- Bruce Lee -
17.96 EUR 18.9 EUR
Bruce Lee La Mia Via Al Jeet Kune Do. Vol. 1: Manuale Pratico Del Jeet Kune Do.
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Bruce Lee
9788827213308Categoria: Libri e riviste
Questo volume, vera pietra miliare, costituisce la presentazione completa dell'arte del Jeet Kune Do di Bruce Lee. Lo sviluppo di questa forma di arte marziale, i suoi principi, le tecniche fondamentali e i programmi delle lezioni vengono qui presentati con le parole dello stesso Lee. Non mancano schemi esplicativi, considerazioni sulla natura del combattimento e sull'importanza di un atteggiamento mentale positivo per la pratica. In aggiunta, vi è una serie di \"Domande che ciascun artista marziale deve fare a se stesso\" che Lee si pose nell'intento di approfondirle come parte del suo sviluppo personale, e che saranno di prezioso aiuto a chiunque segua la via delle arti marziali.
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Bruce Lee in Libri e riviste 2
- Bruce Lee -
13.74 EUR
Bruce Lee Letters Of The Dragon: The Original 1958-1973 Correspondence
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Bruce Lee
9780804847094Categoria: Libri e riviste
\"In this collection of artful writing by a man dedicated to honest self-expression, we glimpse the private side of Bruce's eloquence as he bares his soul through the art of letter writing.\" —from the Preface, by Linda Lee Cadwell\n\nBruce Lee Letters of the Dragon is a fascinating glimpse of the private Bruce Lee behind the public image—a man with the patience and concern to dedicate as much effort to crafting a thoughtful personal answer to the letter of a young fan as to those from his old friends and associates; an extremely active man never too busy to make time for an old family friend in need of simple companionship; a man who never wrote without careful thought, and never thought from the head alone, but always from the head and heart together.\n\n The letters in this inspiring book trace Bruce Lee's career and development from his decision—made while he was still in secondary school—to move to the U.S. to further his education. Readers will journey with him through the many setbacks, rededicated efforts and triumphs of life that shaped his martial art and humanity, all the way to the last letter he ever composed, just hours before his sudden death.\n\n After absorbing the letters in this volume, readers will inevitably find that the private Bruce Lee was every bit as great as the public Bruce Lee.\n\nThis Bruce Lee Book is part of the Bruce Lee Library which also features:\n\nBruce Lee: Striking Thoughts\nBruce Lee: The Celebrated Life of the Golden Dragon\nBruce Lee: The Tao of Gung Fu\nBruce Lee: Artist of Life\nBruce Lee: The Art of Expressing the Human Body\nBruce Lee: Jeet Kune Do
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Bruce Lee in Libri e riviste -5%3
- Bruce Lee -
18.52 EUR 19.5 EUR
Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do. Il Libro Segreto Di
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Bruce Lee
9788827201428Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il diario segreto e la guida personale al combattimento che Bruce Lee ha sviluppato e scritto in tanti anni di pratica e di studi. Il Jeet Kune Do è un sistema di lotta \"totale\", in continua evoluzione, e chiunque riesca a compenetrarsi completamente nei suoi principi e nei suoi insegnamenti diviene pressoché imbattibile. Nella definizione dello stesso Bruce Lee, il Jeet Kune Do può adottare tutte le forme e tutti gli stili: usa tutte le tecniche utili al suo scopo, che è unicamente quello della vittoria finale.Il libro è ricchissimo di illustrazioni dello stesso Bruce Lee, che spiegano chiaramente le azioni e i movimenti da compiere. Le caratteristiche, le qualità e la personalità del vero combattente vengono delineate sotto il profilo tecnico, pratico e psicologico. L'opera si rivelerà pertanto preziosissima per tutti coloro che praticano le arti marziali (dal Ju-Jitsu al Judo, dal Karate al Kung-Fu), o comunque uno sport di combattimento che li pone di fronte ad un avversario, quali il pugilato, la lotta, la scherma e simili.
