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- Sabian -
129 EUR
Sabian 7" Triangle Hh B8 Bronze
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537059506
MPN: 611357b8h
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 7" Triangle HH B8 Bronze, Triangle, Hand Hammered B8 Bronze, Size: 7 "

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
444 EUR
Sabian 19" Hhx Hhxtreme Crash Natural
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537029950
MPN: 11992xn
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 19" HHX HHXtrem Crash Natural, Crash Cymbal, Size: 19", HHX series, Natural design, An attractive crash with a dark explosive sound with a raw, biting attack, The cymbal bump is a bit thicker and not turned off, HHX cymbals respond faster than HH series and offer a wider sound spectrum

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
619 EUR
Sabian 14" Frx Hi-hat
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537081279
MPN: frx1402
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 14" FRX Hi-Hat, Hi-hat Cymbals, Size: 14", FRX series, Frequency Reduced Cymbals, B20 Bronze, Special cymbals with very compressed and frequency optimized sound, The volume peak after hitting the cymbal is lower than on regular cymbals, ensuring a balanced sound across the hole decay period, Cutting and unpleasant frequencies are lowered

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
482 EUR
Sabian 20" Hhx Evolution Ride
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537031755
MPN: 12012xeb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 20" HHX Evolution Ride, Ride Cymbal, HHX Evolution series, Size: 20", Brilliant finish, Clear, clean stick attack, Combined with a warm, deeper basic tone and a high bell, A rounded, responsive ride with crash capabilities, Machine hammered, Sabian tone projection - fast, sensitive response

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
230 EUR
Sabian 16" Xsr Fast Crash
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537076558
MPN: xsr1607b
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 16" XSR Fast Crash, Fast Crash, Size: 16", XSR Series, Material: B20 bronze, Brilliant finish, Thinner cymbal with a high sensitivity, Universally applicable

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
588 EUR
Sabian 22" Hhx Complex Medium Ride
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537088575
MPN: 12212xcn
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 22" HHX Complex Medium Ride, Medium Ride Cymbal, Size: 22", HHX Complex Series, Material: B20 Bronze, Combination of HH and HHX hammering, Hand hammered bell, Full and very warm sound, Versitile applications

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
304 EUR
Sabian Sbr Promo Cymbal Set
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537062889
MPN: sbr5003g
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian SBR Promo Cymbal Set, Cymbal Set, SBR Series, Material: Brass@+@+*Set consisting of:*@+@+, 14" SBR Hi-Hat, 16" SBR Crash, 20" SBR Ride, 10" Splash

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
155 EUR
Sabian 9" Triangle Hh B8 Bronze
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537059513
MPN: 611359b8h
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 9" Triangle HH B8 Bronze, Triangle, Hand Hammered B8 Bronze, Size: 9 "

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
195 EUR
Sabian 10" Aax O-zone Splash
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537047732
MPN: 21000x
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 10" AAX O-Zone Splash, 10" Splash CymbalNewly developed 10" splash cymbal from SABIAN in "O-Zone" design from the award-winning AAX series@+@+The Splash responds very quickly and convinces through its biting sound with fast decay. The exclusive design also ensures a high proportion of darker sounds@+@+The six holes, each with a diameter of 38 mm, not only give a low weight, but also contribute significantly to the sound. The cymbal is made of Sabian B20 bronze and is machine-hammered by hand@+@+, AAX O-Zone series, 6-Hole "O-Zone" design, Wider, more powerful sound, Extremely short decay time, Light weight, Material: Sabian B20 bronze

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
437 EUR
Sabian 17" Frx Crash
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537081316
MPN: frx1706
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 17" FRX Crash, Crash Cymbal, Size: 17", FRX series, Frequency Reduced Cymbals, B20 bronze, Special cymbals with very compressed and frequency optimized sound, The peak volume after hitting the cymbal is lower than on regular cymbals, ensuring a balanced sound across the entire decay period, Cutting and unpleasant frequencies are lowered

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
391 EUR
Sabian 17" Hhx Evolution Crash
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537031717
MPN: 11706xeb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 17" HHX Evolution Crash, 17" Evolution Crash Cymbal, HHX Series, Brilliant finish, A warm and explosive response with a bright, clear fundamental sound characterizes this cymbal, Mechanically hand hammered, Sabian Tone Projection = a fast, sensitive response

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
240 EUR
Sabian 16" Xsr O-zone Crash
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537081231
MPN: xsr1600b
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 16" XSR O-Zone Crash, Crash Cymbal, B20 bronze, Brilliant finish, 12 Holes, Short, aggressive crash sound with increased trebles

