( 0 ) Deals Avvisi Sconti Eventi Categorie Casa Giardino Elettrodomestici Elettronica Giochi e Giocattoli Informatica Moda e Accessori Prodotti per l'Infanzia Calzature Salute e Bellezza Sport e Tempo Libero Telefonia Vini e Gastronomia Automobili e Moto Altri prodotti

: 12 - Scala: 1 - Microfoni | varie offerte di oggi

Range Prezzo

Strumenti musicali (83910)Studio e registrazione pro (77124)Accessori generici (1525)Altro strumenti musicali (1264)Chitarre e bassi (963)Pianoforti e tastiere (374)Batterie e percussioni (189)Strumenti a fiato: legni (146)Archi e strumenti a corda (106)Strumenti a fiato: ottoni (10)Manuali e media (9)Vintage (3)Spartiti e canzonieri (2)Telefonia fissa e mobile (30471)Cellulari: accessori (22912)Articoli per radioamatori (5334)Cellulari e smartphone (933)Cellulari: componenti (732)Telefonia fissa e accessori (251)Smartwatch (141)Palmari (122)Lotti e stock (24)SIM card e schede telefoniche (14)Telefonia mobile vintage (10)Palmari: accessori (2)Smartwatch: accessori (1)Cellulari replica e dummy (1)TV, audio e video (34716)Dispositivi audio portatili, cuffie (19196)Apparecchiature professionali e DJ (8177)Smart home e sorveglianza domestica (6748)Accessori TV e home audio (4262)Ricambi TV e home audio (1735)Home audio e impianti Hi-Fi (887)Altro TV, audio e video (889)Realtà virtuale (77)DVD, Blu-ray e home cinema (47)Vintage TV, audio e video (34)Batterie e alimentatori (15)Decoder, satellitari e DTT (11)Grandi lotti e stock (10)Televisori (9)Occhiali virtuali (5)Manuali e guide (1)Informatica (39451)Notebook, laptop e portatili (11183)Tablet e eBook reader (9235)Accessori laptop, portatili e desktop (8801)Altro informatica (4710)Componenti e parti (2061)Desktop (1431)Cavi e connettori (975)Accessori tablet e eBook (291)Networking e reti home (186)Networking e server enterprise (167)Monitor, proiettori, accessori (130)Stampanti, scanner e forniture (105)Tastiere, mouse e puntatori (82)Componenti tablet e eBook (42)Dispositivi archiviazione dati (38)Ufficio e cancelleria (22)Computer vintage e accessori (6)Software (5)Periferiche di gioco (2)Alimentazione (2)Lotti misti (1)Auto e moto: ricambi e accessori (13828)Auto: ricambi e accessori (7566)GPS, audio ed elettronica auto (3781)Moto: accessori (2087)Abbigliamento, caschi e protezioni (2001)Auto: tuning ed elaborazione (167)Auto: cura, manutenzione e rimorchi (103)Moto: ricambi (178)Garage: utensili e prodotti (21)Altro ricambi e accessori (15)Scooter: ricambi e accessori (11)Ricambi per altri veicoli (4)Moto: tuning ed elaborazione (3)Moto d'epoca: ricambi (1)Fotografia e video (5760)Accessori foto, videocamere e droni (3610)Videocamere digitali (1279)Treppiedi e supporti (364)Fotocamere digitali (312)Ricambi e riparazione (96)Strumenti ottici (41)Illuminazione e studio (22)Obiettivi e filtri (17)Altro fotografia e video (13)Fotografia analogica (11)Flash e accessori (5)Vintage (4)Lotti misti (1)Droni per riprese video (1)Casa, arredamento e bricolage (11330)Decorazione della casa (1201)Feste e occasioni speciali (1138)Bricolage e fai da te: materiali (3991)Illuminazione da interno (414)Altro casa e bricolage (324)Bricolage e fai da te: attrezzatura (283)Pulizia e bucato (113)Articoli per animali (180)Sicurezza e antifurti (144)Tessile da letto (128)Tappeti, corsie, moquette (80)Bagno (51)Tende, tendaggi e accessori (49)Articoli per cucina e bar (34)Orologi e sveglie (21)Bambini: casa e arredamento (9)Soluzioni salvaspazio (12)Arredamento (9)Articoli per la scuola (8)Idraulica e impiantistica (8)Decorazioni matrimonio (6)Caminetti e stufe (1)Cucina (1)Commercio, ufficio e industria (4532)Trasmissione e registrazione video (1119)Elettronica industriale (1039)Manutenzione e sicurezza (231)Altro commercio e industria (166)Automazioni, motori e driver (153)Misurazione, collaudo e ispezione (143)Fissaggi e attrezzi (33)Movimentazione materiali (28)Ufficio, stampa e spedizione (1138)Strumenti medici e di laboratorio (25)Idraulica, pneumatici e pompe (18)Commercio al dettaglio (326)Ristorazione, hotel e catering (4)Fornitura industriale (1)Lavorazione metalli, saldatura (7)Agricoltura e allevamento (1)Costruzione (7)Videogiochi e console (2430)Accessori (2095)Giochi (302)Console (39)Pezzi di ricambio (6)Merchandising giochi (1)Abbigliamento e accessori (2093)Uomo (1320)Donna (656)Neonati (84)Occasioni speciali (53)Bambini (3)Orologi e gioielli (1516)Bigiotteria (1123)Orologi, accessori e ricambi (179)Gioielli uomo (119)Gioielli di lusso (26)Sport e viaggi (1244)Trofei (662)Altri sport (14)Palestra, fitness, corsa, yoga (67)Campeggio ed escursionismo (61)Ciclismo (38)Equitazione (22)Pesca (8)Calcio (5)Viaggi (2)Sport d'acqua (1)Lotti e stock sport (2)Sport con la palla (23)Giocattoli e modellismo (1056)Altro giocattoli e modellismo (412)Giocattoli educativi (289)Giochi di società (109)Radiocomandati e giocattoli (44)Action figure (74)Modellismo statico (22)Case di bambole e miniature (9)Bambole e accessori (21)Giocattoli per infanzia, emulazione (12)Peluche e orsacchiotti (3)Giochi di prestigio e magia (2)Costruzioni (3)Giocattoli d'epoca (2)Modellismo ferroviario (1)Giochi di ruolo (1)Bellezza e salute (585)Mobilità e disabilità (296)Cura della vista (209)Altro bellezza e salute (63)Salute (13)Vitamine e integratori (4)Make-up (3)Cura e acconciatura dei capelli (2)Cura del viso e della pelle (1)Tatuaggi e body art (1)Profumi (1)Infanzia e premaman (492)Cura del bebè (2)Giocattoli (60)Altro infanzia e premaman (3)Collezionismo (2837)Autografi (433)Militaria (44)Collezioni diverse (25)Pubblicitario (121)Pins e spille (10)Collezionismo storico e politico (14)Fantascienza (5)Personaggi da collezione (1434)Schede telefoniche (4)Penne (3)Sorpresine e gadget (1)Minerali, fossili e conchiglie (1)Carte collezionabili non sportive, figurine (1)Coca-Cola (22)Armature, scudi e accessori per spade (1)Hobby creativi (283)Materiali multiuso (179)Scrapbooking e lavori a carta (68)Scultura, modellato e ceramica (27)Ricamo e filati (3)Cucito (3)Altro hobby creativi (1)Perle e gioielli fai da te (1)Giardino e arredamento esterni (249)Decorazioni (116)Attrezzature per l'irrigazione (69)Piscine, saune e idromassaggio (33)Arredamento da giardino e da esterno (8)Riscaldamento, barbecue e cottura da esterno (7)Strutture e ombrari (6)Cura delle piante, terriccio e accessori (3)Elettroutensili e macchine da giardino (3)Tosaerba, accessori e ricambi (2)Illuminazione da esterno (1)Accessori per uccelli e animali selvatici (1)Musica, CD e vinili (257)Vinili (130)Accessori e supporti (43)CD (36)Altro in musica, CD e vinili (24)Merchandising e oggettistica (8)Lotti e stock musica (1)Elettrodomestici (199)Piccoli elettrodomestici da cucina (92)Altro elettrodomestici (54)Macchine da caffè e tè (24)Stiratura e aspirazione (18)Climatizzazione e riscaldamento (5)Forni e piani cottura (2)Lavatrici e asciugatrici (1)Arte e antiquariato (159)Quadri (150)Radio d'epoca e grammofoni (37)Sculture (4)Arte sacra (2)Libri e riviste (248)Libri di testo ed educazione (119)Altro libri e riviste (21)Narrativa (11)Saggistica (10)Riviste (5)Libri antichi e da collezione (1)Fumetti e memorabilia (115)Manga e fumetti asiatici (102)Fumetti angloamericani (6)Fumetti europei e franco-belgi (5)Altro fumetti e memorabilia (2)Altre categorie (178)Varie (81)Film e DVD (45)DVD e Blu-ray (34)Merchandising Cinema e TV (9)Videocassette e VHS (1)Nautica e imbarcazioni (36)Ricambi e accessori (18)Altro nautica e imbarcazioni (2)Canoe e kayak (1)Cibi e bevande (2)Bevande analcoliche e caffè (2)
- Sennheiser -
299 EUR
Sennheiser Ew-d Skm-s Y1-3
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155248234
MPN: 508799
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EW-D SKM-S Y1-3, Trasmettitore palmare digitale per collegamenti radio ew-D, Gamma di frequenza Y1-3: 1.785,2 - 1.799,8 MHz, Interruttore on/of, Funziona con 2 batterie AA da 1,5 V o batteria opzionale BA70 (non incluse, acquistabili separatamente), Potenza di trasmissione: 12 mW, Dimensioni (senza capsula microfonica): 40 x 200 mm, Peso (senza capsula microfonica): ca. 195 g@+*Nota:* la capsula microfonica non è inclusa nella fornitura

