- Serhii Plokhy -
15.5 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Chernobyl: History Of A Tragedy
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9780141988351Categoria: Libri e riviste
WINNER OF THE BAILLIE GIFFORD PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION 2018 WINNER OF THE PUSHKIN HOUSE BOOK PRIZE 2019\r\n\r\n«As moving as it is painstakingly researched... a cracking read» – Viv Groskop, Observer\r\n\r\n«A riveting account of human error and state duplicity... rightly being hailed as a classic» – Hannah Betts, Daily Telegraph\r\n\r\n«A compelling history of the 1986 disaster and its aftermath... plunges the reader into the sweaty, nervous tension of the Chernobyl control room on that fateful night when human frailty and design flaws combined to such devastating effect» – Daniel Beer, Guardian\r\n\r\n«Haunting... near-Tolstoyan. His voice is humane and inflected with nostalgia» – Roland Elliott Brown, Spectator\r\n\r\n«Extraordinary, vividly written, powerful storytelling... the first full-scale history of the world's worst nuclear disaster, one of the defining moments in the Cold War, told minute by minute» – Victor Sebestyen, Sunday Times\r\n\r\n«Plays out like a classical tragedy... fascinating» – Julian Evans, Daily Telegraph\r\n\r\n«Here at last is the monumental history the disaster deserves» – Julie McDowall, The Times\r\n\r\nOn 26 April 1986 at 1.23am a reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Soviet Ukraine exploded. While the authorities scrambled to understand what was occurring, workers, engineers, firefighters and those living in the area were abandoned to their fate. The blast put the world on the brink of nuclear annihilation, contaminating over half of Europe with radioactive fallout. In «Chernobyl», award-winning historian Serhii Plokhy draws on recently opened archives to recreate these events in all their drama. A moment by moment account of the heroes, perpetrators and victims of a tragedy, Chernobyl is the first full account of a gripping, unforgettable Cold War story.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste -15%2
- Serhii Plokhy -
21.25 EUR 25 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Il Ritorno Della Storia. Il Conflitto Russo-ucraino
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9788804765288Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il 24 febbraio 2022 Vladimir Putin sconvolgeva la comunità internazionale lanciando la sua «operazione militare speciale» contro l'Ucraina. L'offensiva su vasta scala, che sarebbe dovuta durare poche settimane, si è subito trasformata nel più grande conflitto scoppiato nel cuore dell'Europa dalla fine della Seconda guerra mondiale. In realtà, osserva lo storico Serhii Plokhy, questa guerra è cominciata molto tempo prima, nel febbraio 2014, con l'invasione russa della Crimea, che è proseguita con una guerra non dichiarata e da molti deliberatamente ignorata, fatta di bombardamenti e scontri a fuoco nella regione ucraina del Donbas. Con uno sguardo attento ai dettagli sul campo – dalle stanze del potere alle trincee –, Plokhy esamina il conflitto in corso e dimostra come le sue radici affondino nella storia del crollo imperiale. Per molti aspetti, infatti, quella in atto è una guerra di vecchio stile, condotta dalle élite russe, che si considerano eredi e continuatrici delle tradizioni espansionistiche da grande potenza dell'Impero russo e dell'Unione Sovietica. Una guerra che, malgrado le sue radici, viene combattuta in un nuovo panorama internazionale definito dalla proliferazione delle armi nucleari, dalla frantumazione dell'ordine mondiale determinatasi con la fine della Guerra fredda, e da un ritorno senza precedenti del nazionalismo populista. È l'inizio di una nuova, e ancora indeterminata, epoca. Se la caduta del Muro di Berlino aveva generato l'illusione della «fine della Storia», vale a dire la fine delle guerre novecentesche, delle annessioni territoriali e delle invasioni non provocate, il conflitto russo-ucraino ha visto la Storia riprendersi la scena, con il suo carico di orrori e violenze, ma soprattutto con le sue ineludibili domande: si deve sottostare alla legge del più forte per paura di un conflitto generalizzato? qual è il prezzo che si è disposti a pagare per difendere la propria libertà? ci sono ancora valori e diritti per i quali ha senso combattere? Non solo l'esito dell'attuale conflitto ma anche la storia dei prossimi decenni dipenderà dalle risposte che sapremo trovare.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste -50%3
- Serhii Plokhy -
11.25 EUR 22.5 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Nuclear Folly: A New History Of The Cuban Missile Crisis
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9780141993287Categoria: Libri e riviste
