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11.27 EUR
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102.95 EUR
Kuwait Soil Taxonomy
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46.79 EUR
- Sebastião Salgado -
57 EUR 60 EUR
Sebastião Salgado Kuwait. A Desert On Fire. Ediz. Inglese, Francese E Tedesca
Brand: Sebastião Salgado
9783836561259Categoria: Libri e riviste
Sebastião Salgado documenta gli incendi dei pozzi petroliferi in Kuwait. Nel gennaio e febbraio 1991, man mano che la coalizione guidata dagli Stati Uniti respingeva l’esercito iracheno dal Kuwait, le truppe di Saddam Hussein risposero scatenando l’inferno. Circa 700 pozzi petroliferi e un numero imprecisato di depressioni sommerse di petrolio furono dati alle fiamme, scatenando enormi incendi divampanti; la regione fu coperta da grandi nubi nere e l’aria si riempì di migliaia di tonnellate di protossido di azoto e anidride carbonica. Mentre i disperati tentativi di contenere e spegnere le fiamme erano ancora in corso, Sebastião Salgado si recò in Kuwait per assistere di persona alla situazione di crisi. Le condizioni erano insopportabili. Il calore era tale che il suo obiettivo più piccolo si deformò. Un giornalista e un fotografo rimasero uccisi quando una chiazza di petrolio prese fuoco mentre la stavano attraversando. Rimanendo sempre vicino ai pompieri, e con la sua caratteristica sensibilità per le sorti umane e ambientali, Salgado immortalò le terrificanti proporzioni di quel “gigantesco teatro grande quanto il pianeta”: il paesaggio devastato; le temperature estreme, l’aria soffocante per via della sabbia bruciata e della fuliggine; i resti ricoperti di bolle dei cammelli; le bombe a grappolo ancora sparse sul terreno; e infine le fiamme e il fumo che si innalzavano verso il cielo, impedendo alla luce del sole di filtrare e sovrastando i pompieri ricoperti di petrolio. Le epiche foto di Salgado apparvero per la prima volta sul New York Times Magazine nel giugno 1991 e in seguito furono ampiamente ripubblicate altrove, arrivando a vincere l’Oskar Barnack Award della World Press Photo Foundation, premio assegnato a fotografie di eccezionale valore sul tema del rapporto tra uomo e ambiente. Kuwait: A Desert On Fire è la prima monografia dedicata a questa serie sbalorditiva. Al pari di Genesi, Exodus e Children, è tanto un importantissimo documento di storia moderna quanto una straordinaria opera fotografica.
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Sebastião Salgado in Libri e riviste 5
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46.79 EUR
Islamic Feminism In Kuwait
- Kristine Spanier -
11.24 EUR
Kristine Spanier Kuwait
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46.79 EUR
The Veil In Kuwait
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102.95 EUR
The Muslim Brotherhood In Kuwait
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25 EUR
Arte Della Civiltà Islamica. La Collezione Di Al-sabah, Kuwait. Ediz. Illustrata
9788857230177Categoria: Libri e riviste
Da ormai quaranta anni Sheikh Nasser Sabah Ahmed al-Sabah e sua moglie, Sheikha Hussah Sabah al-Salem al-Sabah, raccolgono opere d'arte islamiche e del Medio Oriente pre-islamico. La loro collezione, stimabile in circa 35.000 oggetti, è certamente una delle più importanti al mondo, non solo per ampiezza, ma anche per qualità e originalità delle opere. In occasione della Festa Nazionale del Kuwait il 23 febbraio 1983 la Collezione venne offerta in prestito permanente al Museo Nazionale del Kuwait dove rimase fino alle tragiche vicende dell'invasione irachena dell'agosto 1990. La ricca e variegata Collezione al-Sabah attraverso oltre trecento opere d'arte permette al grande pubblico di avvicinarsi a una espressione artistica multiforme, ricca, elegante, raffinata e per molti versi assolutamente sorprendente. Una sfida al dialogo e alla comprensione e allo stesso tempo una scoperta preziosa. Pubblicato in occasione della mostra romana, il catalogo documenta i temi e modi artistici centrali delle esperienze artistiche islamiche: il rigore formale delle stupende calligrafie, la scientifica e dotta esplorazione delle possibilità matematico-geometriche, l'inesausta e infinita fantasia del motivo floreale ripetuto (arabesco), fino alla rappresentazione astratta e realistica della figura animale o umana a smentire il falso mito della iconoclastia islamica.
