- J. D. Payne -
21.24 EUR
J. D. Payne Apostolic Imagination - Recovering A Biblical Vision For The Church`s Mission Today
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: J. D. Payne
9781540962553Categoria: Libri e riviste
The Gospel Coalition 2022 Award of Distinction (Missions & The Global Church)\n\nA leading expert in the field of Christian missions encourages the church to recover the apostolic imagination that fueled the multiplication of disciples in the first century. J. D. Payne examines the contemporary practice of Western missions and advocates a more central place for Scripture in defining missionary language, identity, purpose, function, and strategy. He shows that an apostolic understanding of the church's disciple-making commission requires rethinking every aspect of missionary engagement. The book includes end-of-chapter discussion questions and action steps to help pastors and church leaders develop an apostolic imagination.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
J. D. Payne in Libri e riviste 2
- Raffaello Cortina Editore -
19.5 EUR
Esserci - Siegel Daniel J.; Payne Bryson Tina - Raffaello Cortina Editore
- Officina Libraria -
40 EUR
Robert Klein. A Meteor In Art History And Philosophy - Koering J.; Nova A.; Payne A. - Officina Libraria
Spedizione: 2.5 EUR
Brand: Officina Libraria
9788833672663Categoria: Libri e riviste
Robert Klein. A Meteor In Art History And Philosophy - Koering J.; Nova A.; Payne A. - Officina Libraria
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Officina Libraria in Libri e riviste 4
- Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson -
23.75 EUR
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson No-drama Discipline: The Whole-brain Way To Calm The Chaos And Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson
9780345548061Categoria: Libri e riviste
Highlighting the fascinating link between a child’s neurological development and the way a parent reacts to misbehavior, No-Drama Discipline provides an effective, compassionate road map for dealing with tantrums, tensions, and tears—without causing a scene.\r\n \r\nDefining the true meaning of the “d” word (to instruct, not to shout or reprimand), the authors explain how to reach your child, redirect emotions, and turn a meltdown into an opportunity for growth. By doing so, the cycle of negative behavior (and punishment) is essentially brought to a halt, as problem solving becomes a win/win situation. Inside this sanity-saving guide you’ll discover\r\n \r\n• strategies that help parents identify their own discipline philosophy—and master the best methods to communicate the lessons they are trying to impart \r\n• facts on child brain development—and what kind of discipline is most appropriate and constructive at all ages and stages\r\n• the way to calmly and lovingly connect with a child—no matter how extreme the behavior—while still setting clear and consistent limits\r\n• tips for navigating your child through a tantrum to achieve insight, empathy, and repair\r\n• twenty discipline mistakes even the best parents make—and how to stay focused on the principles of whole-brain parenting and discipline techniques\r\n \r\n Complete with candid stories and playful illustrations that bring the authors’ suggestions to life, No-Drama Discipline shows you how to work with your child’s developing mind, peacefully resolve conflicts, and inspire happiness and strengthen resilience in everyone in the family.