*Shortlisted for the Duke of Wellington Medal for Military History*\n\n'An enthralling account of a pivotal moment in modern history. . . replete with startling revelations about the deception and mutual suspicion that brought the US and Soviet Union to the brink of Armageddon in October 1962' Martin Chilton, Independent\n\nThe definitive new history of the Cuban Missile Crisis from the author of Chernobyl: History of a Tragedy, winner of the Baillie Gifford Prize\n\nFor more than four weeks in the autumn of 1962 the world teetered. The consequences of a misplaced step during the Cuban Missile Crisis could not have been more grave. Ash and cinder, famine and fallout; nuclear war between the two most-powerful nations on Earth.\n\nIn Nuclear Folly, award-winning historian Serhii Plokhy tells the riveting story of those weeks, tracing the tortuous decision-making and calculated brinkmanship of John F. Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev and Fidel Castro, and of their advisors and commanders on the ground. More often than not, Plokhy argues, the Americans and Soviets simply misread each other, operating under mutual distrust, second-guesses and false information. Despite all of this, nuclear disaster was avoided thanks to one very human reason: fear.\n\nDrawing on an impressive array of primary sources, including recently declassified KGB files, Plokhy masterfully illustrates the drama of those tense days. Authoritative, fast-paced and unforgettable, this is the definitive new account of the Cold War's most perilous moment.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste -15%4
- Serhii Plokhy -
21.25 EUR 25 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Le Porte D'europa. Storia Dell'ucraina
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9788804763321Categoria: Libri e riviste
Collocata al margine occidentale della steppa eurasiatica, l'Ucraina è stata per secoli una via d'accesso all'Europa. Una porta attraverso la quale sono transitate genti, merci e idee. Un punto d'incontro (e scontro) tra diverse culture e grandi imperi - romano e ottomano, asburgico e russo - che hanno lasciato la loro impronta e plasmato il paesaggio, il carattere e l'identità di una popolazione abituata da sempre a vivere tra confini incerti, frontiere in perenne movimento, scorrerie di predoni e conquistatori. Fino a quando, alla metà dell'Ottocento, ha preso avvio quel processo di 'nation building' che nel secolo successivo ha portato alla creazione di un moderno stato-nazione, multietnico, multiculturale e ispirato ai principi delle democrazie liberali dell'Occidente. Un cammino lungo e tortuoso, che ha incrociato spesso le tragedie del Novecento - come l' Holodomor , la Grande carestia degli anni Trenta frutto della politica staliniana, e l'occupazione nazista, che ha fatto dell'Ucraina uno dei luoghi principali dell'Olocausto - e si è concluso soltanto con la dissoluzione dell'Unione Sovietica, la proclamazione dell'indipendenza e il progressivo avvicinamento del popolo ucraino alle istituzioni dell'Unione Europea. Oggi, però, la storia dell'Ucraina sembra riavvolgersi nel proprio passato. La guerra d'aggressione della Russia di Vladimir Putin, dopo l'annessione della Crimea e l'occupazione della regione mineraria del Donbass, le ha infatti riassegnato il ruolo di linea di faglia attorno alla quale si scatenano le tensioni tra Est e Ovest in una pericolosa riedizione della Guerra fredda. Docente di Storia ucraina a Harvard, Serhii Plokhy accende in queste pagine i riflettori su vicende drammatiche e affascinanti, offrendo una chiave di lettura essenziale per comprendere le origini della crisi internazionale più grave dalla fine del secondo conflitto mondiale.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste 5
- Serhii Plokhy -
31 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Chernobyl Roulette: A War Story
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9780241681251Categoria: Libri e riviste
'A necessary book – and I can think of no writer better qualified to write it' Cal Flyn \n\nWhat if Chernobyl was just the beginning?\n\nThe acclaimed winner of the Baillie Gifford Prize returns to Chernobyl to tell the gripping story of thirty-five days of war\n\nOn 24 February 2022, the first day of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, armoured vehicles approached the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine. It was the most direct way for them to reach the capital - and an extraordinarily reckless plan after the disaster that had taken place there three decades earlier. Russian occupation of the plant had begun. It would last thirty-five days.\n\nClosely reported and narrated from multiple perspectives, this is the story of the Ukrainians who were held hostage and worked shifts for weeks instead of days to spare the world a new nuclear accident. We meet Valentyn Heiko, the foreman who had also been there for the clean-up of the Chernobyl accident in 1986 and turned sixty during the occupation; plant workers who found a way to celebrate International Women’s Day despite all odds; Russian officers who had no knowledge of nuclear reactors; and four stalkers who were caught in the middle and stood in for the overworked cook.\n\nGripping and unforgettable, Chernobyl Roulette sounds the alarm about the dangers of nuclear sites in an unprecedented time, when plant workers are left to fight on their own while the world holds its breath. In a book that reads like a thriller, Serhii Plokhy tells a remarkable story about human nature, uncertainty and courage.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste 6
