- Guillermo Del Toro;cornelia Funke -
16.15 EUR 17 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;cornelia Funke Il Labirinto Del Fauno
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro;cornelia Funke
9788804717171Categoria: Libri e riviste
Una foresta incantata, un misterioso labirinto, tre prove di coraggio: è più spaventoso la realtà o la magia?\r\n«La sensibilità con cui Cornelia Funke rielabora la fantasia oscura di Guillermo del Toro è un vero incanto» – The Guardian\r\n\r\n«Non dovresti entrare qui. Potresti perderti. È già successo in passato. Un giorno ti racconterò la storia, se vuoi sentirla.»\r\n\r\nSpagna, 1944. Ofelia è soltanto una bambina quando con la madre prossima al parto si trasferisce in un vecchio mulino tra le montagne dove il patrigno, lo spietato capitán Vidal, è di stanza per annientare i ribelli che si oppongono al regime franchista. Presto le sue amate fiabe e l'antica foresta incantata attorno alla casa divengono l'unico conforto, una via di fuga dal terrore e dal dolore che avvelenano la sua vita. Finché un giorno, guidata da una Fata, si addentra in un labirinto nelle cui profondità un misterioso Fauno la attende da tempo per sottoporla a tre prove di coraggio. Solo superandole, potrà fare ritorno nel Regno Sotterraneo, lei, la principessa perduta, fuggita perché sognava il mondo degli umani, e condannata a vagare sulla terra senza memoria. Sembra il finale di una fiaba. Ma quando la magia si rivelerà non meno oscura e terrificante della realtà, Ofelia dovrà scegliere cosa è disposta a sacrificare per salvare se stessa.
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Guillermo Del Toro;cornelia Funke in Libri e riviste 2
- Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan -
35 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan The Hollow Ones
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan
9781538761748Categoria: Libri e riviste
A horrific crime that defies explanation, a rookie FBI agent in uncharted territory, and an extraordinary hero for the ages: an investigation spirals out of control in this heart-pounding thriller.\nOdessa Hardwicke's life is derailed when she's forced to turn her gun on her partner, Walt Leppo, a decorated FBI agent who turns suddenly, inexplicably violent while apprehending a rampaging murderer. The shooting, justified by self-defense, shakes the young FBI agent to her core. Devastated, Odessa is placed on desk leave pending a full investigation. But what most troubles Odessa isn't the tragedy itself -- it's the shadowy presence she thought she saw fleeing the deceased agent's body after his death.\nQuestioning her future with the FBI and her sanity, Hardwicke accepts a low-level assignment to clear out the belongings of a retired agent in the New York office. What she finds there will put her on the trail of a mysterious figure named Hugo Blackwood, a man of enormous means who claims to have been alive for centuries, and who is either an unhinged lunatic, or humanity's best and only defense against unspeakable evil.\nFrom the authors who brought you The Strain Trilogy comes a strange, terrifying, and darkly wondrous world of suspense, mystery, and literary horror. The Hollow Ones is a chilling, spell-binding tale, a hauntingly original new fable from Academy Award-winning director Guillermo del Toro and bestselling author Chuck Hogan featuring their most fascinating character yet.
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Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan in Libri e riviste -5%3
- Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan -
16.62 EUR 17.5 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan La Progenie. The Strain
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan
9788804654612Categoria: Libri e riviste
Un Boeing 777 atterra all'aeroporto di New York e rimane immobile sulla pista. Si sospetta un attentato terroristico, ma quando le forze speciali salgono a bordo si trovano invece di fronte a una scena agghiacciante: sembra che tutti gli occupanti dell'aereo siano morti senza una ragione comprensibile. I cadaveri sono esaminati da Eph Goodweather e Nora Martinez, due dei migliori immunologi degli Stati Uniti: qualunque ne sia stata la causa, la morte deve averli colti di sorpresa. La notizia dell'accaduto arriva ad Abraham Setrakian, un anziano ex professore sopravvissuto all'Olocausto che adesso gestisce un banco dei pegni ad Harlem. Immediatamente l'uomo capisce. \"Lui è qui\". È arrivato il momento di fronteggiare il male così a lungo atteso, è la resa dei conti per cui si è preparato durante tutta la vita. Sa che deve correre all'aeroporto e far sì che i corpi dei passeggeri siano distrutti, prima che sia troppo tardi, prima che il contagio si diffonda. Prima che gli umani diventino il cibo di una nuova stirpe di vampiri. La salvezza di New York e forse dell'umanità intera riposa sulle spalle di Eph, Nora e Setrakian. Ritorna \"La progenie\", il primo volume della trilogia \"The Strain\", da cui è tratta l'omonima serie televisiva.
