- Dennis Oliver -
23.74 EUR
Dennis Oliver Pakwagen Sdkfz 234/3 And 234/4: German Army, Waffen-ss And Luftwaffe Units - Western And Eastern Fronts, 1944-1945
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Dennis Oliver
9781399065047Categoria: Libri e riviste
Experience in the Polish and French campaigns had convinced the German high command of the value of fast-moving, armed reconnaissance vehicles. But it was realised that many of the early designs were too lightly-armed and development of a heavy eight-wheeled prototype resulted in the Sdkfz 234 series of armoured cars, the first of which entered service in late 1943. Built by the firm of Bussing-NAG, these sturdy and reliable vehicles were gradually up-armed and served in the infantry support role and eventually as tank killers, largely as the result of Hitler's desperation to arm as many vehicles as possible with anti-tank weapons. Drawing on official documentation and unit histories Dennis investigates the formations that operated these vehicles and uses archive photos and extensively researched colour illustrations to examine the markings, camouflage and technical aspects of the Sdkfz 234/2, 234/3 and 234/4 armoured cars that served on the Western and Eastern Fronts in the last months of the war. A key section of his book displays available model kits and aftermarket products, complemented by a gallery of beautifully constructed and painted models in various scales. Technical details as well as modifications introduced during production and in the field are also examined, providing everything the modeller needs to recreate an accurate representation of these historic vehicles.
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Dennis Oliver in Libri e riviste -30%2
- Riccardo Cucchi -
11.55 EUR 16.5 EUR
Riccardo Cucchi La Partita Del Secolo. Storia, Mito E Protagonisti Di Italia-germania 4-3
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Riccardo Cucchi
9788856676259Categoria: Libri e riviste
Trentacinque anni di calcio minuto per minuto (2018), finalista al Premio Bancarella Sport.\r\n\r\n17 giugno 1970. A Città del Messico va in scena la semifinale dei Mondiali di calcio fra Italia e Germania. Grandi e piccini sono incollati al televisore: battere lo squadrone tedesco è un'impresa possibile. Tutti gli italiani sognano la finale, nessuno si immagina che non sarà solo una partita, ma un'epopea leggendaria. Quattro a tre: Italia-Germania rimarrà per sempre la Partita del secolo, e poco importa se gli azzurri, stremati, perderanno la finale contro il Brasile. Cinquant'anni dopo, nel racconto di Riccardo Cucchi rivive uno dei momenti più alti nella storia dello sport italiano, insieme ai suoi protagonisti: \"Rombo di tuono\" Gigi Riva, reduce da uno scudetto irripetibile conquistato con l'amata maglia del Cagliari; Gianni Rivera, rimproverato per la fragilità difensiva e segnato dalla \"staffetta\" con l'altro numero 10 Sandro Mazzola, ma autore dell'indimenticabile rete della vittoria; capitan Facchetti, campione gentiluomo; la \"Roccia\" Tarcisio Burgnich; Boninsegna, goleador della classe operaia; le parate e le sfuriate di Ricky Albertosi. Ma anche i campioni tedeschi: il \"Kaiser\" Beckenbauer, maestro d'eleganza anche con un braccio fasciato lungo il busto; Gerd Müller, centravanti da record, follemente innamorato del gol; il difensore del Milan Schnellinger, che segnò – si dice per caso – l'1-1 al novantesimo. La partita del secolo tinge di azzurro i ricordi in bianco e nero e traccia il filo che unisce il calcio di una volta a quello moderno: le emozioni che solo il pallone può suscitare sono oggi le stesse di allora – come sa Cucchi, che da radiocronista, nel 2006, raccontò un'altra Italia-Germania passata alla storia.
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Riccardo Cucchi in Libri e riviste 3
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75.75 EUR
German With Ease. Con 4 Cd
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10.99 EUR
German Film. Volume 4: 1930-1939
- Otto Von Pivka -
16.24 EUR
Otto Von Pivka Napoleon's German Allies (4): Bavaria
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Otto Von Pivka
9780850453737Categoria: Libri e riviste
In 1805, Bavaria allied itself with France and Bavarian troops served with Napoleon during the 1809 campaign against Austria, and participated in the Russian campaign of 1812, before eventually abandoning the Emperor's cause in 1813 prior to the battle of Leipzig. They then engaged Napoleon's troops in combat at the battle of Hanua in an unsuccessful attempt to cut off their retreat to France. This book by Otto von Pivka provides an in depth examination of the organisation, equipment, weaponry and uniforms of Napoleon's Bavarian allies. The fascinating text is accompanied by numerous illustrations and eight full page colour plates.