- Serhii Plokhy -
16.24 EUR
Serhii Plokhy The Last Empire: The Final Days Of The Soviet Union
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9781780746463Categoria: Libri e riviste
BY THE AUTHOR OF CHERNOBYL: HISTORY OF A TRAGEDY, WINNER OF THE BAILLIE GIFFORD PRIZE 2018\n\n\n\nWINNER OF THE PUSHKIN HOUSE RUSSIAN BOOK PRIZE 2015\n\n\n\nOn Christmas Day 1991 Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as president of the Soviet Union. By the next day the USSR was officially no more and the USA had emerged as the world's sole superpower. Award-winning historian Serhii Plokhy presents a page-turning account of the preceding five months of drama, filled with failed coups d'etat and political intrigue.\n\n\n\nHoning in on this previously disregarded but crucial period and using recently declassified documents and original interviews with key participants, he shatters the established myths of 1991 and presents a bold new interpretation of the Soviet Union's final months. Plokhy argues that contrary to the triumphalist Western narrative, George H. W. Bush desperately wanted to preserve the Soviet Union and keep Gorbachev in power, and that it was Ukraine and not the US that played the key role in the collapse of the Soviet Union. The consequences of those five months and the myth-making that has since surrounded them are still being felt in Crimea, Russia, the US, and Europe today.\n\n\n\nWith its spellbinding narrative and strikingly fresh perspective, The Last Empire is the essential account of one of the most important watershed periods in world history, and is indispensable reading for anyone seeking to make sense of international politics today.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste -15%7
- Serhii Plokhy -
22.95 EUR 27 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Atomi E Cenere. Dall'atollo Di Bikini A Fukushima, Storia Di Sei Disastri Nucleari
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9788804764748Categoria: Libri e riviste
L'11 marzo 2011, l'onda di uno tsunami alta oltre tredici metri si abbatté sulla centrale nucleare di Fukushima, in Giappone. Nei giorni successivi, una serie di esplosioni portò alla parziale fusione di tre reattori e a un riversamento incontrollato di acqua radioattiva nell'area circostante. Si trattò di uno dei più gravi disastri nucleari di sempre. Ma non fu il più tragico. Nell'aprile del 1986, a Cernobyl', nell'ex Unione Sovietica, l'esplosione e l'incendio del reattore liberarono nell'atmosfera una quantità tale di radiazioni da provocare un numero impressionante, ancorché imprecisato, di vittime. Prima ancora era stata la volta di Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, di Windscale in Inghilterra, di Kyštym negli Urali e dell'atollo di Bikini nelle isole Marshall. Per coloro che si oppongono all'uso dell'energia nucleare per scopi civili, questi incidenti sono la prova tangibile del pericolo che essa rappresenta. Alla paura, si aggiungono poi i costi elevati in termini di risorse e investimenti per ottenere un rendimento economicamente vantaggioso e la preoccupazione per i rischi rappresentati dai tanti regimi autoritari, che praticano il «terrorismo nucleare» al fine di realizzare le proprie ambizioni geopolitiche. Tuttavia gli incentivi politici a passare al nucleare restano forti, per motivi economici, militari o di semplice prestigio. E la necessità di sostituire i combustibili fossili per affrontare i problemi sollevati dal cambiamento climatico impone una nuova riflessione sul futuro del nucleare. Una riflessione, però, che non può prescindere da quanto avvenuto in passato. Dagli incidenti dovuti a un malfunzionamento o al fattore umano, dalla cultura manageriale o dall'ideologia che li hanno resi possibili, dai silenzi dei governi che ne hanno occultato gli effetti sulla popolazione e sull'ambiente. Ripercorrere la storia dei più importanti disastri nucleari diventa un passaggio necessario per capire quale insegnamento possiamo trarne e come possiamo evitare che si verifichino di nuovo. Perché molti di quei fattori ci accompagnano ancora oggi, e rendono l'industria nucleare vulnerabile e incline a ripetere vecchi errori in modi inediti e inaspettati.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste 8
- Serhii Plokhy -
42.5 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Ukraine And Russia: Representations Of The Past