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Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan in Libri e riviste -5%4
- Guillermo Del Toro;daniel Kraus -
11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;daniel Kraus La Forma Dell'acqua-the Shape Of Water
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro;daniel Kraus
9788850258406Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il romanzo che ha ispirato il film vincitore del Leone d'oro e di quattro premi Oscar Baltimora, 1962. Al Centro di Ricerca Aerospaziale di Occam è stata appena consegnata la «risorsa» più delicata e preziosa che abbia mai ricevuto: un uomo anfibio, catturato in Amazzonia. Il suo arrivo segna anche l'inizio di un commovente rapporto tra la singolare creatura ed Elisa, una donna muta che lavora al centro come addetta alle pulizie e usa il linguaggio dei segni per comunicare. Immaginazione, paura e romanticismo si mescolano in una storia d'amore, arricchita dalle illustrazioni di James Jean.
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Guillermo Del Toro;daniel Kraus in Libri e riviste 5
- -
35.97 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet Of Curiosities
- Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan -
21.24 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan The Hollow Ones
- Guillermo Del Toro;daniel Kraus -
17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;daniel Kraus La Forma Dell'acqua. The Shape Of Water
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro;daniel Kraus
9788867024643Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il romanzo che ha ispirato l’omonimo film di Guillermo Del Toro, Vincitore del Leone D’oro\r\nalla Mostra del Cinema di Venezia 2017,\r\nVincitore del Golden Globe 2018 per il miglior regista,\r\nVincitore del Premio Oscar 2018 come miglior film.\r\n\r\nGuillermo del Toro e Daniel Kraus hanno unito i loro talenti di narratori visionari e celebrati in tutto il mondo dando vita a una storia d’amore tormentata e struggente.\r\n\r\nBaltimora, 1962. Al Centro di Ricerca Aerospaziale di Occam è stata appena consegnata la «risorsa» più delicata e preziosa che abbia mai ricevuto: un uomo anfibio, catturato in Amazzonia. Il suo arrivo segna anche l’inizio di un commovente rapporto tra la singolare creatura ed Elisa, una donna muta che lavora al centro come addetta alle pulizie e usa il linguaggio dei segni per comunicare. Immaginazione, paura e romanticismo si mescolano in una storia d’amore avvincente, arricchita dalle illustrazioni di James Jean e destinata a conquistare lettori e spettatori. La forma dell’acqua – The Shape of Water è una storia diversa da qualsiasi cosa abbiamo letto o visto finora. Una storia unica, creata e interpretata da due artisti capaci di farci sognare in ugual misura con un libro e con un film, con le parole e con le immagini.
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Guillermo Del Toro;daniel Kraus in Libri e riviste -5%8
- Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan -
15.96 EUR 16.8 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan La Porta Del Male. The Blackwood Tapes
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan
9788867026081Categoria: Libri e riviste
New Jersey, 2020. La vita dell'agente dell'FBI Odessa Hardwicke subisce una svolta inaspettata quando si trova costretta a puntare la pistola contro il suo collega, Walt Leppo, diventato inspiegabilmente violento durante l'arresto di un killer spietato. A subire la sua aggressione è una bambina di nove anni, unica sopravvissuta sulla scena del crimine. Odessa agisce d'impulso per salvarla ma la sparatoria, motivata come legittima difesa, la scuote nel profondo. Ciò che più la preoccupa, tuttavia, è la presenza oscura che è certa di aver visto sollevarsi come una nebbiolina dal corpo del collega in fin di vita… Seguendo le piste di un nuovo caso apparentemente irrisolvibile, Odessa si mette sulle tracce di John Blackwood, un individuo misterioso che sostiene di essere vivo da secoli. Potrebbe essere un mitomane o un pazzo sfrenato. Ma forse questo caso non si può risolvere con una normale indagine. Forse Blackwood è l'unica difesa contro un male indicibile.
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Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan in Libri e riviste 9
- -
29.94 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth
- Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan -
13.74 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan The Fall
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan
9780007319503Categoria: Libri e riviste
The tension-filled sequel to The Strain, from the world-famous director whose films include Pan’s Labyrinth and Hellboy.\n\n\n We survivors are bloodied, we are broken, we are defeated.\nBut we are not turned. We are not Them.\nNot yet.\n\n\n The virus unleashed on New York City has taken over. Amid the chaos, Dr Ephraim Goodweather leads a small team struggling against the bloodthirsty victims, but fears it may already be too late. Their condition is contagious, and is spreading across the country. Soon, the entire world will fall.\n\n\n Though Eph understands the threat better than anyone, he is powerless to protect his son Zack. Now corrupted by the deadly strain, Zack's mother, Kelly, stalks the city, awaiting the chance to reclaim her flesh and blood.\n\n\n Guided by Abraham Setrakian, the brilliant professor and Holocaust survivor, Eph and his team must fight off the great terror ahead. The ultimate plan in store for them and what remains of the human race is far more terrible than anyone can imagine – a fate even worse than total annihilation.
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Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan in Libri e riviste 11
- Guillermo Del Toro -
43.74 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro 's The Shape Of Water: Creating A Fairy Tale For Troubled Times
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro
9781785657368Categoria: Libri e riviste
From acclaimed filmmaker Guillermo del Toro comes The Shape of Water, an otherworldly love story set in 1963 against the backdrop of Cold War-era America. Starring Octavia Spencer, Michael Shannon, Richard Jenkins, Sally Hawkins, and Doug Jones, The Shape of Water tells the story of a janitor (Hawkins) in a government facility who falls in love with an aquatic man (Jones) who is being held captive for testing. The Art and Making of The Shape of Water chronicles the entire filmmaking journey, from development to design to filming. Featuring interviews and commentary from key actors and members of the creative team, the book also showcases the amazing concept art and design work created for the film. For del Toro fans and movie lovers everywhere, it's the perfect way to explore this exciting new movie from a master filmmaker known for his poignant storytelling and visual grandeur.
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Guillermo Del Toro in Libri e riviste 12
- Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan -
13.74 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan The Night Eternal
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan
9780007455713Categoria: Libri e riviste
The final instalment in the Strain trilogy by the world-famous director of Pan’s Labyrinth and Hellboy. Now a popular Amazon TV show.\n\n\n The night belongs to them, and it will be a night eternal…\n\n\n After the blasts, it was all over. Nuclear Winter has settled upon the earth. Except for one hour of sunlight a day, the whole world is plunged into darkness. It is a near-perfect environment for vampires. They have won. It is their time.\n\n\n Almost every single man, woman and child has been enslaved in vast camps across the globe. Like animals, they are farmed, harvested for the sick pleasure of the Master Race.\n\n\n Almost, but not all. Somewhere out there, hiding for their lives, is a desperate network of free humans, continuing the seemingly hopeless resistance. Everyday people, with no other options – among them Dr Ephraim Goodweather, his son Zack, the veteran exterminator Vassily, and former gangbanger Gus.\n\n\n To be free, they need a miracle, they need divine intervention. But Salvation can be a twisted game – one in which they may be played like pawns in a battle of Good and Evil. And at what cost…?
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Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan in Libri e riviste 13
- Guillermo Del Toro;marc Scott Zicree -
49.94 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;marc Scott Zicree Guillermo Del Toro - Cabinet Of Curiosities
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro;marc Scott Zicree
9781781169261Categoria: Libri e riviste
With his movies - from blockbusters like Hellboy to the Oscar-winning Pan's Labyrinth - comics, and novels, del Toro has proven himself to be a unique visionary. His creative crucible can be seen in his illustrated notebooks. Here these records of his creative process form the basis for a stunning illustrated book and insightful examination of the themes that haunt, electrify, and enrich his work.
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Guillermo Del Toro;marc Scott Zicree in Libri e riviste 14
- Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan -
11.24 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan The Hollow Ones
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan
9781529100969Categoria: Libri e riviste
Like a Jack Reacher crime thriller... with a Van Helsing-style demon hunter - The Guardian\n\nFrom the Oscar-winning director of Pan's Labyrinth, The Shape of Water, and Hellboy, and the authors of The Strain comes a new paranormal thriller - X-Files meets Stephen King's The Outsider.\n______________________________________\nA horrific crime that defies ordinary explanation.\nA rookie FBI agent in dangerous, uncharted territory.\nAn extraordinary hero for the ages.\n\nFBI agent Odessa's life is derailed when she's forced to turn her gun on her partner, who becomes suddenly, inexplicably violent while apprehending a murderer. Devastated, Odessa is placed on desk leave pending a full investigation.\n\nBut what troubles her most isn't the tragedy itself - it's the shadowy presence she saw fleeing his body after his death.\n\nQuestioning her future with the FBI, and her sanity, Odessa accepts a low-level assignment to clear out the belongings of a retired agent. What she finds there puts her on the trail of a mysterious figure who claims to have been alive for centuries, and who is either an unhinged lunatic . . . or humanity's best and only defence against unspeakable evil.\n_______________________________________________________\n\nPraise for THE HOLLOW ONES\n\n'A transporting, page-turning thriller that rips open a brand new universe, filling it with suspense.' Brad Meltzer, #1 NYT bestselling author of The Escape Artist\n\n'Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan have yet another twisted masterpiece on their hands. An enduring new series combining horror, suspense, and fable.' Stephen Chbosky, NYT bestselling author of The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Imaginary Friend\n\n'Inventive and macabre.' Kirkus\n\n'Horrifying . . . The authors keep the tension high throughout. Fans of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child's Pendergast books will be enthralled' Publishers Weekly, Starred Review
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Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan in Libri e riviste 15
- Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan -
13.74 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan The Strain
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan
9780007311293Categoria: Libri e riviste
The high-concept thriller with a supernatural edge from the world-famous director, whose films include Pan’s Labyrinth and Hellboy.\n A plane lands at JFK and mysteriously ‘goes dark’, stopping in the middle of the runway for no apparent reason, all lights off, all doors sealed. The pilots cannot be raised.\n\n\n When the hatch above the wing finally clicks open, it soon becomes clear that everyone on board is dead – although there is no sign of any trauma or struggle. Ephraim Goodweather and his team from the Center for Disease Control must work quickly to establish the cause of this strange occurrence before panic spreads.\n\n\n The first thing they discover is that four of the victims are actually still alive. But that’s the only good news. And when all two hundred corpses disappear from various morgues around the city on the same night, things very rapidly get worse. Soon Eph and a small band of helpers will find themselves battling to protect not only their own loved ones, but the whole city, against an ancient threat to humanity.\n\n\n Perfect for fans of Dean Koontz’s The Eyes of Darkness
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Guillermo Del Toro;chuck Hogan in Libri e riviste 16
- Guillermo Del Toro;cornelia Funke -
13.74 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro;cornelia Funke Pan's Labyrinth: The Labyrinth Of The Faun
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Guillermo Del Toro;cornelia Funke
9781526609588Categoria: Libri e riviste
THE SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER\n\nThis enthralling novel, inspired by the 2006 film, illustrates that fantasy is the sharpest tool to explore the terrors and miracles of the human heart\n\nYou shouldn't come in here. You could get lost. It has happened before. I'll tell you the story one day, if you want to hear it. \n\nIn fairy tales, there are men and there are wolves, there are beasts and dead parents, there are girls and forests. \n\nOfelia knows all this, like any young woman with a head full of stories. And she sees right away what the Capitán is, in his immaculate uniform, boots and gloves, smiling: a wolf.\n\nBut nothing can prepare her for the fevered reality of the Capitán’s eerie house, in the midst of a dense forest which conceals many things: half-remembered stories of lost babies; renegade resistance fighters hiding from the army; a labyrinth; beasts and fairies.\n\nThere is no one to keep Ofelia safe as the labyrinth beckons her into her own story, where the monstrous and the human are inextricable, where myths pulse with living blood ...
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Guillermo Del Toro;cornelia Funke in Libri e riviste 17
- -
20.29 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio
- Cornelia Funke;guillermo Del Toro -
19.99 EUR
Cornelia Funke;guillermo Del Toro Pan's Labyrinth: The Labyrinth Of The Faun
- Ian Nathan -
35 EUR
Ian Nathan Guillermo Del Toro: The Iconic Filmmaker And His Work
Brand: Ian Nathan
9780711263284Categoria: Libri e riviste
Guillermo del Toro is a complete and intimate study of the life and work of one of modern cinema's most truly unique directors, whose distinct aesthetic and imagination are unmatched in contemporary film.\n\n Widely regarded as one of the most imaginative directors working in cinema today, Guillermo del Toro has built up a body of work that has enthralled movie fans with its dark beauty and edge-of-the-seat set pieces.\n\n In this book, acclaimed author Ian Nathan charts the progression of a career that has produced some of contemporary cinema's most revered scenes and idiosyncratic characters. This detailed examination looks at how the strands of del Toro's career have woven together to create one of modern cinema's most ground-breaking bodies of work.\n\n Delving deep into del Toro's psyche, the book starts by examining his beginnings in Mexico, the creative but isolated child surrounded by ornate catholicism and monster magazines, filming stop motion battles between his toys on a Super-8 film camera. \n\n It follows him to film school, where we learn of his influences, from Kafka to Bunuel, and explores his 1993 debut Cronos, the independent horror debut which draws on the religious and occult themes which would recur throughout del Toro's work.\n\n It goes on to cover his development as a director with 1997's Mimic, his blockbuster success with the Hellboy films and goes on to study the films which have cemented his status as a legendary auteur, Oscar award winners Pan's Labrynth and The Shape of Water, as well as his sci-fi masterpiece Pacific Rim, as well as looking at his exciting upcoming projects Nightmare Alley and Pinocchio.\n\n An enlightening look into the mind of an auteur blessed with a singular creative vision, Guillermo del Toro analyses the processes, themes and narratives that have come to be recognised as distinctly del Toro, from practical effects to an obsession with folklore and paganism. It looks into the narrative techniques, stylistic flourishes and creative decisions which have made him a true master of modern cinema.\n\n Presented in a slipcase with 8-page gatefold section, with scores of illuminating photographs of the director at work on set as well as iconic stills from his films and examples of his influences, this stunning package will delight all Guillermo del Toro devotees and movie lovers in general.\n\nUnauthorised and Unofficial.
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Ian Nathan in Libri e riviste 20
- Robert Abele;guillermo Del Toro -
37.49 EUR
Robert Abele;guillermo Del Toro The Art Of The Strain
Brand: Robert Abele;guillermo Del Toro
9781783299645Categoria: Libri e riviste
The Art of The Strain delves into the amazing design work that went into creating this chilling TV series, including del Toro's own designs for the menacing beings that pose a threat to humanity's survival. The book features interviews with key members of the cast and crew. Filled with stunning concept art and candid behind-the-scenes imagery, The Art of The Strain is the perfect accompaniment to the series.
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Robert Abele;guillermo Del Toro in Libri e riviste 21
- Gina Mcintyre -
56.25 EUR
Gina Mcintyre Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio: A Timeless Tale Told Anew
Brand: Gina Mcintyre
9781803363318Categoria: Libri e riviste
Delve behind the scenes of Oscar-winning director Guillermo del Toro's first foray into stop-motion animation with Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio: A Timeless Tale Told Anew\n\nGuillermo del Toro's Pinocchio: A Timeless Tale Told Anew takes readers on an unprecedented journey into the creation of Guillermo del Toro's hit musical fantasy version of the beloved story of Pinocchio. Inspired by the art from Gris Grimly's 2002 edition of The Adventures of Pinocchio, del Toro's adaptation is a dark take on the classic fairy tale. Featuring exclusive interviews with the star-studded cast, which includes Finn Wolfhard, Christoph Waltz, Tilda Swinton, Ewan McGregor, Cate Blanchett, and more, this book showcases the creativity and effort it takes to produce a stop-motion animation film, from concept art to building the puppets to the filming process and beyond.