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in Libri e riviste -5%10
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28.5 EUR 30 EUR
Arte Islamica Dal Bargello Di Firenze Al Kuwait. Ediz. Italiana E Araba
9788836650095Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il volume accompagna una raffinata esposizione che porta in Kuwait, alla DAI (Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, Casa delle Antichità Islamiche), alcuni pezzi della collezione islamica del Museo del Bargello di Firenze, che rappresenta, per varietà e qualità, la più importante raccolta di arte islamica in Italia. L'evento si inserisce nelle celebrazioni dei sessant'anni di riconoscimento italiano dello Stato del Kuwait.
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in Libri e riviste 11
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78.09 EUR
The Resilience Of Parliamentary Politics In Kuwait
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140.39 EUR
Terrestrial Environment And Ecosystems Of Kuwait
- Cesare Allara -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Cesare Allara Accadde In Iraq. Dall'invasione Del Kuwait Alla Resistenza Anticoloniale 1990-2005
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11.99 EUR
When Anger Doesn't Heal: From Kuwait To The United States, Teacher's Memoir
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50 EUR
Tell F6 On Failaka Island: Kuwaiti-danish Excavations 2008-2012
- Ann Andersson -
21.25 EUR
Ann Andersson Danish Archaeological Investigations On Failaka, Kuwait. The Second Millennium Settlements, Vol. 5: The Beads
- Abdullah Alshebli -
62.49 EUR
Abdullah Alshebli Comparative Securities Law: Perspectives From Kuwait, The Uk And Us
Brand: Abdullah Alshebli
9781032295039Categoria: Libri e riviste
Providing a clear introduction to securities laws and how they are applied in different countries, this book compares the enaction and enforcement of securities laws in Kuwait, the UK and the USA.\n\nIt explores the philosophy behind securities laws and methods of application in Kuwait, the US and UK to consider the benefits and the risks associated with trading in securities. Using case studies from each jurisdiction, the book takes a comparative approach to examining the different laws that have been enacted with a view to addressing problems that have developed on stock exchanges and in corporate governance. It details the different regulatory authorities in the different countries and the rules and laws that are used to ensure that markets continue to trade and that investors are protected, highlighting the differences in common law, civil law and Middle Eastern law approaches to securities and the bearing of these in the modern securities trade.\n\nContributing to the general discipline of securities law and providing valuable insights into Middle Eastern law, the US and UK, this book will be of interest to students of international law, scholars, policy makers and government officials.
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Abdullah Alshebli in Libri e riviste -5%18
- Drusilla Galelli;mimma Zizzo -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Drusilla Galelli;mimma Zizzo Mamme Nel Deserto (ma Come Ci Siamo Finite In Kuwait?)
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Drusilla Galelli;mimma Zizzo
9788850103256Categoria: Libri e riviste
Diario a due voci che racconta con semplicità, entusiasmo e candore come due giovani mamme italiane, in Kuwait a seguito dei loro mariti, guadagnino giorno per giorno, attraverso i piccoli accadimenti quotidiani il più delle volte privi di ogni crisma di eccezionalità, una dimensione di partecipazione cosmopolita al vivere. Il superamento dell'iniziale solitudine di chi è per la prima volta all'estero, in una rete di rapporti fatto di lingue, nazionalità, razze, storie individuali tutte diverse, con la scoperta che sono tutte interessanti, tutte accessibili, tutte in fondo prossime; le difficoltà, ma anche le opportunità umane, nei rapporti col difficile mondo arabo; i bimbi che crescono in una folle ma stimolante babele di lingue... Tutto è vero, tutto è narrato con semplice gaia confidenza; c'è una condivisione della quotidianità così sincera, che alla fine Drusilla e Mimma divengono davvero le nostre care amiche in Kuwait.