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
685 EUR
Sennheiser Ew-dp Me4 Set Q1-6
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155270402
MPN: 700020
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EW-DP ME4 SET Q1-6, Fully Digital Portable UHF Wireless System, For video applications, With ME 4 condenser lavalier microphone, Frequency range Q1-6: 470 - 526 MHz, Bluetooth for synchronisation and control, Smart Notifications for troubleshooting and system guidance, Battery life: transmitter up to 12 hours/receiver up to 7 hours, Dynamic range: 134 dB, System latency: 1.9 ms, Transmitter power: 10 mW, Up to 56 MHz switching bandwidth, Receiver stackable and magnetically mountable, Receiver charging possible via USB-C port, Smart Assist app for monitoring and control, Receiver dimensions (W x H x D): 86 x 28 x 67 mm, Pocket transmitter dimensions (W x H x D): 63 x 80 x 20 mm, Receiver weight: 140 g, Weight of pocket transmitter: 120 g, Includes EW-DP EK digital portable single-channel receiver, EW-D SK digital bodypack transmitter, ME 4 lavalier microphone (cardioid polar pattern), mounting kit, BA 70 Li-ion rechargeable battery and two AA batteries, 3.5 mm TRS mini jack to 3.5 mm TRS mini jack (lockable) cable, 3.5 mm TRS mini jack (lockable) to XLR male cable and USB-C charging cable

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
344 EUR
Sennheiser Em-xsw 1 Dual E-band
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155238426
MPN: 508281
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EM-XSW 1 Dual E-Band, UHF Receiver from the XSW1 Dual Wireless Systems, Frequency range E-Band: 821 - 832/ 863 - 865 MHz, Antenna diversity with integrated antennas, XLR and jack output per channel, Mic/Line switchable, NT 12-5 CW power supply included

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
699 EUR
Sennheiser Ew-dp Me4 Set R1-6
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155270464
MPN: 700021
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EW-DP ME4 SET R1-6, Fully Digital Portable UHF Wireless System, For video applications, With ME 4 condenser lavalier microphone, Frequency range R1-6: 520 - 576 MHz, Bluetooth for synchronisation and control, Smart Notifications for troubleshooting and system guidance, Battery life: transmitter up to 12 hours / receiver up to 7 hours, Dynamic range: 134 dB, System latency: 1.9 ms, Transmitter power: 10 mW, Up to 56 MHz switching bandwidth, Receiver stackable and magnetically mountable, Receiver charging possible via USB-C port, Smart Assist app for monitoring and control, Receiver dimensions (W x H x D): 86 x 28 x 67 mm, Pocket transmitter dimensions (W x H x D): 63 x 80 x 20 mm, Receiver weight: 140 g, Weight of pocket transmitter: 120 g, Includes EW-DP EK digital portable single-channel receiver, EW-D SK digital bodypack transmitter, ME 4 lavalier microphone (cardioid polar pattern), mounting kit, BA 70 Li-ion rechargeable battery and two AA batteries, 3.5 mm TRS mini jack to 3.5 mm TRS mini jack (lockable) cable, 3.5 mm TRS mini jack (lockable) to XLR male cable and USB-C charging cable

