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21.88 EUR
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
9781946433589Categoria: Libri e riviste
A lost gem of permutational conceptualism from a key figure in artist's book culture, available again\n\nKnown internationally as one of Mexico’s most important conceptual artists, Ulises Carrión (1941-89) played a decisive role in defining and conceptualizing the genre of the artists' book through his manifesto, \"The New Art of Making Books\" (1975), which he wrote soon after the 1972 publication of SONNET(S) and his move from Mexico City to Amsterdam, where he opened the legendary bookshop gallery, Other Books and So, the first space dedicated exclusively to artists' publications and an important precursor to such artists’ book hubs as Printed Matter.\n\nOne of Carrión's earliest \"bookworks,\" SONNET(S) represents a landmark shift in the artist's output from poetry to artists’ books. Here, Carrión takes a single poem by Dante Gabriel Rossetti through 50 typographic and procedural permutations. This republication is supplemented by new essays on Carrión's bookworks by contemporary artists, writers, and scholars from Mexico, Europe and the US.
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in Libri e riviste -5%2
- Sonnet Stanfill;elisabeth Murray -
76 EUR 80 EUR
Sonnet Stanfill;elisabeth Murray Naomi In Fashion. Ediz. Illustrata
Brand: Sonnet Stanfill;elisabeth Murray
9788891842268Categoria: Libri e riviste
Le sue immagini sono tra le più evocative e riconoscibili del periodo, e hanno segnato conquiste rivoluzionarie promuovendo l'uguaglianza nel settore della moda. Una mostra al Victoria & Albert Museum esplora la pluridecennale esperienza di Campbell attraverso le sue collaborazioni creative con i designer, fotografi, editor e stilisti più innovativi del mondo. La più famosa top model al mondo, Naomi Campbell, ritratta in 25 dei suoi look più iconici, pietre miliari della sua carriera. Per ognuno di loro splendide foto e le personali riflessioni di Naomi. Non solo, Naomi si racconta in una lunga intervista con Tim Blanks confermandosi una tra le più influenti top model di sempre e ispirazione continua dei più grandi fashion designer odierni e futuri. Il volume, diviso in cinque macro sezioni che delineano Naomi (Supermodel, Musa, Brand Builder, Collaboratrice creativa, Attivista) e danno voce ai più importanti stilisti che per lei hanno creato look leggendari, è curato dal capace team del Victoria and Albert Museum che dal mese di giugno ospita a Londra la prima grande mostra dedicata alla supermodella. La pubblicazione vanta un apparato fotografico di alto livello che immortala la bellezza e l'espressività di Naomi come mai mostrate prima.
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Sonnet Stanfill;elisabeth Murray in Libri e riviste 3
- Sonnet -
23.74 EUR
Sonnet Submit: The Electrifying Secret Memoir Of A Submissive That Everyone Is Talking About
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Sonnet
9781399729499Categoria: Libri e riviste
This is the secret memoir of a submissive. A vivid, electric, stunning account of how one woman gets her kicks. It is all true... \n\n'I was gripped. . . thought-provoking and hot!' \n LALALALETMEEXPLAIN\n\n'Eye-opening, jaw-dropping and also inspiring' \nMARIANNE POWER\n\nSonnet is a writer. She is a professional with a wide network of important contacts. She is athletic, creative and successful. She always remembers to send Christmas cards. \n\nSonnet also likes to be caned. She likes to be humiliated. She likes to go into a room blindfolded with ten strangers and have them do whatever they want to her. \n\nSonnet likes whatever you tell her she likes. \n\nThis is an experience that can't be missed - all we ask is that you submit...\n\n'An intense and unapologetically sex-positive self-portrait'\nKIRKUS REVIEWS
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Sonnet in Libri e riviste 4
- Helen Sonnet -
29.99 EUR
Helen Sonnet Nurturing Success: How To Create And Run An Effective Nurture Group
- Helen Sonnet;jenny Mosley -
11.24 EUR
Helen Sonnet;jenny Mosley Making Waves: Exciting Parachute Games To Develop Self-confidence And Team-building Skills
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28.9 EUR
The Sonnet
- Mondadori Electa -
80 EUR
Naomi In Fashion - Stanfill Sonnet; Murray Elisabeth - Mondadori Electa
- Jean-pierre Sonnet -
14.45 EUR 17 EUR
Jean-pierre Sonnet La Scorciatoia Divina
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Jean-pierre Sonnet
9788851411176Categoria: Libri e riviste
Una prosa poetica che, riflettendo sulla devozione dei credenti per il corpo di Cristo, si mette in ascolto della voce di Dio nel corpo dell'uomo. Le membra dell'uomo non sono forse anch'esse, a somiglianza di quelle di Cristo, il luogo di un annuncio evangelico? La prima parte della raccolta si intitola \"Quello che Dio dice soltanto con il corpo\"; la seconda, di carattere spiccatamente eucaristico, \"Il corpo ha voce\".
