- Anthony Trollope -
11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Anthony Trollope Un Caso Di Coscienza
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9788811009481Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il reverendo Harding, maestro di cappella della cattedrale di Barchester, vive nel rarefatto mondo della musica sacra e delle sonate per violoncello di cui è appassionato cultore. Fino al giorno in cui, accusato da uno zelante riformatore e dalla stampa di essersi illecitamente arricchito con la rendita che percepisce come amministratore di un ospizio per vecchi lavoratori, uno scrupolo morale si insinua nella sua coscienza di uomo mite e integerrimo. Prendendo spunto da alcuni abusi del clero nella gestione dei fondi destinati alla carità pubblica che avevano scosso la chiesa anglicana a metà Ottocento, in Un caso di coscienza (1855) Trollope affronta questioni di portata universale: il corretto impiego delle risorse finanziarie di una comunità; la responsabilità dei singoli, che possono diventare complici, più o meno consapevoli, di un'ingiustizia; il ruolo dell'intellettuale, che ha il potere della parola e la responsabilità del suo uso. E attraverso l'affettuoso ritratto di un antieroe che non è disposto a scendere a patti con la sua coscienza, ci impartisce una lezione di umanità e moderazione contro ogni fanatismo.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste -5%2
- Anthony Trollope -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Anthony Trollope Il Dottor Thorne
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9788838920233Categoria: Libri e riviste
Tutto inizia alla festa di compleanno di Frank Gresham. Frank si dichiara a Mary, nipote di Thorne, con grave scandalo della sua famiglia. Decenni prima, il fratello di Thorne, scapestrato e dissoluto, ha sedotto la sorella di uno scalpellino promessa in matrimonio a un buon uomo, ed è stato dallo scalpellino, di nome Scatcherd, ucciso. Il dottor Thorne, avvertendo il misfatto come una colpa, si occupa del caso, riesce a far sposare lo stesso la sorella di Scatcherd, e adotta la bambina, Mary, nata dal primo tradimento. Passati gli anni, Thorne s'è trasferito a Greshamsbury dov'è diventato medico di famiglia e amico dei Gresham. E lo scalpellino, he ha saputo costruirsi una fortuna immensa, è il principale creditore della tenuta dei Gresham.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 3
- Anthony Trollope -
16.24 EUR
Anthony Trollope Orley Farm
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780198803744Categoria: Libri e riviste
There was a power of endurance about her, and a courage that was almost awful.\n\nDid Lady Mason forge a codicil to her husband's will, allowing Orley Farm to pass to her son or not? Orley Farm centres on this case of forgery, and the anguish and guilt of Lady Mason. Surrounding this enigmatic woman and her apparent crime are her elderly lover, Sir Peregrine Orme; her principled but thoughtless son, Lucius; and, not least, a group of determined lawyers. \nOrley Farm contains the plot with which Trollope was most pleased. Drawing on family experience of the loss of an inheritance, the novel tackles the tremendous question of property fraud. The result, as George Orwell observed, is one of the most brilliant novels about a law suit in English fiction. Orley Farm dates from a confident period of its authorâs life. It breathes an air of writerly assurance, with Trollope at the height of his competitiveness with Dickens. In this work Trollope claims the Victorian legal novel as his own.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 4
- Anthony Trollope -
16.24 EUR
Anthony Trollope The Duke's Children Complete: Extended Edition
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780198835875Categoria: Libri e riviste
He was alone in the world, and there was no one of whom he could ask a question.\n\nAfter the sudden death of his wife, two years after he has left office as Prime Minister, the Duke of Omnium must become deeply involved with his children for the first time. They vex him enormously: with school expulsions, vast gambling debts, and what he considers to be calamitous romantic attachments. He tries to compel them to do what he wants, but they are not so easy to manage.\n\nEven when his eldest child and heir, Lord Silverbridge, makes him proud by embarking upon a political career, the Duke grapples with heartache. For Silverbridge becomes a Conservative rather than a Liberal, flouting the family tradition. The relationship between father and son is drawn with remarkable subtlety, and the book as a whole becomes a piercing, yet often humorous, exploration of change: how both the young and the old resist, tolerate, or embrace it.\n\nTrollope cut roughly 65,000 words, at a vulnerable moment in his career, to get the novel published, but concluded rapidly that he had made a grievous error. After a painstaking reconstruction by a team of researchers, The Duke's Children, the final book in Trollope's famed Palliser series, can now be read the way he first intended. It is a masterpiece of Victorian fiction.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste -5%5