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
398 EUR
Sennheiser Em 100 G4 1g8-band
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155265842
MPN: 509907
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EM 100 G4 1G8-Band, 9.5" Receiver of the EW G4 Series, Frequency range 1G8 band 1785 - 1800 MHz, 1680 selectable frequencies in 42 MHz switching bandwidth, Up to 20 compatible channels, Fast frequency allocation for up to 12 recipients via link function with RJ10 connection, Frequency response: 25 - 18.000 Hz, Frequency transmission via infrared interface, 4-Digit battery indicator, Pilot tone, 2 x BNC antenna sockets, Output XLR-male, Power supply 10.5 - 16 V DC, Includes power supply and 2 antennas

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
399 EUR
Sennheiser Em 100 G4 A1-band
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155263046
MPN: 509652
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EM 100 G4 A1-Band, 9.5" Receiver of the EW G4 Series, Frequency range: A1 Band (470 - 516 MHz), 1680 Selectable frequencies in 46 MHz switching bandwidth, Up to 20 compatible channels, Fast frequency allocation for up to 12 recipients via link function with RJ10 connection, Audio transmission range: 25 - 18,000 Hz, Frequency transmission via infrared interface, 4-Digit battery indicator, Pilot tone, 2 BNC antenna sockets, Output: XLR-male, Mains supply: 10.5 - 16 V DC, Includes power supply and 2 antennas

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
679 EUR
Sennheiser Ew-d Me2 Y1-3
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155247336
MPN: 508709
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EW-D ME2 Y1-3, Digital Wireless System, With ME 2-II condenser lavalier microphone, Frequency range Y1-3: 1785.2 - 1799.8 MHz, Polar pattern: omnidirectional, Dynamic range: 134 dB, Frequency range: 20 - 20.000 Hz, Transmission power: 12 mW, 4-Digit battery indicator on receiver, Mobile access via Smart Assist App for system settings, Operating time with AA batteries: up to 8 hours, 2 BNC antenna connectors, Outputs: XLR, jack (balanced/unbalanced), Incl. 2 x antennas, power supply with country adapter, rackmount set and AA batteries

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- RØde -
222 EUR
Rode Ntg1
Brand: RØde
EAN: 0698813000456
MPN: ntg1
Categoria: Microfoni

Rode NTG1, Shot Gun Microphone, Ideally for film/ TV/ video, Polar pattern: super cardioid, XLR Connector, Requires phantom power P48 (44 - 52 V), Frequency range: 20 - 20,000 Hz, @ 80 Hz 12 dB/octave,, Max. SPL: 139 dB, Output impedance: 50 Ohm, Dimensions: 219 x 22 x 22 mm, Weight: 105 g, Incl. windshield and clamp

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RØde in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
729 EUR
Sennheiser Ew-d Me3 Y1-3
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155247435
MPN: 508719
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EW-D ME3 Y1-3, Digital Wireless System, With ME 3-II condenser headset microphone, Frequency range Q1-6: 1785.2 - 1799.8 MHz, Polar pattern: cardioid, Dynamic range: 134 dB, Audio transmission range: 20 - 20000 Hz, Transmitter power: 12 mW, 4-Digit battery indicator on receiver, Mobile access possible via Smart Assist App for system settings, Operating time with AA batteries: up to 8 hours, 2 BNC antenna connectors, Outputs: XLR, jack (balanced/unbalanced), Incl. 2 x antennas, power supply with country adapter, rackmount set and AA batteries

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
599 EUR
Sennheiser Ew-d Skm-s Base Y1-3
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155247930
MPN: 508769
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EW-D SKM-S Base Y1-3, Digital Wireless System, With SKM-S handheld transmitter with mute switch, Frequency range Y1-3: 1785.2 - 1799.8 MHz, Dynamic range: 134 dB, Audio transmission range: 20 - 20,000 Hz, Transmitting power: 12 mW, 4-Digit battery indicator on receiver, Mobile access via Smart Assist App for system settings, Operating time with AA batteries: up to 8 hours, 2 BNC antenna connectors, Outputs: XLR, jack (balanced/unbalanced), Incl. microphone clamp MZQ 1, 2x antennas, power supply with country adapter, rackmount set, AA batteries