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9781442628458Categoria: Libri e riviste
The question of where Russian history ends and Ukrainian history begins has not yet received a satisfactory answer. Generations of historians referred to Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, as the starting point of the Muscovite dynasty, the Russian state, and, ultimately, the Russian nation. However, the history of Kyiv and that of the Scythians of the Northern Black Sea region have also been claimed by Ukrainian historians, and are now regarded as integral parts of the history of Ukraine. If these are actually the beginnings of Ukrainian history, when does Russian history start? In Ukraine and Russia, Serhii Plokhy discusses many questions fundamental to the formation of modern Russian and Ukrainian historical identity. He investigates the critical role of history in the development of modern national identities and offers historical and cultural insight into the current state of relations between the two nations. Plokhy shows how history has been constructed, used, and misused in order to justify the existence of imperial and modern national projects, and how those projects have influenced the interpretation of history in Russia and Ukraine.\nThis book makes important assertions not only about the conflicts and negotiations inherent to opposing historiographic traditions, but about ways of overcoming the limitations imposed by those traditions.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste -15%9
- Serhii Plokhy -
15.3 EUR 18 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Chernobyl. Storia Di Una Catastrofe Nucleare
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9788817143981Categoria: Libri e riviste
Basato su documenti dell’epoca - molti dei quali inediti e molti riservati -, e sulla testimonianza diretta di chi c’era, il libro è un resoconto toccante del dramma di eroi, carnefici e vittime, ma anche un’analisi impietosa della superpotenza sovietica. \r\n«Commovente e al tempo stesso basato su una solida ricerca. Una lettura eccezionale» – Observer\r\n«La prima ricostruzione completa dell'incidente di Chernobyl... Ecco finalmente la storia monumentale che il disastro merita» – The Times\r\nIl 26 aprile 1986 l’Europa ha assistito a uno dei suoi peggiori incubi: l’esplosione di un reattore nella centrale nucleare di Chernobyl, nell’Ucraina sovietica, che ha contaminato più della metà del continente e ha messo il mondo davanti al rischio dell’annientamento. In Chernobyl, Serhii Plokhy, rinomato storico e scrittore di origine ucraina, ricrea questi eventi, minuto per minuto, in tutto il loro dramma, raccontando le storie dei pompieri, scienziati, operai e soldati che si trovarono intrappolati nell’Armageddon nucleare e riuscirono a fare ciò che apparentemente era impossibile: estinguere l’inferno e mettere il reattore a “dormire”. Basato su documenti dell’epoca - molti dei quali inediti e molti riservati -, e sulla testimonianza diretta di chi c’era, il libro è un resoconto toccante del dramma di eroi, carnefici e vittime, ma anche un’analisi impietosa della superpotenza sovietica. Un colosso che, pochi anni dopo, sarebbe drammaticamente collassato, distrutto dall’interno dal suo disfunzionale sistema politico e gestionale che il disastro di Chernobyl ha contribuito a mettere a nudo.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste 10
- Serhii Plokhy -
27.49 EUR
Serhii Plokhy The Gates Of Europe: A History Of Ukraine
- Serhii Plokhy -
12.49 EUR
Serhii Plokhy The Russo-ukrainian War: The Return Of History
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9781324078920Categoria: Libri e riviste
Despite repeated warnings from the White House, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 shocked the world. Why did Putin start the war—and why has it unfolded in previously unimaginable ways? Ukrainians have resisted a superior military; the West has united, while Russia grows increasingly isolated.\n\n Serhii Plokhy, a leading historian of Ukraine and the Cold War, offers a definitive account of this conflict, its origins, course, and the already apparent and possible future consequences. Though the current war began eight years before the all-out assault—on February 27, 2014, when Russian armed forces seized the building of the Crimean parliament—the roots of this conflict can be traced back even earlier, to post-Soviet tensions and imperial collapse in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Providing a broad historical context and an examination of Ukraine and Russia’s ideas and cultures, as well as domestic and international politics, Plokhy reveals that while this new Cold War was not inevitable, it was predictable.\n\n Ukraine, Plokhy argues, has remained central to Russia’s idea of itself even as Ukrainians have followed a radically different path. In a new international environment defined by the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the disintegration of the post–Cold War international order, and a resurgence of populist nationalism, Ukraine is now more than ever the most volatile fault line between authoritarianism and democratic Europe.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste 12