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Otto Von Pivka in Libri e riviste -15%6
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18.7 EUR 22 EUR
Ambiente In Europa. Economia Verde: Italia-germania è Sempre 4 A 3?
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
9788866271116Categoria: Libri e riviste
\"Ambiente in Europa\" è diviso in due parti. Nella prima vengono individuate le ragioni storiche e culturali che hanno portato alla (quasi) totale sparizione dei Verdi dal panorama politico italiano, in un momento in cui in Europa le formazioni ecologiste riescono spesso a raggiungere percentuali elettorali a doppia cifra. La risposta alla domanda \"perché in Italia i Verdi no\" è molteplice, e lascia comunque spazio a un certo ottimismo visto che, come si legge in uno dei contributi ospitati nel volume, \"la crisi economica conferma che l'ambientalismo ha ragione\". La seconda parte si concentra sulla conversione ecologica dell'economia italiana, un processo che sta avvenendo nonostante l'indifferenza (o peggio, l'ostilità) della politica. Il nostro paese ha infatti \"un'economia che consuma meno risorse, meno energia, e ha meno emissioni di CO2\" rispetto alla Germania, tradizionalmente considerata il campione delle politiche ambientali. Tuttavia, l'Italia centra questo risultato sorprendente in modo quasi inconsapevole, prigioniera com'è di una classe politica che in larghissima parte è rimasta culturalmente ferma a metà del Novecento. \"Ambiente in Europa\" indica quindi i percorsi possibili per collocare il nostro paese sulla strada di un futuro promettente, a dispetto di un declino dato troppo spesso per scontato.
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in Libri e riviste 7
- Steven J. Zaloga -
14.99 EUR
Steven J. Zaloga German Guided Missiles Of World War Ii: Fritz-x To Wasserfall And X4
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Steven J. Zaloga
9781472831798Categoria: Libri e riviste
Although not as well-known as the V-1 buzz bomb and the V-2 missile, the first German missiles to see combat were anti-ship missiles, the Henschel Hs.293 guided missile and the Fritz-X guided bomb. These began to see extensive combat in the Mediterranean in 1943. In their most famous use, the Italian battleship Roma was sunk by a Fritz-X attack in September 1943 when Italy attempted to switch sides. The serious threat posed by these missiles led to a vigorous but little known 'Wizard War' by the Allies to develop electronic counter-measures, the first effort of its kind. \n \n Besides the anti-ship missiles, the other major category of German missiles were the air-defence missiles. Germany suffered extremely heavy losses from Allied strategic bombing attacks, and German fighter and flak defences proved increasingly unsuccessful. As a result, the Luftwaffe began an extensive programme to deploy several families of new air defence missiles to counter the bomber threat, including the Wasserfall, Schmetterling, and others. This book traces the origins of these missile programmes and examines their development and use in combat. With full-colour illustrations and detailed explorations of the stories behind the missiles, this study offers a comprehensive overview of German guided missiles in the World War II era.
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Steven J. Zaloga in Libri e riviste 8
- Thomas M. Johnson -
46.24 EUR
Thomas M. Johnson German Daggers Of World War Ii: A Photographic Record: Vol 4: Recently Surfaced Rare And Unusual Dress Daggers - Hermann Göring - Bejeweled Dress Daggers - Reproductions - Solingen Update
Brand: Thomas M. Johnson
9780764322068Categoria: Libri e riviste
This four volume set by Thomas M. Johnson, a leading collector and authoritative researcher, has been compiled to serve as a useful and authoritative reference on the daggers of Nazi Germany, and have been designed to aid not only the beginning collector, but also the seasoned advanced collector and specialist. These volumes are the result of many years of arduous research conducted on both sides of the Atlantic, and are a scholarly study that is more than a perfunctory annotation and illustration of the known basic patterns. Also, the series is a study of a culture and the crafts that actually produced the blades, as well as being a manual in the art of collecting them. Within these books one will see coverage of the historical background; the manufacturing techniques; constructional; actual basic patterns; variations and rarities; the art of collecting, and a whole host of other salient facts of absorbing interest.