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Bruce Lee in Libri e riviste 4
- Bruce Lee -
13.74 EUR
Bruce Lee The Tao Of Gung Fu: Commentaries On The Chinese Martial Arts
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Bruce Lee
9780804841467Categoria: Libri e riviste
In the months leading up to his death, Bruce Lee was working on this definitive study of the Chinese martial arts—collectively known as Kung Fu or Gung Fu. This book has now been edited and is published here for the first time in its entirety.\n\nBruce Lee revolutionized the practice of martial arts and brought them into the modern world—by promoting the idea that students have the right to pick and choose those techniques and training regimens which suit their personal needs and fighting styles. He developed a new method of his own called Jeet Kune Do—combining many elements from different masters and different traditions. This was considered heretical at the time within martial arts circles, where one was expected to study with only a single master—and Lee was the first martial artist to attempt this. Today he is revered as the \"father\" of many martial arts practices around the world—including Mixed Martial Arts. \n\nIn addition to presenting the fundamental techniques, mindset and training methods of traditional Chinese martial arts, this martial art treatise explores such esoteric topics as Taoism and Zen as applied to Gung Fu, Eastern and Western fitness regimens and self-defense techniques. Also included is a Gung Fu \"scrapbook\" of Bruce Lee's anecdotes regarding the history and traditions of the martial arts of China. After Lee's death, his manuscript was completed and edited by martial arts expert John Little in cooperation with the Bruce Lee Estate. This book features an introduction by his wife, Linda Lee Cadwell and a foreword from his close friend and student, Taky Kimura. \n\nThis Bruce Lee Book is part of the Bruce Lee Library which also features:\n\nBruce Lee: Striking Thoughts\nBruce Lee: The Celebrated Life of the Golden Dragon\nBruce Lee: Artist of Life\nBruce Lee: Letters of the Dragon\nBruce Lee: The Art of Expressing the Human Body\nBruce Lee: Jeet Kune Do
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Bruce Lee in Libri e riviste -5%5
- Bruce Lee -
17.96 EUR 18.9 EUR
Bruce Lee La Mia Via Al Jeet Kune Do. Vol. 2: Il Tao Del Kung Fu. La Via Dell'art.
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Bruce Lee
9788827213285Categoria: Libri e riviste
Questo volume presenta, nella prima parte, i saggi di Bruce Lee, scritti poco più che ventenne, che testimoniano questo suo percorso giovanile di studio delle radici della tradizione marziale cinese, dalla quale trasse in seguito una personale interpretazione. Nella seconda parte dell'opera (Le parole del Drago) è presentata un'antologia di rare interviste, apparse su giornali e riviste dal 1958 al 1973, che rivelano un Bruce Lee a molteplici dimensioni: un pensatore profondo, un praticante di arti marziali straordinariamente esperto, un essere umano carismatico e affascinante.
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Bruce Lee in Libri e riviste 6
- Bruce Lee -
21.24 EUR
Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do: A Comprehensive Guide To 's Martial Way
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Bruce Lee
9780804851237Categoria: Libri e riviste
Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do is the iconic book presenting the martial art created by Bruce Lee as explained in the master's own words.\n\nIn 1970, Bruce Lee suffered a back injury that confined him to bed. Rather than allowing this to slow his growth as a martial artist, he read feverishly on Eastern philosophy and Western psychology and self help books, constructing his own views on the totality of combat and life. It was during this time that Lee wrote 7 volumes containing his thoughts, ideas, opinions, and research into the art of unarmed combat, and how it applies to the everyday life. Some of this material was posthumously published in 1975, but much more existed.\n\nThis landmark book serves as a more complete presentation of Bruce Lee's notes on his art of Jeet Kune Do. The development of his unique martial art form, its principles, core techniques, and lesson plans are presented here in Lee's own words. It also features Lee's illustrative sketches and his remarkable treatise on the nature of combat, success through martial arts, and the importance of a positive mental attitude in training. In addition, there are a series of \"Questions Every Martial Artist Must Ask Himself,\" that Lee posed to himself and intended to explore as part of his own development, but never lived to complete. Jeet Kune Do: A Comprehensive Guide to Bruce Lee's Martial Way is a book every Bruce Lee fan must have.
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Bruce Lee in Libri e riviste 7
- Bruce Lee -
14.83 EUR
Bruce Lee Chinese Gung Fu: The Philosophical Art Of Self-defense
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Bruce Lee
9780897501125Categoria: Libri e riviste
Originally published in 1963, this book includes personal testimonies regarding the author and his art from James Y. Lee, the legendary Ed Parker, and jujutsu icon Wally Jay. Through hand-drawn diagrams and captioned photo sequences, Lee’s text comes to life as he demonstrates a variety of training exercises and fighting techniques. Topics include basic gung fu stances, waist training, leg training, and the theory of yin and yang. The re-edition of Bruce Lee’s original thoughts on kung fu offers martial arts enthusiasts and collectors exactly what they want: more Lee. Featuring digitally-enhanced photography, new pictures of Lee from a lost session and an original essay in Lee’s handwriting, Chinese Gung Fu still maintains its position as a timeless work by one of martial art’s greatest masters.