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Jean-pierre Sonnet in Libri e riviste -5%9
- Jean-pierre Sonnet -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Jean-pierre Sonnet Generare è Narrare
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Jean-pierre Sonnet
9788834329535Categoria: Libri e riviste
La generazione è l'esperienza più fondamentale, intensa e imprevedibile che un essere umano possa vivere. Questa verità, comune a ogni cultura in ogni tempo, è attestata dalla Bibbia, con una stupefacente varietà di storie, dalla prima all'ultima pagina: essere padre, madre, figlio è uno dei primi modi della rivelazione di Dio, forse quello privilegiato. Esiste un intimo legame tra il mistero di Dio e la catena delle generazioni, come se Dio fosse il ?testimone' consegnato da una generazione all'altra e insieme il custode di quella realtà affascinante e temibile che è il generare. Il libro di Jean-Pierre Sonnet si apre con la esigente domanda sulle origini, che ogni genitore prima o poi si sente rivolgere: «Quando tuo figlio ti chiederà: perché?». L'interrogativo, tratto da un passo-chiave della Scrittura, impedisce di pensare e vivere in modo ripetitivo e automatico il rapporto tra le generazioni. Costringe i padri e le madri a raccontare che cosa li ha tenuti in vita e ha dato anima ai loro giorni, mettendoli così in condizione di essere genitori non solo secondo la carne, ma secondo la parola. Generare alla vita significa narrare, un atto sacro portatore di una fecondità segreta. La narrazione parla di come Dio si è fatto presente nella trama, quasi sempre nascosta, della storia, senza mai arrendersi ai rifiuti, ai rovesci, ai fallimenti, ma trovando con misericordia e ingegnosità incrollabili un varco sempre nuovo per incontrare gli uomini. Di tutto questo ci parla Sonnet attraverso un libro eccezionalmente luminoso, e a tratti commovente. La sua sapiente esplorazione restituisce alla fiducia i molti padri e le molte madri che in questo tempo rassegnato si scoprono privi di parole e racconti da dire ai figli. Saranno i figli stessi che reclameranno ai genitori il misterioso appuntamento tra le generazioni: «I più giovani possiedono l'arte di far tornare alla vita i loro genitori assenti, dimentichi della vita di Dio. Ancora e sempre, Dio visita il suo popolo attraverso la generazione che viene».
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Jean-pierre Sonnet in Libri e riviste 10
- Marietti 1820 -
La Citta' Dove Ogni Uomo E' Nato - Sonnet Jean-pierre - Marietti 1820
- Jean-pierre Sonnet -
45.9 EUR 54 EUR
Jean-pierre Sonnet L' Alleanza Della Lettura. Questioni Di Poetica Narrativa Nella Bibbia Ebraica
Brand: Jean-pierre Sonnet
9788821571589Categoria: Libri e riviste
A differenza della letteratura del Vicino Oriente antico, che per i suoi racconti fondanti utilizza l'epica in versi, la Bibbia fa ricorso a un altro espediente letterario: la prosa narrativa. Perché? Probabilmente perché solo la prosa narrativa, con la sua dinamica complessa e aperta, consente la rappresentazione del sottile rapporto tra la libertà divina e quella umana che si confrontano nella storia. Sulla scena del racconto, nella semplicità e nella complessità dell'intreccio, nello spazio e nel tempo della interazione tra i personaggi, assistiamo anche a ciò che sfugge alla rappresentazione del discorso in versi dell'epopea e al discorso speculativo, all'incontro tra il progetto di Dio e la libertà degli esseri umani. Un nuovo approccio alla Scrittura, che può trovare consensi anche in un lettore a-religioso, ma sensibile al fattore letterario.