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Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson in Libri e riviste -5%5
- Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson -
17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson 12 Strategie Rivoluzionarie Per Favorire Lo Sviluppo Mentale Del Bambino. Una Guida Pratica Con Esercizi, Schede E Giochi
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson
9788860308313Categoria: Libri e riviste
Strumenti semplici ed efficaci per interagire al meglio con i propri figli. In questa guida pratica, che affianca \"12 strategie rivoluzionarie per favorire lo sviluppo mentale del bambino\", gli autori presentano un'ampia raccolta di fumetti, esercizi, schede e attività pratiche che, sulla scorta delle più recenti scoperte sullo sviluppo cerebrale, sono finalizzati a fornire un aiuto concreto ai genitori e a quanti si prendono cura di un bambino. Il libro non intende dettare regole né indurre sensi di colpa: l'obiettivo è indicare strumenti efficaci per superare i molti momenti difficili che si possono incontrare ogni giorno nell'interagire con un bambino, ma anche trasformare questi momenti in opportunità per alimentare le risorse e le potenzialità del bambino e dell'intera famiglia. In questo volume troverete: esercizi da fare da soli, con il bambino o con altri genitori, e attività pratiche diverse a seconda dell'età del bambino, fumetti, schemi e illustrazioni che esemplificano con chiarezza le attività e i concetti descritti nel libro, strategie per favorire un equilibrato sviluppo mentale del bambino che possono diventare un vocabolario comune per genitori, educatori e terapeuti.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson in Libri e riviste 6
- Daniel J Siegel;tina Payne Bryson -
18.74 EUR
Daniel J Siegel;tina Payne Bryson The Yes Brain Child: Help Your Child Be More Resilient, Independent And Creative
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Daniel J Siegel;tina Payne Bryson
9781471167874Categoria: Libri e riviste
FROM THE BESTSELLING PARENTING EXPERTS BEHIND THE WHOLE-BRAIN CHILD COMES A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL PLAN FOR HELPING YOUR CHILD BECOME MORE INDEPENDENT AND RESILIENT. \n\n 'This unique book shows us how to help our children embrace life with all of its challenges. It's a treasure chest of parenting insights and techniques' \n CAROL DWECK, bestselling author of Mindset\n \n Children can often act out or shut down when faced with a setback or a tricky issue like homework, food or screen time. This is what acclaimed parenting experts Dr Siegel and Dr Bryson call the 'No Brain' response. But you can help your child develop the ability to cope, solve their own problems and thrive by nurturing their 'Yes Brain'.\n\n Drawing on their successful work with thousands of parents and children from all backgrounds, Dr Siegel and Dr Bryson provide the advice, tools and activities to help parents with children of all ages.\nThis is what the 'Yes Brain' approach looks like in action:\n\n *A 5-year-old boy thinks about his first day at school and says, 'I'm nervous but I'll give it a try.'\n *An 8 year-old girl says, 'I'd like to join the football team, even though none of my friends like football.'\n *A 14 year-old boy looks at a test he's earned a D- for and says, 'That's not the mark I wanted but it's not the end of the world. I'll ask the teacher how I can improve.'
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Daniel J Siegel;tina Payne Bryson in Libri e riviste -5%7
- Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson -
18.52 EUR 19.5 EUR
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson Esserci. Come La Presenza Dei Genitori Influisce Sullo Sviluppo Dei Bambini
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson
9788832851540Categoria: Libri e riviste
Uno dei dati scientifici che consentono di prevedere\r\ncon più affidabilità l’esito positivo dello\r\nsviluppo di un bambino è il fatto che ci sia\r\nstata nella sua vita almeno una persona capace\r\ndi essere presente con regolarità per lui.\r\nIn un’epoca di distrazioni digitali e impegni\r\npressanti, esserci per un figlio potrebbe sembrare\r\nun compito davvero arduo. Ma, rassicurano\r\nDaniel Siegel e Tina Payne Bryson, essere\r\npresenti non richiede necessariamente\r\ngrandi quantità di tempo e di energia. Esserci\r\nsignifica offrire a un bambino una presenza\r\ndi qualità, semplice da assicurare se si tiene\r\nconto di quel che serve per un sano sviluppo\r\ninfantile: protezione, comprensione, conforto\r\ne sicurezza, il “poker dell’attaccamento”.\r\nBasato sulle ultime scoperte delle neuroscienze,\r\nquesto volume contiene racconti, “piani\r\nd’azione”, semplici strategie e suggerimenti\r\nper fornire a un bambino il “poker dell’attaccamento”\r\nin ogni situazione: quando incontra\r\ndifficoltà o, invece, riesce brillantemente\r\nin un compito e anche quando ci scusiamo\r\nper le volte in cui non ci siamo stati per lui.\r\nUna guida preziosa per coltivare in un bambino\r\nun sano paesaggio emotivo.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson in Libri e riviste 8
- Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson -
21.24 EUR