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Drusilla Galelli;mimma Zizzo in Libri e riviste -5%19
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33.25 EUR 35 EUR
Architectural Criticism And Journalism: Global Perspectives. Atti Del Convegno (kuwait, 6-7 Dicembre 2005)
9788842214809Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il libro riunisce a confronto più di trenta fra architetti, critici, giornalisti, rappresentanti di diverse estrazioni culturali sul tema della critica architettonica e sul giornalismo architettonico: una raccolta di saggi con un ricco corredo di illustrazioni.
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in Libri e riviste 20
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14.99 EUR
Frag Den Weltenbummler! Israel, Jordanien, Dubai Und Abu Dhabi, Katar, Oman Und Ausflüge Nach Kuwait Und Bahrain
- Leif Stenberg -
25 EUR
Leif Stenberg Poet And Businessman: Abd Al-aziz Al-babtain And The Formation Of Modern Kuwait
Brand: Leif Stenberg
9781914983009Categoria: Libri e riviste
This book reviews and analyses the modern history of Kuwait by telling the story of Abd al-Aziz Sa'ud al-Babtain (b. 1936), a businessman, philanthropist, and poet whose own story closely interweaves with the history of the state. \n\n'The Poet and Businessman' takes a uniquely wide-ranging view of this history and is a rare study of an individual from a generation in the Gulf who experienced it firsthand and witnessed the benefits of the discovery of oil. It was this discovery, which came with costs alongside the many benefits, that has played a crucial part in the socio-economic and cultural development of Kuwait and across the wider Gulf region. \n\nConstructing an overview of the modern history of Kuwait in parallel with the life of Abd al-Aziz Sa'ud al-Babtain, Stenberg succeeds in filling a lacuna in contemporary scholarship on the Middle East, especially on a neglected area of Arabian history. The result is a balanced account of the state of Kuwait enriched by the story of a remarkable and influential individual.
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Leif Stenberg in Libri e riviste 22
- Tareq Alrabei -
36.24 EUR
Tareq Alrabei Stateless Literature Of The Gulf: Culture, Politics And The Bidun In Kuwait
Brand: Tareq Alrabei
9780755644889Categoria: Libri e riviste
The \"Bidun\" (\"without nationality\") are a stateless community based across the Arab Gulf. There are an estimated 100,000 or so Bidun in Kuwait, a heterogeneous group made up of tribes people who failed to register for citizenship between 1959 and 1963, former residents of Iraq, Saudi and other Arab countries who joined the Kuwait security services in '60s and '70s and the children of Kuwaiti women and Bidun men. They are considered illegal residents by the Kuwaiti government and as such denied access to many services of the oil-rich state, often living in slums on the outskirts of Kuwait's cities.\n\n There are few existing works on the Bidun community and what little research there is is grounded in an Area Studies/Social Sciences approach. This book is the first to explore the Bidun from a literary/cultural perspective, offering both the first study of the literature of the Bidun in Kuwait, and in the process a corrective to some of the pitfalls of a descriptive, approach to research on the Bidun and the region. The author explores the historical and political context of the Bidun, their position in Kuwaiti and Arabic literary history, comparisons between the Bidun and other stateless writers and analysis of the key themes in Bidun literature and their relationship to the Bidun struggle for recognition and citizenship.
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Tareq Alrabei in Libri e riviste -5%23
- Sharifa Alshalfan;joaquín Pérez-goicoechea;sarah Alfraih -
26.6 EUR 28 EUR
Sharifa Alshalfan;joaquín Pérez-goicoechea;sarah Alfraih The Multiplex Typology. Living In Kuwait's Hybrid Houses
- Laura Ciglioni -
34.2 EUR 36 EUR
Laura Ciglioni L' Italia E La Guerra Del Golfo. Istituzioni, Partiti, Società (1...
