- Robert W. Stephan -
26.6 EUR 28 EUR
Robert W. Stephan La Guerra Segreta Di Stalin. Il Controspionaggio Sovietico Contro I Nazisti 1941-1945
Brand: Robert W. Stephan
9788861025905Categoria: Libri e riviste
Nel corso dello scontro tra sovietici e Terzo Reich tra 1941 e 1945 si combattè anche la più estesa guerra tra spionaggio e contropionaggio della storia contemporanea, con la cattura, tortura, deportazione ed esecuzione di decine di migliaia di agenti, specialmente cittadini sovietici. L'attenzione dei servizi segreti di Stalin infati era rivolta sia alle spie di Hitler che alla stessa popolazione russa, con molte vittime causate dai sospetti di collusione col nemica. Il confronto tra fronti americane, russe e tedesche operato dall'autore rivela i dettagli di una lotta senza esclusione di colpi, brutale e sofisticata allo stesso tempo, che vide il controspionaggio sovietico prevalere contro i tedeschi in maniera determinante, in un essenziale contributo alla vittoria di Stalin e degli Alleati sui nazisti.
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- Richard W. Harrison -
43.75 EUR
Richard W. Harrison The Soviet Army's High Commands In War And Peace, 1941-1992
Brand: Richard W. Harrison
9781952715105Categoria: Libri e riviste
The war on the Eastern Front during 1941-45 was an immense struggle, running from the Barents Sea to the Caucasus Mountains. The vast distances involved forced the Soviet political-military leadership to resort to new organizational expedients in order to control operations along the extended front. These were the high commands of the directions, which were responsible for two or more fronts (army groups) and, along maritime axes, one or more fleets.\n\nIn all, five high commands were created along the northwestern, western, southwestern, and North Caucasus strategic directions during 1941-42. However, the highly unfavourable strategic situation during the first year of the war, as well as interference in day-to-day operations by Stalin, severely limited the high commands' effectiveness. As a consequence, the high commands were abolished in mid-1942 and replaced by the more flexible system of supreme command representatives at the front. A High Command of Soviet Forces in the Far East was established in 1945 and oversaw the Red Army's highly effective campaign against Japanese forces in Manchuria.\n\nThe Far Eastern High Command was briefly resurrected in 1947 as a response to the tense situation along the Korean peninsula and the ongoing civil war in China, but was abolished in 1953, soon after Stalin's death. Growing tensions with China brought about the recreation of the Far Eastern High Command in 1979, followed a few years later by the appearance of new high commands in Europe and South Asia. However, these new high commands did not long survive the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and were abolished a year later.\n\nThe book relies almost exclusively on Soviet and post-communist archival and other sources and is the first unclassified treatment of this subject in any country, East or West.
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Richard W. Harrison in Libri e riviste -5%3
- Stanley W. C. Pack -
14.25 EUR 15 EUR
Stanley W. C. Pack Azione Notturna Al Largo Di Capo Matapan. La Fatale Sconfitta Della Flotta Italiana Nel Mediterraneo 28-29 Marzo 1941
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Stanley W. C. Pack
9788866973508Categoria: Libri e riviste
Imbarcato sulla portaerei inglese Formidable, l'autore di questo libro partecipò personalmente alla battaglia di Capo Matapan, avvenuta alle porte del Mar Egeo nella notte tra il 28 e il 29 marzo 1941, in cui si affrontarono a colpi di cannone e lanci di siluri la Mediterranean Fleet britannica, comandata dall'ammiraglio Cunningham, e la Regia Marina italiana, guidata da Angelo Iachino. Arricchendo la narrazione con testimonianze e documenti di prima mano, l'autore descrive nel dettaglio l'impresa marittima più discussa della guerra - rivelatasi fatale per la forza navale italiana -, che vide impegnate per la prima volta navi dotate di radar e che rappresentò la prima azione vincente di una portaerei.
