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11.99 EUR
Zambie 2023/2024 Petit Futé
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11.99 EUR
Zambie 2020 Petit Futé
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84.23 EUR
Zambia, Mining, And Neoliberalism
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162.5 EUR
Zambia: Building Prosperity From Resource Wealth
9780199660605Categoria: Libri e riviste
Zambia is a landlocked mineral dependent country in Southern Africa whose history is intimately entwined with the copper mining industry. Having gained Independence from Britain in 1964 at the height of a copper boom, the country experienced a slow and painful economic decline over the next quarter century. However, following a traumatic and protracted process of economic adjustment through the 1990s and early 2000s, Zambia's economic potential is now better than it has been at any time since Independence. \n\nThis book, which contains a set of rigorous but accessible essays by a range of Zambian and international scholars, seeks to examine the challenges and opportunities that currently face Zambian policymakers as they seek to harness the country's valuable natural assets to broad-based and sustainable economic growth over the coming decades. Written in a non-technical manner by leading scholars in the field, the chapters address key challenges in the areas of natural resource management, agriculture, trade, employment and migration, education, finance, and investment. This is the second volume in the Africa: Policies for Prosperity series following on from the successful first volume on Kenya.
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in Libri e riviste 5
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18.99 EUR
Zambia, Mozambico E Malawi
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12.9 EUR
Zambia 1:1.000.000
- Aldo Zamb -
12.5 EUR
Aldo Zamb La Vita Segreta Di Un Ragazzo Inurbato
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Aldo Zamb
9788830640542Categoria: Libri e riviste
\"Da un paesino del Sud alla grande città. Per un ragazzo la vita cambia totalmente con gli studi e poi con le prime esperienze di lavoro. Ma in questo originale diario non sono tanto le sue tappe più significative ad occupare la narrazione, quanto i pensieri più intimi o alcune passioni. Dalle adorate serie tv alla sveglia tardi la mattina, dalla cucina al rito del tè, alle lunghe passeggiate. Il ragazzo però è legato alle sue radici, alla famiglia e anche ai suoi drammi personali. La vita segreta di un ragazzo inurbato alterna riflessioni serie ad aneddoti divertenti (amore e morte) e rispecchia la crisi interiore e sociale tipica della sua «generazione dell'incertezza»\".
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Aldo Zamb in Libri e riviste 8
- Andrew Loryman -
12.49 EUR
Andrew Loryman Zambia - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide To Customs & Culture
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Andrew Loryman
9781857338775Categoria: Libri e riviste
Culture Smart guides help travellers have a more meaningful and successful time abroad through a better understanding of the local culture. Chapters on values, attitudes, customs, and daily life will help you make the most of your visit, while tips on etiquette and communication will help you navigate unfamiliar situations and avoid faux pas.
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Andrew Loryman in Libri e riviste -5%9
- Fabio Caramaschi -
32.3 EUR 34 EUR
Fabio Caramaschi Zambia. Ediz. Italiana E Inglese
Brand: Fabio Caramaschi
9788881586134Categoria: Libri e riviste
\"Non so più se faccio fotografie per viaggiare o se viaggio per fare fotografie. Portare sulle spalle uno zaino pesante mi ha insegnato a non correre troppo e a fermarmi, a guardare di più e a scattare di meno. Fotografo solo quello che mi piace e niente mi emoziona quanto un ritratto. Le foto di questo libro cercano di raccontare la bellezza, la dolcezza e la dignità con cui gli Africani rispondono all'ingiustizia, alla miseria e alla malattia\", così scrive Fabio Caramaschi, autore di testi e foto di questo libro-viaggio lungo il corso dello Zambesi, fino alla valle perduta dei Tonga, dove si intuisce qualcosa dell'Africa prima di noi. Un libro intenso, delicato, rispettoso, che insegue il ricordo ancestrale di una vita diversa nella quale il tempo è scandito dai ritmi della natura e non dalla nevrosi dell'uomo, in cui la saggezza degli anziani è una guida autorevole per i più giovani e in cui ancora abita la magia. Fotografo, regista e insegnante, Fabio Caramaschi vive e lavora a Roma, e appena può viaggia per il mondo, cercando in ogni modo di appagare la sua voglia inesauribile di raccontare, in parole e immagini, le storie delle persone che incontra.