Brand: Laura Ciglioni
9788829003167Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il 2 agosto 1990, con l'invasione del Kuwait da parte dell'Iraq, deflagrava nella regione del Golfo una grave crisi internazionale a pochi mesi dalla caduta del Muro di Berlino. Il volume ricostruisce l'atteggiamento dell'Italia di fronte al dipanarsi degli eventi e poi allo scoppio della guerra del Golfo analizzando le posizioni del governo in relazione al conflitto, anche alla luce delle dinamiche del quadro interno e degli atteggiamenti dell'opinione pubblica; le reazioni dei partiti e le ricadute della crisi internazionale sul sistema politico alle soglie del crollo della \"Repubblica dei partiti\"; il dibattito sull'intervento armato che prese corpo nel paese così come il confronto tra gli intellettuali sul tema della \"guerra giusta\"; gli orientamenti e le convinzioni maturati dagli italiani in quei mesi; infine, la mobilitazione di un vasto ed eterogeneo fronte per la pace.
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Laura Ciglioni in Libri e riviste 25
- Michael Napier -
18.74 EUR
Michael Napier Raf Tornado Units Of Gulf War I
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Michael Napier
9781472845115Categoria: Libri e riviste
When the Gulf Crisis of 1990 was triggered by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the RAF responded by sending Tornado F 3 fighters to Saudi Arabia to help defend the country against further aggression. These aircraft were followed by the deployment of Tornado GR 1 strike/attack aircraft to Bahrain. Eventually three wings of Tornado GR 1s were established in Bahrain, Tabuk and Dhahran, as well as a detachment of Tornado GR 1A reconnaissance aircraft. At the start of hostilities in January 1991, the Tornado GR 1 wings carried out night-low-level attacks against Iraqi Main Operating Bases using the JP233 runway denial weapon. Meanwhile, Combat Air Patrols from the Tornado F 3 wing ensured the integrity of Saudi airspace.\n\nOnce air supremacy had been established, the Tornado GR 1 force moved to medium-level operations, initially by night and later by day, to attack the Iraqi oil production and storage infrastructure. The arrival in theatre of a laser designation capability with Pave Spike/Buccaneer and TIALD/Tornado enabled precision attacks against the Iraq transport system to cut off the frontline troops from resupply and reinforcement and then to carry out a systematic destruction of the airfield facilities. Tornado GR 1A reconnaissance operations played a major role in the location of Scud missile launchers and in the planning and execution of the land offensive. Throughout the conflict, the Tornado F 3 wing at Dhahran carried out defensive counter-air operations to ensure the safety of the base areas. This volume, publishing 30 years after the conflict to free Kuwait, provides detailed first-hand accounts of the missions undertaken by the Tornado crews. It is illustrated by photographs taken by aircrew involved in the operation and includes 30 newly commissioned profile artworks and detailed nose art views of the aircraft ranged against Iraq.
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Michael Napier in Libri e riviste 26
- Deborah Freeman Fahid -
37.44 EUR
Deborah Freeman Fahid Chess And Other Games Pieces From Islamic Lands
Brand: Deborah Freeman Fahid
9780500970928Categoria: Libri e riviste
Among the many treasures of the al-Sabah Collection, Kuwait, are hundreds of chess and other games pieces dating from the 7th to the 19th centuries ce. Intricately crafted in a rich variety of materials, including ivory, wood, ceramic, glass, jade and agate, these tiny objects are of enormous historical and artistic significance. They not only mark the evolution of familiar games into their modern forms, but also evoke the imperial palaces, military camps and herders' tents in which they were played over many centuries, from the Sasanian period through the Islamic era in Central Asia, Iran, present-day Iraq and northern India. The chess pieces include both early figural sets and the more abstract forms that later became popular throughout the Islamic world. Dice, pachesi sets and a medieval Arabic treatise on chess complete the collection.