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Jean-pierre Sonnet in Libri e riviste 12
- Sam Illingworth -
25 EUR
Sam Illingworth A Sonnet To Science: Scientists And Their Poetry
Brand: Sam Illingworth
9781526127983Categoria: Libri e riviste
A sonnet to science presents an account of six ground-breaking scientists who also wrote poetry, and the effect that this had on their lives and research. How was the universal computer inspired by Lord Byron? Why was the link between malaria and mosquitos first captured in the form of a poem? Who did Humphry Davy consider to be an 'illiterate pirate'? Written by leading science communicator and scientific poet Dr Sam Illingworth, A sonnet to science presents an aspirational account of how these two disciplines can work together, and in so doing aims to inspire both current and future generations of scientists and poets that these worlds are not mutually exclusive, but rather complementary in nature. -- .
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Sam Illingworth in Libri e riviste 13
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100 EUR
The Modern Spanish Sonnet
9781837720699Categoria: Libri e riviste
The fine tradition of the Spanish sonnet, developed during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and the subject of Rutherford’s The Spanish Golden Age Sonnet (2016), has been extended and developed during the subsequent centuries. This book presents one hundred of the best sonnets of the eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries, including sonnets written in the Catalan and Galician languages, together with their translations into modern English sonnets and a critical commentary on each. There is a general introduction to the genre, followed by summaries of the historical and literary backgrounds and a discussion of the problems facing the translator of sonnets. The life and works of each poet are summarised and a select bibliography of further reading concludes the volume. The translations bring these sonnets to new life in the modern English language, and they can be read both as interesting and lively poems in their own right and as leads into the originals.
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in Libri e riviste 14
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65.51 EUR
The Modern Irish Sonnet
- Peter Dubovsky;jean-pierre Sonnet -
29.32 EUR 34.5 EUR
Peter Dubovsky;jean-pierre Sonnet Ogni Scrittura è Ispirata. Nuove Prospettive Sull'ispirazione Biblica
Brand: Peter Dubovsky;jean-pierre Sonnet
9788821577796Categoria: Libri e riviste
Ogni scrittura è ispirata si propone di avviare una discussione rinnovata tra biblisti e teologi a proposito dell'ispirazione della Scrittura. I primi interrogano il dato dell'ispirazione a partire dalla loro pratica esegetica e lo mettono al vaglio delle metodologie esegetiche, comprese le più recenti. I secondi evidenziano come la teologia abbia bisogno dello studio della Scrittura per conoscere il mistero del Dio che rivela se stesso e la sua volontà salvifica. Entrambi dibattono con libertà e reciproco ascolto per convergere infine sul fatto che solo una Scrittura ispirata si rivela anche ispirante, nell'ambito di letture credenti. La comunicazione della vita ai lettori è l'ispirazione riuscita, portata a compimento.
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Peter Dubovsky;jean-pierre Sonnet in Libri e riviste 16
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25.78 EUR
The Cambridge Companion To The Sonnet
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15.99 EUR
The Aesthetics Of The Renaissance Love Sonnet : An Essay On The Art Of The Sonnet In The Poetry Of Louise Labé
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112.5 EUR
Migration And Mutation: New Perspectives On The Sonnet In Translation
9781501380464Categoria: Libri e riviste
Spanning four centuries from the Renaissance to today's avant-garde, Migration and Mutation explores how the sonnet has evolved in and out of translation. \n\nContributors examine little-studied translation trajectories in the early modern period, such as the pivotal role of France between Italy and England or the first German sonnets and their Italian, French, Dutch and Scottish origins. Essays then shed new light on major European sonneteers In the 19th and 20th centuries, including Shakespeare, Keats, Yeats, Rilke and Pessoa, alongside lesser-known contemporaries and with novel approaches. And finally, contributors explore how translation and adaptation create metaphorical space in the 21st century.\n\nMigration and Mutation also pays attention to the political or subversive dimension of the sonnet, with essays on women, gay or postcolonial reclaimings of the sonnet and recent experiments such as post-Soviet Sonnets on shirts by Genrikh Sagpir. It takes the sonnet out of the confines of enclosed national traditions bringing it into renewed contact with mostly European, but also other, cultures.