- Anthony Trollope -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Anthony Trollope I Diamanti Di Eustace
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9788838940859Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il terzo romanzo del ciclo Palliser è un’opera deliziosa e fluviale piena di colpi di scena. Attraverso i personaggi che si muovo attorno ad una meravigliosa collana, un cerchio di diamanti dal valore inestimabile, descrivere le classi dirigenti della società a lui contemporanea e lo fa realizzando un affresco di grandi dimensioni, in parte sociale, in parte psicologico, in parte di pettegolo intrattenimento. ha come protagonista proprio.\r\nLizzie Greystock «se l’è cavata molto bene». Unica orfana di un ammiraglio indebitato, meno che ventenne ha sposato Florian Eustace, nobile e ricchissimo, già malato al tempo del matrimonio, il quale dopo pochi mesi l’ha lasciata vedova, in attesa dell’erede. Lizzie è considerata da molti la prima bellezza di Londra ed è una vedova con un’enorme rendita; tutti sono convinti che la vedovanza durerà molto poco. Invece qui terminano i suoi successi. Manca dell’innocenza e della docilità che più di ogni altra virtù attraggono i maschi della epoca vittoriana. Mentre le signore della buona società si concentrano sui difetti che la segnano, la considerano velleitaria, ipocrita, bugiarda, volitiva, intelligente, recita visibilmente una parte amabile. Gli spasimanti cadono a uno a uno. Ma più di tutto le è di ostacolo un gioiello, una sontuosa collana di diamanti, «una fortuna – dice l’autore – per un figlio minore» di famiglia altolocata. Assieme a un castello in Scozia e a una rendita di quattromila sterline, gliela lasciò il marito come proprietà personale, essendo destinato all’erede tutto il resto del patrimonio di famiglia: così lei sostiene in pubblico e in privato. Ma per i potenti Eustace non è così: in base ai complicati (e misogini) codici ereditari, la collana è «un gioiello di famiglia», inalienabile. La disputa legale, mondana ed etica che ne segue è tanto ingarbugliata e scandalosa da affascinare tutti i salotti e tutte le famiglie e da intrecciarsi con tutte le vicende, per causa della collana legami consolidati si rompono, alleanze inattese si saldano. Mentre si complica la lite, Lizzie continuerà a tenere la sua corte, così come faranno tutti gli altri casati di Lord, parlamentari, vescovi e decani della Chiesa Alta. Perché l’obiettivo di Trollope è descrivere le classi dirigenti della società a lui contemporanea e lo fa realizzando un affresco di grandi dimensioni, in parte sociale, in parte psicologico, in parte di pettegolo intrattenimento.\r\nÈ stato detto che i romanzi di Trollope procedono come un lento fiume maestoso. Dalla sua prosa, densa di distaccato umorismo, non trapela mai un giudizio valutativo. Però in una società dove tutti devono apparire guidati dai nobili sentimenti e dove la rispettabilità è eretta a massimo valore, spicca in contrasto il denaro quale dominatore assoluto, tra matrimoni di interesse e ragionieristica contabilità del peso finanziario di ciascuno. E proprio colei che ha la reputazione della più avida, è forse la più disinteressata materialmente. Forse per lei la...
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste -5%6
- Anthony Trollope -
17.58 EUR 18.5 EUR
Anthony Trollope Il «leon D'oro» Di Granpère
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9788836820290Categoria: Libri e riviste
1870: il “Leon d’Oro” è un piccolo albergo di provincia nella cittadina immaginaria di Granpère, nella Lorena occupata dai prussiani. Il proprietario, Michel Voss, vi abita con la seconda moglie, il figlio di primo letto George e la nipote acquisita Marie Bromar. Quando tra i due giovani nasce un tenero sentimento, Michel, convinto che per entrambi non sia quella la scelta migliore – e forse anche per l’impressione fastidiosa che si agisca alle sue spalle –, nega il consenso alla relazione e allontana il figlio da casa. George si reca a Colmar, dove prende in gestione l’“Hotel della Posta”, e per un anno non dà più sue notizie; mentre Marie, credendosi ormai dimenticata, cede alle insistenze dello zio perché si fidanzi con Adrian Urmand, un ricco mercante di stoffe di Basilea. Quando però la notizia dell’imminente matrimonio giunge a George, il giovane parte di gran corsa per Granpère alla riconquista della ragazza… Pubblicato nel 1872, quando Anthony Trollope era all’apice della sua popolarità, \"Il 'Leon d’Oro' di Granpère\" è una delle rare opere del grande autore vittoriano ambientate fuori dalla sua Inghilterra. Hugh Walpole, autore di una celebre biografia di Trollope, la definì «non solo il suo miglior romanzo breve, ma anche uno dei più affascinanti idilli della letteratura inglese», e in effetti il susseguirsi di equivoci amorosi, nonché la pregevole caratterizzazione dei personaggi, rendono quest’opera un piccolo gioiello narrativo.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 7