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Bruce Lee in Libri e riviste 8
- Bruce Lee -
13 EUR
Bruce Lee La Perfezione Del Corpo. L'arte Di Esprimere Al Meglio Il Fisico E La Mente
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Bruce Lee
9788804572121Categoria: Libri e riviste
Secondo Bruce Lee le arti marziali rappresentano l'espressione artistica del corpo umano. In questo volume il famoso atleta e attore espone il suo metodo di allenamento e condivide la disciplina mentale che lo ha sempre guidato, sia nel continuo perfezionamento della tecnica di combattimento che nel potenziamento delle sue capacità di concentrazione. Tratte dai diari di allenamento e dagli appunti personali di Bruce Lee, le indicazioni contenute in queste pagine offrono suggerimenti concreti sugli esercizi e sulle regole alimentari da seguire per ottenere un corpo di spettacolare flessibilità ed eleganza muscolare, e per raggiungere uno stato di salute psicofisica eccellente. Ai consigli pratici si alternano poi riflessioni su come esprimere, attraverso la perfezione del corpo, la profondità dell'anima.
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Bruce Lee in Libri e riviste 9
- Bruce Lee -
24.99 EUR
Bruce Lee The Art Of Expressing The Human Body
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Bruce Lee
9780804831291Categoria: Libri e riviste
Learn the secrets to obtaining Bruce Lee's astounding physique with this insightful martial arts training book.\n\nThe Art of Expressing the Human Body, a title coined by Bruce Lee himself to describe his approach to martial arts, documents the techniques he used so effectively to perfect his body for superior health and muscularity.\n\nBeyond his martial arts and acting abilities, Lee's physical appearance and strength were truly astounding. He achieved this through an intensive and ever-evolving conditioning regime that is being revealed for the first time in this book.\n\nDrawing on Lee's notes, letters, diaries and training logs, Bruce Lee historian John Little presents the full extent of Lee's unique training methods including nutrition, aerobics, isometrics, stretching and weight training.\n\nIn addition to serving as a record of Bruce Lee's training, The Art of Expressing the Human Body, with its easy-to-understand and simple-to-follow training routines, is a valuable source book for those who seek dramatic improvement in their health, conditioning, physical fitness, and appearance. \n\nThis Bruce Lee Book is part of the Bruce Lee Library which also features:\n\nBruce Lee: Striking Thoughts\nBruce Lee: The Celebrated Life of the Golden Dragon\nBruce Lee: The Tao of Gung Fu\nBruce Lee: Artist of Life\nBruce Lee: Letters of the Dragon\nBruce Lee: Jeet Kune Do
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Bruce Lee in Libri e riviste -5%10
- Bruce Lee -
14.16 EUR 14.9 EUR
Bruce Lee Pensieri Che Colpiscono. Gli Aforismi Di Per La Vita Di Tutti I Giorni
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Bruce Lee
9788827215289Categoria: Libri e riviste
Quest'antologia di pensieri e aforismi, oltre 800 su 70 differenti argomenti che spaziano dalla spiritualità alla liberazione individuale e dalla vita personale alla carriera cinematografica, rappresenta il modo più immediato, straordinario, inedito e seducente per conoscere le idee che guidarono la vita del \"piccolo drago\". Bruce Lee fu sempre d'ispirazione per la famiglia, gli amici, gli allievi e i colleghi, insegnando a ciascuno a vincere i dubbi e a fare chiarezza nella vita. Non solo, molti suoi ammiratori hanno più volte dichiarato: \"Bruce Lee ha fatto in modo che la mia vita prendesse una direzione diversa\", e tanti giovani hanno appreso da lui come prendersi cura del proprio corpo e della propria anima, a nutrirli e a trarne il meglio. Le pagine di questo libro svelano in un certo senso il segreto del suo eccezionale successo come attore, artista marziale e icona mondiale, i suoi interessi per la psicologia, la filosofia occidentale, il taoismo e il buddhismo zen e ci restituiscono l'affascinante ritratto di un uomo che non fu solamente un genio del combattimento.
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