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- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 1l Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 1l
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 1L Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 17.12 mm, Comparable to Bach 1 1/4C, GR 67.4, Schilke 16C, Warburton 3MD and Yamaha 16B4, Cup depth: medium deep, Bore: 3.7 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Full and warm sound, Clear response, Suitable for jazz, chamber and orchestral playing

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 7s Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 7s
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 7S Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.30 mm, Comparable to GR 64S Monette BL S1/MFIII, BL2J/BL4 S6, Reeves 41S, Schilke 11A4, Warburton 6SV and Yamaha 11A4, Cup depth: shallow, Bore: 3.6 mm, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Focused and bright sound, Clear response, Good note accuracy, Suitable for big band and lead playing

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 3m Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 3m
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 3M Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.60 mm, Comparable to Bach D, Monette B6LD S1 Schilke 11B, Warburton 5M and Yamaha 13B4, Cup depth: Medium, Bore: 3.9 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Powerful, full, warm sound and response, Suitable for beginners, piccolo trumpet and musical theatres

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 7xl2 Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 7xl2
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 7XL2 Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.30 mm, Comparable to Bach 1C, Monette B7, Schilke 11D, Yamaha 11D4, Cup depth: deep, Bore: 3.8 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Full, rich sound and variety in the upper register, Suitable for wind ensembles and orchestral playing in a classical style, Also suitable for jazz soloists

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 2xl Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 2xl
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 2XL Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.85 mm, Comparable to Bach 1B, Schilke 14E, Warburton 4D and Yamaha 15E4, Cup depth: very deep, Bore: 4.0 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Full, warm, round sound and response, Suitable for jazz, chamber and orchestral playing

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 3l2 Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 3l2
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 3L2 Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.60 mm, Comparable to Bach 5C, Monette B6S1, Schilke 13C, Warburton 5MC and Yamaha 13C4, Cup depth: medium deep, Bore: 3.8 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Rich, full, round sound and response, Suitable for jazz and classical

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 3xl2 Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 3xl2
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 3XL2 Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.60 mm, Comparable to Bach 2C, Monette B6D S1, Schilke 13D and Yamaha 15C4/25, Cup depth: deep, Bore: 3.8 mm, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Rich, full, round sound and response, Suitable for orchestra, jazz and classical music

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 2xl2 Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 2xl2
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 2XL2 Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.85 mm, Comparable to Bach 1C, Schilke 14D, Warburton 4D and Yamaha 15D4, Cup depth: deep, Bore: 3.8 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Rich, full, round sound and response, Suitable for orchestra, jazz and classical

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 11xs Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 11xs
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 11XS Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 15.8 mm, Comparable to Bach F, Schilke 5A4A and Yamaha 6A4A, Cup depth: very shallow, Bore: 3.6 mm, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Maximum brilliance and easy access to the upper register, Suitable for soloing

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 1xs Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 1xs
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 1XS Brass Gen3, Mouthpiece for Trumpet, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, Bore: 3.6 mm, Comparable to Bach F, Schilke 17A4A and Yamaha 16A4A;, Cup depth: very shallow, LOTUS gold coating: hypoallergenic, scratch-resistant and non-tarnishing, Fat and traditional sound, Suitable for soloing and piccolo trumpet

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 1l2 Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 1l2
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 1L2 Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 17.12 mm, Comparable to Bach 1 1/2C, Schilke 15C, Warburton 3MC and Yamaha 15B4, Cup depth: medium deep, Bore: 3.8 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Rich, full, round sound and response, Suitable for jazz and classical

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 1xl2 Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 1xl2
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 1XL2 Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 17.12 mm, Comparable to Bach 1C, Schilke 17C, Warburton 2MD and Yamaha 16C4, Cup depth: deep, Bore: 3.9 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Rich, full, round sound and response, Suitable for orchestra, jazz and classical

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 9xs Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 9xs
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 9XS Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Bore: 3.6 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non tarnishing, Comparable to a Bach F fitted to a Lotus 9 rim, Also comparable to GR Wayne 62SZ*, Reeves 40ES, Schilke 6A4A, Yamaha 7A4A

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 7xl Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 7xl
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 7XL Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Warm, round sound, Suitable for jazz soloists, chamber music and orchestral playing