- Anthony Trollope -
11.65 EUR
Anthony Trollope The Warden
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9781847498281Categoria: Libri e riviste
When the peaceful atmosphere of Barchester is destroyed by a scandal concerning the financial affairs of an almshouse, Septimus Harding, the kindly warden who devotes his life to the care of the establishment's twelve elderly residents, finds himself in conflict with his daughter's suitor, the zealous reformer Dr John Bold, who employs the full might of the press against his prospective father-in-law.\n\nThe first in the Chronicles of Barsetshire series, The Warden is both a humorous satire of the Church of England and a poignant insight into the manner in which public matters impact private lives.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 8
- Anthony Trollope -
13.54 EUR
Anthony Trollope Christmas At Thompson Hall: And Other Christmas Stories
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780143122470Categoria: Libri e riviste
Anthony Trollope's heartwarming tales of Christmas, presented in a beautiful hardcover edition perfect for giving as a gift.\n\nChristmas at Thompson Hall collects the best Christmas tales of Anthony Trollope, the enormously popular author of the Chronicles of Barsetshire and Palliser series of novels. Mostly set in Trollope's imaginary county of Barsetshire, the stories depict the festive period with all Trollope's trademark zest, humour, and cheerfulness, and offer rich and psychologically acute portrayals of the middle class and gentry of Victorian England at Christmas time.\n\nAnthony Trollope (1815-1882) was born in London to a bankrupt barrister father and a mother who, as a well-known writer, supported the family. Trollope enjoyed considerable acclaim both as a novelist and as a senior civil servant in the British Postal Service. He published more than forty novels and many short stories that are regarded by some as among the greatest of nineteenth-century fiction.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 9
- Anthony Trollope -
12.49 EUR
Anthony Trollope The Way We Live Now
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780140433920Categoria: Libri e riviste
The Way We Live Now is Anthony Trollope's radical exploration of the dangers associated with speculative capitalism, edited with an introduction and notes by Frank Kermode in Penguin Classics.\n\nAugustus Melmotte is a fraudulent foreign financier who preys on dissolute nobility - using charm to tempt the weak into making foolish investments in his dubious schemes. Persuaded to put money into a notional plot to run a railroad from San Francisco to Santa Cruz, the capricious gambler Felix Carbury soon becomes one of his victims. But as Melmotte climbs higher in society, his web of deceit - which also draws in characters as diverse as his own daughter Marie and Felix's mother, the pulp novelist Lady Carbury - begins to unravel. A radical exploration of the dangers associated with speculative capitalism, this is a fascinating satire about a society on the verge of moral bankruptcy.\n\nFrank Kermode's introduction explores the real-life inspiration for Trollope's masterly satire. This edition also includes detailed notes.\n\nAnthony Trollope (1815-82) had an unhappy childhood characterised by a stark contrast between his family's high social standing and their comparative poverty. He wrote his earliest novels while working as a Post Office inspector, but did not meet with success until the publication of the first of his 'Barsetshire novels', The Warden (1855). As well as writing over forty novels, including such popular works as Can You Forgive Her? (1865), Phineas Finn (1869), He Knew He Was Right (1869) and The Way We Live Now (1875) Trollope is credited with introducing the postbox to England.\n\nIf you enjoyed The Way We Live Now, you might like William Makepeace Thackeray's Vanity Fair, also available in Penguin Classics.\n\n'Trollope's masterpiece ... its examination of how hopes of easy money can corrupt remains relevant today' \nObserver
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 10
- Anthony Trollope -
13.74 EUR
Anthony Trollope The Way We Live Now
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780099528661Categoria: Libri e riviste
‘A tale of financial skulduggery reminiscent of recent city scandals’ Daily Telegraph\n\n Trollope's magnificent and prescient satire about a dishonest financier who buys his way into a corrupt society, and throws it into turmoil.\n\n When the Melmottes arrive in London everyone agrees their manners are wanting, their taste is excerable and their lineage and background decidedly shadowy. But their money is far from revolting, and city society quickly makes allowances for the mysterious financier and his family. Soon hearts, minds and family savings are swept into the whirl of Augustus Melmotte's lavish parties and exciting investment plans - but is it all an elaborate swindle?