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Thomas M. Johnson in Libri e riviste 9
- Michael Baigent;richard Leigh -
13.89 EUR
Michael Baigent;richard Leigh I Segreti Della Germania Nazista
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Michael Baigent;richard Leigh
9788882894795Categoria: Libri e riviste
Nella primavera del 1943 la seconda guerra mondiale si avviava verso il quarto anno. Sarebbe durata ancora per altri due e dovevano ancora avere luogo gli scontri più aspri e sanguinosi. Ciononostante sui tre fronti più importanti gli Alleati avevano costretto l'Asse sulla difensiva. Il 4 febbraio diventa ufficiale di Stato Maggiore, per il comando delle operazioni della 10.ma divisione panzer, il trentaseienne Claus Philipp Maria Schenk, conte von Stauffenberg. Su questo personaggio e sul suo tentativo di presa di potere verte l'indagine degli autori.
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Michael Baigent;richard Leigh in Libri e riviste 10
- Jonathan Trigg -
13.74 EUR
Jonathan Trigg To Ve-day Through German Eyes: The Final Defeat Of Nazi Germany
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Jonathan Trigg
9781398112360Categoria: Libri e riviste
‘If Germany stays united and marches to the rhythm of its revolutionary socialist outlook, it will be unbeatable. Our indestructible will to life, and the driving force of the Führer’s personality guarantee this.’ (Joseph Goebbels, 4 June 1943.) It wasn’t and it didn’t.\n\nAfter the collapse of the German Army in the West in August 1944, the western Allies raced towards the borders of the Reich itself, and in the East the victorious Red Army was doing the same – everyone believed the war would be over by Christmas. But it wasn’t. Somehow, Nazi Germany managed to stave off final defeat until May the following year. In the end the agony was brought to a close with the hammer and sickle flying over the ruins of Berlin. The much-vaunted ‘Thousand Year Reich’ had lasted just a dozen years, but in that time it had wrought havoc across the globe. With defeat came the wholesale surrender of the once-proud Wehrmacht; hosts of men suddenly found themselves miles from home in territories ravaged by war. Amongst their ranks were thousands of non-Germans from all over Europe, men – mostly ex-Waffen-SS – who had thrown in their lot with the Germans; they were now ‘collaborators’ and ‘traitors’ and would return home to face the justice of the victors.\n\nMost histories focus on the fate of Adolf Hitler and German High Command on the road to the bunker beneath the rubble of Berlin, but on the German side in particular, as defeat loomed this was a battle that would be fought by junior officers and other ranks as the Wehrmacht fell apart. Following on from his successful D-Day Through German Eyes: How the Wehrmacht Lost France, Jonathan Trigg seeks with this second volume to tell the story of Nazi Germany’s final defeat through the voices of the men – and women – who witnessed it first-hand. This narrative is written from the ‘other side’ and told as much as possible through the words of the combatants and civilian witnesses.
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Jonathan Trigg in Libri e riviste -15%11
- Petra Reski -
14.45 EUR 17 EUR
Petra Reski Sulla Strada Per Corleone. Storie Di Mafia Tra Italia E Germania
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Petra Reski
9788866270058Categoria: Libri e riviste
\"Avevo vent'anni quando mi infilai in una vecchia Renault 4 e andai da Kamen a Corleone. Solo perché mi ero letta Il Padrino\". Così ha inizio il racconto di Petra Reski, affermata giornalista e scrittrice tedesca. Uno spensierato Grand Tour contemporaneo, che è soprattutto l'esordio di un innamoramento senza fine, quello per il Sud Italia. Replicato oggi, il viaggio ha però tutt'altro sapore: su quei 2.448 chilometri pesa la consapevolezza di una capillare interferenza della mafia nell'economia italiana ed europea, e non c'è più traccia della spensieratezza e dell'entusiasmo di ieri. Una lunga discesa, dalle fitte ramificazioni alla base della struttura mafiosa, un reportage scandito dalle tappe della conoscenza, come in una lunga via crucis anti-redentiva: incontrando magistrati e imprenditori coraggiosi, preti più o meno redenti, e poi uomini e donne collusi o pentiti. \"Perché certi viaggi vanno fatti due volte\". Anche se per trovare traccia della mafia non c'è più bisogno di andare fino in Sicilia. Le filiali della criminalità organizzata prolificano da anni sul territorio tedesco, come ampiamente dimostrato dal massacro di Duisburg e senza che sia stata adottata a oggi un'efficace azione di contrasto giudiziario. Fare affari senza uccidere, è questo il diktat delle mafie italiane in trasferta: traffico di stupefacenti e armi, smaltimento di rifiuti di ogni genere, riciclaggio dei proventi illeciti e contrabbando di merci contraffatte, per non parlare della compravendita dei voti.