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in Libri e riviste 19
- Reed Coleman -
11.24 EUR
Reed Coleman Robert B. Parker's The Hangman's Sonnet
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Reed Coleman
9780857301871Categoria: Libri e riviste
The new novel in Robert B. Parker's New York Times bestselling series featuring Paradise police chief Jesse Stone.\n\n Jesse Stone, still reeling from the murder of his fiancée by crazed assassin Mr Peepers, must keep his emotions in check long enough to get through the wedding day of his loyal protégé, Suitcase Simpson. The morning of the wedding, Jesse learns that a gala 75th birthday party is to be held for folk singer Terry Jester. Jester, once the equal of Bob Dylan, has spent the last forty years in seclusion after the mysterious disappearance of the master recording tape of his magnum opus, The Hangman's Sonnet.\n\n That same morning, an elderly Paradise woman dies while her house is being ransacked. What are the thieves looking for? And what's the connection to Terry Jester and the mysterious missing tape? Jesse's investigation is hampered by hostile politicians and a growing trail of blood and bodies, forcing him to solicit the help of mobster Vinnie Morris and a certain Boston area PI named Spenser. While the town fathers pressure him to avoid a PR nightmare, Jesse must connect the cases before the bodies pile up further.
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Reed Coleman in Libri e riviste 20
- Garrison Keillor -
15 EUR
Garrison Keillor 77 Love Sonnets
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Garrison Keillor
9781852249007Categoria: Libri e riviste
'When I was 16, Helen Fleischman assigned me to memorise Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 29, When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, I all alone beweep my outcast stateA\" for English class, and fifty years later, that poem is still in my head. Algebra got washed away, and geometry and most of biology, but those lines about the redemptive power of love in the face of shame are still here behind my eyeballs, more permanent than my own teeth. The sonnet is a durable good. These 77 of mine include sonnets of praise, some erotic, some lamentations, some street sonnets and a 12-sonnet cycle of months. If anything here offends, I beg your pardon, I come in peace, I depart in gratitude' - Garrison Keillor.
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Garrison Keillor in Libri e riviste 21
- Robin Thomas -
12.49 EUR
Robin Thomas The Weather On The Moon
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Robin Thomas
9781909747975Categoria: Libri e riviste
Turning Manet on his head, entering the thoughts of a post prandial lion, viewing and buying a ‘snorting’ Hot Rod, imagining life on a modern-day Titanic, wondering what happens to the story after a book is finished or what a sonnet written by a modern day Shakespeare might look like, 'The Weather on the Moon' ranges across art, music, philosophy, literature and poetry, politics, history, science and the natural world to encounter what it’s like to be alive.\n\nBubbling away throughout this intense, sometimes humorous, sometimes quirky, always compassionate poetry is a joy in language, its possibilities, and music. As Graham Hardie writes, his work ‘fuses many elements into one short space: pathos; wit; dexterous use of simile and metaphor; a heightened imagination; an ability to make poetry from the commonplace.’
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Robin Thomas in Libri e riviste 22
- Micheal O'siadhail -
15 EUR
Micheal O'siadhail One Crimson Thread
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Micheal O'siadhail
9781780371276Categoria: Libri e riviste
For twenty years Micheal O'Siadhail's beloved wife, Brid, suffered from Parkinson's disease. These love poems chronicle the last two years of her life, her death and his grief. In Love Life, now available again in his Collected Poems, he told their story of over three decades of marriage. In this sonnet sequence their love faces illness and death and sounds the depths of parting. There is a tenderness, intensity and gratitude which will resonate with those who know both love and loss.