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson The Power Of Showing Up: How Parental Presence Shapes Who Our Kids Become And How Their Brains Get Wired
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson
9781912854714Categoria: Libri e riviste
By the New York Times bestselling authors of The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline.\n\n\n\nWhat's the one thing a parent can do to make the most difference to their child in the long term? The research is clear: be present, show up! \n\n\n\nOne of the best predictors for any child's future happiness and success is whether at least one adult in their life has consistently shown up for them. With all of today's demands and distractions, this might sound like a tall order. But as bestselling parenting experts Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson reassuringly explain, showing up doesn't take a lot of time, energy, or money. It's simple to do once you understand the four building blocks of a child's healthy development: making them feel safe, seen, soothed, and secure.\n\n\n\nBased on the latest brain and attachment research, The Power of Showing Up shares stories, scripts, simple strategies, illustrations, and tips for when our kids are struggling or when they're enjoying success; when we're consoling, disciplining, or arguing with them; and even when we're apologising for the times we haven't shown up for them. Demonstrating that it's never too late to correct mistakes and mend broken trust, this is a powerful guide to cultivating your child's healthy emotional landscape.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson in Libri e riviste -5%9
- Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson -
17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson Yes Brain. Come Valorizzare Le Risorse Del Bambino
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson
9788832850260Categoria: Libri e riviste
Quando si trovano ad affrontare situazioni sgradite come fare i compiti o andare a dormire, oppure discussioni sul tempo consentito per stare davanti alla TV o al PC, i bambini si fanno prendere spesso dalla rabbia o si chiudono a riccio, adottando un comportamento reattivo. Gli adulti di riferimento possono contrastarlo favorendo lo sviluppo di uno yes brain, di un atteggiamento di apertura e curiosità nei confronti degli altri e della vita; possono alimentare la capacità di dire sì al mondo e di accogliere tutto ciò che la vita ha da offrire, anche nei momenti difficili. I bambini ricettivi, rispetto a quelli reattivi, sono più curiosi e ricchi d'inventiva, maggiormente portati a osare e a esplorare, meno preoccupati di commettere errori. Sono anche più competenti sul piano delle relazioni, più inclini alla flessibilità e alla resilienza davanti alle avversità e alle emozioni intense. In questo volume, gli autori forniscono a genitori e operatori gli strumenti (idee, strategie, \"piani d'azione\") per accompagnare i bambini di ogni età nel percorso verso una positività ricca di straordinari benefici.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson in Libri e riviste 10
- Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson -
23.75 EUR
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson The Whole-brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies To Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
- Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson -
20.9 EUR 22 EUR
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson La Sfida Della Disciplina. Governare Il Caos Per Favorire Lo Sviluppo Del Bambino
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson
9788860307736Categoria: Libri e riviste
Come porre limiti e regole senza inasprire i conflitti ma rafforzando il legame con il bambino e favorendo il suo sviluppo mentale. Daniel Siegel e Tina Payne Bryson, autori di \"12 strategie rivoluzionarie per favorire lo sviluppo mentale del bambino\", si occupano ora, con la stessa competenza e lo stesso approccio innovativo, della sfida più importante per chi cresce un figlio: la disciplina. Il testo chiarisce il rapporto tra lo sviluppo cerebrale del bambino e il modo dei genitori di reagire ai suoi cattivi comportamenti, offrendo un valido piano d'azione per affrontare, senza violenza ma con comprensione, tensioni e crisi di collera. Partendo dal reale significato del termine \"disciplina\" (istruire e insegnare, non rimproverare), gli autori mostrano come entrare in sintonia con il bambino e incanalare le sue emozioni per trasformare una crisi di rabbia o di pianto in un'opportunità di crescita. Così si potrà spezzare il circolo vizioso di capricci del bambino e punizioni del genitore, sostituendolo con strategie più efficaci e adeguate a ogni fase dello sviluppo. Grazie alle spiegazioni semplici e chiare, ai consigli pratici, ai fumetti e ai disegni accattivanti che chiariscono con immediatezza le indicazioni degli autori, questo libro costituisce una grande risorsa per ogni famiglia.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson in Libri e riviste 12
- Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson -
21.24 EUR
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson No-drama Discipline: The Bestselling Parenting Guide To Nurturing Your Child's Developing Mind
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson
9781922247568Categoria: Libri e riviste
A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER.\n\n\nThe pioneering experts behind The Whole-Brain Child tackle the ultimate parenting challenge: discipline.\n\n\n‘A lot of fascinating insights … an eye-opener worth reading.’—Parents\n\n\nHighlighting the fascinating link between a child’s neurological development and the way a parent reacts to misbehaviour, No-Drama Discipline provides an effective, compassionate road map for dealing with tantrums, tensions, and tears — without causing a scene.\n\n\nDefining the true meaning of the ‘d’ word (to instruct, not to shout or reprimand), the authors explain how to reach your child, redirect emotions, and turn a meltdown into an opportunity for growth. By doing so, the cycle of negative behaviour (and punishment) is essentially brought to a halt, as problem solving becomes a win/win situation. Inside this sanity-saving guide you’ll discover:\n\n\n\n\nStrategies that help parents identify their own discipline philosophy — and master the best methods to communicate the lessons they are trying to impart.\nFacts on child brain development — and what kind of discipline is most appropriate and constructive at all ages and stages.\nThe way to calmly and lovingly connect with a child — no matter how extreme the behaviour — while still setting clear and consistent limits.\nTips for navigating your child through a tantrum to achieve insight, empathy, and repair.\nTwenty discipline mistakes even the best parents make — and how to stay focused on the principles of whole-brain parenting and discipline techniques.\n\n\nComplete with candid stories and playful illustrations that bring the authors’ suggestions to life, No-Drama Discipline shows you how to work with your child’s developing mind, peacefully resolve conflicts, and inspire happiness and strengthen resilience in everyone in the family.\n\n\n‘With lucid, engaging prose accompanied by cartoon illustrations, Siegel and Bryson help parents teach and communicate more effectively.’—Publishers Weekly\n\n\n‘Wow! This book grabbed me from the very first page and did not let go.’—Lawrence J. Cohen, PhD, author of The Opposite of Worry
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson in Libri e riviste -5%13
- Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson -
17.1 EUR 18 EUR
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson 12 Strategie Rivoluzionarie Per Favorire Lo Sviluppo Mentale Del Bambino
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson
9788860304841Categoria: Libri e riviste
Le ultime scoperte sul cervello tradotte in semplici suggerimenti per i genitori. I vostri bambini non smettono di fare capricci esasperanti. Stanno complottando per rendervi la vita impossibile? Ma no, sono solo in balia del loro cervello, ancora in via di sviluppo! In questo libro, Daniel Siegel, neuropsichiatra, e Tina Payne Bryson, consulente genitoriale di grande esperienza, fanno luce sulle tempeste emotive dell'infanzia, spiegando come nei bambini l'emisfero destro del cervello e l'emotività che lo contraddistingue tendano ad avere la meglio sulla logica e sulla razionalità dell'emisfero sinistro. Seguendo le 12 strategie suggerite dagli autori, sarà possibile trasformare l'esplosione di rabbia del bambino in un'opportunità per realizzare l'integrazione fra le diverse parti del suo cervello e favorire uno sviluppo adeguato.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Daniel J. Siegel;tina Payne Bryson in Libri e riviste 14
- Tina Payne Bryson;daniel Siegel -
18.74 EUR
Tina Payne Bryson;daniel Siegel The Whole-brain Child: 12 Proven Strategies To Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Tina Payne Bryson;daniel Siegel
9781780338378Categoria: Libri e riviste
In this pioneering, practical book for parents, neuroscientist Daniel J. Siegel and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson explain the new science of how a child's brain is wired and how it matures. Different parts of a child's brain develop at different speeds and understanding these differences can help you turn any outburst, argument, or fear into a chance to integrate your child's brain and raise calmer, happier children. \n\nFeaturing clear explanations, age-appropriate strategies and illustrations that will help you explain these concepts to your child, The Whole-Brain Child will help your children to lead balanced, meaningful, and connected lives using twelve key strategies, including:\n\nName It to Tame It: Corral raging right-brain behavior through left-brain storytelling, appealing to the left brain's affinity for words and reasoning to calm emotional storms and bodily tension.\nEngage, Don't Enrage: Keep your child thinking and listening, instead of purely reacting.\nMove It or Lose It: Use physical activities to shift your child's emotional state.\nLet the Clouds of Emotion Roll By: Guide your children when they are stuck on a negative emotion, and help them understand that feelings come and go.\nSIFT: Help children pay attention to the Sensations, Images, Feelings, and Thoughts within them so that they can make better decisions and be more flexible.\nConnect Through Conflict: Use discord to encourage empathy and greater social success.