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
699 EUR
Sennheiser Ew-dp 835 Set R1-6
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155270471
MPN: 700031
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EW-DP 835 SET R1-6, Fully Digital Portable UHF Wireless System, For video applications with EW-D SKM-S handheld transmitter and MMD835 capsule, Frequency range R1-6: 520 - 576 MHz, Bluetooth for synchronisation and control, Intelligent notifications for error management, Battery life: transmitter up to 12 hours / receiver up to 7 hours, Dynamic range: 134 dB, System latency: 1.9 ms, Transmitter power: 10 mW, Up to 56 MHz switching bandwidth, Receiver stackable and magnetically mountable, Receiver charging possible via USB-C port, Smart Assist app for monitoring and control, Receiver dimensions (W x H x D): 86 x 28 x 67 mm, Dimensions handheld transmitter (W x H x D): 50 x 268 x 50 mm, Receiver weight: 140 g, Weight hand-held transmitter: 304 g, Includes mounting kit, Li-ion battery BA 70, two AA batteries, cable 3.5 mm mini-jack TRS to 3.5 mm mini-jack TRS (lockable), cable 3.5 mm mini-jack TRS (lockable) to XLR male and USB-C charging cable

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
333 EUR
Sennheiser Em-xsw 1 Dual A-band
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155238389
MPN: 508277
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EM-XSW 1 Dual A-Band, UHF Receiver from the XSW1 Dual Wireless Systems, Frequency range A band: 548 - 572 MHz, Antenna diversity with integrated antennas, XLR and jack output per channel, Mic/Line switchable, NT 12-5 CW power supply included

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
167 EUR
Sennheiser Em-xsw 1-e-band
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155215236
MPN: 507312
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EM-XSW 1-E-Band, UHF Receiver, UHF receiver from the XSW1 wireless systems, Frequency range: E band: 823 - 832 MHz and 863 - 865 MHz, Antenna diversity with integrated antennas, XLR and jack outputs, NT 12-5CW power supply unit included

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
171 EUR
Sennheiser Em-xsw 1-a-band
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155215199
MPN: 507308
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EM-XSW 1-A-Band, UHF Receiver, UHF receiver from the XSW1 wireless systems, Frequency range: A-Band 548 - 572 MHz, Antenna diversity with integrated antennas, XLR and jack outputs, NT 12-5CW power supply unit included

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
180 EUR
Sennheiser Em-xsw 1-b-band
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155215205
MPN: 507309
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EM-XSW 1-B-Band, UHF Receiver, UHF receiver from the XSW1 wireless systems, Frequency range: B-Band 614-638 MHz, Antenna diversity with integrated antennas, XLR and jack outputs, NT 12-5CW power supply unit included

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
344 EUR
Sennheiser Em-xsw 1 Dual B-band
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155238396
MPN: 508278
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EM-XSW 1 Dual B-Band, UHF Receiver from the XSW1 Dual Wireless Systems, Frequency range B band: 614 - 638 MHz, Antenna diversity with integrated antennas, XLR and jack output per channel, Mic/Line switchable, NT 12-5 CW power supply included

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
699 EUR
Sennheiser Ew-dp Me2 Set R1-6
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155270457
MPN: 700011
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EW-DP ME2 SET R1-6, Fully Digital Portable UHF Wireless System, For video applications, With ME 2 condenser lavalier microphone, Frequency range R1-6: 520 - 576 MHz, Bluetooth for synchronisation and control, Smart Notifications for troubleshooting and system guidance, Battery life: transmitter up to 12 hours / receiver up to 7 hours, Dynamic range: 134 dB, System latency: 1.9 ms, Transmitter power: 10 mW, Up to 56 MHz switching bandwidth, Receiver stackable and magnetically mountable, Receiver charging possible via USB-C port, Smart Assist app for monitoring and control, Receiver dimensions (W x H x D): 86 x 28 x 67 mm, Pocket transmitter dimensions (W x H x D): 63 x 80 x 20 mm, Receiver weight: 140 g, Weight of pocket transmitter: 120 g, Includes digital portable single-channel receiver EW-DP EK, digital bodypack transmitter EW-D SK, lavalier microphone ME 2 (cardioid polar pattern), mounting kit, Li-ion battery BA 70 and two AA batteries, cable 3.5 mm mini-jack TRS to 3.5 mm mini-jack TRS (lockable), cable 3.5 mm mini-jack TRS (lockable) to XLR male and USB-C charging cable