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Petra Reski in Libri e riviste 12
- Charles Lachman -
38.74 EUR
Charles Lachman Codename Nemo: How Nine Sailors Seized A Nazi U-boat, Stole Its Secret Codes, And Doomed The German Navy
Brand: Charles Lachman
9781635768718Categoria: Libri e riviste
The white-knuckled saga of a maverick captain, nine courageous sailors, and a US Navy task force who achieved the impossible on June 4, 1944--capturing Nazi submarine U-505, its crew, technology, encryption codes, and an Enigma cipher machine. \n\nTwo days before D-Day--the course of World War II was forever changed. The hunters of the Atlantic Ocean had become the hunted, and US antisubmarine Task Group 22.3 seized a Nazi U-boat, its crew, and all its secrets. Led by a nine-man boarding party and Captain Daniel Gallery, \"Operation Nemo\" was the first seizure of an enemy warship in battle since the War of 1812, a victory that shortened the duration of the war. But at any moment, the mission could have ended in disaster. \n\n\nCharles Lachman tells this thrilling cat-and-mouse game through the eyes of the men on both sides of Operation Nemo--German U-boaters and American heroes like Lieutenant Albert David (\"Mustang\"), who led the boarding party that took control of U-505 and became the only sailor to be awarded the Medal of Honor in the Battle of the Atlantic. Three thousand American sailors participated in this extraordinary adventure; nine ordinary American men channeling extraordinary skill and bravery finished the job; and then--like everyone involved--breathed not a word of it until the war was over. In Berlin, the German Kriegsmarine assumed that U-505 had been blown to bits by depth charges, with all hands lost at sea. They were unaware that the U-boat, its Enigma machine, and its Nazi coded messages were now in American hands. They were also unaware that the 59 German sailors captured on the high seas were imprisoned in a POW camp in Ruston, Louisiana, until their release in 1946.\n\n\n\nA deeply researched, fast-paced World War II narrative for the ages, Charles Lachman's Codename Nemo traces every step of this historic pursuit on the deadly seas.
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Charles Lachman in Libri e riviste 13
- David Doyle -
28.74 EUR
David Doyle German Heavy Armored Cars: Sd.kfz. 231, 232, 233, 263, And 234 In World War Ii
Brand: David Doyle
9780764366499Categoria: Libri e riviste
During WWII, Germany fielded a variety of six- and eight-wheeled armored cars, which were used in numerous ways, including reconnaissance, antitank, infantry support, and other roles. The earliest of these vehicles, the 6-Rad, or six-wheeled vehicles, were based on 6 × 4 truck chassis. Once the limitations of this design became evident, later models utilized specially designed all-wheel-drive power trains, with the final model, the 234 series, incorporating a unibody design. Similarly, armament evolved from 7.92 mm machine gun to 75 mm PaK 40 cannon and 7. 5 cm StuK40 howitzers. Based on the author’s earlier work, through over 250 photographs this volume explores 12 major types of these vehicles and delves into the subtle changes made during production.
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David Doyle in Libri e riviste 14
- Jonathan Trigg -
25 EUR
Jonathan Trigg The Battle Of Stalingrad Through German Eyes: The Death Of The Sixth Army
Brand: Jonathan Trigg
9781398110717Categoria: Libri e riviste
Five months, one week and three days of hell. The German offensive to capture Stalingrad began in August 1942, using Friedrich Paulus's 6th Army and elements of the 4th Panzer Army. The attack was supported by intense bombing that reduced much of the city to rubble. The battle degenerated into house-to-house fighting, as both sides fought for the city on the Volga. By mid-November, the Germans were on the brink of victory as the Soviet defenders clung on to a final few slivers of land along the west bank of the river.\n\nThen, on 19 November, the Red Army launched Operation Uranus, targeting the weaker Romanian armies protecting the 6th Army's flanks. The ill-equipped Romanians were overrun and the 6th Army was cut off and surrounded. Hitler was determined to hold the city - the symbolic namesake of the Soviet leader - and forbade the 6th Army from attempting a breakout, insisting they be supplied by air instead; in February 1943, without food or ammunition, some 91,000 starving, lice-ridden Germans surrendered. The losses on both sides were eye-watering - the Soviets alone suffered something approaching half a million dead and more than 650,000 sick or wounded - and in his unique style author Jonathan Trigg reveals the human agony behind such statistics through the words of the Germans who were there.\n\nWas it all over after the surrender? Of course not. Death marches did for many: Landser Josef Farber remembered: 'We set out with 1,200 men ... about 120 were alive when we reached the camp.' This was war at its rawest - this was Stalingrad.