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Tina Payne Bryson;daniel Siegel in Libri e riviste 15
- T. M. Payne -
11.24 EUR
T. M. Payne Long Time Dead
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: T. M. Payne
9781662511301Categoria: Libri e riviste
A cold case that’s no longer cold. A suspect who’s been murdered. A silenced witness.\n\n\"A brilliant debut.\" —Steve Cavanagh\n\n\"True fans of Val McDermid will love Payne's writing.” —A. J. West\n\n\"One of the most exciting new voices in crime fiction.\" —Kia Abdullah\n\nDI Sheridan Holler is used to solving crimes on Liverpool’s streets, but after a decayed corpse turns up in a cemetery, she finds herself reopening not one but two cold cases. Seven years earlier, two women were gunned down and the only suspect, small-time drug dealer John Lively, was never seen again. Case closed. Until the body in the cemetery is identified as his.\n\nHoller needs to work out if Lively was killed out of revenge, or was just a victim of the criminal world he inhabited. When shocking evidence is revealed about the murder weapon, Holler’s cold case starts to look hopeless once more.\n\nBut defeat is not an option. Driven by the unsolved and traumatic murder of her brother when they were children, DI Holler’s pursuit of justice is relentless. As old wounds are reopened, the police close in on the killer, but the threat of them striking again is all too real. Can DI Holler put the pieces of the puzzle together before anyone else winds up dead?
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T. M. Payne in Libri e riviste 16
- Tina Payne Bryson -
18.74 EUR
Tina Payne Bryson The Bottom Line For Baby: From Sleep Training To Screens, Thumb Sucking To Tummy Time--what The Science Says
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Tina Payne Bryson
9781529346411Categoria: Libri e riviste
An essential guide to making all your important parenting decisions - Daniel J. Siegel, MD, New York Times bestselling co-author of The Whole-Brain Child\n\nApply the best science to all your parenting decisions with this essential A-Z guide for your biggest questions and concerns from the New York Times bestselling co-author of The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline.\n\nEvery baby- and toddler-care decision sends parents scrambling to do the right thing, and often down into the rabbit hole of conflicting advice. Dr Tina Payne Bryson has sifted through the reliable research (including about all those old wives' tales) and will help you make a manageable molehill out of the mountain of information and answer more than sixty common concerns and dilemmas, including\n\n Breast or bottle? Or breast and bottle? Will that cause nipple confusion?\n What's the latest recommendation for introducing solids in light of potential allergies?\n Should I sign us up for music and early-language classes?\n Should we be co-sleeping?\n When is the right time to wean my baby off her dummy?\n How do I get this child to sleep through the night?!\n\nDr Bryson boils things down with authority, demystifying the issues in three distinct sections: an objective summary of the schools of thought on the topic, including commonly held pros and cons; a clear and concise primer on \"What the Science Says\"; and a Bottom Line conclusion. When the science doesn't point clearly in one direction, she guides you to assess and apply the information in a way that's consistent with your family's principles and meets your child's unique needs. Full of warmth, expert wisdom, and blessedly bite-sized explanations, The Bottom Line for Baby will help you understand what the priorities really are during the first year of your baby's life.