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
598 EUR
Sennheiser Ew-d Ci1 Y1-3
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155247633
MPN: 508739
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser ew-D CI1 Y1-3, Digital Wireless System, With CI1 instrument cable, Frequency range Q1-6: 1785.2 - 1799.8 MHz, Dynamic range: 134 dB, Frequency range: 20 - 20,000 Hz, Transmission power: 12 mW, 4-Digit battery indicator on the receiver, Mobile access via Smart Assist App for system settings, Operating time with AA batteries: up to 8 hours, 2 BNC antenna sockets, Outputs: XLR, jack (balanced/unbalanced), Includes 2 antennas, power supply unit with country adapter, rackmount set and AA batteries

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Avantone -
499 EUR
Avantone Cv-12 Popfilter Bundle
Brand: Avantone
EAN: 0852437001057
MPN: a60571
Categoria: Microfoni

Avantone CV-12 Popfilter Bundle, Set composto da: , Roadworx PF 1, Avantone CV-12

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Avantone in Microfoni

- The T.bone -
155 EUR
The T.bone Tour Guide Micro Charger12 Nero
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: The T.bone
EAN: 4047371083023
MPN: tce112
Categoria: Microfoni

the t.bone Tour Guide Micro Charger12, Stazione di ricarica, 11 slot per ricevitore Ear mini RX ( art. #573009#) e 1 slot per trasmettitore Ear mini TX (art. #573015#), Funziona tramite alimentatore (5 V, 4,0 A), LED di funzionamento, Colore: nero, Include supporto a parete e alimentatore

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The T.bone in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
83 EUR
Sennheiser Nt1-1 Uk
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155041682
MPN: 503874
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser NT1-1 UK, Alimentatore, Per splitter alimentatore 230 V per ASP 1/ ASP 2/ ASA 1/ L 2015 , 12V DC, Con spina UK

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Telefunken -
11555 EUR
Telefunken C-12
Brand: Telefunken
EAN: 0899051002251
MPN: telfc12
Categoria: Microfoni

Telefunken C-12, Tube Large Diaphragm Microphone, Condenser pressure gradient receiver, Polar pattern: cardioid, omnidirectional and figure-8, Frequency range: 20 - 20000 Hz, Capsule: CK12 both sides gold vaporized membrane 1", Impedance: 200 ohms / 50 ohms switchable, SPL: 138 dB, Tube: 6072a General Electric JAN double triode, Length. 216 mm, Diameter: 51 mm, Weight: 567 g, Incl. power supply, flight case and microphone box made of wood

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Telefunken in Microfoni

- Shure -
329 EUR
Shure Glxd1+
Brand: Shure
EAN: 0042406710954
MPN: glxd1+=z4
Categoria: Microfoni

Shure GLXD1+, Pocket Transmitter, For GLXD+ series, Dual band: 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz, Up to 12 hours of battery life, Up to 60 meters range, Metal body, Dimensions (W x D x H): 67 x 27 x 155 mm, Weight: 0.43kg, Includes Shure lithium-ion battery@+*Note:* only compatible with GLXD+ series.

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Shure in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
117 EUR
Sennheiser Nt3-1
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155033700
MPN: 503159
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser NT3-1, Alimentatore, Alimentatore da 230 V DC, 3 x L 2015, Tensione di uscita: 12 V DC

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Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Studio Projects -
161 EUR
Studio Projects B1
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Studio Projects
EAN: 0850207000118
MPN: b1
Categoria: Microfoni

Studio Projects B1, Large diaphragm condenser studio microphone, 1� capsule with cardioid characteristic, Transformerless circuit, +48 V phantom power required, Frequency range: 20-20000 Hz, Sensitivity: -34 dB (0dB=1V/Pa), Output impedance: <200 Ohm, Max SPL 132 dB, Inherent noise: 12dB(A), Incl. wind shield, shock mount and zipper bag