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Jonathan Trigg in Libri e riviste 15
- Gregg Adams -
19.99 EUR
Gregg Adams Us Marine Vs German Soldier: Belleau Wood 1918
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Gregg Adams
9781472825599Categoria: Libri e riviste
After the US declaration of war on Germany, hundreds of thousands of American troops flooded into France and were thrust into the front line. Among them was the US Marine Corps' 4th Marine Brigade whose first major action was the battle of Belleau Wood in June 1918, fighting elements of Germany's 10th, 28th, and 237th Infantry divisions. Volunteers to a man, the newly arrived Marines faced experienced but war-weary German conscripts whose doctrine had been honed by nearly four years of conflict on the Western Front. During the fighting, the Germans are alleged to have given the nickname \"Devil Dogs\" to the Marines, and Belleau Wood has become enshrined in the Corps' heritage. \n \n Employing first-hand accounts and specially commissioned artwork, this book investigates three different actions that shaped the course of the bitter battle for Belleau Wood, revealing the interplay of doctrine, tactics, technology, leadership, and human endeavour on the brutal battlefields of World War I.
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Gregg Adams in Libri e riviste 16
- Jonathan Trigg -
18 EUR
Jonathan Trigg The Battle Of Stalingrad Through German Eyes: The Death Of The Sixth Army
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Jonathan Trigg
9781398119635Categoria: Libri e riviste
Five months, one week and three days of hell. The German offensive to capture Stalingrad began in August 1942, using Friedrich Paulus’s 6th Army and elements of the 4th Panzer Army. The attack was supported by intense bombing that reduced much of the city to rubble. The battle degenerated into house-to-house fighting, as both sides fought for the city on the Volga. By mid-November, the Germans were on the brink of victory as the Soviet defenders clung on to a final few slivers of land along the west bank of the river.\n\nThen, on 19 November, the Red Army launched Operation Uranus, targeting the weaker Romanian armies protecting the 6th Army’s flanks. The ill-equipped Romanians were overrun and the 6th Army was cut off and surrounded. Hitler was determined to hold the city – the symbolic namesake of the Soviet leader – and forbade the 6th Army from attempting a breakout, insisting they be supplied by air instead; in February 1943, without food or ammunition, some 91,000 starving, lice-ridden Germans surrendered. The losses on both sides were eye-watering – the Soviets alone suffered something approaching half a million dead and more than 650,000 sick or wounded – and in his unique style author Jonathan Trigg reveals the human agony behind such statistics through the words of the Germans who were there.\n\nWas it all over after the surrender? Of course not. Death marches did for many: Landser Josef Farber remembered: ‘We set out with 1,200 men … about 120 were alive when we reached the camp.’ This was war at its rawest – this was Stalingrad.
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Jonathan Trigg in Libri e riviste 17
- Jaap Jan Brouwer -
31.25 EUR
Jaap Jan Brouwer The German Way Of War On The Eastern Front, 1941-1943: A Lesson In Tactical Management
Brand: Jaap Jan Brouwer
9781399032940Categoria: Libri e riviste
On 22 June 1941, at 0410hrs, Operation Barbarossa began. More than 3 million German soldiers crossed the border with the Soviet Union and moved east, where 4.7 million Soviet soldiers were waiting for them. Hitler expected his troops would be on the Volga before the end of the year and that important cities such as Moscow and Leningrad would have been captured. But the reality was very different; the Germans made impressive territorial gains, but their offensive eventually came to a halt at Stalingrad in December 1942, which proved to be a turning point in the war.\n\nThis titanic battle is illustrated here using eyewitness accounts from generals, soldiers and civilians. Attention is not only paid to the course of the battle, but also to the tactics and organizational dimensions of the armies involved, the challenges of the vastness of the country, the dilemmas for people in the conquered areas, and the way the Germans tried to conquer their hearts while at the same time fighting a fierce guerrilla war. The role of the Reichsbahn in the field of logistics is also examined, as is the importance of the innovation and production capacity of both armies.
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Jaap Jan Brouwer in Libri e riviste -15%18
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20.4 EUR 24 EUR
Berlino. Potsdam, Dresda, Lipsia E Le Città D'arte Della Germania Orientale
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
9788836516117Categoria: Libri e riviste
La guida è dedicata a Berlino, città-stato capitale, e ai Lander orientali della Germania. Le introduzioni di geografia, storia e arte avvicinano il lettore alle terre di Goethe, Bach e Schelling. La visita, in 4 capitoli, ne illustra bellezze e particolarità. Dei 13 itinerari proposti, 10 sono dedicati a Berlino, città in cui alle grandi testimonianze del passato si affiancano incredibili strutture moderne. Chiude il volume una esaustiva sezione di informazioni, con suggerimenti, indirizzi e consigli utili al viaggio.