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Micheal O'siadhail in Libri e riviste 23
- Robert Melancon -
16.24 EUR
Robert Melancon For As Far As The Eye Can See
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Robert Melancon
9781927428184Categoria: Libri e riviste
In the 144 poems of For as Far as the Eye Can See, Robert Melancon re-imagines the sonnet as a \"rectangle of twelve lines,\" and poetry as \"a monument as fragile as the grass.\" Impressionistic, seasonal, allusive, in language sharp and clean, this form-driven collection is both a book of hours and a measured meditation on art, nature, and the vagaries of perception. Robert Melancon is one of Quebec's most revered contemporary poets and a two-time winner of the Governor General's Award. A longtime translator of Canadian poet A.M. Klein, Melancon has been the poetry columnist for Le Devoir and the Radio-Canada program En Toutes Lettres; he is also a critic and has been a professor at the University of Montreal. In addition to the Governor General's Award he is a past recipient of the Prix Victor-Barbeau and the Prix Alain-Grandbois.
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Robert Melancon in Libri e riviste 24
- Seamus Heaney -
16.24 EUR
Seamus Heaney The Haw Lantern
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Seamus Heaney
9780571232871Categoria: Libri e riviste
Widely praised on its first publication in 1978, The Haw Lantern ventured into new imaginative territory with poems exploring the theme of loss - including a celebrated sonnet sequence concerning the death of the poet's mother - joined by meditations on the conscience of the writer and exercises in an allegorical vein.
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Seamus Heaney in Libri e riviste 25
- Ric Cheyney -
11.88 EUR
Ric Cheyney In Praise Of Nahum Tate: Selected Writings
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Ric Cheyney
9781838590703Categoria: Libri e riviste
In Praise of Nahum Tate covers a wide range of reading experiences including poetry, short stories, reviews and politics. It features an eclectic poetry collection, ranging from the muscular, old-fashioned formality of 'Old Peg Remembers,' a sonnet on the story of Pegasus and Bellerophon, to relaxed, free verse observations of nature and studies of family life. 'Folded,' is a bitter-sweet portrait of a family coping with divorce. 'The Commonwealth Of Crows' is a sequence of sixteen poems, illuminated by Julie Foley's beautiful artwork, which looks at corvids from many different angles.\n\n\nThe short stories are interwoven with humour and dark drama, and even explore magical realism in 'The Clock Of Real Time.' The book also features an exclusive interview with Robin Williamson, Scottish musician, singer, songwriter and storyteller.
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Ric Cheyney in Libri e riviste 26
- Dante Alighieri -
16.5 EUR
Dante Alighieri Rime: Dual Language And New Verse Translation
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Dante Alighieri
9781847494627Categoria: Libri e riviste
This collection of Dante Alighieri’s lyrics charts his poetic evolution and displays the ground on which his Vita nuova and Divine Comedy developed. Inspired in his early poems by troubadour love poetry, Dante would later come to master all the genres of the time, such as the canzone, the sonnet and the ballad.\n\nAt the same time deeply personal – dealing with themes of love, death and exile – and imbued with the poetic and political milieux of the period, Dante’s Rime offer a fascinating glimpse into the imagination of arguably the greatest writer of all time.
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Dante Alighieri in Libri e riviste 27
- Tyehimba Jess -
31.24 EUR
Tyehimba Jess Olio
Brand: Tyehimba Jess
9781940696201Categoria: Libri e riviste
2016 National Book Critics Circle Award finalist for poetry 2017 PEN/Jean Stein Book Award finalist 2017 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award finalist Named a top poetry book of spring 2016 by Library Journal Part fact, part fiction, Tyehimba Jess's much anticipated second book weaves sonnet, song, and narrative to examine the lives of mostly unrecorded African American performers directly before and after the Civil War up to World War I. Olio is an effort to understand how they met, resisted, complicated, co-opted, and sometimes defeated attempts to minstrelize them. So, while I lead this choir, I still find that I'm being led...I'm a missionary mending my faith in the midst of this flock...I toil in their fields of praise. When folks see these freedmen stand and sing, they hear their God speak in tongues. These nine dark mouths sing shelter; they echo a hymn's haven from slavery's weather. Detroit native Tyehimba Jess' first book of poetry, leadbelly, was a winner of the 2004 National Poetry Series.\nJess, a Cave Canem and NYU Alumni, has received fellowships from the Whiting Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, Illinois Arts Council, and the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center. Jess is also a veteran of the 2000 and 2001 Green Mill Poetry Slam Team. He exhibited his poetry at the 2011 TEDxNashville Conference. Jess is an Associate Professor of English at College of Staten Island.