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 11
- Anthony Trollope -
14.99 EUR
Anthony Trollope Can You Forgive Her?
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780199578177Categoria: Libri e riviste
'She loved him much, and admired him even more than she loved him...Would that he had some faults!'\n\nAlice Vavasor is torn between a risky marriage with her ambitious cousin George and the safer prospect of a union with the formidably correct John Grey. Her indecision is reflected in the dilemmas of her friend Lady Glencora, confined in the proprieties of her life with Plantagenet Palliser but tempted to escape with her penniless lover Burgo Fitzgerald, and of her aunt, the irreverent widow Mrs Greenow, who must choose between a solid farmer and an untrustworthy soldier as her next husband. Each woman finds her choice bound up with the cold realities of money, and the tension between public expectation and private inclination.\n\nCan You Forgive Her? is the first of Trollope's six Palliser novels, and its focus on the exercise of power, whether in the masculine world of parliament and the professions, or within the domesticities of friendship, courtship, and marriage, signals a new breadth and diversity of interest in his fiction. \n\nABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 12
- Anthony Trollope -
13.74 EUR
Anthony Trollope An Autobiography: And Other Writings
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780199675296Categoria: Libri e riviste
'I hated the office. I hated my work...the only career in life within my reach was that of an author.'\n\nThe only autobiography by a major Victorian novelist, Trollope's account offers a fascinating insight into his literary life and opinions. After a miserable childhood and misspent youth, Trollope turned his life around at the age of twenty-six. By 1860 the 'hobbledehoy' had become both a senior civil servant and a best-selling novelist. He worked for the Post Office for many years and stood unsuccessfully for Parliament. Best-known for the two series of novels grouped loosely around the clerical and political professions, the Barsetshire and Palliser series, in his Autobiography Trollope frankly describes his writing habits. His apparent preoccupation with contracts, deadlines, and earnings, and his account of the remorseless regularity with which he produced his daily quota of words, has divided opinion ever since. \n\nThis edition reassesses the work's distinctive qualities and includes a selection of Trollope's critical writings to show how subtle and complex his approach to literature really was. \n\nABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 13
- Anthony Trollope -
14.99 EUR
Anthony Trollope The Eustace Diamonds
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780141441207Categoria: Libri e riviste
Following the death of her husband Sir Florian, beautiful Lizzie Eustace mysteriously comes into possession of a hugely expensive diamond necklace. She maintains it was a gift from her husband, but the Eustace lawyers insist she give it up, and while her cousin Frank takes her side, her new lover Lord Fawn states that he will only marry her if the necklace is surrendered. As gossip and scandal intensify, Lizzie's truthfulness is thrown into doubt, and, in her desire to keep the jewels, she is driven to increasingly desperate acts. The third in Trollope's Palliser series, The Eustace Diamonds bears all the hallmarks of his later works, blending dark cynicism with humour and a keen perception of human nature.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 14
- Anthony Trollope -
12.49 EUR
Anthony Trollope Cousin Henry
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780199537679Categoria: Libri e riviste
Henry Jones, an unprepossessing London insurance clerk, knows that his uncle has disinherited him. The old man's will, made out at the last minute in favour of Henry's charming cousin Isabel Brodrick, lies neatly folded in a well-thumbed volume of sermons in his book-room; Henry saw him put it there before he died. Unfortunately nobody else knows where the will is, and Henry stands to lose everything by making the knowledge public. \nCousin Henry, first published in 1879, is one of the most unusual and intriguing of Trollope's shorter novels and its unlikely hero is a timid coward consumed by guilt. But Trollope's handling of his character and dilemma is masterly in its insight and compassion; he knew he had nothing quite like it elsewhere in his fiction. \nABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 15
- Anthony Trollope -
12.49 EUR
Anthony Trollope Barchester Towers
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780140432039Categoria: Libri e riviste
After the death of old Dr Grantly, a bitter struggle begins over who will succeed him as Bishop of Barchester. And when the decision is finally made to appoint the evangelical Dr Proudie, rather than the son of the old bishop, Archdeacon Grantly, resentment and suspicion threaten to cause deep divisions within the diocese. Trollope's masterly depiction of the plotting and back-stabbing that ensues lies at the heart of one of the most vivid and comic of his Barsetshire novels, peopled by such very different figures as the saintly Warden of Hiram's Hospital, Septimus Harding, the ineffectual but well-meaning new bishop and his terrifying wife, and the oily chaplain Mr Slope who has designs on Mr Harding's daughter.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 16