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in Libri e riviste 19
- Luc Braeuer -
51.24 EUR
Luc Braeuer The German U-boat Base At Lorient, France, Vol.1: June 1940-june 1941
Brand: Luc Braeuer
9780764348303Categoria: Libri e riviste
The illustrated story of the U-boats and their crews in the port of Lorient, the most important U-boat base of World War II, from June 1940 to June 1941.\n\n \n\n This first volume (of a 4-volume series) on the German U-boats at Lorient, France, covers the period from June 1940 to June 1941, and reveals the evacuation of the port by the French navy and the subsequent takeover by the Kriegsmarine.\n\n \n\n Illustrated with over 600 photographs, it details the installation of the German navy at Lorient and the first year of the presence of the U-Boot arm in this port, as well as the major stages in the Battle of the Atlantic in which they participated. The U-boats that were docked at Lorient are presented in tabular form by type, flotilla, commander, as well as the date of commissioning. \n\n \n\n This book also allows the reader to experience the life of the crews ashore following the return of their boats, and the British naval and aerial actions against the port of Lorient.
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Luc Braeuer in Libri e riviste -15%20
- Germana Bruno -
12.66 EUR 14.9 EUR
Germana Bruno Una Parata Buffa, Stramba E Colorata
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Germana Bruno
9788832119237Categoria: Libri e riviste
In questa Parata buffa, stramba e colorata, che è metafora della vita, come in un'orchestra ognuno suona il suo strumento unico e diverso che, unito agli altri, può produrre la più soave delle melodie. Età di lettura: da 4 anni.
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Germana Bruno in Libri e riviste 21
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13.8 EUR
La Chiesa E La Sua Storia. Vol. 4: La Via Dei Barbari, Dal 600 Al 900.
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
9788831527873Categoria: Libri e riviste
Questo quarto volume prende in considerazione l'entrata in scena di quei popoli che vivevano da tempo fuori dai confini dell'impero romano: germani, slavi, turchi, ecc. Si tratta di intere popolazioni che si spostano e il loro modo di intendere la vita si fonderà con quello degli antichi abitanti dell'Occidente, come è il caso dei longobardi che dal nord passano le alpi e si fermano in Italia. Tra le grandi figure di questo periodo troviamo: Gregorio Magno, papa dal 590 al 604; san Colombano, il più famoso monaco irlandese; san Giovanni Damasceno, che dà un contributo decisivo nella controversia sulle immagini sacre. Particolare importanza è data ovviamente all'imperatore Carlo Magno e al rinascimento carolingio con la nascita delle cosiddette scuole parrocchiali. Non vengono tralasciate nemmeno le popolazioni arabe e l'islam.
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in Libri e riviste 22
- Harry Raffal -
36.24 EUR
Harry Raffal Air Power And The Evacuation Of Dunkirk: The Raf And Luftwaffe During Operation Dynamo, 26 May – 4 June 1940
Brand: Harry Raffal
9781350229983Categoria: Libri e riviste
The evacuation of Dunkirk has been immortalised in books, prints and films, narrated as a story of an outnumbered, inexperienced RAF defeating the battle-hardened Luftwaffe and protecting the evacuation. This book revives the historiography by analysing the air operations during the evacuation. Raffal draws from German and English sources, many for the first time in the context of Operation DYNAMO, to argue that both sides suffered a defeat over Dunkirk. .\nThis work examines the resources and tactics of both sides during DYNAMO and challenges the traditional view that the Luftwaffe held the advantage. The success that the Luftwaffe achieved during DYNAMO, including halting daylight evacuations on 1 June, is evaluated and the supporting role of RAF Bomber and Coastal Command is explored in detail for the first time. Concluding that the RAF was not responsible for the Luftwaffe’s failure to prevent the evacuation, Raffal demonstrates that the reasons \n lay elsewhere.