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 9l Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 9l
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 9L Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.0 mm, Comparable to Bach 10 1/2C, GR 62MX, Monette BB, Reeves 40C, Schilke 6C, Warburton 7MD and Yamaha 8C4, Cup depth: medium (standard C-cup), Bore: 3.7 mm, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Full, rich sound and variety in the upper register, Suitable for wind ensemble and orchestral playing in classical style as well as jazz soloists

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 1xl Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 1xl
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 1XL Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 17.12 mm, Comparable to Bach 1B, Schilke 17E, Warburton 2D and Yamaha 16D4, Cup depth: very deep, Bore: 3.9 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Full, round sound and response, Suitable for jazz, chamber and orchestral playing

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 3xl Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 3xl
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 3XL Brass Gen3, Mouthpiece for Trumpet, Cup depth: very deep, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Warm, round sound, Suitable for jazz soloists, chamber music and orchestral playing

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 3l Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 3l
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 3L Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.60 mm, Comparable with Bach 5C, Schilke 13C, Warburton 5MD and Yamaha 13C4, Cup depth: medium deep, Bore: 3.7 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non tarnishing, Full and warm sound, Clear response, Suitable for classical music and jazz

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 9m Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 9m
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 9M Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.0 mm, Comparable to Bach 10.5D, GR 62M, Reeves 40M and Warburton 7M, Cup depth: medium, Bore: 3.9 mm, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Wide range and sound with support for the upper register, Suitable for beginners, Piccolo trumpet and music theatre

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 7l Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 7l
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 7L Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.30 mm, Comparable to Bach 7C, Monette B7F, Schilke 11C, Yamaha 11C4-7C, Cup depth: medium (standard C-cup), Bore: 3.7 mm, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Full, rich sound and variety in the upper register, Suitable for wind ensemble and orchestral playing in classical style as well as jazz soloists

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 2m Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 2m
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 2M Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.85 mm, Comparable with Bach D, Schilke 14B, Warburton 4M and Yamaha 14B4, Cup depth: Medium, Bore: 3.6 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non tarnishing, Powerful, full, warm sound and response, Suitable for beginners, piccolo trumpet and musical theatres

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 1m Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 1m
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 1M Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 17.12 mm, Comparable with Bach D, Schilke 17B, Warburton 3M and Yamaha 16D4, Cup depth: medium, Bore: 3.9 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch-resistant and non-tarnishing, Powerful, full, warm sound and response, Suitable for beginners, piccolo trumpet and music theatre

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 2l Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 2l
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 2L Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.85 mm, Comparable to Bach 1 1/4C, Schilke 16C, Warburton 3MD and Yamaha 16B4, Cup depth: medium deep, Bore: 3.7 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Full and warm sound, Clear response, Suitable for classical music and jazz

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 2xs Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 2xs
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 2XS Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.85 mm, Comparable with Bach F, Schilke 15A4A and Yamaha 15A4A, Cup depth: very shallow, Bore: 3.6 mm, Material: Brass, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non tarnishing, Full, round sound and clear response, Easier playing of the high register, Suitable for soloing

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 7m Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 7m
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 7M Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.30 mm, Comparable to Bach D, Monette B7LD S1 Schilke 11B, Warburton 6M and Yamaha 11B4, Cup depth: Medium, Bore: 3.9 mm, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Wide range and sound with support for the upper register, Suitable for beginners, piccolo trumpet and musical theatres

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 11s Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 11s
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 11S Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 15.8 mm, Comparable to Bach E Kessel, Monette BL6, Schilke 5A4 and Yamaha 6A4, Cup depth: shallow, Bore: 3.6 mm, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Fat and traditional sound, Suitable for lead players and piccolo trumpet

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 2s Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 2s
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 2S Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.85 mm, Comparable to Bach E, Schilke 14A4, Warburton 4SV and Yamaha 14A4, Cup depth: shallow, Bore: 3.6 mm, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Brilliant and powerful sound, Suitable for soloing

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
262 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 3l Nickel Silver Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 3ln
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 3L Nickel Silver Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.60 mm, Comparable to Bach 5C, Monette B5, Schilke 13C, Warburton 5MD, Yamaha 13C4, Cup depth: medium (standard C-cup), Bore: 3.7 mm, Material: Nickel silver, Bright and focused sound, clearer articulation, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Full, rich sound and variety in the upper register, Suitable for wind ensemble and orchestral playing in classical style as well as jazz soloists