- Anthony Trollope -
13.74 EUR
Anthony Trollope Dr Wortle's School
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780140434040Categoria: Libri e riviste
Mr Peacocke, a Classical scholar, has come to Broughtonshire with his beautiful American wife to live as a schoolmaster. But when the blackmailing brother of her first husband - a reprobate from Louisiana - appears at the school gates, a dreadful secret is revealed and the county is scandalized. Ostracised by the community, the pair seem trapped in a hopeless situation - until the combative but warm-hearted headmaster of the school, Dr Wortle, offers his support, and Mr Peacocke embarks upon a journey to America that he hopes will lay to rest the accusations once and for all. A perceptive exploration of Victorian morality, Dr Wortle's School (1881) also contains echoes of Trollope's own life, and his personal affection for the vivacious Bostonian Kate Field.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste -5%17
- Anthony Trollope -
23.75 EUR 25 EUR
Anthony Trollope Il Primo Ministro
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9788838932038Categoria: Libri e riviste
Ferdinand Lopez è un outsider dell'alta società, dagli incerti natali, dalle fortune economiche di origine speculativa. Egli cerca di guadagnarsi la reputazione che gli difetta con un solido matrimonio, con Emily Wharton, figlia di un importante avvocato. Specularmente in contrasto, si staglia la figura di Plantagenet Palliser, erede di un titolo e di favolose ricchezze. Rappresenta un'aristocrazia devota al bene comune e destinata al governo del paese. Ma nella complessa vicenda della politica (dovrà misurarsi con l'inevitabile compromesso) e della comune esistenza (l'esuberanza sociale della moglie convinta di fare l'interesse del marito gli creerà incroci sgraditi), sarà messa alla prova la fiducia in se stesso, nella sua capacità e nel suo ruolo. Con essa è simbolicamente misurata la tempra di tutta la classe dirigente vittoriana. Tanto che, con il passare delle pagine \"se il cinismo non impedisce che il personaggio di Lopez abbia alla fine una certa dignità\", ha scritto Sergio Romano \"le austere virtù del duca divengono sempre più altezzose, intolleranti, scostanti, tiranniche e poco adatte al governo di un grande Paese\". \"Il Primo Ministro\" appartiene al secondo dei cicli di Trollope, i \"Palliser novels\".
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 18
- Anthony Trollope -
13.74 EUR
Anthony Trollope He Knew He Was Right
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780140433913Categoria: Libri e riviste
Anthony Trollope's story of one man's obsessive self-deception pitted against against the enduring power of his wife's love, He Knew He Was Right is edited with an introduction by Frank Kermode in Penguin Classics.\n\nOn a visit to the Mandarin Islands, Louis Trevelyan falls in love with Emily, the daughter of the governor, and they are swiftly married and return to live in London. But when a friend of Emily's father - the meddlesome libertine Colonel Osborne - starts paying rather too much attention to the young woman, Louis is consumed by jealousy and refuses to listen to his wife's pleas of innocence. And as his suspicions become increasingly obsessive and the marriage collapses, Louis finds himself driven to desperate actions. In He Knew He Was Right, Trollope created a highly sympathetic portrait of a deeply troubled marriage, and a compelling psychological story of sexual obsession in his portrait of a nineteenth-century Othello.\n\nIn his introduction, Frank Kermode discusses Victorian attitudes to courtship and marriage, compares the novel to Othello and places it in the context of Trollope's other works. This edition also includes a new chronology, a bibliography and notes.\n\nAnthony Trollope (1815-82) had an unhappy childhood characterised by a stark contrast between his family's high social standing and their comparative poverty. He wrote his earliest novels while working as a Post Office inspector, but did not meet with success until the publication of the first of his 'Barsetshire novels', The Warden (1855). As well as writing over forty novels, including such popular works as Can You Forgive Her? (1865), Phineas Finn (1869), He Knew He Was Right (1869) and The Way We Live Now (1875) Trollope is credited with introducing the postbox to England.\n\nIf you enjoyed He Knew He Was Right, you might enjoy Trollope's The Way We Live Now, also available in Penguin Classics.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 19
- Anthony Trollope -
12.49 EUR
Anthony Trollope The Small House At Allington: The Chronicles Of Barsetshire
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780199662777Categoria: Libri e riviste
'She had resolved to trust in everything, and, having so trusted, she would not provide for herself any possibility of retreat.'\n\nLively and attractive, Lily Dale lives with her mother and sister at the Small House at Allington. She falls passionately in love with the urbane Adolphus Crosbie, and is devastated when he abandons her for the aristocratic Lady Alexandrina de Courcy. But Lily has another suitor, Johnny Eames, who has been devoted to her since boyhood. Perhaps she can find renewed happiness in Johnny's courtship?\n\nThe Small House at Allington was among the most successful of Trollope's Barsetshire novels, and has retained its popularity among modern readers. Lily Dale's stubborn constancy is a troubling reflection of Trollope's divided feelings about the need for progress and reform in the context of liberal thought and politics. Her story is a subtle exploration of loyalty and ambition, and the pressure for change in a rapidly evolving world. \n\nABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 20