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Harry Raffal in Libri e riviste -15%23
- Riccardo Mandelli -
13.6 EUR 16 EUR
Riccardo Mandelli I Fantastici 4 Vs Lenin. Una Missione Della Massoneria Italiana Nella Russia Del 1917
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Riccardo Mandelli
9788862883733Categoria: Libri e riviste
Nel marzo 1917 scoppia la Rivoluzione russa e lo zar è costretto ad abdicare. Gli alleati della Russia - inglesi, francesi e italiani - interpretano la rivoluzione come un'occasione per intensificare la guerra \"democratica\" contro Germania e Austria. I governi alleati inviano in Russia socialisti che hanno sposato la causa della guerra, con la speranza di stimolare gli istinti bellici degli alleati pericolanti. Per l'Italia partono in quattro, appartenenti alla massoneria del Grande Oriente, vera artefice dell'intervento nel conflitto del paese: Arturo Labriola, professore universitario di economia politica; Orazio Raimondo, avvocato di Sanremo; Innocenzo Cappa, giornalista repubblicano; Giovanni Lerda, ex libraio, sovversivo non privo di conoscenze internazionali. Durante la loro permanenza a Pietrogrado, l'atmosfera magica delle \"notti bianche\" fa sembrare tutto possibile. Si percepisce un «senso di giustizia quasi religioso». Una nuova era di pace si spalanca di fronte all'umanità. Ma i quattro sono rappresentanti di un movimento che dalla violenza spera di ottenere obiettivi quali la cancellazione delle ultime tracce di imperi fondati su investiture divine. Un nuovo ordine mondiale deve essere instaurato. Non si fanno commuovere. Tutto sembra loro «bontà prolissa», «una divina poesia seccante».
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Riccardo Mandelli in Libri e riviste 24
- Harry Raffal -
118.75 EUR
Harry Raffal Air Power And The Evacuation Of Dunkirk: The Raf And Luftwaffe During Operation Dynamo, 26 May – 4 June 1940
Brand: Harry Raffal
9781350180499Categoria: Libri e riviste
The evacuation of Dunkirk has been immortalised in books, prints and films, narrated as a story of an outnumbered, inexperienced RAF defeating the battle-hardened Luftwaffe and protecting the evacuation. This book revives the historiography by analysing the air operations during the evacuation. Raffal draws from German and English sources, many for the first time in the context of Operation DYNAMO, to argue that both sides suffered a defeat over Dunkirk. .\nThis work examines the resources and tactics of both sides during DYNAMO and challenges the traditional view that the Luftwaffe held the advantage. The success that the Luftwaffe achieved during DYNAMO, including halting daylight evacuations on 1 June, is evaluated and the supporting role of RAF Bomber and Coastal Command is explored in detail for the first time. Concluding that the RAF was not responsible for the Luftwaffe’s failure to prevent the evacuation, Raffal demonstrates that the reasons \n lay elsewhere.
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Harry Raffal in Libri e riviste 25
- Lindsey Davis -
12.49 EUR
Lindsey Davis The Iron Hand Of Mars: (falco 4)
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Lindsey Davis
9780099515081Categoria: Libri e riviste
'I've always wanted to see something of the Empire outside Rome.'\n\nAD 71. Germania Libera: dark dripping forests inhabited by bloodthirsty barbarians and legendary wild beasts, a furious prophetess who terrorises Rome, and the ghostly spirits of slaughtered Roman legionaries. \n\nEnter Falco, an Imperial agent on a special mission: to find the absconding commander of a legion whose loyalty is suspect. Easier said than done, thinks Falco, as he makes his uneasy way down the Rhenus, trying to forget that back in sunny Rome his girlfriend Helena Justina is being hotly pursued by Titus Caesar. His mood is not improved when he discovers his only allies are a woefully inadequate bunch of recruits, their embittered centurion, a rogue dog, and its innocent young master; just the right kind of support for an agent unwillingly trying to tame the Celtic hordes.
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Lindsey Davis in Libri e riviste -15%26
- Piero Lancia -
13.6 EUR 16 EUR
Piero Lancia 2 Cuori 4 Pedali. Viaggi (poco) Romantici Attraverso L'europa
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Piero Lancia
9788898981458Categoria: Libri e riviste
Piero e Giuliana, compagni nella vita e nei viaggi in bicicletta attraverso l'Europa, in questo libro descrivono a due voci, con ironia e sagacia, le loro esperienze ciclistiche dalla Svizzera alla Francia, dalla Germania alla Repubblica Ceca, sfidando il vento, la fatica e la sorte talvolta avversa. Lui è meticoloso, progetta il viaggio in modo scientifico, cerca il silenzio delle montagne, l'eco della storia dei luoghi e salite da grimpeur per mettersi alla prova. Lei si lascia guidare lungo l'itinerario, ma sbuffa quando le salite diventano troppo dure, ricerca ostinatamente momenti di pausa da poter dedicare a se stessa e vorrebbe pedalare solo attraverso prati sconfinati verso un orizzonte marino in cui potersi tuffare. Insieme, tra un battibecco coniugale e una tavoletta di cioccolato divisa tra loro fino all'ultima briciola, viaggiano alla scoperta di Paesi e popoli diversi. E ci restituiscono, senza filtri, da due punti di vista differenti e qualche volta opposti, il colore e il sapore dei luoghi attraversati: sono 2 cuori che spingono su 4 pedali lungo le strade d'Europa.