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Gina Mcintyre in Libri e riviste 22
- Matt Zoller;simon Abrams;guillermo Del Toro -
50 EUR
Matt Zoller;simon Abrams;guillermo Del Toro Guillermo Del Toro's The Devil's Backbone
Brand: Matt Zoller;simon Abrams;guillermo Del Toro
9781785657269Categoria: Libri e riviste
Explore the creation of Guillermo del Toro's early masterpiece through this visually stunning and insightful look at the spine-chilling classic. \n\nReleased in 2001, Guillermo del Toro's The Devil's Backbone marked out the director as a singular talent with the unique ability to mix the macabre with the sublime. Set during the Spanish Civil War, the film focuses on ten-year-old Carlos (Fernando Tielve), an orphan taken in by Republican sympathisers. On his first day at the orphanage, he witnesses a ghostly apparition, the spirit of a young boy named Santi (Andreas Munoz) who disappeared from the institution a year earlier. With the ghost's help, Carlos must uncover the dark secrets that led to Santi's death and help prevent himself and his fellow orphans from meeting the same fate.\n\nSeen by del Toro as a spiritual companion piece to his Oscar-winning Pan's Labyrinth (2006), The Devil's Backbone explores similar themes against the backdrop of the same brutal conflict that turned ordinary men into monsters. This book is written in close collaboration with the director and provides the definitive account of the film's creation, covering everything from del Toro's initial musings through to the haunting designs for Santi, the hugely challenging shoot, and the overwhelming critic and fan reactions upon its release. Including exquisite concept art and rare unit photography from the set, Guillermo del Toro's The Devil's Backbone gives readers an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at how this gothic horror masterpiece was crafted for the screen. The book also draws on interviews with every key player in the film's creation to present the ultimate behind-the-scenes look at this unforgettable Spanish-language classic.
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Matt Zoller;simon Abrams;guillermo Del Toro in Libri e riviste 23
- -
112.31 EUR
The Transnational Fantasies Of Guillermo Del Toro
- Matt Zoller Seitz;simon Abrams -
57.24 EUR
Matt Zoller Seitz;simon Abrams Guillermo Del Toro's The Devil's Backbone
Brand: Matt Zoller Seitz;simon Abrams
9781683831082Categoria: Libri e riviste
Explore the creation of Guillermo del Toro's early masterpiece through this visually stunning and insightful look at the spine-chilling classic. \n\nReleased in 2001, Guillermo del Toro's The Devil's Backbone announced the director as a singular talent with a unique ability to mix the macabre with the sublime. A spiritual companion piece to his Oscar-winning Pan's Labyrinth (2006), the film shares similar themes and is also set against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War, a brutal conflict that turned ordinary men into monsters.\n \n Through a series of in-depth and extremely candid interviews with the director, this deluxe volume not only explores the shooting of the film but also delves into a range of other topics with del Toro, including his influences, his uniquely nuanced approach to filmmaking, and the traumatic personal events that colored the creation of The Devil's Backbone.\n \n The book also draws on interviews with key contributors in the film's creation, including cinematographer Guillermo Navarro and composer Javier Navarrete, to give readers an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at how this gothic horror masterpiece was crafted. Featuring a wealth of exquisite concept art and rare unit photography, Guillermo del Toro's The Devil's Backbone is the ultimate behind-the-scenes look at an unforgettable Spanish-language classic.
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Matt Zoller Seitz;simon Abrams in Libri e riviste -5%25
- Emanuele Rauco -
19 EUR 20 EUR
Emanuele Rauco Beautiful Freak. Le Fiabe Nere Di Guillermo Del Toro
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Emanuele Rauco
9788894826685Categoria: Libri e riviste
Questo libro, giunto alla sua seconda edizione, ripercorre e analizza la meravigliosa, rocambolesca avventura di un autore unico nel panorama moderno, nato a Guadalajara mezzo secolo fa, approdato a Hollywood nel corso di una vorace ricerca espressiva durata trent’anni e oggi signore incontrastato del fantastico. Guillermo Del Toro si definisce “un bambino che ama i mostri” e quel fanciullo riesce a regalarci fiabe oscure, metafore di un mondo crudele e spietato, popolato di creature sensibili e animi nobili celati sotto la scorza della diversità. La prefazione è a cura di Stefano Bessoni. La copertina è stata realizzata da Livio Squeo.