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Tina Payne Bryson in Libri e riviste -5%17
- J. R. Ward -
10.45 EUR 11 EUR
J. R. Ward Ferita. La Confraternita Del Pugnale Nero. Vol. 9
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: J. R. Ward
9788817082068Categoria: Libri e riviste
La bellissima vampira Payne, sorella gemella di Vishous e indomita guerriera, ha appena iniziato ad assaporare la libertà dopo una lunghissima prigionia e si prepara a scoprire un mondo a lei sconosciuto insieme ai membri della Confraternita. Finché un incidente la lascia paralizzata. Quando Payne chiede la morte, piuttosto che rassegnarsi a un'esistenza mutilata, Vishous decide di accettare l'aiuto di un uomo di cui non si fida, Manny Manello, l'unico chirurgo in grado di tentare la difficile operazione che potrà forse restituire alla vampira la capacità di camminare. Tra il dottore e la paziente nasce ben presto un'attrazione che li porta a vivere emozioni e sentimenti mai provati. Qualcuno però è sulle tracce di Payne, in cerca di vendetta: il vampiro Xcor, giunto dall'Europa a capo di un gruppo di rinnegati e rimasto orfano di padre proprio per mano della guerriera. Quali verità nascoste emergeranno dal passato di Xcor e Payne?
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J. R. Ward in Libri e riviste 18
- Arthur Schopenhauer -
22.49 EUR
Arthur Schopenhauer On The Basis Of Morality
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Arthur Schopenhauer
9780872204423Categoria: Libri e riviste
This edition originally published by Berghahn Books. Schopenhauer's treatise on ethics is presented here in E. F. J. Payne's definitive translation, based on the Hubscher edition (Wiesbaden, 1946-1950). This edition includes an Introduction by David Cartwright, a translator's preface, biographical note, selected bibliography, and an index. For convenient reference to passages in Kant's work discussed by Schopenhauer, Academy edition numbers have been added.
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Arthur Schopenhauer in Libri e riviste 19
- -- -
18.00 EUR
Libro 12 Strategie Rivoluzionarie Per Favorire Lo - D.j. Siegel, T. Payne Bryson
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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30.54 EUR
Kevin Blackwell J. D. Payne Repairing The Missional Breach (tascabile)
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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30.19 EUR
Payne J. D. Payne Missional House Churches (tascabile)
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26.16 EUR
J. D. Payne Strangers Next Door – Immigration, Migration And Mission (tascabile)
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48.15 EUR
J. D. Payne/patrick Mckay Signed The Lord Of The Rings 10x8 Photo Aftal
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27.64 EUR
J. D. Payne Theology Of Mission (copertina Rigida)
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29.01 EUR
J. D. Payne Theology Of Mission (copertina Rigida)
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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13.83 EUR
Foto: Payne, J.m.
Spedizione: 9.22 EUR
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24.47 EUR
J. D. Payne Apostolic Imagination – Recovering A Biblical Vision For (tascabile)
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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21.30 EUR
J. D. Payne Apostolic Imagination – Recovering A Biblical Vision For (tascabile)
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20.22 EUR
J. D. Payne Apostolic Church Planting – Birthing New Churches From N (tascabile)
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44.91 EUR
J. D. Payne Dav Discovering Church Planting – An Introduction To The (tascabile)
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30.12 EUR
J. D. Payne Joh Developing A Strategy For Missions – A Biblical, His (tascabile)
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48.43 EUR
J. D. Payne Dav Discovering Church Planting – An Introduction To The (tascabile)
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30.35 EUR
Kevin Blackwell J. D. Payne Repairing The Missional Breach (tascabile)
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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39.39 EUR
Theology Of Mission: A Concise Biblical Theology By J.d. Payne (english) Hardcov
Spedizione: 16.28 EUR
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14.67 EUR
1987 Battle Of Britain 30th Bbmf, Lincoln Anniv Cover - Signed By Sgt D J Payne
Spedizione: 5.80 EUR
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20.51 EUR
J. D. Payne Apostolic Church Planting – Birthing New Churches From N (tascabile)
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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17.76 EUR
Theology Of Mission - 9781683595724
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88.53 EUR
A Catalogue Of Heber's Collection Of Early English Poetry, The D [leather Bound]
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Brand: --