- Anthony Trollope -
14.99 EUR
Anthony Trollope Phineas Finn
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780199581436Categoria: Libri e riviste
'To become a member of the British Parliament!...He almost thought that he could die happy'\n\nPhineas Finn, the handsome Irishman, is equally successful at scaling the political ladder and gaining the affection of influential women. As he makes his precarious way in parliament he discovers how far principles must be sacrificed to the common cause, and how essential money is to political progress. Set during the turbulent passage of the second Reform Act of 1867, the novel paints a vivid picture of the compromises and tactics of daily political life. Loss of independence is felt just as keenly by Lady Laura and Violet Effingham, whose choice of marriage partner will determine their future freedom as much as their happiness. With politics and the personal so closely entwined, Phineas faces an act of conscience that will have a profound effect on his life.\n\nThe second novel in Trollope's Palliser series, Phineas Finn's engaging plot embraces matters as diverse as reform, the position of women, the Irish question, and the conflict between integrity and ambition. \n\nABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste -5%21
- Anthony Trollope -
15.68 EUR 16.5 EUR
Anthony Trollope Il Cugino Henry
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9788836815982Categoria: Libri e riviste
Tra i romanzi di Anthony Trollope, \"Il cugino Henry\" (1879) non ha l'ampiezza dei più noti e popolari, e tuttavia riesce a presentare in forma più concentrata i temi a lui più cari, nonché quella sua arte 'positiva' del narrare che ne costituisce una delle principali peculiarità. Accolto all'epoca della sua apparizione da una critica entusiastica, che lo definì un abilissimo studio di caratteri, Il cugino Henry prende le mosse dall'enigmatica sparizione del testamento di un possidente gallese, Indefer Jones, che mette a dura prova la psicologia dei due parenti possibili eredi: la giovane Isabel Broderick, che viveva con lo zio, ma che aveva il difetto, per il possidente, di avere un cognome diverso dal suo, e Henry Jones, un commesso che vive a Londra, che ha sì il suo stesso cognome, ma che lui disprezzava... Come scrive Oddone Camerana nella prefazione, «a differenza di Dickens, Trollope non vedeva le cose in modo pittorico e grottesco; a differenza di Thackeray, non vedeva le cose in modo satirico o, come George Eliot, in modo filosofico e trascendentale. Trollope ritraeva il mondo che vedeva, armato della severità e dell'intransigenza propria di un'arte nascente e a lui contemporanea: la fotografia. Ma nei suoi calmi e meticolosi quadri già si agitano le cupe fatalità proprie di un imminente fine secolo».
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 22
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13.74 EUR
Anthony Trollope Rachel Ray
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780199537761Categoria: Libri e riviste
This is Trollope's most detailed and concise study of middle-class life in a small provincial community - in this case Baslehurst, in the luscious Devon countryside. It is also a charming love-story, centring on sweet-natured Rachel Ray and her suitor Luke Rowan, whose battle to wrest control over Baslehurst's brewery involves a host of typically Trollopian local characters. \nABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste -5%23
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19 EUR 20 EUR
Anthony Trollope Il Ritorno Di Phineas Finn
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9788838944512Categoria: Libri e riviste
Quarto «capitolo» del ciclo Palliser, il cosiddetto ciclo politico; protagonista Phineas Finn, il giovane irlandese che abbiamo visto affermarsi politicamente nel precedente romanzo. Rientrato a Londra dall’Irlanda dopo la morte della moglie, trova un mondo politico cambiato, più sensibile agli intrighi che alle idee. Sollecitato a ricandidarsi Phineas non viene eletto per una manciata di voti ma la scoperta di alcuni brogli esclude il suo avversario e gli garantisce l’ingresso in Parlamento. La vita privata lo espone alla stampa scandalosa e alle accuse di un rivale senza scrupoli; ma è in gioco molto più della sua reputazione quando viene accusato di aver ucciso un nemico politico con il quale aveva litigato pubblicamente proprio la notte dell’omicidio. Le prove sembrano schiaccianti, l’assassinio di un membro del Parlamento da parte di un collega diventa un caso in tutta l’Inghilterra e Phineas Finn non sembra avere scampo. Come un autentico maestro del giallo Trollope sparge qua e là indizi e rivelazioni e nell’aula del processo si susseguono i colpi di scena. Trollope mostra un senso straordinariamente lungimirante dell’importanza di maneggi, corruzione e scandali sessuali e del potere della stampa di creare o distruggere una carriera politica.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 24