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Tyehimba Jess in Libri e riviste 28
- David Harsent -
14.99 EUR
David Harsent Salt
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: David Harsent
9780571337866Categoria: Libri e riviste
Salt is a distinctive assembly of poems by the multi-award winning David Harsent. Resting somewhere between fragment and exposition, these intense and primal pieces stretch out across the measure of the page in the form of brief utterances. One extends to sonnet-length, one consists of a single line; but each piece uniquely completes its own world, and at the same time shades on to the next as a succession of frames and stills and imaginings that lends light and colour in the round. 'The poems in this book are a series, not a sequence,' the author explains. 'They belong to each other in mood, in tone and by way of certain images and words that form a ricochet of echoes - not least the word \"salt\".' Mineral, eerie, sensory, the poems in the collection are experienced as encounters - some with the surety of daylight, others in dream-life - that refresh with the turning of each page. Like little fictions passed through space from hand to hand, the writings build powerfully to make Salt an unforgettable volume from this most visionary of writers.
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David Harsent in Libri e riviste 29
- Jacqueline Saphra -
12.49 EUR
Jacqueline Saphra One Hundred Lockdown Sonnets
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Jacqueline Saphra
9781913437312Categoria: Libri e riviste
One Hundred Lockdown Sonnets by Jacqueline Saphra is a poetic journal that chronicles the personal and political upheavals and tragedies of the Coronavirus pandemic. This sequence of sonnets charts the dislocated, frightening and at times uplifting experience of one hundred days of lockdown. Written as a daily sonnet throughout the first lockdown, from 23rd March 2020, Saphra's candid and revealing sequence is a unique record of strange and unparalleled days. Cover art work by Sophie Herxheimer.
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Jacqueline Saphra in Libri e riviste 30
- -
18.74 EUR
The Making Of A Poem: A Norton Anthology Of Poetic Forms
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
9780393321784Categoria: Libri e riviste
Two of our foremost poets provide here a lucid, straightforward primer that \"looks squarely at some of the headaches and mysteries of poetic form\": a book for readers who have always felt that an understanding of form (sonnet, ballad, villanelle, sestina, among others) would enhance their appreciation of poetry. Tracing \"the exuberant history of forms,\" they devote one chapter to each form, offering explanation, close reading, and a rich selection of examplars that amply demonstrate the power and possibility of that form.
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in Libri e riviste 31
- Jerome Martin -
12.49 EUR
Jerome Martin Write Your Own Poems
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Jerome Martin
9781474950879Categoria: Libri e riviste
Whether you want to dash off a limerick, ponder a sonnet or plot an epic poem, this write-in activity book is here to help. Each page is bursting with tips and inspiration for writing all kinds of poems – and inventing brand new styles too. With links to websites where you can listen to many of the poems in this book, and find more helpful writing tips.
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Jerome Martin in Libri e riviste 32
- Ian Enters -
12.5 EUR
Ian Enters Forms From Chaos: Sonnets And Other Poems
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Ian Enters
9781805143017Categoria: Libri e riviste
This is a collection of forty-one sonnets together with twenty examples of villanelles, pantoum, Spenserian stanza, various ballad and rhyming couplet verses alongside “free verse” but the abiding focus is the sonnet both in Petrarchan and Elizabethan form.\n\n\nThe book’s introduction provides a concise account of the sonnet’s history with examples. Between each section of poems there are brief contextual comments.\n\n\nFrom puppy training to philosophy, from self-pity to dancing, from AI to Wet Sand, from the Goodies to Shoe cleaning, the poems share immediate experiences and conjure magic from them. Day by day thoughts expand into polemics, the natural world, links to other poets and thinkers. The technical skills needed in poetic forms create strong structures through which powerful thoughts and emotions are distilled.
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Ian Enters in Libri e riviste 33
- -- -
210.00 EUR
Parker Sonnet. Special Edition Fuji Mountain.