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
215 EUR
Sabian 20" B8x Ride
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537074820
MPN: sa42012x
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 20" B8X Ride, Ride, Size: 20", Thickness: medium, B8X Series, Alloy: B8 bronze, Natural finish, Hammered bell, Stronger hammering, Warm and complex sound, Successor of the popular Sabian B8 series

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
299 EUR
Sabian 16" Aa Medium Thin Crash
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537010484
MPN: 21607b
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 16" AA Medium Thin Crash, Crash Cymbal@+SABIAN AA cymbals are made from 80% copper and 20% tin. During manufacturing, the blanks are rolled in up to 8 different directions, which lends the cymbal its great flexibility. The cymbal's bell and curvature are pressed into the flat, disc-shaped blank in a press. The cymbal is subsequently machine hammered and lathed by hand. This is how each cymbal gets its individual sound characteristics.@+@+, Size: 16", AA Series, Medium Thin Crash, Brilliant finish, Bright, tonally full sounding crash cymbal, Due to its low thickness, it is extremely sensitive and has a fast response

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
391 EUR
Sabian 19" Aa Holy China
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537066061
MPN: 21916csb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 19" AA Holy China, China, AA Series, Size: 19", Holy china, Brilliant finish, The holy china achieved by its exceptional profile a higher tone, The sound holes generate more volume and decay and the large untreated bell ensures an assertive china sound

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
322 EUR
Sabian 16" Aax China
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537010699
MPN: 21616xb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 16" AAX China, China Cymbal, AAX Series, Size: 16", Brilliant finish, Ripping attack with a large, round tone yet bright and trashy

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
471 EUR
Sabian 21" Aax Medium Ride
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537082559
MPN: 22112xcb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 21" AAX Medium Ride, Ride Cymbal, Size: 21", AAX Series, Strength: Medium, Brilliant finish, Material: B20 Bronze, Slightly larger bell for powerful and modern sound, The medium weight of the medium version adds some treble to the sound without sacrificing warmth

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
120 EUR
Sabian 6" Triangle Hh B8 Bronze
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537039843
MPN: 611356b8h
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 6" Triangle HH B8 Bronze, Triangle, Hand Hammered B8 Bronze, Size: 6 "

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
366 EUR
Sabian Xsr Effects Set
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537076695
MPN: xsr5005eb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian XSR Effects Set, Effect Cymbal Set, For use in all styles of music, Material: B20 bronze, Brilliant finish, Bright sound@+*Set comprises:*@+@+, 10" Splash, 18" China

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
491 EUR
Sabian 21" Hhx Legacy Ride
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537048692
MPN: 12110xln
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 21" HHX Legacy Ride, Ride cymbal, Size: 21", HHX series, Dave Weckl Signature, Legacy ride cymbal with deeper, darker contrast than the more open sound of the Evolution series

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
491 EUR
Sabian 20" Hhx Zen China
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537067006
MPN: 12016xnz
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 20" HHX Zen China, China, 20" HHX Zen China, B20 alloy, Natural finish, Unique, inverted China with bell, Winner of the Sabian "Players' Choice" 2012

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
399 EUR
Sabian 15" Xsr Monarch Hi-hat
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537081187
MPN: xsr1580mh
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 15" XSR Monarch Hi-Hat, Hi-Hat cymbal, Size: 15", XSR Monarch series, Material: B20 Bronze, Crisp, controlled and at the same time full of sound, Thin top and medium-thin bottom

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
313 EUR
Sabian 16" Aax Aaxplosion Fast Crash
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537057465
MPN: 21685xb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 16" AAX AAXplosion Fast Crash, Crash Cymbal, 16" AAXplosion Fast Crash (Extra Thin), Brilliant finish, Clear, clean, defined cymbal sound, Large dynamic range, Suitable for all music genres

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
325 EUR
Sabian 16" Hhx Evolution Crash
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537031700
MPN: 11606xeb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 16" HHX Evolution Crash, Crash Cymbals, HHX Evolution series, Size: 16", Brilliant finish, Warm, explosive response, Bright, clear tone, Machine hammered, Sabian Tone Projection, Fast, sensitive response

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
491 EUR
Sabian 15" Aax Medium Hi-hat
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537082788
MPN: 21502xcb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 15" AAX Medium Hi-Hat, Hi-Hat Cymbal, Size: 15", AAX Series, Bright, Material: B20 bronze, Smaller bell for crisp and modern sound, The average weight of the medium version adds a little more assertiveness