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12.49 EUR
Anthony Trollope The Last Chronicle Of Barset: The Chronicles Of Barsetshire
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780199675999Categoria: Libri e riviste
'All Hogglestock believed their parson to be innocent; but then all Hogglestock believed him to be mad.'\n\nJosiah Crawley lives with his family in the parish of Hogglestock, East Barsetshire, where he is perpetual curate. Impoverished like his parishioners, Crawley is hard-working and respected but he is an unhappy, disappointed man, ill-suited to cope when calamity strikes. He is accused of stealing a cheque to pay off his debts; too proud to defend himself, he risks ruin and disgrace unless the truth can be brought to light. Crawley's predicament divides the community into those who seek to help him despite himself, and those who, like Mrs Proudie, are convinced of his guilt. When the Archbishop's son, Major Grantly, falls in love with Crawley's daughter Grace, battle lines are drawn.\n\nThe final volume in the Barsetshire series, The Last Chronicle draws to a close the stories of many beloved characters, including the old Warden, Mr Harding, Johnny Eames, and Lily Dale. Panoramic in scale, elegiac and moving, it is perhaps Trollope's greatest novel. \n\n ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 25
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14.99 EUR
Anthony Trollope Phineas Redux
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780199583485Categoria: Libri e riviste
'It is no good any longer having any opinion upon anything'\n\nAfter the death of his wife, the handsome politician Phineas Finn returns from Ireland to the parliamentary fray. In his absence the political and social world has subtly changed, parties and policies no longer fixed and advancement dependent upon scheming and alliances. His private life lays him open to the scandal-mongering press, and the wild accusations of an unhinged rival; but much more than his reputation is at stake when he is accused of murdering a political opponent.\n\nTrollope shows a remarkably prescient sense of the importance of intrigue, bribery, and sexual scandal, and the power of the press to make or break a political career. He is equally skilled in portraying the complex nature of Phineas's romantic entanglements with three powerful women: the mysterious Madame Max, the devoted Laura Kennedy, and the irrepressible Lady Glencora (now Duchess of Omnium). The fourth of Trollope's Palliser novels, Phineas Redux is one of his most spellbinding achievements, and the first modern 'media' novel. \n\nABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 26
- Anthony Trollope -
15.5 EUR
Anthony Trollope Barchester Towers: The Chronicles Of Barsetshire
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780199665860Categoria: Libri e riviste
'Mr Slope flattered himself that he could out-manoeuvre the lady...he did not doubt of ultimate triumph.'\n\nBarchester Towers (1857) was the book that made Trollope's reputation and it remains his most popular and enjoyable novel. The arrival of a new bishop in Barchester, accompanied by his formidable wife and ambitious chaplain, Obadiah Slope, sets the town in turmoil as Archdeacon Grantly declares 'War, war, internecine war!' on Bishop Proudie and his supporters. Who will come out on top in the battle between the archdeacon, the bishop, Mr Slope, and Mrs Proudie?\n\nThe livelihood of Mr Harding, the saintly hero of The Warden, is once more under threat but clerical warfare finds itself tangled up in the wayward (and sometimes perverse) desires of the many courtships, seductions, and romances of the book. Who will marry Eleanor Bold? Can any man resist the charms of the exotically beautiful 'La Signora Madeline Vesey Neroni'? Will the oily Mr Slope finally get his comeuppance? Trollope's matchless handling of plot and character displays a skill whose distinctive literary qualities are celebrated in this new edition.\n\nABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 27
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12.49 EUR
Anthony Trollope;julian Fellowes Doctor Thorne Tv Tie-in With A Foreword By Julian Fellowes: The Chronicles Of Barsetshire
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope;julian Fellowes
9780198785637Categoria: Libri e riviste
Now adapted for ITV by Julian Fellowes, Doctor Thorne is the compelling story in which rank, wealth, and personal feeling are pitted against one another. \n\nThe squire of Greshamsbury has fallen on hard times, and it is incumbent on his son Frank to make a good marriage. But Frank loves the doctor's niece, Mary Thorne, a girl with no money and mysterious parentage. He faces a terrible dilemma: should he save the estate, or marry the girl he loves? Mary, too, has to battle her feelings, knowing that marrying Frank would ruin his family and fly in the face of his mother's opposition. Her pride is matched by that of her uncle, Dr Thorne, who has to\ndecide whether to reveal a secret that would resolve Frank's difficulty, or to uphold the innate merits of his own family heritage.\n\nThe character of Dr Thorne reflects Trollope's own contradictory feelings about the value of tradition and the need for change. His subtle portrayal, and the comic skill and gentle satire with which the story is developed, are among the many pleasures of this delightful novel.
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Anthony Trollope;julian Fellowes in Libri e riviste 28
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13.74 EUR
Anthony Trollope He Knew He Was Right
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780199537709Categoria: Libri e riviste
Widely regarded as one of Trollope's most successful later novels,He Knew He Was Right is a study of marriage and of sexual relationships cast against a background of agitation for women's rights. \nABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste -5%29
- Anthony Trollope -
15.68 EUR 16.5 EUR
Anthony Trollope La Casetta Ad Allington
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9788838922220Categoria: Libri e riviste
Senza la sferza sociale del grande Dickens e senza gli angolini di moralistica ironia di William Thackeray, Anthony Trollope è il terzo rappresentante letterario dell'età vittoriana. Anzi, a seguire il decano degli anglisti Mario Praz \"il più tipico rappresentante del romanzo vittoriano\", proprio perché ritrae dal vero, in modo meno vistoso, ma più sottile e aderente, la realtà sociale dell'epoca sua: \"ed è sorprendente quanto poco ingiallite siano le sue fotografie\". Così i suoi romanzi, molti e pieni di pagine, non hanno mai un lieto fine, ma neppure una fine tragica; non figurano in essi eroi ed eroine, nessuno è troppo cattivo o troppo buono, troppo onesto o troppo capace di intrighi; niente è mai definitivo; il plot dominante di ogni romanzo rischia di cedere al fluire di un numero enorme di sottostorie e sottoplot, personaggi di passaggio si accampano in una vicenda che trascina a lungo il lettore seducendolo quasi contro la volontà dell'autore, come la vita vera; e tutto si muove in un ambiente abbastanza quieto da favorire soprattutto la mediocrità. Ed è per questo amore antiromanzesco della mediocrità che, se i romantici contemporanei non l'apprezzarono, la critica in seguito ha rivalutato la presenza e l'importanza di Trollope, la vivacissima e inconsapevole modernità. Questo romanzo è il quinto dei sei romanzi della serie delle Cronache del Barset, l'immaginaria contea dove si svolge uno dei cicli dello scrittore, ed è quello dedicato alle frustrazioni amorose.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 30
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16.24 EUR
Anthony Trollope The Duke's Children
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9780140433449Categoria: Libri e riviste
Plantagenet Palliser, the Duke of Omnium and former Prime Minister of England, is widowed and wracked by grief. Struggling to adapt to life without his beloved Lady Glencora, he works hard to guide and support his three adult children. Palliser soon discovers, however, that his own plans for them are very different from their desires. Sent down from university in disgrace, his two sons quickly begin to run up gambling debts. His only daughter, meanwhile, longs passionately to marry the poor son of a county squire against her father's will. But while the Duke's dearest wishes for the three are thwarted one by one, he ultimately comes to understand that parents can learn from their own children. The final volume in the Palliser novels, The Duke's Children (1880) is a compelling exploration of wealth, pride and ultimately the strength of love.
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Anthony Trollope in Libri e riviste 31
- Anthony Trollope -
13.74 EUR
Anthony Trollope Doctor Thorne
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Anthony Trollope
9781909621398Categoria: Libri e riviste
Doctor Thomas Thorne is guardian to his beautiful but impecunious niece, Mary, whose parentage he has always kept secret. Mary falls in love with Frank Gresham, heir to the dwindling Greshamsbury estate, but when Frank proposes, his parents insist that he must marry for money to restore his family's fortunes. Frank is torn between his love for Mary and his sense of familial duty, whilst Doctor Thorne must decide whether to reveal the secret he has kept for so long.\n\nIn Doctor Thorne Trollope explores themes of money and society and the conflict between tradition and the need for change. Part of the 'Chronicles of Barsetshire' series on which Trollope's reputation primarily rests, it outsold all of his other novels during his lifetime.\n\nThis gorgeous edition features an afterword by Ned Halley.\n\nDesigned to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
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Rba Timeless Classics Miss Mackenzie Anthony Trollope Cranford Novel Collection
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