Spedizione: 10.00 EUR
Brand: --
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96.03 EUR
Sonnet Penna A Sfera, Acciaio Inossidabile Con Finiture In Oro, Pennino Medio, C
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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80.00 EUR
Penna Parker Sonnet - Nuova
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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250.00 EUR
Penna Stilografica Parker Sonnet Sterling Silver Ct
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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155.00 EUR
Parker Sonnet, Penna Sfera Nuova, Materiali Smalto Con Rifiniture Placate In Oro
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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179.00 EUR
Penna Stilografica Parker (m) Sonnet Silver Chiselled G.c. Scatola Parker Inclusa
Spedizione: 15.00 EUR
Brand: --
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99.44 EUR
Parker Sonnet Penna Stilografica, Laccatura Di Colore Nero Con Finiture Oro
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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18.73 EUR
Penna Stilografica Perfetta Acciaio/oro Clip Sonetto Serie Fine (f) Pennino Senza Scatola
Spedizione: 4.67 EUR
Brand: --
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169.00 EUR
Scheda Sonnet Fusion Dual 2,5" Ssd Raid Pcie Fus-ssd-2raid-e
Spedizione: 22.80 EUR
Brand: --
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50.00 EUR
Penna Biro Rollerball Pen Parker Sonnet France Grigio-oro Nuova Con Astuccio
Spedizione: 5.11 EUR
Brand: --
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13.19 EUR
Brilliant Silver Parker Sonnet Series Fine (f) Nib Rollerball Pen Black Ink
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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23.62 EUR
Perfect Sonnet Series 0.5 Mm (f) Nib Fountain Pens Golden No Box
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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118.39 EUR
Parker Sonnet Penna A Sfera Laccatura Di Colore Nero Opaco Con Finiture In Pa...
Spedizione: 19.99 EUR
Brand: --
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168.38 EUR
Vintage Parker Sonnet Matte Black Pen Set - Fountain, Ballpoint & Pencil - New
Spedizione: 22.31 EUR
Brand: --
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115.00 EUR
Sonnet Allegro Max Usb-c 20gbps Scheda Pcie
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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189.00 EUR
Penna Parker Stilografica Sonnet
Spedizione: 4.50 EUR
Brand: --
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20.60 EUR
Penna Stilografica Pennino Brillante Griglia Argento Parker Sonnet Series Fine (f) Con Scatola
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
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14.66 EUR
Silver Circle Parker Sonnet Series (f) Nib Ballpoint Pen Blue Ink Refill /no Box
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
- -- -
26.40 EUR
Brilliant Silver Grid/gold Clip Parker Sonnet Series Fine (f) Nib Fountain Pen
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
- -- -
145.00 EUR
Parker Sonnet Penna A Sfera, Acciaio Inossidabile Con Finiture In Palladio, Penn
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --
102.22 EUR
Parker Penna A Sfera Parker Sonnet Punta M Inchiostro Nero Parker Black Gt 1931497, Nero
Spedizione: 4.62 EUR
286.94 EUR
Parker Penna A Sfera Parker Sonnet Punta M Inchiostro Nero Parker Sterling Silver Ciselé - 1931492, Nero
Spedizione: 4.62 EUR
129.02 EUR
Parker Penna Roller Parker Sonnet Punta F Inchiostro Nero Parker Red Gt 1931475, Nero
Spedizione: 4.62 EUR
160.74 EUR
Parker Penna Stilografica Parker Sonnet Parker Punta F Inchiostro Nero Parker Red Gt 1931473, Nero
Spedizione: 4.62 EUR
102.22 EUR
Parker Penna A Sfera Parker Sonnet Red Lacquer Gt Punta M Inchiostro Nero Parker Red Gt 1931476, Nero
Spedizione: 4.62 EUR
58.15 EUR
Parker Penna A Sfera Parker Sonnet Sand Blasted Metal Punta M Inchiostro Nero Parker Orange Ct - 2169361, Nero
Spedizione: 4.62 EUR
58.15 EUR
Parker Penna A Sfera Parker Sonnet Sand Blasted Metal Punta M Inchiostro Nero Parker Violet Ct - 2169369, Nero
Spedizione: 4.62 EUR
- YourSurprise -
74.95 EUR
Yoursurprise Penna A Sfera Parker Personalizzata - Sonnet Steel - (mancino), Argento
- YourSurprise -
99.95 EUR
Yoursurprise Parker Personalizzata - Sonnet - Stilografica - (mancino), Argento