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Emanuele Rauco in Libri e riviste 26
- Gina Mcintyre -
43.74 EUR
Gina Mcintyre The Art And Making Of Guillermo Del Toro's Nightmare Alley: The Rise And Fall Of Stanton Carlisle
Brand: Gina Mcintyre
9781789098815Categoria: Libri e riviste
Comprehensive and insightful, , is the ultimate companion to the master director's latest work.\n\nInspired by William Lindsay Gresham's cult 1947 novel, Nightmare Alley stars Bradley Cooper as Stanton \"Stan\" Carlisle, a talented but troubled drifter who takes up with a travelling carnival. Ingratiating himself with its troupe of misfits, Stan swindles his way to fortune and fame, but when he meets psychiatrist Lilith Ritter (Cate Blanchett), his greed and duplicity will put him on the path to self-destruction. Also starring Toni Collette, Willem Dafoe, Richard Jenkins, and Rooney Mara, Nightmare Alley is del Toro's most ambitious film to date, an engrossing yet disturbing journey into the psyche of a tragic swindler whose own nature seals his fate. This deluxe volume delves into the creation of all aspects of the film through extensive interviews with del Toro and his cast and crew, including writer Kim Morgan, with whom he collaborated closely on the script. This incisive commentary is illustrated with a broad range of striking visuals from the production-including concept art and unit photography-that illuminate the film's two distinct worlds: the ramshackle life of the travelling carnival and the sophisticated art deco trappings of 1940s Buffalo, New York.
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Gina Mcintyre in Libri e riviste 27
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28.74 EUR
Tarot Del Toro
9781789096477Categoria: Libri e riviste
From the macabre world of Guillermo del Toro comes a deliciously twisted take on a traditional seventy-eight-card tarot deck. Designed and illustrated by Tomas Hijo, this deck features sumptuous original artwork inspired by the themes, imagery, and characters of some of del Toro's most popular films, including Pan's Labyrinth, Crimson Peak, and The Shape of Water.\n\n Featuring both major and minor arcana, the set also comes with a helpful guidebook explaining each card's meaning, as well as a simple introduction to creating and reading spreads. Packaged in a collectible gift box, this imaginative set is the perfect gift for del Toro collectors and tarot enthusiasts alike.
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in Libri e riviste 28
- Mary Shelley -
27.49 EUR
Mary Shelley Frankenstein
Brand: Mary Shelley
9780143122333Categoria: Libri e riviste
Part of a new six-volume series of the best in classic horror, selected by award-winning director Guillermo del Toro.\n\n The epic battle between man and monster reaches its greatest pitch in the famous story of Frankenstein. In trying to create life, the young student Victor Frankenstein unleashes forces beyond his control, setting into motion a long and tragic chain of events that brings Victor himself to the very brink. How he tries to destroy his creation, as it destroys everything Victor loves, is a powerful story of love, friendship ... and horror.\n\n Mary Shelley was born in 1797, the only daughter of writers William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. In 1814 she eloped with poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, whom she married in 1816. She is best remembered as the author of Frankenstein, but she wrote several other works, including Valpergaand The Last Man.
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Mary Shelley in Libri e riviste 29
- Edward Gorey -
16.24 EUR
Edward Gorey The Gashlycrumb Tinies: Collector's Edition
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Edward Gorey
9781408891421Categoria: Libri e riviste
The perfectly creepy, amusing book that inspired Tim Burton, Neil Gaiman and Guillermo Del Toro.\n\nA is for AMY who fell down the stairs\nB is for BASIL assaulted by bears\nC is for CLARA who wasted away... \n\n... and so it goes on, an A to Z of poor little orphans and their untimely ends. (Right up to the unfortunate ZILLA, who simply drank too much gin.)\n\n\nThis collector's edition of Edward Gorey's pocket-sized masterpiece comes in a special slipcase with ribbon.
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Edward Gorey in Libri e riviste 30
- Mar Diestro-dopido -
16.24 EUR
Mar Diestro-dopido Pan's Labyrinth
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Mar Diestro-dopido
9781844576418Categoria: Libri e riviste
Guillermo del Toro's cult masterpiece, Pan's Labyrinth (2006), won a total of 76 awards and is one of the most commercially successful Spanish-language films ever made. Blending the world of monstrous fairytales with the actual horrors of post-Civil War Spain, the film's commingling of real and fantasy worlds speaks profoundly to our times.\n\nImmersing herself in the nightmarish world that del Toro has so minutely orchestrated, Mar Diestro-Dopido explores the cultural and historical contexts surrounding the film. Examining del Toro's ground-breaking use of mythology, and how the film addresses ideas of memory and forgetting, she highlights the techniques, themes and cultural references that combine in Pan's Labyrinth to spawn an uncontainable plurality of meanings, which only multiply on contact with the viewer.\n\nThis special edition features an exclusive interview with del Toro and original cover artwork by Santiago Caruso.
