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45.6 EUR 48 EUR
Uzbekistan: Avant-garde In The Desert. Ediz. A Colori
9788892825574Categoria: Libri e riviste
Due sedi, un progetto unitario, un catalogo unico. Attraverso i due appuntamenti \"La luce e il colore\" (Firenze, Palazzo Pitti, Andito degli Angiolini, 16 aprile - 30 giugno 2024) e \"La forma e il simbolo\" (Venezia, Ca' Foscari Esposizioni, 17 aprile - 29 settembre 2024), promossi e sostenuti dalla Fondazione per lo Sviluppo dell'Arte e della Cultura dell'Uzbekistan (ACDF), per la prima volta in Europa si presenta l'affascinante sviluppo della pittura in Uzbekistan dalla fine del XIX secolo, quando si avvia in Centro-Asia un'esperienza di pittura da cavalletto, a dopo la metà degli anni '30, il momento che segna l'avvento dei dettami del Realismo Socialista. In poco più di vent'anni si compie una straordinaria e feconda interazione tra le tendenze artistiche più aggiornate dell'avanguardia europea, filtrate dal milieu artistico e culturale russo, con la cultura artistica islamica, che da secoli dominava l'Asia centrale, e con la lunga tradizione uzbeka dell'ornamentalismo, che connotava l'arte, l'architettura e le arti applicate di quelle terre. Dopo la Rivoluzione d'Ottobre il Commissariato del Popolo per l'istruzione invia in Uzbekistan una cinquantina di opere dell'Avanguardia storica; dalla fine degli anni '50 Igor' Savickij raccoglierà a Nukus una enorme quantità di reperti archeologici, manufatti di artigianato e arte popolare, opere e fogli di grafica di artisti uzbeki e sovietici, dando vita alle straordinarie raccolte del museo che oggi porta il suo nome. L'esito di questa commistione sono le straordinarie raccolte dei musei di stato uzbeki di Nukus e Tashkent, di cui viene presentata un'accurata selezione, esposta e pubblicata per la prima volta in Europa. Il catalogo, curato da Giuseppe Barbieri e Silvia Burini, professori dell'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia e direttori del Centro Studi sull'Arte Russa, affronta, attraverso una serie di saggi, la contestualizzazione storica e culturale di questa fittissima fase, illustrandola con le 175 opere in mostra. Edizione inglese. Traduzioni di Irene Inserra, Marcella Mancini, Barbara Venturi per Scriptum, Roma.
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in Libri e riviste 2
- Electa -
48 EUR
Uzbekistan: Avant-garde In The Desert - Burini Silvia; Barbieri Giuseppe - Electa
Spedizione: 2.5 EUR
Brand: Electa
9788892825574Categoria: Libri e riviste
Uzbekistan: Avant-Garde In The Desert - Burini Silvia; Barbieri Giuseppe - Electa
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Electa in Libri e riviste 3
- Polaris -
27 EUR
Uzbekistan - Benelli Prisca; Deola Claudio - Polaris
- Electa -
48 EUR
Uzbekistan. L'avanguardia Nel Deserto - Burini S. (curatore); Barbieri G. (curatore) - Electa
Spedizione: 2.5 EUR
Brand: Electa
9788892825567Categoria: Libri e riviste
Uzbekistan. L'Avanguardia Nel Deserto - Burini S. (Curatore); Barbieri G. (Curatore) - Electa
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Electa in Libri e riviste -5%5
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45.6 EUR 48 EUR
Uzbekistan: L'avanguardia Nel Deserto. Ediz. A Colori
9788892825567Categoria: Libri e riviste
Due sedi, un progetto unitario, un catalogo unico. Attraverso i due appuntamenti \"La luce e il colore\" (Firenze, Palazzo Pitti, Andito degli Angiolini, 16 aprile - 30 giugno 2024) e \"La forma e il simbolo\" (Venezia, Ca' Foscari Esposizioni, 17 aprile - 29 settembre 2024), promossi e sostenuti dalla Fondazione per lo Sviluppo dell'Arte e della Cultura dell'Uzbekistan (ACDF), per la prima volta in Europa si presenta l'affascinante sviluppo della pittura in Uzbekistan dalla fine del XIX secolo, quando si avvia in Centro-Asia un'esperienza di pittura da cavalletto, a dopo la metà degli anni '30, il momento che segna l'avvento dei dettami del Realismo Socialista. In poco più di vent'anni si compie una straordinaria e feconda interazione tra le tendenze artistiche più aggiornate dell'avanguardia europea, filtrate dal milieu artistico e culturale russo, con la cultura artistica islamica, che da secoli dominava l'Asia centrale, e con la lunga tradizione uzbeka dell'ornamentalismo, che connotava l'arte, l'architettura e le arti applicate di quelle terre. Dopo la Rivoluzione d'Ottobre il Commissariato del Popolo per l'istruzione invia in Uzbekistan una cinquantina di opere dell'Avanguardia storica; dalla fine degli anni '50 