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Studio Projects in Microfoni

- Sennheiser -
577 EUR
Sennheiser Ew-d Sk Base Y1-3
Brand: Sennheiser
EAN: 4044155247732
MPN: 508749
Categoria: Microfoni

Sennheiser EW-D SK Base Y1-3, Digital Wireless System, Frequency range Y1-3: 1785.2 - 1799.8 MHz, Dynamic range: 134 dB, Frequency range: 20 - 20000 Hz, Transmission power: 12 mW, Connection: 3.5 mm TRS jack with screw thread, 4-Digit battery indicator on receiver, Mobile access via Smart Assist App for system settings, Operating time with AA batteries: Up to 8 hours, 2 BNC antenna sockets, Outputs: XLR, jack (balanced/unbalanced), Incl. 2x antennas, power supply with country adapter, rackmount set and AA batteries, Suitable guitar cable: #148536# (not included)

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Sennheiser in Microfoni

- Universal Audio -
355 EUR
Universal Audio Sp-1
Brand: Universal Audio
EAN: 0819937003288
MPN: micuasp1
Categoria: Microfoni

Universal Audio SP-1, Coppia di microfoni stereo a condensatore con diaframma piccolo, Figura polare: cardioide, Risposta in frequenza: 20-20.000 Hz, Sensibilità: -38.0 dB (12.6 mV) re1 V a 1 Pa, 1 kHz, SPL massimo: 142 dB (1% THD), Impedenza di uscita: 200 Ohm, Richiede l'alimentazione phantom a +48 V, Preset Apollo Channel Strip, Dimensioni (diametro x lunghezza): 23,5 x 128 mm, Peso: 125 g, Include 2 supporti per microfono, binario stereo, 2 filtri in schiuma e 2 adattatori per filettatura da 5/8" a 3/8"

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Universal Audio in Microfoni

- Schoeps -
3222 EUR
Schoeps Stereo Set Cmc 1 U Mit Mk21 Matt Grey
Brand: Schoeps
MPN: 139203
Categoria: Microfoni

Schoeps Stereo Set CMC 1 U mit MK21, Stereo Microphone Set, Set with two paired microphones consisting of 2 CMC 1 U microphone amplifiers with microphone capsule MK 21 and accessories, Supply voltage: 12 / 48 V, Current consumption at 12 V: 3 mA, Current consumption at 48 V: 2 mA, Maximum cable length: 400 m, Frequency ranges: 20 - 20,000 Hz, Maximum output voltage: 1.8 V (5 dbV), at 1 kOhm load, Max. sound pressure level: 135 dB-SPL (48 V) / 131 dB-SPL (12 V), Mic Length: 39mm, Microphone diameter: 20mm, Microphone weight: 36g, Colour: Matt grey@+*Set includes:*@+@+, 2 Paired MK 21 microphone capsules, Certificate, 2 CMC 1 U microphone amplifiers, 2 B 5 D Foam Hollow Windscreens, 2 SG 20 microphone clamps, Premium case for stereo set, Hook and loop cable ties

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schoeps in Microfoni

- Schoeps -
879 EUR
Schoeps Cmc 1 L Matt Grey
Brand: Schoeps
MPN: 132012
Categoria: Microfoni

Schoeps CMC 1 L, Microphone Amplifier with Lemo Miniature Connector, Compatible with all existing MK capsules, active Colette accessories and passive accessories of the CCM series, Supply voltage: 12 / 48 V, Power consumption at 12 V: 3 mA, Power consumption at 48 V: 2 mA, Maximum cable length: 400 m, Frequency range: 20 - 20000 Hz, Maximum output voltage: 1.8 V (5 dbV), at 1 kOhm load, Max sound pressure level: 135dB-SPL (48V)/131dB-SPL (12V), Length: 25.5 mm, Diameter: 20 mm, Weight: 28 g, Colour: Matt grey, Includes 5 m adapter cable K 5 LU and stand clamp SGC

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schoeps in Microfoni

- Schoeps -
839 EUR
Schoeps Cmc 1 U Matte Grey
Brand: Schoeps
MPN: 132011
Categoria: Microfoni

Schoeps CMC 1 U, Colette Amplifier, Compatible with all MK capsules, Supply voltage: 12 / 48 V, Current consumption at 12 V: 3 mA, Current consumption at 48 V: 2 mA, Maximum cable length: 400 m, Frequency range: 20 - 20,000 Hz, Maximum output voltage: 1.8 V (5 dbV), at 1 kOhm load, Max. sound pressure level: 135 dB-SPL (48 V) / 131 dB-SPL (12 V), Length: 39 mm, Diameter: 20 mm, Weight: 36 g, Colour: Matte Grey

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schoeps in Microfoni

- Gator -
49 EUR
Gator Gm-12b Nero
Spedizione: 20 EUR

Brand: Gator
EAN: 0716408521107
MPN: gm12b
Categoria: Microfoni

Gator GM-12B, Custodia per il trasporto, Per un massimo di 12 microfoni, Spazio per microfoni lavalier e cavi, ecc., Cerniera frontale, Tracolla e manici imbottiti, Dimensioni esterne (L x P x A): 406 x 191 x 203 mm, Peso: 1,36 kg, Colore: nero

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Gator in Microfoni

- Schoeps -
888 EUR
Schoeps Cmc 1 K Xlr Matt Grey
Brand: Schoeps
MPN: 132013
Categoria: Microfoni

Schoeps CMC 1 K XLR, Colette Amplifier, Compatible with all MK capsules, Fixed cable (5 m, XLR 3-pin), Supply voltage: 12 / 48 V, Power consumption at 12 V: 3 mA, Power consumption at 48 V: 2 mA, Max. cable length: 400 m, Frequency range: 20 – 20,000 Hz, Max. output voltage: 1.8 V (5 dbV), with 1 kOhm load, Maximum sound pressure level: 135 dB-SPL (48 V) / 131 dB-SPL (12 V), Microphone amplifier length: 39 mm, Diameter of microphone amplifier: 20 mm, Microphone amplifier weight: 36 g, Colour: Matt Grey

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Schoeps in Microfoni

- -- -
159.99 EUR
Microfono Condensatore Tz Stellar X2 Cardioide Xlr A Diaframma Largo
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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129.99 EUR
Blue Microphones Yety X Nero Microfono Da Tavolo Per Registrazione Streaming Gam
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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170.00 EUR
Microfono Condensatore Tz Stellar X2 Cardioide Xlr A Diaframma Largo ⭐️nuovo⭐️
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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94.90 EUR
Sennheiser E906 Microfono Dinamico Per Strumenti
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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54.00 EUR
Hollyland Lark M1 Sistema Di Microfoni Wireless Lavalier (1tx+1rx) 650ft 8h Dire
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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71.98 EUR
Jb*l Wireless Microphone Set Sistema Wireless Connesso Due Microfoni
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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54.00 EUR
Set 2 Radio Microfoni Palmari Uhf Wireless Con Centralina Wm308
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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69.99 EUR
Per Shure Sm58s Microfono Dinamico Per Voce Con Interruttore On/off
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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45.99 EUR
2,4g Microfono Wireless Archetto, 2 In 1 Microfonico Wireless Professionale,tras
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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40.00 EUR
Microfono By Micio Per Alan 48 - 68s - 34 -quarantotto Cb Ricetrasmettitore
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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59.00 EUR
Sennheiser Xs 1 - Microfono Professionale Dinamico Cardioide Per Voce
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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91.99 EUR
Microfono Wireless Ricaricabile A 2,4 Ghz Microfoni Per Canto Fino A 30 Ore Di A
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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119.99 EUR
Microfono Shure Beta 58a
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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170.00 EUR
Microfono Stellar X2 Diaframma Largo Condensatore Cardioide Xlr
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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50.00 EUR
Microfono Dinamico Professionale Per Karaoke Voce Registrazione Canto Set Da 3
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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49.90 EUR
Coppia Microfoni Wireless Uhf Professionali Con Batterie Ricaricabili Senza Fili
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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38.90 EUR
Microfono Da Muro Ascolto Attraverso Pareti Porte Ricaricabile
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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70.00 EUR
Sennheiser E604 Instrument Microphone - Nuovo Scatola Con Imperfezioni
Spedizione: 6.10 EUR

Brand: --
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126.99 EUR
Podmic Microfono Dinamico Di Qualità Broadcast Con Supporto A Sbalzo Integrato P
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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