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Deborah Freeman Fahid in Libri e riviste 27
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37.5 EUR
Power And Politics In The Persian Gulf Monarchies
9781849041218Categoria: Libri e riviste
In command of the world's largest hydrocarbon reserves and occupying a central role in both Middle Eastern and global politics, the six traditional monarchies -- Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) -- that comprise the Gulf Cooperation Council are now among the most heavily researched yet most commonly misunderstood actors in the international system. Christopher Davidson, an acclaimed expert on the fast moving politics and economics of the Gulf, together with five other leading authorities on the region, has brought together a unique collection of comprehensive yet highly accessible analyses of these six states. Following a succinct theoretical overview of the various achievements, opportunities, and collective challenges faced by the monarchies, each chapter discusses their individual historical backgrounds, political structures, economic diversification efforts, and future prospects. Drawing on the latest research in the field, the most up-to-date statistics, and written in a frank and critical manner, this textbook is a valuable addition to university reading lists on Middle Eastern studies or political science, while also appealing to the general interest reader.
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in Libri e riviste 28
- Martin Hvidt -
21.25 EUR
Martin Hvidt Social And Economic Development In The Contemporary Arab Gulf States
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Martin Hvidt
9788740832136Categoria: Libri e riviste
The Arab Gulf states (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE) have over the past decades moved from near obscurity to prominence among actors in the global economy. This rise of the Gulf was facilitated by plentiful income from oil and gas and by the gradual process by which the economic centre of the world is shifting eastward. But first and foremost it has been a result of conscious policies conceived and implemented by the Gulf states to catch up with the developed world and not least to place their countries on a developmental trajectory which will secure the populations a sustainable livelihood in the future. This book recognises the significant developmental results achieved in the Gulf states over the past half of a century but focuses on the detrimental and disrupting effects created by the economic anomaly of sudden and massive influx of oil revenues. Effects such as the growth of rentier mentality, the crowding out of productive activities, the resulting lack of economic diversification. The oil-based development model worked well when the populations were small and the income from oil plentiful. With rapidly increasing populations and rising popular demands on the governments, this model can no longer adequately support these societies. The book investigates various elements of how the governments in the Gulf region tackle the difficult and often painful transition toward an ordinary type of economy, where wealth in society is a created by the skills and hard work of its population. Issues such as economic diversification, societal planning, institutional change, social reforms, educational achievements, demographic growth, job creation and the significant reliance on migrant labour are investigated.
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Martin Hvidt in Libri e riviste 29
- Patricia Crone -
34.99 EUR
Patricia Crone Medieval Islamic Political Thought
Brand: Patricia Crone
9780748621941Categoria: Libri e riviste
WINNER OF THE BRITISH-KUWAIT FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY PRIZE This book presents general readers and specialists alike with a broad survey of Islamic political thought in the six centuries from the rise of Islam to the Mongol invasions. Based on a wide variety of sources, it seeks to bring out the enormous scope and high level of historical (and, in some cases, contemporary) interest of medieval Muslim thinking on this subject. The author aims to make Islamic political thought easier for modern readers to understand by relating it to the contexts in which it was formulated, analysing it in terms familiar to the reader, and, where possible, comparing it with medieval European and modern thought. Guiding the reader through this complex history on a tour of one of the great civilizations of the pre-modern world, the book brings out the fascinating nature of medieval Islamic political thought, both in its own right and as the background to political thinking in the Muslim world today.\nKey Features * Written by one of the most renowned scholars in the field * All concepts have been glossed and all persons, events and historical developments have been identified or summarised, both on first encounter and in the index (where the number of the page containing the gloss will be emboldened) * Specialists are addressed in the footnotes; non-specialists are free to skip these and read an uncluttered text
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Patricia Crone in Libri e riviste 30
- Avia Pasternak -
87.5 EUR
Avia Pasternak Responsible Citizens, Irresponsible States: Should Citizens Pay For Their States' Wrongdoings?