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
195 EUR
Sabian 10" Aax Splash
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537006302
MPN: 21005xb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 10" AAX Splash, Splash Cymbal, AAX Series, Size: 10", Brilliant finish, Transparent sound, Extremely fast, Very bright response, Firm tone, Very assertive splash cymbal

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
211 EUR
Sabian 12" Aax Splash
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537006869
MPN: 21205xb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 12" AAX Splash, Splash, Size: 12", AAX series, Brillant finish, Transparent sound, Extrem fast, very bright attack, Solid tone, Very assertive splash

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
166 EUR
Sabian 18" B8x Crash Ride
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537074738
MPN: 41811x
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 18" B8X Crash Ride, Crash/Ride Cymbal, Size: 18", Thickness: Medium, B8X Series, Alloy: B8 bronze, Natural finish, Hammered bell, Stronger hammering, Warm and complex sound, Further development of the Sabian B8 Series

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
1129 EUR
Sabian Hhx Legacy Cymbal Set
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537082153
MPN: 15005xln
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian HHX Legacy Cymbal Set, Cymbal set, HHX Legacy Dave Weckl Signature Series, B20 bronze, Relatively thin and fast responding cymbals, Dark, soft sound@+@+*Set includes:*@+@+, 15" HHX Legacy Hi-Hat, 19" HHX Legacy Crash, 22" HHX Legacy Heavy Ride

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
322 EUR
Sabian 14" Xsr Hi-hat
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537076442
MPN: xsr1402b
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 14" XSR Hi-Hat, Hi-Hat Cymbals, Diameter: 14", XSR series, Material: B20 bronze, Brilliant finish, Bright sound, Universal application

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
444 EUR
Sabian Quiet Tone Cymbal Set Qtpc503
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537080746
MPN: qtpc503
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian Quiet Tone Cymbal Set QTPC503, Cymbal Set, Low volume practice cymbal set, Consists of 14" Hi-Hat, 16" Crash und 20", Up to 80% quieter compared to standard cymbal sets, QTPC503

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- Sabian -
515 EUR
Sabian 14" Aax Thin Hi-hat
Brand: Sabian
EAN: 0622537082849
MPN: 21401xcb
Categoria: Strumenti musicali

Sabian 14" AAX Thin Hi-Hat, Hi-Hat Cymbal, Size: 14", AAX Series, Thickness: Thin, Brilliant finish, Material: B20 Bronze, Smaller bell for crisp and modern sound, The lower weight of the thin version adds some depth to the sound, Ideal for studio recordings

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Sabian in Strumenti musicali

- -- -
79.99 EUR
1000nm Avvitatore A Impulsi A Batteria 18v Chiave A Percussione Senza Spazzole
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
166.95 EUR
Medeli Dd221 Drum Kit Portatile Con 7 Pad Sensibili Al Tocco E 2 Pedali
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
188.97 EUR
Batteria Giapponese Taiko Wadaiko Con Supporto E Bacchetta Percussioni Kp-120...
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
100.00 EUR
Percussione Udu
Spedizione: 9.90 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
64.00 EUR
Latin Percussion Lp592bx Supporto Per Percussioni
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
51.14 EUR
Makita Hp333dzw K 12v Batteria Avvitatore Percussione Senza Batteria E Caricator
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
35.54 EUR
Batteria Elettronica Percussioni Digitale E-drum 10 Pads 2 Pedali Mp3 Usb Nero
Spedizione: 5.99 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
145.00 EUR
Korg Volca Drum Sintetizzatore Digitale Di Suoni Di Batteria E Percussioni
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
259.56 EUR
Makita Clx228sax2 Kit Avvitatori Percussione E Impulsi 12v Con 3 Batterie
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
318.27 EUR
Makita Dlx2336x Kit Avvitatori Ad Impulsi E Percussione 18 V Con Batterie
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
469.04 EUR
Batteria Elettronica Drum Percussion Set Modulo 458 Suoni Rack Usb Midi Aux Nero
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
49.90 EUR
Avvitatore Ad Impulsi Parkside Percussione Pdssap 20 Compatto 226nm Smontaggio ✅
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
149.00 EUR
Pearl Hi-hat H-930 Demonator Stand Supporto Charleston
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
65.00 EUR
Strumenti A Percussioni Wood Block 4 Toni Con Battente
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
135.00 EUR
Peace Hs-751-u Supporto Hihat Remoto - Serie 700
Spedizione: 10.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
246.04 EUR
Tuono Ded-80 Batteria Elettrica Set Batteria Silenziosa Mesh Kit Con Pedali Trono 180 Suoni
Spedizione: 20.49 EUR

Brand: --
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