- Serhii Plokhy -
14.99 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Atoms And Ashes: A Global History Of Nuclear Disasters
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9781324064558Categoria: Libri e riviste
Almost 145,000 Americans fled their homes in and around Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in late March 1979, hoping to save themselves from an invisible enemy: radiation. The reactor at the nearby Three Mile Island nuclear power plant had gone into partial meltdown, and scientists feared an explosion that could spread radiation throughout the eastern United States. Thankfully, the explosion never took place—but the accident left deep scars in the American psyche, all but ending the nation’s love affair with nuclear power.\n\n In Atoms and Ashes, Serhii Plokhy recounts the dramatic history of Three Mile Island and five more accidents that that have dogged the nuclear industry in its military and civil incarnations: the disastrous fallout caused by the testing of the hydrogen bomb in the Bikini Atoll in 1954; the Kyshtym nuclear disaster in the USSR, which polluted a good part of the Urals; the Windscale fire, the worst nuclear accident in the UK’s history; back to the USSR with Chernobyl, the result of a flawed reactor design leading to the exodus of 350,000 people; and, most recently, Fukushima in Japan, triggered by an earthquake and a tsunami, a disaster on a par with Chernobyl and whose clean-up will not take place in our lifetime.\n\n Through the stories of these six terrifying incidents, Plokhy explores the risks of nuclear power, both for military and peaceful purposes, while offering a vivid account of how individuals and governments make decisions under extraordinary circumstances. Today, there are 440 nuclear reactors operating throughout the world, with nuclear power providing 10 percent of global electricity. Yet as the world seeks to reduce carbon emissions to combat climate change, the question arises: Just how safe is nuclear energy?
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste 13
- Serhii Plokhy -
29.99 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Chernobyl Roulette: War In The Nuclear Disaster Zone
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9781324079415Categoria: Libri e riviste
On February 24, 2022, the first day of Russia’s all-out attack on Ukraine, armored vehicles approached the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine. Russian occupation of the plant, which would last thirty-five days, had begun.\n\n Only the dedication and resolve of Ukrainian personnel, who were held hostage and worked shifts for weeks instead of days, spared the world a new Chernobyl accident. They had to make life-or-death decisions on cooperation or resistance, balancing loyalty to their families, their homeland, and innocent civilians in Ukraine and beyond who would suffer the consequences of a nuclear accident should it occur. The choices they made helped to save the world from another Chernobyl disaster.\n\n Meanwhile, a much more dangerous situation developed at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine, the largest such facility in Europe. Following an attack there in March 2022, the Russian military remains in control, and Ukrainian intelligence warns of the potential for nuclear terrorism. We must face up to a new reality: there has already been warfare at two nuclear sites, and others are vulnerable.\n\n In a book that reads like a thriller, Serhii Plokhy, a leading historian of the Cold War and Ukrainian history, joins the stories of the Russo-Ukrainian War and the Chernobyl nuclear disaster to sound the alarm about the dangers of nuclear sites in a time of heightened conflict. There are 440 such sites around the globe today, and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine will not be the last war in human history. The story of the men and women of Chornobyl is more than recent history: it is also a glimpse into the not-so-distant future.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste 14
- Serhii Plokhy -
22.44 EUR
Serhii Plokhy The Frontline: Essays On Ukraine's Past And Present
- Serhii Plokhy -
13.74 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Lost Kingdom: A History Of Russian Nationalism From Ivan The Great To Vladimir Putin
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9780141983134Categoria: Libri e riviste