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Fabio Caramaschi in Libri e riviste 10
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87.77 EUR
Dress Cultures In Zambia
- Jodie Yuzhou Sun -
100 EUR
Jodie Yuzhou Sun Kenya's And Zambia's Relations With China 1949-2019
Brand: Jodie Yuzhou Sun
9781847013392Categoria: Libri e riviste
Examines the history of post-colonial Kenya's and Zambia's relations with the People's Republic of China from ideological, political, economic and social perspectives.\n\nAfrica has become a major platform from which to analyse and understand China's growing influence in the global South. Yet, the impact of their historical relationship has been largely overlooked. Through the triangulation of the global Cold War, African history, and Chinese history, this study provides a detailed analysis of China-Africa relations in the second half of the 20th century. Examining the encounters, conflicts, and dynamics of China-Kenya/Zambia relations from the 1950s until the present, as well as the basis on which historical narratives have been constructed, the book presents two contrasting state perspectives underlining the concept of 'African agency'.\nDriven by a class-based analysis of world revolution, Communist China's foreign policy did not distinguish significantly between Kenya and Zambia. Both countries sought ideological and material support from China in the years after their independence. The Kenya African National Union under both Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel Moi pursued a consistently pragmatic foreign agenda, and despite political tensions and ideological rifts with China since the mid-1960s, Sino-Kenyan trade has continued to grow steadily. In contrast, China-Zambia relations under Kenneth Kaunda were cordial despite their political differences. Zambian leaders maintained a relatively high consensus that any alleged Chinese Communist threat would not be allowed to fuel power struggles within their United National Independence Party. Challenging both the widely accepted role of China-Africa's historical lineage, as well as the tendency to assume uniformity in China's relationships across the continent, the author explains the development of these relationships and sheds light on the historical underpinnings - or lack thereof - on contemporary China-Africa relations.
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Jodie Yuzhou Sun in Libri e riviste 12
- Alfred Tembo -
37.49 EUR
Alfred Tembo War And Society In Colonial Zambia, 1939–1953
Brand: Alfred Tembo
9780821425107Categoria: Libri e riviste
Written from a Zambian perspective, this leading study shows how the British colony of Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia) organized and deployed human, military, and natural resources during and after the Second World War.\n\n\n\nThe Second World War brought unprecedented pressures to bear on Britain’s empire, which then included colonial Northern Rhodesia. Through new archival materials and oral histories, War and Society in Colonial Zambia tells—from an African perspective—the story of how the colony organized its human and natural resources on behalf of the imperial government.\n\n\n\nAlfred Tembo first examines government propaganda and recruitment of personnel for the Northern Rhodesia Regiment, which served in East Africa, Palestine, Ceylon, Burma, and India. Later, Zambia’s economic contribution to the Allied war effort would foreground the central importance of the colony’s mining industry as well as its role as supplier of rubber and beeswax following the fall of the Southeast Asian colonies to the Japanese in early 1942. Finally, Tembo presents archival and oral evidence about life on the home front, including the social impact of wartime commodity shortages, difficulties posed by incoming Polish refugees, and the more interventionist forms of colonial governance that these circumstances engendered.
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Alfred Tembo in Libri e riviste -5%13
- Cristina Fazzi;lidia Tilotta -
15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Cristina Fazzi;lidia Tilotta Karìbu. Lo Zambia, Una Donna, Una Grande Avventura
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Cristina Fazzi;lidia Tilotta
9788868616076Categoria: Libri e riviste
La vita straordinaria e il lavoro di Cristina Fazzi, mamma, medico, donna fuori dal comune, sospinta da una forza incredibile. Lasciata Enna nel 2000 per trasferirsi momentaneamente nello Zambia, Cristina sarebbe dovuta rientrare in Italia dopo sei mesi, invece non è più tornata e da allora ha realizzato progetti impensabili in un'area vastissima del Paese, portando medicinali, vaccinando e visitando decine di migliaia di bambini; realizzando pozzi e strutture sanitarie; lottando contro la malnutrizione; scontrandosi con pregiudizi e superstizioni per combattere l'ignoranza e malattie come l'Aids. È la storia, la sua, di una battaglia senza sosta contro miseria e ingiustizia e per l'affermazione di un nuovo modello di sviluppo che ripensi totalmente i rapporti di forza internazionali. Ma anche la vicenda di una donna che da single si è battuta e ha vinto perché l'Italia riconoscesse l'adozione zambiana di suo figlio Joseph. E di figli, in affido perché non adottabili, oggi ne ha altri sette. \"Non avrei mai immaginato di partire per lo Zambia. Non ho mai avuto lo spirito missionario. Non nel senso comune del termine. O meglio, consideravo il mio lavoro una missione perché l'ammalato, colui che soffre, ha bisogno di aiuto ovunque si trovi. Sono una gran fifona e l'idea di dover andare in un Paese descritto come pieno di pericoli non mi sfiorava nemmeno, non mi era mai balenata neanche nell'anticamera del cervello. A volte, però, il caso cambia il nostro percorso, il nostro destino. E così è stato\". \"In tutti questi anni sono venuti a trovarmi tanti amici. Vogliono capire, toccare con mano ciò che faccio, e vogliono anche dare un aiuto, per ciò che sanno e per ciò che possono. È una cosa che rafforza il filo rosso che lega il mio lavoro qui alla percezione che ne ha chi vive lontano da qui. Ma è anche e soprattutto un conforto. Mi aiuta a credere che non sono considerata una pazza visionaria rinchiusa in una bolla ma un frammento di un puzzle animato molto più grande\".
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Cristina Fazzi;lidia Tilotta in Libri e riviste 14
- Brendan P. Carmody -
91.24 EUR
Brendan P. Carmody The Emergence Of Teacher Education In Zambia
Brand: Brendan P. Carmody
9781787565609Categoria: Libri e riviste
This historical narrative focuses on the emergence of teacher education in Zambia. Providing archival material, diverse interpretations, local voices through interview and email, it engages the reader in a complex recipe of viewpoints. It rehearses how teacher education developed from a form of apprenticeship in remote villages to the more centralized 'normal school' in colonial times through to colleges with nationwide catchment and more recently to university accreditation. Schooling as an avenue to social mobility and nation building, the challenges of student centred-learning and the development of teachers as professionals are central themes throughout the text. Also analysed is the nature of education offered at different times and how the teacher and his/her education reflect this, arguing the need for a fundamentally new philosophy of education and a mode of teacher formation in line with it. \n\n\n\nThis book will be an invaluable tool for undergraduate and postgraduate education students, researchers, and practitioners alike, both within and beyond the Zambian and African contexts. It provides rich historical data from which policy makers, historians, and teaching professionals can explore the re-conceptualisation of the role of the teacher as professional rather than as civil servant. Designed to stimulate critical discussion so as to enhance understanding of what effective teaching and teacher education entail and framed by long-term first-hand experience of teacher education in Zambia.
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Brendan P. Carmody in Libri e riviste 15
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84.23 EUR
Pentecostal And Charismatic Spiritualities And Civic Engagement In Zambia
- Filippo Scammacca Del Murgo -
10.8 EUR 18 EUR
Filippo Scammacca Del Murgo Sulle Tracce Di Livingstone. Storia Di Zambia E Malawi E Degli Italiani Che Vi Hanno Viaggiato
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Filippo Scammacca Del Murgo
9788868615369Categoria: Libri e riviste
Nella regione dell’Africa centrale scoperta da Livingstone sorgono oggi Zambia e Malawi, due Paesi poco noti al grande pubblico ma definiti dagli esperti “Africa for beginners”, luoghi ideali e speciali per chi vuole cominciare a conoscere il continente. Lì molti italiani hanno lavorato e tutt’oggi svolgono la loro opera, ma la storia di questi Paesi e l’attività dei nostri connazionali – cooperanti, religiosi, ingegneri, tecnici e tanti altri – è in gran parte immersa nell’oblio. Questo lavoro di analisi storica e diplomatica, ricco di aneddoti e di storie di vita lungo ben oltre un secolo, mira a far uscire dalla dimenticanza episodi e persone e al contempo ad assolvere a un dovere della memoria, documentando la straordinaria capacità degli italiani a operare in simbiosi e in partenariato con gli africani, ciò in una fase odierna nella quale l’Italia ha necessità di riprendere il suo ruolo all’incrocio tra Europa e Sud del mondo per sostenere valori, beni comuni, reciproca crescita, capacità e sviluppo sostenibile anche nel quadro di una matrice europea. “Il capitale di relazioni – politiche, economiche, culturali e umanitarie – che lega l’Italia all’Africa non è comune e non deve essere disperso”(Elisabetta Belloni).
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Filippo Scammacca Del Murgo in Libri e riviste 17
- Clare Barkworth;adam Pope -
13.74 EUR
Clare Barkworth;adam Pope Pocket Guide Trees Of Zambia
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Clare Barkworth;adam Pope
9781775848455Categoria: Libri e riviste
The most recent addition to the popular POCKET GUIDE series, Trees of Zambia features 140 indigenous tree species and four naturalised exotics likely to be seen in Zambia and its 20 national parks. The trees are organised in five groups, each with a unique set of characteristics, to help narrow down options in identifying a tree. Each page describes a single tree species, combining concise text and photographs. Features include: Succinct species descriptions including bark, leaves, flowers and fruit. Full-colour photographs of trees and their parts. Up-to-date distribution maps. A brief introduction covering vegetation types. Table of family names and tree characteristics. Local names for trees. Best viewing locations, including national parks. Sales points: First compact and accessible guide to trees of the region. Ideal companion for exploring Zambia. Distribution maps for each species. Authors are regional experts.
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Clare Barkworth;adam Pope in Libri e riviste 18
- Lonely Planet;mary Fitzpatrick;james Bainbridge -
21.24 EUR
Lonely Planet;mary Fitzpatrick;james Bainbridge Lonely Planet Zambia, Mozambique & Malawi
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Lonely Planet;mary Fitzpatrick;james Bainbridge
9781786570437Categoria: Libri e riviste
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher \n\nLonely Planet Zambia, Mozambique & Malawi is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Visit the largest waterfalls on earth at Victoria Falls, canoe past swimming elephants in Lower Zambezi, or hike the dramatic scenery of Mt Mulanje -all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Zambia, Mozambique & Malawi and begin your journey now! \n\nInside Lonely Planet Zambia, Mozambique & Malawi Travel Guide: \n\n\n\nColour maps and images throughout \nHighlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests \nInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots \nEssential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices \nHonest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss \nCultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, economy, religion, music & dance, literature, environment, wildlife, cuisine \nOver 50 maps \nCovers Lusaka, Chipata, Zambezi River, Kafue National Park, Victoria Falls, Lake Kariba, Mozambique Island, Maputo, Quirimbas Archipelago, Lake Niassa, Chimanimani Mountains, Lake Malawi, Mt Mulanje, Lilongwe and more \n\nThe Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet Zambia, Mozambique & Malawi , our most comprehensive guide to Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less travelled. \n\nLooking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet Africa guide and Southern Africa guide for a comprehensive look at all these regions have to offer. \n\nAbout Lonely Planet: Since 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel media company with guidebooks to every destination, an award-winning website, mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet covers must-see spots but also enables curious travellers to get off beaten paths to understand more of the culture of the places in which they find themselves. The world awaits! \n\nLonely Planet guides have won the TripAdvisor Traveler's Choice Award in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. \n\n'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media \n\n'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times
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Lonely Planet;mary Fitzpatrick;james Bainbridge in Libri e riviste 19
- Darren W. Pietersen;luke Verburgt -
31.24 EUR
Darren W. Pietersen;luke Verburgt Field Guide To Snakes And Other Reptiles Of Zambia And Malawi
Brand: Darren W. Pietersen;luke Verburgt
9781775847373Categoria: Libri e riviste
Zambia and Malawi are home to 240 known snake, lizard, terrapin, tortoise and crocodile species. Snakes and other Reptiles of Zambia and Malawi is the first field guide to describe every species of reptile known to occur in this region – including 14 endemics and several new discoveries. Comprehensive descriptions of each order, suborder, family, genus and species. Species descriptions cover identifying features, behaviour, prey and predators, reproduction, range, and danger to humans. Accounts are supported by stunning colour photographs and up-to-date distribution maps that draw on over 16,000 recorded observations. Dichotomous identification keys guide users to the correct genus and species. Introduction includes clear diagrams of morphological features and unpacks the region’s biogeography and diverse habitat types, different venom types and the basic principles of snakebite treatment. This comprehensive field guide – the first of its kind for the region – will appeal to both experienced herpetologists and nature enthusiasts in general. Sales points: Definitive guide to the 240 known reptile species of Zambia and Malawi; authoritative text by leaders in the field; up to date, including several new discoveries; supported by excellent colour photographs; accessible to both scientists and laypersons.
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Darren W. Pietersen;luke Verburgt in Libri e riviste 20
- Dawn Masi -
19.99 EUR
Dawn Masi G My Name Is Girl: A Song Of Celebration From Argentina To Zambia
- Darren Pietersen;luke Verburgt -
13.74 EUR
Darren Pietersen;luke Verburgt Pocket Guide To Snakes & Other Reptiles Of Zambia And Malawi
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Darren Pietersen;luke Verburgt
9781775847168Categoria: Libri e riviste
Zambia and Malawi are home to 240 reptile species, of which 114 are snakes, 108 lizards, 14 terrapins and tortoises, and 2 crocodiles. Of these, 15 species occur nowhere else on Earth. This first accessible pocket guide to the reptiles of these two tropical countries describes 186 of the most commonly encountered and colourful species, as well as those that are less conspicuous, rare and endemic to the region. A brief, informative introduction details the region’s reptile diversity and habitat types and outlines different venom types and snakebite treatments. Handy and compact, this up-to-date guide makes a trusted travelling companion on trips to the wildlife areas, parks and reserves of these two spectacular countries. Succinct species descriptions cover key identification features. Clear full-colour photographs accompany species descriptions. Up-to-date distribution maps show the range of each species. Symbols for snake species denote the level of danger each snake’s venom poses for humans, from harmless to life-threatening. Sales points: Handy, compact and easy to use. Highlights diagnostic features to assist with identification. Colour photographs and distribution maps for all featured species. Authors are regional herpetology experts.
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Darren Pietersen;luke Verburgt in Libri e riviste 22
- Erin Accampo Hern -
93.75 EUR
Erin Accampo Hern Developing States, Shaping Citizenship: Service Delivery And Political Participation In Zambia
Brand: Erin Accampo Hern
9780472074143Categoria: Libri e riviste
At the nexus of political science, development studies, and public policy, Developing States, Shaping Citizenship analyzes an overlooked driver of political behavior: citizens' past experience with the government through service provision. Using evidence from Zambia, this book demonstrates that the quality of citizens' interactions with the government through service provision sends them important signals about what they can hope to gain from political action. These interactions influence not only formal political behaviors like voting, but also collective behavior, political engagement, and subversive behaviors like tax evasion. Lack of capacity for service delivery not only undermines economic growth and human development, but also citizens' confidence in the responsiveness of the political system. Absent this confidence, citizens are much less likely to participate in democratic processes, express their preferences, or comply with state revenue collection. Economic development and political development in low-capacity states, Hern argues, are concurrent processes.\n \nErin Accampo Hern draws on original data from an original large-N survey, interviews, Afrobarometer data, and archival materials collected over 12 months in Zambia. The theory underlying this book's framework is that of policy feedback, which argues that policies, once in place, influence the subsequent political participation of the affected population. This theory has predominantly been applied to advanced industrial democracies, and this book is the first explicit effort to adapt the theory to the developing country context.
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Erin Accampo Hern in Libri e riviste 23
- Chris Stuart Chris;mathilde Stuart Mathilde -
21.24 EUR
Chris Stuart Chris;mathilde Stuart Mathilde Stuarts' Field Guide To National Parks & Game Reserves – Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia & Malawi: Struik Nature Field Guides
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Chris Stuart Chris;mathilde Stuart Mathilde
9781775847205Categoria: Libri e riviste
The first guide ever to document and explore the diverse parks and reserves of Africa’s ‘middle belt’, it covers Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. The region contains prized spots such as the world-famous landscapes of the Namib and Kalahari deserts, Okavango Delta, Victoria Falls and Lake Malawi, and some of Africa’s best-known conservation areas, including Etosha, Chobe, Mana Pools, Hwange, Kafue and Nyika. Written by two prominent conservationists, the book is organised by country, and includes: Detailed descriptions of the history, geology, climate, vegetation and wildlife of some 50 conservation areas. Annotated park maps, indicating places of interest and best sites to view key species. Text panels featuring each park’s highlights, facilities and activities, wildlife facts, and important alerts.A concise photographic gallery of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and trees, for quick identification of commonly seen species. A must-have guide to the parks and reserves of a region renowned for spectacular landscapes, fauna and flora. Sales points: First ever guide for southern Africa’s ‘middle belt’ countries. Informative guide to inspire post-COVID-19 travel. Presents key features and attractions of each park. Information panels covering highlights, activities, facilities, wildlife and warnings. Generously illustrated with full-colour photographs and detailed maps. Much-travelled, highly qualified authors.
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Chris Stuart Chris;mathilde Stuart Mathilde in Libri e riviste 24
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93.75 EUR
African Modernism: The Architecture Of Independence. Ghana, Senegal, Côte D'ivoire, Kenya, Zambia
9783038602941Categoria: Libri e riviste
When African Modernism was first published in 2015, it was showered with international praise and has been sought after ever since it went out of print in 2018. Marking Park Books’ 10th anniversary, this landmark book will now be available again.\n\nOver the course of the 1950s and 1960s, most African countries gained independence from their respective colonial powers. Architecture became one of the principal means by which the newly formed states expressed their national identity. African Modernism investigates the close relationship between architecture and nation-building in Ghana, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, and Zambia. It features 100 buildings with brief descriptive texts, images, site plans, selected floor plans and sections. The vast majority of images were taken by Iwan Baan and Alexia Webster especially for the book’s first edition, documenting the buildings in their present state. Each country is portrayed through an introductory text and a timeline of historic events. Additional essays on specific aspects and topics of postcolonial Africa, likewise richly illustrated with images and documents, round out this outstanding volume.
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in Libri e riviste 25
- Julius Bikoloni Sakala -
38.74 EUR
Julius Bikoloni Sakala The Role Of The Judiciary In The Enforcement Of Human Rights In Zambia
- Chris Stuart;mathilde Stuart -
21.24 EUR
Chris Stuart;mathilde Stuart Stuarts' Field Guide To Mammals Of Southern Africa: Including Angola, Zambia & Malawi
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Chris Stuart;mathilde Stuart
9781775841111Categoria: Libri e riviste
Greater southern Africa has a wealth of mammal species, almost 400 - all of which are covered in this fully updated, comprehensive field guide. Now expanded to include species found in Angola, Zambia and Malawi, it has also been extensively revised to include: the most recent research and taxonomy, revised distribution maps and many new images, colour-coded grouping of families, spoor and size icons, skull photographs, grouped for easy comparison, detailed descriptions of each species, offering insight into key identification characters, typical behaviour, preferred habitat, food choice, reproduction and longevity.
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Chris Stuart;mathilde Stuart in Libri e riviste 27
- Shiva Naipaul -
14.99 EUR
Shiva Naipaul North Of South: An African Journey
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Shiva Naipaul
9780140188264Categoria: Libri e riviste
In the 1970s Shiva Naipaul travelled to Africa, visiting Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia for several months. Through his experiences, the places he visited and his various encounters, he aimed to discover what 'liberation', 'revolution' and 'socialism' meant to the ordinary people. His journey of discovery is brilliantly documented in this intimate, comic and controversial portrayal of a continent on the brink of change.
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Shiva Naipaul in Libri e riviste 28
- Henning Mankell -
21.24 EUR
Henning Mankell The Eye Of The Leopard
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Henning Mankell
9780099450153Categoria: Libri e riviste
‘Absorbing, chilling and dripping with evil atmosphere’ The Times\n\nSince his mother’s disappearance, Hans Olofson has led an isolated life. When he loses his girlfriend in tragic circumstances, he decides to fulfil her dream: to visit the grave of a legendary missionary in Zambia.\n\nOn reaching Africa, Hans is struck by its beauty and mystery, and an opportunity of employment tempts him to stay. But he soon becomes embroiled in the issues of the local community. As relationships splinter and fray, Hans realises that his African dream is rapidly turning into a nightmare…
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Henning Mankell in Libri e riviste 29
- -
22.49 EUR
Invisible Hands: Voices From The Global Economy
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
9781642595383Categoria: Libri e riviste
The men and women in Invisible Hands reveal the human rights abuses occurring behind the scenes of the global economy. These narrators - including phone manufacturers in China, copper miners in Zambia, garment workers in Bangladesh, and farmers around the world - reveal the secret history of the things we buy, including lives and communities devastated by low wages, environmental degradation, and political repression. Sweeping in scope and rich in detail, these stories capture the interconnectivity of all people struggling to support themselves and their families. Narrators include Kalpona, a leading Bangladeshi labor organizer who led her first strike at 15; Han, who, as a teenager, began assembling circuit boards for an international electronics company based in Seoul; Albert, a copper miner in Zambia who, during a wage protest, was shot by representatives of the Chinese-owned mining company that he worked for; and Sanjay, who grew up in the shadow of the Bhopal chemical disaster, one of the worst industrial accidents in history.
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in Libri e riviste 30
- Simon Barnes -
21.24 EUR
Simon Barnes The Year Of Sitting Dangerously: My Garden Safari
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Simon Barnes
9781398518889Categoria: Libri e riviste
From the acclaimed author of Rewild Yourself comes a brilliant new book that reveals the natural joys to be discovered on your doorstep.\n\n In the autumn of 2020, Simon Barnes should have been leading a safari in Zambia, but Covid restrictions meant his plans had to be put on hold. Instead, he embarked on the only voyage of discovery that was still open to him. He walked to a folding chair at the bottom of his garden, and sat down. His itinerary: to sit in that very same spot every day for a year and to see - and hear - what happened all around him. It would be a stationary garden safari; his year of sitting dangerously had begun.\n\n For the next twelve months, he would watch as the world around him changed day by day. Gradually, he began to see his surroundings in a new way; by restricting himself, he opened up new horizons, growing even closer to a world he thought he already knew so well.\n\nThe Year of Sitting Dangerously is a wonderfully evocative read; it inspires the reader to pay closer attention to the marvels that surround us all, and is packed with handy tips to help bring nature even closer to us.
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Simon Barnes in Libri e riviste 31
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64.00 EUR
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