Brand: Avia Pasternak
9780197541036Categoria: Libri e riviste
States are often held responsible for their wrongdoings. States pay compensation for their unjust wars, as did Iraq in the aftermath of its invasion of Kuwait. States pay reparations for their historical wrongdoings, as did Chile to the victims of the Pinochet Regime, or Germany to Israel and other countries because of the Holocaust. Some argue that they should pay punitive damages for their international crimes as well. \n\nBut state responsibility has a troubling feature: states are corporate agents, comprising flesh and blood citizens. When they turn to the public purse to finance their corporate liabilities, it is their citizens who pay the price. Even citizens who protested against their state's policies, did not know about them, or had no influence on policy makers end up sharing the burden. Why should these citizens pay for their state's wrongdoings, if they don't carry the blame? \n\nResponsible Citizens, Irresponsible States develops a fresh justification for citizens' duties to share the burden of their state's wrongdoings. This justification revolves around citizens' participation in their state: drawing on recent debates in the philosophy of collective action, Avia Pasternak shows that citizens are acting together in their state and that their state policies are the product of this collective action. Given this participation, citizens ought to share the burden of remedying harmful wrongs their state policies bring about. However, she also argues that not all citizens in all states are participating in their state. In many authoritarian states, citizens' participation in the state is highly restricted or coerced. Here, ordinary citizens do not share responsibility for their state policies and should not be forced to pay for them. These conclusions carry significant real-world implications for the way domestic international law holds various types of states, and their citizens, responsible for their wrongdoings. This work is essential for political theorists and philosophers grappling with citizen responsibility and duty.
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Avia Pasternak in Libri e riviste 31
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64.00 EUR
L'opera In Versi E In Prosa - Campana Dino, Turchetta G. (curatore) - Mondadori
Spedizione: 4.50 EUR
Brand: --
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41.99 EUR
L'amica Geniale - Quadrilogia Completa Quattro Volumi - Elena Ferrante
Spedizione: 4.99 EUR
Brand: --
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59.00 EUR
Fiabe Gialle - Christie Agatha 9788804764366
Spedizione: 4.50 EUR
Brand: --
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37.87 EUR
Alex Hirsch Gravity Falls: Journal 3 (copertina Rigida)
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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30.00 EUR
Warhammer 40.000: Ascesa Di Horus (saga 'l'eresia Di Horus') - Softcover
Spedizione: 6.00 EUR
Brand: --
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40.00 EUR
Warhammer 40.000: Galassia In Fiamme -libro 3, Saga L'eresia Di Horus- Hardcover
Spedizione: 7.00 EUR
Brand: --
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33.00 EUR
Umberto Pappalardo - Affreschi Romani [arsenale, 2013] Nuovo
Spedizione: 5.00 EUR
Brand: --
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40.00 EUR
Libro Sampdoria - Figurine Sampdoriane
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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35.00 EUR
Understanding Cryptography - C. Paar, J. Pelz. Copertina Rigida
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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69.00 EUR
Artificial Intelligence. A Modern Approach.
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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30.00 EUR
Voyance Complète 2025 Medium Experts Accessibles 24 H Sur 24 Flash Date
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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60.00 EUR
Loris Francesco Capovilla Lettere Da Sotto Il Monte Giovanni Xxiii 1990-2015
Spedizione: 6.00 EUR
Brand: --
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99.00 EUR
Biblioteca Storica Di Astra N.1
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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139.00 EUR
Libro Numerologia Edizione Speciale Da Collezione Alberto Ferrarini Nuovo Imball
Spedizione: 6.90 EUR
Brand: --
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40.00 EUR
Ruote Nel Deserto. Teatri Operativi, Mobilità E Logistica Del Regio Esercito
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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43.00 EUR
La Miniatura Senese 1270-1420.(a Cura Di Cristina De Benedictis).
Spedizione: 6.00 EUR
Brand: --