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
262 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 1l Bronze Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 1lb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 1L Bronze Gen3, Mouthpiece for Trumpet, Cup diameter: 17.12 mm, Comparable to Bach 1 1/4C, GR 67,4, Schilke 16C, Warburton 3MD and Yamaha 16B4, Cup depth: medium deep, Bore: 3.7 mm, Material: Bronze, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Full and warm sound, Increased tonal stability, Suitable for jazz, chamber and orchestral playing

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
262 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 3m Nickel Silver Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 3mn
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 3M Nickel Silver Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.60 mm, Cup depth: Medium, Bore: 3.9 mm, Material: Nickel silver, LOTUS gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch-resistant and non-tarnishing, Focused and bright sound, Clear response, Good note accuracy, Suitable for beginners and big band playing

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
238 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 9s Brass Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 9s
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 9S Brass Gen3, Trumpet Mouthpiece, Cup diameter: 16.0 mm, Comparable to Bach E, GR Wayne 62S, Reeves 40S, Schilke 6A4 and Yamaha 7A4, Cup depth: shallow, Bore: 3.6 mm, Material: Brass, Full, round sound and response, LOTUS Gold plating: hypoallergenic, scratch resistant and non-tarnishing, Brilliant and powerful sound, Suitable for soloing

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- Lotus -
262 EUR
Lotus Trumpet 1l Nickel Silver Gen3
Brand: Lotus
MPN: 1ln
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

LOTUS Trumpet 1L Nickel Silver Gen3; mouthpiece for trumpet; cup diameter: 17.12 mm, comparable to Bach 1 1/4C, GR 67. 4, Schilke 16C, Warburton 3MD and Yamaha 16B4; cup depth: medium deep; bore: 3.7 mm; material: nickel silver (brighter and more focused sound, clearer articulation), LOTUS gold coating: hypoallergenic, scratch-resistant and does not tarnish; clear response; good note accuracy; suitable for big band, lead playing and orchestral playing.

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Lotus in Strumenti musicali

- -- -
209.95 EUR
Homcom Caminetto Elettrico 1800w Con Effetto Fiamma A 3 Intensità
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
179.95 EUR
Homcom Caminetto Elettrico 1800w Con Fiamma 3d Regolabile E Timer Marrone
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
59.99 EUR
Fumaiolo Girevole Tirafumo Radiante Camino Acciaio Inox Comignolo Stufa Quadrato
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
67.00 EUR
Vetro Ceramico Su Misura Per Camini,termocamini,stufe E Stufe A Pellet
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
30.80 EUR
Diavolina Accendifuoco → 100 Cubetti Accendi Fuoco Ecologici Stufe Camini E Bbq
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
42.90 EUR
Aspiracenere Elettrico Ribitech Cenerill 1000w Stufe A Pellet E Caminetti 18lt
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
55.00 EUR
Griglia In Ghisa A Mattoncini Per Camini E Stufe Disponibile In Diverse Misure
Spedizione: 8.50 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
33.48 EUR
Ventola Per Stufa, Alimentata A Calore, A 5 Pale, Ecologica, Per Canna Fumaria,
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
70.00 EUR
Terminale Comignolo Architettonico - Testa Di Moro - Per Stufe E Camini
Spedizione: 9.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
63.99 EUR
Stufa A Gas Gpl Telefunken - Pieghevole, Potenza 4,2kw , Sistema Ods
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
79.90 EUR
Camino Elettrico Stufa Elettrica 2000 W Led 38x24x56 Cm Caminetto Effetto Fuoco
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
35.99 EUR
Stufa Carbonio Dcg Sa9837
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
59.99 EUR
Stufa Elettrica Caminetto Effetto Camino Firetop Max 2000w Stufetta Casa Ufficio
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
299.90 EUR
Camino Elettrico Angolare A Parete Zurigo Stufa Bianca 2000w Caminetto Led A Mur
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
69.00 EUR
Motoriduttore 2 Rpm Merkle Koff Gearmotor Stufa A Pellet + Omaggio
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
662.48 EUR
Stufa A Pellet Punto Fuoco "thelma" Bianco 8 Kw
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
129.00 EUR
Abbattitore Fumo Fuliggine Ad Acqua Per Stufe Pellet Diametro 80 No Fumo
Spedizione: 7.50 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
72.00 EUR
Vetro Ceramico Per Alte Temperature Sp 4 Mm Per Stufe Camini Nordica
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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