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Piero Lancia in Libri e riviste 27
- Harold Pinter -
23.74 EUR
Harold Pinter : Plays 4: Betrayal; Monologue; One For The Road; Mountain Language; Family Voices; A Kind Of Alaska; Victoria Station; Precisely; The New World Order; Party Time; Moonlight: Ashes T...
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Harold Pinter
9780571288403Categoria: Libri e riviste
This revised third volume of Harold Pinter's work includes The Homecoming, Old Times, No Man's Land, four shorter plays, six revue sketches and a short story. It also contains the speech given by Pinter in 1970 on being awarded the German Shakespeare Prize.\n\n The Homecoming\n 'Of all Harold Pinter's major plays, The Homecoming has the most powerful narrative line... You are fascinated, lured on, sucked into the vortex.' Sunday Telegraph\n\n 'The most intense expression of compressed violence to be found anywhere in Pinter's plays.' The Times\n\n Old Times\n 'A rare quality of high tension is evident, revealing in Old Times a beautifully controlled and expressive formality that has seldom been achieved since the plays of Racine.' Financial Times\n\n 'Harold Pinter's poetic, Proustian Old Times has the inscrutability of a mysterious picture, and the tension of a good thriller.' Independent\n\n No Man's Land\n 'The work of our best living playwright in its command of the language and its power to erect a coherent structure in a twilight zone of confusion and dismay.' The Times
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Harold Pinter in Libri e riviste 28
- -- -
42.00 EUR
Viaggio In Italia. Ediz. Illustrata. Con Fascicolo - Ghirri L. (cur.); Leo...
Spedizione: 5.59 EUR
Brand: --
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30.99 EUR
L'amica Geniale Tre Volumi N.2,3 E 4- Elena Ferrante
Spedizione: 4.99 EUR
Brand: --
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40.00 EUR
Ruote Nel Deserto. Teatri Operativi, Mobilità E Logistica Del Regio Esercito
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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90.00 EUR
Grimorio Di Magia Pratica Hoodoo Esoterismo Incantesimi Raro Per Collezionisti
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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49.90 EUR
Giandante X - L'altro '900 - Storia Di Una Collezione - Edizione Limitata - 2024
Spedizione: 9.00 EUR
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38.00 EUR
Warhammer 40.000: Galassia In Fiamme -libro 3, Saga L'eresia Di Horus- Hardcover
Spedizione: 7.00 EUR
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38.50 EUR
Libro De Architectura - Marco Vitruvio Pollione
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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63.99 EUR
Conosci L'unica Verità Copertina Flessibile – 22 Agosto 2023
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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40.00 EUR
Libro Il Libro Rosso. Liber Novus - Carl Gustav Jung
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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69.90 EUR
Colonie D’italia – Somalia, Libia, Eritrea, Etiopia, Dodecaneso
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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36.90 EUR
Arduino Programmazione Facile Microprocessori Automazione Libro 4 Programmare
Spedizione: 5.99 EUR
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80.00 EUR
Damien Hirst. Treasures From The Wreck Of The Unbelievable. Ediz. Inglese ...
Spedizione: 5.59 EUR
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101.56 EUR
La Ventilazione Lgzs80550q Griglia Di Ventilazione Rettangolare In Legno Quer...
Spedizione: 19.99 EUR
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87.66 EUR
500x500mm Nera Griglia D'aria Con Rete Anti Insetti - Griglie D'aerazione/ven...
Spedizione: 19.99 EUR
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108.05 EUR
Castle Art Supplies 100 Pezzi Disegno E Bozzetto | Matite E Bastoncini Grafit...
Spedizione: 19.99 EUR
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32.99 EUR
Stop Loss: Basta Perdere . Magdy Hassan Fayed
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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45.60 EUR
Treni Internazionali In Italia 2010-2023 - [artestampa Edizioni]
Spedizione: 5.00 EUR
Brand: --
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99.00 EUR
Biblioteca Storica Di Astra N.1
Spedizione: 4.90 EUR
Brand: --
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85.99 EUR
La Metodologia Di Hahnemann. Testo Di Omeopatia Classica
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --