19.5 mm, Bore: 9.8 mm, For max. headstock thickness 15.4 mm, Attachment via screw(s) and locknut, Surface: Nickel, Fastening screws, banjo bolts and washers included, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
125 EUR
Schaller F-series Locking Tuners 6l Ch
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641212935
MPN: 10560220.01.50
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller F-Series Locking Tuners 6L CH, Clamping Machine Head Set for Electric Guitar, 6 Pieces, Configuration: 6 Left, Schaller Article no. :10560220.01.50, Exact replacement machine heads, original look and dimensions, Construction: Enclosed, Wing: M6 Metal Small, Ratio: 1:18, Shaft length: 19.5 mm, 2nd Shaft length (staggered): 21.0 mm, Bore: 9.8 mm, For maximum headstock thickness of 15.4 mm, Mounting: Pin(s) & locking nut, Surface finish: Chrome, Includes banjo bolts and washers, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
12.2 EUR
Schaller Gtm Studs (m4) C
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641027188
MPN: 22300200
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller GTM Studs (M4) C, Height Adjustment Screws, For Schaller GTM bridges, Finish: Chrome, Schaller item no.: 22300100, Delivery quantity: 1 Pair

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
80 EUR
Schaller Bmf Bass Tuner Set 4l C
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641547006
MPN: 10260201.27.71
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller BMF 4L Chrome, Machine Head Set for Electric Bass, Suitable as replacement machine heads for F-Style basses, With a longer button and a larger base plate, Style: 4 Left, Construction: Open, Gear ratio: 1:20, Shaft length: 21 mm, Bore: 17.5 mm, Attachment: Screws & sleeves, Schaller No.: 10260201.27.71, Surface: Chrome-plated, Includes: Fixing screws and counter bearing, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
141 EUR
Schaller Bass Bridge 3d-4 Bc
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641146735
MPN: 12130401
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Bass Bridge 3D-4 BC, Bass Bridge, Patented 4-string bass bridge, Analog to 3D-6, The roller bridge saddles reliably minimize string breakage while maintaining intonation and tuning stability, Variable overall height adjustment with included 3mm spacer, Schaller Nr.: 12130400, Dimensions (L x W x H): 80 x 57 x 15(19) mm, Surface: Black chrome

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
120 EUR
Schaller 3d-4 Bass Bridge Ch
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641467038
MPN: 12130201
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller 3-D4 C, Bridge for 4-String Electric Bass, 3-Dimensionally adjustable bass bridge made of steel, Saddles: Rollers, Bore hole spacing: 51 mm, Single string spacing: 19 mm, Total string spacing: 57 mm, Dimensions: (L x W x H) 57.4 x 79.7 x 15 mm, Schaller article nr: 12130200, Finish: Chrome, 3 mm baseplate and fixing screws, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
120 EUR
Schaller Guitar Bridge 3d-6 Ch
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641477006
MPN: 12120201
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Guitar Bridge 3D-6 C, Guitar Bridge, Flatmount model, Adjustable in height, intonation and string spacing, The roller string rests minimize the tearing of the strings, while maintaining the same intonation and tuning stability, Dimensions (LxWxH): 73 x 49 x 12(15) mm, Surface: Chrome-plated, Includes 3 mm washer and screws

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Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
161 EUR
Schaller Hannes 6 Guitar Bridge Bc
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641480532
MPN: 12010400
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller GTH B Hannes Bridge 48053, Guitar Bridge, Fine treble, fast response and a defined, even and powerful reproduction, Touch-friendly material with a pleasantly edge-free surface, Non-wearing, thanks to the absence of metallic coatings on the string support points, Rider: Carbon/Teflon, Drill hole distance: 43.2 mm, Single string spacing: 10.8 mm, Total string spacing: 54 mm, Dimensions (L x W x H): 73.9 x 55.3 x 12.6 mm, Schaller article number: 12010400, Finish: Black chrome, Includes string sleeves, bridge fixing screws and screw bushings, Made in Germany

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Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

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141 EUR
Schaller Signum Bridge N
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641017219
MPN: 12350100.02
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Signum Bridge N, Bridge for Electric Guitar, Wraparound style, Suitable for arched and flat guitar tops, Specially developed non-locking studs for best sound transmission, Specifically shaped solid brass string saddles for improved sound development, dynamics, sustain and overtone behaviour, 9 mm wide intonation adjustment range, Closed string guide for effortless string change, Rectangular ball-end mount to prevent the string ends from unwinding, Material: Zinc, Brass saddles, Total string spacing: 52.5 mm, Single string spacing: 10.5 mm, Dimensions (L x W x H): 99.9 x 23.9 x 12.9 mm, Total hole/bolt spacing: 81.8 mm, Weight: 90 g, Schaller no. 12350100.02, Finish: Nickel, Includes 1 pair of t-nuts and non-locking height adjustment screws (M8 metric), 1 Signum spanner (if retrofitting to locking studs is required - optionally available), 2 pairs of grub screws of different lengths (6 mm / 10 mm - 6 mm length is already pre-assembled) and 1 Allen key for grub screws, Made in Germany