Igor' Savickij raccoglierà a Nukus una enorme quantità di reperti archeologici, manufatti di artigianato e arte popolare, opere e fogli di grafica di artisti uzbeki e sovietici, dando vita alle straordinarie raccolte del museo che oggi porta il suo nome. L'esito di questa commistione sono le straordinarie raccolte dei musei di Stato uzbeki di Nukus e Tashkent, di cui viene presentata un'accurata selezione, esposta e pubblicata per la prima volta in Europa. Il catalogo, curato da Giuseppe Barbieri e Silvia Burini, professori dell'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia e direttori del Centro Studi sull'Arte Russa, affronta, attraverso una serie di saggi, la contestualizzazione storica e culturale di questa fittissima fase, illustrandola con le 175 opere in mostra.
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in Libri e riviste 6
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140.39 EUR
Ethnobiology Of Uzbekistan
- Vittorio Russo -
17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Vittorio Russo L' Uzbekistan Di Alessandro Magno
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Vittorio Russo
9788899918712Categoria: Libri e riviste
Questo è il racconto di un viaggio narrato con sapienza verbale, dove si susseguono pagine di scintillante umorismo e indimenticabili passi di scrittura lirica. Un'avventura nel cuore dell'Asia con gli occhi fissi a inseguire le tracce di Alessandro Magno senza mai smettere però di osservare la realtà dell'Uzbekistan, Paese dalla storia bimillenaria colpevolmente trascurata in Occidente. Prefazione di Franco Cardini.
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Vittorio Russo in Libri e riviste 8
- Alex Ulko -
12.49 EUR
Alex Ulko Uzbekistan - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide To Customs & Culture
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Alex Ulko
9781857338522Categoria: Libri e riviste
Culture Smart guides help travellers have a more meaningful and successful time abroad through a better understanding of the local culture. Chapters on values, attitudes, customs, and daily life will help you make the most of your visit, while tips on etiquette and communication will help you navigate unfamiliar situations and avoid faux pas.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Alex Ulko in Libri e riviste 9
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159.11 EUR
The Geography Of Uzbekistan
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34.1 EUR
Islam In Post-soviet Uzbekistan
- Tim Burford;sophie Ibbotson -
22.49 EUR
Tim Burford;sophie Ibbotson Uzbekistan
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Tim Burford;sophie Ibbotson
9781784771089Categoria: Libri e riviste
Written and updated by expert authors who have extensive experience of living and working in Central Asia, this new, fully updated third edition of Bradt's Uzbekistan remains the definitive and only standalone practical travel guide to this increasingly liberal destination - central Asia's most populous country and the heart of the Silk Road. Offering more detail for independent travellers than any other guidebook, it includes first-hand descriptions of everything from UNESCO world heritage sites and the world's best collection of Russian avant-garde art, to riding across deserts by camel and cooking plov.\nThe quintessential Silk Route destination, Uzbekistan is opening up to tourism, easing visa regulations, encouraging family-owned guesthouses, building new railways (including a tunnel to the Fergana Valley) and introducing high-speed trains. With the passing of the post-Soviet strongman Islam Karimov and the election of a more reformist leader, there is an air of change about the country.\nThis new edition includes expanded coverage of hiking, details of new entertainment such as the sound and light show in the Registan in Samarkand, and lots of new practical information, ranging from the increasing availability of ATMs to efforts to develop tourism, visa requirements, availability of SIM cards, haggling for taxis, access to museums and booking accommodation. New maps have also been added and existing maps revised and expanded as appropriate.\nWhether you're interested in culture, trekking, historical sites, archaeology and architecture, seeing endless deserts or the majestic mountainscapes of the Tien Shan range, or simply fascinated by the golden road to Samarkand and the equally famous Silk Road cities of Bukhara and Khiva, Bradt's Uzbekistan is the ideal companion.
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Tim Burford;sophie Ibbotson in Libri e riviste 12
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56.15 EUR
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, And Uzbekistan
- Prisca Benelli;claudio Deola -
25.65 EUR 27 EUR
Prisca Benelli;claudio Deola Uzbekistan
Brand: Prisca Benelli;claudio Deola
9788860593153Categoria: Libri e riviste
Samarcanda, Alessandro Magno, la Via della Seta, Tamerlano, Gengis Khan, il lago d'Aral: nomi di luoghi e persone che nella vita tutti abbiamo sentito nominare almeno una volta e che hanno risvegliato in noi desideri sopiti di evasione ed avventura. Questi elementi, e altri ancora, si intrecciano e costituiscono la storia del grande paese che porta il nome di Uzbekistan: una nazione dalle mille sfaccettature, dove si alternano architetture sublimi, deserti e panorami mozzafiato. Questa guida parla della cultura, dell'architettura, dei popoli e delle religioni che si sono susseguiti nei secoli in questa regione dell'Asia Centrale, con cenni anche su aspetti meno noti come la musica, il folklore e il cinema. Sono poi proposti cinque dettagliati itinerari di viaggio, costellati di indirizzi utili, approfondimenti, aneddoti e curiosità; gli itinerari possono essere combinati tra loro a piacimento.
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Prisca Benelli;claudio Deola in Libri e riviste -5%14
- Prisca Benelli;claudio Deola -
25.65 EUR 27 EUR
Prisca Benelli;claudio Deola Uzbekistan. Nelle Steppe Dell'asia Centrale
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187.19 EUR
Medicinal Plants Of Central Asia: Uzbekistan And Kyrgyzstan
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30 EUR
Sherabad Oasis: Tracing Historical Landscape In Southern Uzbekistan
9788024639024Categoria: Libri e riviste
Sherabad Oasis: Tracing Historical Landscape in Southern Uzbekistan is the second volume of the series examining the Czech-Uzbek archaeological expedition in southern Uzbekistan. While the first book was devoted to the excavations at the central site of the Sherabad Oasis called Jandavlattepa, this volume analyzes the development of the settlement throughout this oasis based on important new data gained in the recent expedition. The methodology used includes extensive and intensive archaeological surveys, revisions of previously published archaeological data, historical maps, and innovative satellite images. Apart from the dynamics of the settlement of the research area, spanning from prehistoric to modern time, the development of the irrigation systems in the lowland steppe is also assessed.\n \n Edited by Ladislav Stanco and Petra Tuslova, this volume continues the significant work of Czech researchers in Uzbekistan, a key Central Asian republic at the crossroads of history and culture.
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in Libri e riviste 17
- Laurel Victoria Gray -
23.74 EUR
Laurel Victoria Gray Women’s Dance Traditions Of Uzbekistan: Legacy Of The Silk Road
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Laurel Victoria Gray
9781350249479Categoria: Libri e riviste
The first comprehensive work in English on the three major regional styles of Uzbek women’s dance – \nFerghana, Khiva and Bukhara – and their broader Silk Road cultural connections, from folklore roots\nto contemporary stage dance.\n \nThe book surveys the remarkable development from the earliest manifestations in ancient civilizations\nto a sequestered existence under Islam; from patronage under Soviet power to a place of pride for Uzbek nationhood. \n \nIt considers the role that immigration had to play on the development of the dances; how women boldly challenged societal gender roles to perform in public; how both material culture and the natural world manifest in the dance; and it illuminates the innovations of pioneering choreographers who drew from Central Asian folk traditions, gestures and aesthetics – not Russian ballet – to first shape modern Uzbek stage dance. \n \nWritten by the first American dancer invited to study in Uzbekistan, this book offers insight into the once-hidden world of Uzbek women’s dance.
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Laurel Victoria Gray in Libri e riviste 18
- Erika Fatland -
23.74 EUR
Erika Fatland Sovietistan: Travels In Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, And Uzbekistan
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48.99 EUR
Rangelands Of The Arid And Semi-arid Zones In Uzbekistan
- United Nations: Economic Commission For Europe: Committee On Environmental Policy -
102.5 EUR
United Nations: Economic Commission For Europe: Committee On Environmental Policy Uzbekistan: Third Review
Brand: United Nations: Economic Commission For Europe: Committee On Environmental Policy
9789211172409Categoria: Libri e riviste
This publication assesses progress made by individual countries in reconciling their economic and social development with environmental protection, as well as in meeting international commitments on environment and sustainable development. It assists countries in improving their environmental policies by making concrete recommendations for better policy design and implementation. It helps integrate environmental policies into sector-specific policies such as those in agriculture, energy, transport and health. The present publication contains the third Environmental Performance Review of Uzbekistan. It takes stock of progress made by Uzbekistan in the management of its environment since it was reviewed for the second time in 2009-2010
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United Nations: Economic Commission For Europe: Committee On Environmental Policy in Libri e riviste 21
- Erika Fatland -
18.74 EUR
Erika Fatland Sovietistan: A Journey Through Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan And Uzbekistan
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Erika Fatland
9780857057747Categoria: Libri e riviste
\"A mesmerising trip across Central Asia . . . A fascinating travelogue\" Financial Times\n\nSHORTLISTED FOR EDWARD STANFORD/LONELY PLANET DEBUT TRAVEL WRITER OF THE YEAR 2020\n\nAn unforgettable journey through the former Soviet Republics, by a prizewinning author of international reportage\n\nErika Fatland takes the reader on a journey that is unknown to even the most seasoned globetrotter. The five former Soviet Republics' Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan all became independent when the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991. How have these countries developed since then?\n\nIn the Kyrgyzstani villages Erika Fatland meets victims of the widely known tradition of bride snatching; she visits the huge and desolate Polygon in Kazakhstan where the Soviet Union tested explosions of nuclear bombs; she meets Chinese shrimp gatherers on the banks of the dried out Aral Sea and she witnesses the fall of a dictator. She travels incognito through Turkmenistan, a country that is closed to journalists. She meets exhausted human rights activists in Kazakhstan, survivors from the massacre in Osh in 2010, German Menonites that found paradise on the Kyrgyzstani plains 200 years ago. During her travels, she observes how ancient customs clash with gas production and she witnesses the underlying conflicts between ethnic Russians and the majority in a country that is slowly building its future in Nationalist colours.\n\nIn these countries, that used to be the furthest border of the Soviet Union, life follows another pace of time. Amidst the treasures of Samarkand and the bleakness of Soviet architecture, Erika Fatland moves with her openness towards the people and the landscapes around her. A rare and unforgettable travelogue.\n\nTranslated from the Norwegian by Kari Dickson
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Erika Fatland in Libri e riviste 22
- Nigora Djalilova -
168.75 EUR
Nigora Djalilova Sustainable Energy In Central Asia: Transition Towards Renewable Energy Sources In Uzbekistan
Brand: Nigora Djalilova
9780367621377Categoria: Libri e riviste
This book argues that sustainable energy development represents a new frontier for many transitional economies, including those countries that are well endowed with traditional energy resources, as exemplified by the case of Uzbekistan in Central Asia. \n\nThe book highlights the challenges and issues faced by the energy sector in countries which are undergoing a transition from government-led economic models to open market economies. Using Uzbekistan as a case study, the book demonstrates these challenges, as well as opportunities of being part of an increasingly interconnected global market, to show how governments can ensure inclusive economic growth and build pathways toward sustainable development by deploying renewable energy sources (RES). By applying the Quadruple Bottom Line strategy as a conceptual framework to evaluate social, economic, and environmental benefits and governance as a key dynamic component, the book includes recommendations for implementing a transition strategy to renewable energy consumption for developing countries and offers insights into ways of dealing with government policy in post-Soviet countries.\n\nPresenting a holistic approach to promoting RES deployment in Uzbekistan and elsewhere, this book will be of interest to researchers interested in energy transition in developing countries, development economics, Central Asian politics, and the management of natural resources and climate-change issues.
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Nigora Djalilova in Libri e riviste 23
- Adeeb Khalid -
37.5 EUR
Adeeb Khalid Central Asia: A New History From The Imperial Conquests To The Present
Brand: Adeeb Khalid
9780691161396Categoria: Libri e riviste
A major history of Central Asia and how it has been shaped by modern world events\n\nCentral Asia is often seen as a remote and inaccessible land on the peripheries of modern history. Encompassing Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and the Xinjiang province of China, it in fact stands at the crossroads of world events. Adeeb Khalid provides the first comprehensive history of Central Asia from the mid-eighteenth century to today, shedding light on the historical forces that have shaped the region under imperial and Communist rule.\n\nPredominantly Muslim with both nomadic and settled populations, the peoples of Central Asia came under Russian and Chinese rule after the 1700s. Khalid shows how foreign conquest knit Central Asians into global exchanges of goods and ideas and forged greater connections to the wider world. He explores how the Qing and Tsarist empires dealt with ethnic heterogeneity, and compares Soviet and Chinese Communist attempts at managing national and cultural difference. He highlights the deep interconnections between the \"Russian\" and \"Chinese\" parts of Central Asia that endure to this day, and demonstrates how Xinjiang remains an integral part of Central Asia despite its fraught and traumatic relationship with contemporary China.\n\nThe essential history of one of the most diverse and culturally vibrant regions on the planet, this panoramic book reveals how Central Asia has been profoundly shaped by the forces of modernity, from colonialism and social revolution to nationalism, state-led modernization, and social engineering.
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Adeeb Khalid in Libri e riviste -5%24
- Dinara Mirtalipova -
11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Dinara Mirtalipova Foresta Nascosta. Grattalibri. Con Stiletto Di Legno
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Dinara Mirtalipova
9788867223282Categoria: Libri e riviste
Nata e cresciuta a Taschkent in Uzbekistan, Dina Mirtalipova si è stabilita negli Stati Uniti, in Ohio, dove lavora come designer per i più famosi brand americani. La sua arte si ispira al folklore e ai motivi tradizionali dell’Asia centrale. Con questo stile particolare ha illustrato i due primi volumi della collana che ci trasportano in due universi onirici. Con il nostro stiletto di legno esploriamo il cuore della foresta a caccia di cervi, farfalle, uccelli multicolori, insetti e altri animali del bosco. Oppure ci tuffiamo in un mare misterioso pieno di coralli, pesci arcobaleno, conchiglie e tartarughe. In ogni pagina, sotto l’inchiostro nero da grattare, vi sono tanti tesori nascosti da scoprire. Età di lettura: da 5 anni.
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Dinara Mirtalipova in Libri e riviste 25
- Ehsan Masood -
13.74 EUR
Ehsan Masood Science And Islam (icon Science): A History
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Ehsan Masood
9781785782022Categoria: Libri e riviste
Long before the European Enlightenment, scholars and researchers working from Samarkand in modern-day Uzbekistan to Cordoba in Spain advanced our knowledge of astronomy, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, medicine and philosophy.\n\nFrom Musa al-Khwarizmi who developed algebra in 9th century Baghdad to al-Jazari, a 13th-century Turkish engineer whose achievements include the crank, the camshaft and the reciprocating piston.\n\nEhsan Masood tells the amazing story of one of history's most misunderstood yet rich and fertile periods in science, via the scholars, research, and science of the Islamic empires of the middle ages.
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Ehsan Masood in Libri e riviste 26
- Janina David -
16.24 EUR
Janina David The Hopeful Traveller
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Janina David
9781838172053Categoria: Libri e riviste
In France, Mattie feels twenty again. In Poland, Magda revisits her impoverished family. In Uzbekistan, Diana lets a fellow tourist kiss her. In Germany, Lynn loses her luggage on the Dusseldorf train.\nThe Hopeful Traveller is a collection of short stories about-and told by-single women who have put the past behind them but are still looking for their anchor in the present.\nThe stories include bitter-sweet accounts of the freedoms of postwar life, foreign travel, the rekindling of old friendships and the search for new ones.\nThey speak of cosmopolitan, self-confident, well-heeled characters, in an era just before the birth of feminism, conventional in their expectations of men, always just a step away from displacement and alienation.\nSet variously in Paris, Kalisz, Samarkand, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Erfurt, Singapore and London, these stories, from a much-admired veteran writer, offer a teasing mix of realism and fantasy, wish-fulfilment and regret.\nSome of these stories have appeared in translation in overseas annuals and collections.
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Janina David in Libri e riviste 27
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37.49 EUR
Islamic Ecumene: Comparing Muslim Societies
9781501772399Categoria: Libri e riviste
The essays in Islamic Ecumene address the ways in which Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia and from sub-Saharan Africa to the steppes of Uzbekistan are members of a broad cultural unit. Although the Muslim inhabitants of these lands speak dozens of languages, represent numerous ethnic groups, and practice diverse forms of Islam, they are united by shared practices and worldviews shaped by religious identity. To highlight these commonalities, the co-editors invited a team of scholars from a wide range of disciplines to examine Muslim societies in comparative and interconnected ways. The result is a book that showcases ethics, education, architecture, the arts, modernization, political resistance, marriage, divorce, and death rituals. \n\n\nUsing the insights and methods of historians, anthropologists, literary critics, art historians, political scientists, and sociologists, Islamic Ecumene seeks to understand Islamic identity as a dynamic phenomenon that is reflected in the multivalent practices of the more than one billion people across the planet who identify as Muslims.
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in Libri e riviste 28
- Hamid Ismailov -
12.49 EUR
Hamid Ismailov The Railway
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Hamid Ismailov
9780099466130Categoria: Libri e riviste
Set mainly in Uzbekistan between 1900 and 1980, The Railway introduces to us the inhabitants of the small town of Gilas on the ancient Silk Route. Among those whose stories we hear are Mefody-Jurisprudence, the town's alcoholic intellectual; Father Ioann, a Russian priest; Kara-Musayev the Younger, the chief of police; and Umarali-Moneybags, the old moneylender. Their colourful lives offer a unique and comic picture of a little-known land populated by outgoing Mullahs, incoming Bolsheviks, and a plethora of Uzbeks, Russians, Persians, Jews, Koreans, Tatars and Gypsies. \n\nAt the heart of both the town and the novel stands the railway station - a source of income and influence, and a connection to the greater world beyond the town. Rich and picaresque, The Railway chronicles the dramatic changes felt throughout Central Asia in the early twentieth century.
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Hamid Ismailov in Libri e riviste 29
- Karel Balas;beatrice Grenier -
81.25 EUR
Karel Balas;beatrice Grenier Tashkent: A Modernist Capital
Brand: Karel Balas;beatrice Grenier
9780847899982Categoria: Libri e riviste
A shrine to Soviet modernist architecture, Tashkent is a rare jewel of modernism rediscovered in this book.\n\nEstablished sometime around the 1st or 2nd century BCE, Tashkent is the capital city of Uzbekistan and the largest metropolis in Central Asia benefiting from its historical role as geographic crossroads, its developed resources, and its thriving multiculturalism. Previous Soviet rule was established in 1917—which over six decades heralded transformations in Tashkent’s culture, identity, and, of course, its landscape and architecture.\n\nIn this extraordinary volume, realized in collaboration with the Uzbekistan Art and Culture Development Foundation, photographer Karel Balas reveals the modernist architecture of Tashkent through a collection of never-before-seen photographs. Constructed between the 1960s and early ’90s, these buildings stand as powerful metaphors vis-à-vis Tashkent’s past and present, painting a picture of its rich cultural heritage. Part of the overlooked Soviet modernism movement, the expression of this new architectural style represents a vision and social function for the city as a whole—all the while connoting the specific character and modernization of Central Asia. Whether a 1964 cinema, the State Museum of the Arts, the 1970 Lenin Museum, or the striking Hotel Uzbekistan dated 1976, each structure tells a captivating story about one of the most enthralling cities on the Asian continent.
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Karel Balas;beatrice Grenier in Libri e riviste 30
- Mikhal Dekel -
18.74 EUR
Mikhal Dekel In The East: How My Father And A Quarter Million Polish Jews Survived The Holocaust
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Mikhal Dekel
9780393868456Categoria: Libri e riviste
Rather than perish in Nazi-occupied Poland, more than a million Jews escaped to the Soviet Union. There they suffered deprivation in Siberian gulags and \"Special Settlements\" and then, once \"liberated\", journeyed to the Soviet Central Asian Republics. The majority lived out the war in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan; some of them continued to Iran. The story of their suffering has rarely been told.\n\n Following in the footsteps of her father, one of a thousand refugee children who travelled to Iran and later to Palestine, Dekel fuses memoir with historical investigation in this account of the all-but-unknown Jewish refuge in Muslim lands. Along the way, Dekel reveals the complex global politics behind this journey, discusses refugee aid and hospitality, and traces the making of collective identities that have shaped the post-war world-the histories nations tell and those they forget.
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Mikhal Dekel in Libri e riviste 31
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64.00 EUR
L'opera In Versi E In Prosa - Campana Dino, Turchetta G. (curatore) - Mondadori
Spedizione: 4.50 EUR
Brand: --
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30.99 EUR
L'amica Geniale Tre Volumi N.2,3 E 4- Elena Ferrante
Spedizione: 4.99 EUR
Brand: --
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59.00 EUR
Fiabe Gialle - Christie Agatha 9788804764366
Spedizione: 4.50 EUR
Brand: --
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37.87 EUR
Alex Hirsch Gravity Falls: Journal 3 (copertina Rigida)
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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40.00 EUR
Warhammer 40.000: Galassia In Fiamme -libro 3, Saga L'eresia Di Horus- Hardcover
Spedizione: 7.00 EUR
Brand: --
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30.00 EUR
Warhammer 40.000: Ascesa Di Horus (saga 'l'eresia Di Horus') - Softcover
Spedizione: 6.00 EUR
Brand: --
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142.50 EUR
Storia Del Mondo. Vol. 2. Einaudi
Spedizione: 5.00 EUR
Brand: --
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39.00 EUR
S. La Nave Di Teseo Di V. M. Straka - Abrams J. J., Dorst Doug
Spedizione: 5.59 EUR
Brand: --
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40.00 EUR
Libro Sampdoria - Figurine Sampdoriane
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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33.00 EUR
Umberto Pappalardo - Affreschi Romani [arsenale, 2013] Nuovo
Spedizione: 5.00 EUR
Brand: --
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29.99 EUR
L'attraversaspecchi Christelle Dabos Serie 3 Volumi Nuovi Edizioni E/o
Spedizione: 4.99 EUR
Brand: --
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79.90 EUR
Storia Di Firenze 1200-1575 - John Najemy Einaudi Storia 2014 [fuori Catalogo]
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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60.00 EUR
Loris Francesco Capovilla Lettere Da Sotto Il Monte Giovanni Xxiii 1990-2015
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