'Brisk and thoughtful, this book could hardly be more timely' Dominic Sandbrook, BBC History Magazine, Books of the Year\n\nFrom a preeminent scholar of Eastern Europe and the prize-winning author of Chernobyl, the essential history of Russian imperialism\n\nIn 2014, Russia annexed Crimea and attempted to seize a portion of Ukraine. While the world watched in outrage, this violation of national sovereignty was in fact only the latest iteration of a centuries-long effort to expand Russian boundaries and create a pan-Russian nation. In Lost Kingdom, award-winning historian Serhii Plokhy argues that we can only understand the merging of imperialism and nationalism in Russia today by delving into its history.\n\nSpanning over two thousand years, from the end of the Mongol rule to the present day, Plokhy shows how leaders from Ivan the Terrible to Joseph Stalin to Vladimir Putin have exploited existing forms of identity, warfare and territorial expansion to achieve imperial supremacy. A strikingly ambitious book, Lost Kingdom chronicles the long and belligerent history of Russia's empire and nation-building quest.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste 16
- Serhii Plokhy -
18.5 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Atoms And Ashes: From Bikini Atoll To Fukushima
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9780141997179Categoria: Libri e riviste
CHOSEN AS A BOOK OF THE YEAR BY SUNDAY TIMES AND HISTORY TODAY\n\n'Absolutely stunning. . . a formidable achievement. A six-part historical thriller that is essential reading for both our politicians and the ordinary citizen' Kai Bird\n\nBest-selling historian Serhii Plokhy returns with an illuminating exploration of the atomic age through the history of six nuclear disasters \n\nIn 2011, a 43-foot-high tsunami crashed into a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. In the following days, explosions would rip buildings apart, three reactors would go into nuclear meltdown, and the surrounding area would be swamped in radioactive water. It is now considered one of the costliest nuclear disasters ever. But Fukushima was not the first, and it was not the worst. . .\n\nIn Atoms and Ashes, acclaimed historian Serhii Plokhy tells the tale of the six nuclear disasters that shook the world: Bikini Atoll, Kyshtym, Windscale, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. Based on wide-ranging research and witness testimony, Plokhy traces the arc of each crisis, exploring in depth the confused decision-making on the ground and the panicked responses of governments to contain the crises and often cover up the scale of the catastrophe.\n\nAs the world increasingly looks to renewable and alternative sources of energy, Plokhy lucidly argues that the atomic risk must be understood in explicit terms, but also that these calamities reveal a fundamental truth about our relationship with nuclear technology: that the thirst for power and energy has always trumped safety and the cost for future generations.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste 17
- Serhii Plokhy -
14.99 EUR
Serhii Plokhy The Man With The Poison Gun: A Cold War Spy Story
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9781786071767Categoria: Libri e riviste
1961. The height of the Cold War. Just hours before work begins on the Berlin Wall, a KGB assassin and his young wife flee for the West before the Iron Curtain comes down and traps them in the East forever.\n\n\n\nThis gripping story of real-life espionage and intrigue began when the Soviets invented a special weapon that killed without leaving a trace and put it in the hands of Bogdan Stashinsky. It is a tale of exploding parcels, fake identities, forbidden love and a man who knew the truth about the USSR’s most classified programme. By the time Stashinsky had his day in court, the whole world was watching.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste 18
- Serhii Plokhy -
13.74 EUR
Serhii Plokhy Forgotten Bastards Of The Eastern Front: An Untold Story Of World War Ii
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9780141991108Categoria: Libri e riviste
'Many books claim to tell an \"unknown\" story of the Second World War. Few of them actually do. Forgotten Bastards is a rare exception . . . This is gripping history' Duncan Weldon, Prospect \n\nA riveting story of World War II from the author of Chernobyl, winner of the Baillie Gifford Prize for non-fiction\n\nIn November 1943, with the outcome of the Second World War hanging in the balance, the Allies needed a new plan. The Americans' audacious suggestion to the Soviets was to open a second air front, with the US Air Force establishing bases in Soviet-controlled territory. Despite Stalin's obvious reservations about the presence of foreign troops in Russia, he was persuaded. Operation Baseball and then Frantic were initiated in early 1944 as B-17 Superfortresses were flown from bases in Italy to the Poltova region in today's Ukraine. \n\nAward-winning historian Serhii Plokhy tells the gripping, little-known story of this encounter between American and Soviet soldiers and how their collaboration quickly fell apart, mirroring the transition from the Grand Alliance to the Cold War. Soviet secret policemen watched over the Americans, shadowing their every move. A catastrophic air raid by the Germans revealed the limitations of Soviet air defences. As their initial enthusiasm turned into disappointment, the American soldiers started calling themselves the Forgotten Bastards of Ukraine. Ultimately, no common purpose could overcome their cultural and political differences.\n\nDrawing on newly opened Russian archives as well as CIA records, Forgotten Bastards of the Eastern Front offers a riveting bottom-up history of one of the Second World War's most unlikely alliances.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste 19
- Serhii Plokhy -
14.5 EUR
Serhii Plokhy The Gates Of Europe: A History Of Ukraine
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Serhii Plokhy
9780141980614Categoria: Libri e riviste
'An indispensable guide to the tragic history of a great European nation' (Sunday Telegraph) from the author of Chernobyl, winner of the Baillie Gifford Prize \n\nLocated at the western edge of the Eurasian steppe, Ukraine has long been the meeting place of empires - Roman to Ottoman, Habsburg to Russian - and they all left their imprint on the landscape, the language and the people living within these shifting borders. In this authoritative book, Harvard Professor Serhii Plokhy traces the history of Ukraine from the arrival of the Vikings in the tenth century to the current Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine and annexation of Crimea. Fascinating and multilayered, The Gates of Europe is the essential guide to understanding not just Ukraine's past but also its future.
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Serhii Plokhy in Libri e riviste 20
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Atomi E Cenere - Plokhy Serhii - Mondadori
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Le Porte D'europa - Plokhy Serhii - Mondadori
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Il Ritorno Della Storia - Plokhy Serhii - Mondadori
- Peter Conradi -
13.74 EUR
Peter Conradi Who Lost Russia?: From The Collapse Of The Ussr To Putin's War On Ukraine
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Peter Conradi
9780861545520Categoria: Libri e riviste
'A must read for anyone interested in the future of Europe and the world as a whole.' Serhii Plokhy, author of The Last Empire\n\n\n\nAn essential insight into Russia's relations with Ukraine, the US and beyond\n\n\n\nWhy did Vladimir Putin launch his devastating attack on Ukraine in February 2022? And is Western policy towards Russia to blame for the bloodiest war on European soil since 1945? Peter Conradi, Europe Editor of the Sunday Times, analyses the series of mistakes and misunderstandings on both sides since the end of the Soviet Union in this updated version of his critically acclaimed book. This edition contains five new chapters that bring the story right up to the present day, examining the events leading to the invasion and setting out what the conflict will mean for the future of Europe
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Eugene Finkel Intent To Destroy: Russia's Two-hundred-year Quest To Dominate Ukraine
Brand: Eugene Finkel
9781399809719Categoria: Libri e riviste
'The must read masterpiece . . . utterly essential' PETER POMERANTSEV\n\n'With erudition and verve' TIMOTHY SNYDER\n\n'Powerful' SERHII PLOKHY\n\n'Masterful' BEN ANSELL\n\nA history of Russian violence waged against Ukraine across the centuries.\n \n Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 shocked the world. And yet this attack was in fact the latest episode in a centuries-long Russian campaign. In Intent to Destroy, leading scholar of genocide and Eastern Europe Eugene Finkel uncovers the deep roots of the Russo-Ukrainian War. Ever since the rise of Russian nationalism in the nineteenth century, the domination of this key borderland has become a cornerstone of Russian and Soviet policy. Using genocidal tactics - killings, deportations, starvation and cultural destruction - against ethnic Ukrainians and minorities including Tatars, Jews and Poles, Russia's long-standing policy has aimed to obliterate Ukrainian identity. This eradication has consistently been a part of the Kremlin playbook and leads inexorably to the violence we see today. \n\n Told with the astonishing power of Finkel's connection to this living history, and the authority of two decades of research, Intent to Destroy casts today's war it its broadest historical context, illuminating as never before Europe's bloodiest conflict since World War II.
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Ritorno Della Storia. Il Conflitto Russo-ucraino (il) - Plokhy Serhii
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Serhii Plokhy, Tsars And Cossacks: A Study In Iconography
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