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Mar Diestro-dopido in Libri e riviste -50%31
- H. P. Lovecraft -
18.12 EUR 36.24 EUR
H. P. Lovecraft The Thing On The Doorstep And Other Weird Stories
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: H. P. Lovecraft
9780143122326Categoria: Libri e riviste
Part of a new six-volume series of the best in classic horror, selected by award-winning director Guillermo del Toro.\n\n Howard Phillips Lovecraft's unique contribution to American literature was a melding of traditional supernaturalism (derived chiefly from Edgar Allan Poe) with the genre of science fiction that emerged in the early 1920s. The Thing on the Doorstep and Other Weird Storiesbrings together a dozen of the master's tales - from his early short stories 'Under the Pyramids' (originally ghostwritten for Harry Houdini) and 'The Music of Erich Zann' (which Lovecraft ranked second among his own favourites) through to his more fully developed works, 'The Dunwich Horror', 'The Case of Charles Dexter Ward', and 'At the Mountains of Madness'. The book presents the definitive corrected texts of these works, along with Lovecraft critic and biographer S. T. Joshi's illuminating introduction and notes to each story.\n\n Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) was born in Providence, Rhode Island, where he spent most of his life. His relatively small body of work - three novels and sixty short stories - has nevertheless exercised an incalculable influence on horror and supernatural fiction.
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H. P. Lovecraft in Libri e riviste 32
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7.99 EUR
Trollhunters - Guillermo Del Toro E Daniel Kraus (copertina Rigida)
Spedizione: 5.99 EUR
Brand: --
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12.00 EUR
Libri Guillermo Del Toro / Daniel Kraus - La Forma Dell'acqua-the Shape Of Water
Spedizione: 4.99 EUR
Brand: --
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18.00 EUR
Libri Guillermo Del Toro / Daniel Kraus - La Forma Dell'acqua-the Shape Of Water
Spedizione: 4.99 EUR
Brand: --
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17.01 EUR
Libri Guillermo Del Toro / Daniel Kraus - La Forma Dell'acqua-the Shape Of Water
Spedizione: 6.00 EUR
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10.44 EUR
Kształt Wody {ksztalt} Guillermo Del Toro Daniel Kraus Tomasz BieroŃ /bieron/
Spedizione: 14.90 EUR
Brand: --
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10.90 EUR
Kształt Wody {ksztalt} Guillermo Del Toro Daniel Kraus Tomasz BieroŃ /bieron/
Spedizione: 13.45 EUR
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16.99 EUR
Guillermo Del Toro / The Shape Of Water / 9783426523070
Spedizione: 9.90 EUR
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12.00 EUR
La Forma Dell'acqua-the Shape Of Water - Del Toro Guillermo, Kraus Daniel
Spedizione: 5.59 EUR
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16.99 EUR
The Shape Of Water Guillermo Del Toro
Spedizione: 15.00 EUR
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20.80 EUR
The Shape Of Water - Guillermo Del Toro - 9781250302588
Spedizione: 9.90 EUR
Brand: --
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18.00 EUR
La Forma Dell'acqua-the Shape Of Water - Del Toro Guillermo, Kraus Daniel
Spedizione: 5.59 EUR
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11.40 EUR
9788850258406 Daniel Kraus,guillermo Del Toro La Forma Dell'acqua-the Shape Of W
Spedizione: 4.90 EUR
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16.99 EUR
The Shape Of Water Guillermo Del Toro
Spedizione: 14.00 EUR
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26.11 EUR
Shape Of Water - Region A Blu Ray,us Import
Spedizione: 14.44 EUR
Brand: --
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38.67 EUR
Shape Of Water - 4k Uhd (blu Ray) Region Free
Spedizione: 14.96 EUR
Brand: --
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18.98 EUR
Shape Of Water - Region 1 Dvd,us Import
Spedizione: 13.24 EUR
Brand: --
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66.17 EUR
Shape Of Water The Dvd Region 1 New & Sealed
Spedizione: 14.69 EUR
Brand: --
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18.00 EUR
Libri Guillermo Del Toro / Daniel Kraus - La Forma Dell'acqua-the Shape Of Water
Spedizione: 4.99 EUR
Brand: --
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16.69 EUR
Libri Guillermo Del Toro / Daniel Kraus - La Forma Dell'acqua-the Shape Of Water
Spedizione: 4.99 EUR
Brand: --