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Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

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181 EUR
Schaller Guitar Bridge 3d-6 G
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641478003
MPN: 12120501
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Guitar Bridge 3D-6 G, Bridge for Electric Guitar, Roller saddles reliably minimise string breakage, 3-Dimensional adjustment of string height, intonation and string spacing, Heavy and precise construction for extra long sustain, Material: Zinc, Saddles: Brass, Total string spacing: 53 mm, Individual string spacing: 10.6 mm, String radius adjustable from 7" (178 mm) - 20" (508 mm), Dimensions: (L x W x H): 72.5 x 49.8 x 11.8 mm, Weight: 152 g, Schaller no. 12120500, Finish: Gold, Including 3 mounting screws, 3 mm washer and fixing screws, Made in Germany

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Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
212 EUR
Schaller Signum Bridge G
Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641017257
MPN: 12350500.01
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Signum Bridge G, Schaller Signum Bridge G, 12350500, Wraparound Style Bridge for Electric Guitar, Specially designed locking studs for tight connection and perfect sound coupling, Specifically shaped saddles made of solid brass for improved sound development, dynamics, sustain and overtone behaviour, Wide 9 mm intonation adjustment range, Optimised string-through-bridge routing for effortless restringing, Rectangular ballend retainer holes to prevent untwisting ballends, Suitable for curved and flat guitar ceilings, Material: Zinc, Saddles: Brass, Includes: 2 Signum Locking height adjustment screws M8 with drive-in sleeves 11.2 x 25 mm, 1 Signum wrench, 2 pairs of grub screws of different lengths (6 mm / 10 mm - 6 mm length is already pre-assembled), 1 Allen key for grub screws, Total string spacing: 52.5 mm, Single string spacing: 10.5 mm, Dimensions: (L x W x H) 99.9 x 23.9 x 12.9 mm, Total borehole / Bolt distance: 81.8 mm, Weight: 90 g, Finish: Gold, Made in Germany

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Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
151 EUR
Schaller Signum Bridge Bc
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641017240
MPN: 12350400.02
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Signum Bridge BC, Bridge for Electric Guitar, Wraparound style, Suitable for arched and flat guitar tops, Specially developed non-locking studs for best sound transmission, Specifically shaped solid brass string saddles for improved sound development, dynamics, sustain and overtone behaviour, 9 mm wide intonation adjustment range, Closed string guide for effortless string change, Rectangular ball-end mount to prevent the string ends from unwinding, Material: Zinc, Brass saddles, Total string spacing: 52.5 mm, Single string spacing: 10.5 mm, Dimensions (L x W x H): 99.9 x 23.9 x 12.9 mm, Total hole/bolt spacing: 81.8 mm, Weight: 90 g, Schaller no. 12350400.02, Finish: Black Chrome, Includes 1 pair of t-nuts and non-locking height adjustment screws (M8 metric), 1 Signum spanner (if retrofitting to locking studs is required - optionally available), 2 pairs of grub screws of different lengths (6 mm / 10 mm - 6 mm length is already pre-assembled) and 1 Allen key for grub screws, Made in Germany

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
120 EUR
Schaller Guitar Bridge 3d-6 Ni
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641477013
MPN: 12120101
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Guitar Bridge 3D-6 NI, Guitar flat-mount bridge, Adjustable in height, intonation and string spacing, The roller string rests minimize the tearing of the strings without sacrificing the intonation and tuning stability, Dimensions (L x W x H): 73 x 49 x 12 (15) mm, Surface: Nickel, Schaller no.: 12120100, Includes 3 mm base plate with fixing screws

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

- Schaller -
141 EUR
Schaller Signum Bridge C
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Schaller
EAN: 4036641017226
MPN: 12350200.02
Categoria: Accessori per strumenti musicali

Schaller Signum Bridge C, Bridge for Electric Guitar, Wraparound style, Suitable for arched and flat guitar tops, Specially developed non-locking studs for best sound transmission, Specifically shaped solid brass string saddles for improved sound development, dynamics, sustain and overtone behaviour, 9 mm wide intonation adjustment range, Closed string guide for effortless string change, Rectangular ball-end mount to prevent the string ends from unwinding, Material: Zinc, Saddles: Brass, Total string spacing: 52.5 mm, Single string spacing: 10.5 mm, Dimensions (L x W x H): 99.9 x 23.9 x 12.9 mm, Total hole/bolt spacing: 81.8 mm, Weight: 90 g, Schaller no. 12350200.02, Finish: Chrome, Includes 1 pair of t-nuts and non-locking height adjustment screws (M8 metric), 1 Signum spanner (if retrofitting to locking studs is required - optionally available), 2 pairs of grub screws of different lengths (6 mm / 10 mm - 6 mm length is already pre-assembled) and 1 Allen key for grub screws, Made in Germany

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Schaller in Accessori per strumenti musicali

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