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- Richard W. Longstreth -
43.75 EUR
Richard W. Longstreth The Drive-in, The Supermarket, And The Transformation Of Commercial Space In Los Angeles, 1914-1941
Brand: Richard W. Longstreth
9780262621427Categoria: Libri e riviste
Longstreth explores the early development of two kinds of retail space that have become ubiquitous in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century.\n\nRichard Longstreth is one of the few historians to focus on ordinary commercial buildings-buildings usually associated with commercial builders and real estate developers rather than architects and thus generally overlooked by historians of \"high\" architecture.\n\nHere Longstreth explores the early development of two kinds of retail space that have become ubiquitous in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century. One, external, is devoted to the circulation and parking of automobiles on retail premises. Longstreth analyzes the origins of this development in the 1910s and 1920s, with the super service station and then the drive-in market. The other type of space, internal, was introduced soon thereafter with the single-story supermarket. The most innovative aspect of the supermarket was how its interior was designed for high-volume turnover of a large selection of goods with a minimum of staff assistance. Longstreth focuses on Los Angeles, the principal center for the development of both kinds of space, during the period from the mid-1910s to the early 1940s. This richly illustrated study integrates architectural, cultural, economic, and urban factors to describe the evolution of retailing and how it has affected the urban landscape.
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- Craig W.h. Luther -
68.74 EUR
Craig W.h. Luther Barbarossa Unleashed: The German Blitzkrieg Through Central Russia To The Gates Of Moscow • June-december 1941
Brand: Craig W.h. Luther
9780764343766Categoria: Libri e riviste
This book examines in unprecedented detail the advance of Germany's Army Group Center through central Russia, toward Moscow, in the summer of 1941, followed by brief accounts of the Battle of Moscow and subsequent winter battles into early 1942. Based on hundreds of veterans’ accounts, archival documents, and exhaustive study of the pertinent primary and secondary literature, the book offers new insights into Operation Barbarossa, Adolf Hitler’s attack on Soviet Russia in June 1941. While the book meticulously explores the experiences of the German soldier in Russia, in the cauldron battles along the Minsk-Smolensk-Moscow axis, it places their experiences squarely within the strategic and operational context of the Barbarossa campaign. Controversial subjects, such as the culpability of the German eastern armies in war crimes against the Russian people, are also examined in detail. This book is the most detailed account to date of virtually all aspects of the German soldiers’ experiences in Russia in 1941.
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- Stanley W. C. Pack -
15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Stanley W. C. Pack La Battaglia Di Creta
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Stanley W. C. Pack
9788842542926Categoria: Libri e riviste
Creta, maggio 1941: le forze britanniche, venute in aiuto dell'esercito ellenico e costrette dalle truppe dell'Asse a ritirarsi dalla Grecia continentale, furono trasferite in parte nell'isola di Creta, importante per la sua posizione strategica nel Mediterraneo orientale, ma dopo violenti combattimenti contro unità di paracadutisti e aerotrasportate della Wehrmacht furono costrette a reimbarcarsi. Fu una nuova pesante sconfitta per l'Inghilterra, che non aveva il dominio dei cieli, e si trovò a dover affrontare un avversario più deciso e superiore in mezzi. La battaglia si concluse dopo circa due settimane, ma le perdite furono enormi da entrambe le parti. L'autore, che partecipò agli eventi a bordo della portaerei Formidable, descrive quello che accadde sul fronte navale, con le operazioni di pattugliamento, interdizione e scorta ai convogli prima nel tentativo di rifornire la guarnigione dell'isola, poi con i superstiti fatti evacuare dalle coste meridionali. Anche la Royal Navy subì gravi perdite pur combattendo con grande determinazione.
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- Fabrizio Senici -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Fabrizio Senici P.o.w. N. 48664. Prisonner Of War
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Fabrizio Senici
9788893560764Categoria: Libri e riviste
Alfredo, il protagonista di questo romanzo-memoir di Fabrizio Senici, ci coinvolge proprio in un percorso avventuroso e multidirezionale - nello spazio, nel tempo e nel profondo - alla ricerca della storia del padre, Gianni, fatto prigioniero dagli inglesi nella disastrosa battaglia di Tobruk del gennaio 1941.
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Fabrizio Senici in Libri e riviste 8
- Linden Lyons;w. Chales De Beaulieu -
43.75 EUR
Linden Lyons;w. Chales De Beaulieu General Erich Hoepner: Portrait Of A Panzer Commander
Brand: Linden Lyons;w. Chales De Beaulieu
9781612009766Categoria: Libri e riviste
This volume in the Die Wehrmacht im Kampf series examines Erich Hoepner's leadership of panzer formations in Poland in 1939, France in 1940, and Russia in 1941. It is written by Walter Chales de Beaulieu, a general staff officer who fought alongside Hoepner. Erich Hoepner was one of the most competent tank commanders of World War II, playing a significant role in Germany’s early successes. As the commander of the XVI Panzer Corps at the outbreak of war in 1939, Hoepner carried out the main thrust towards Warsaw. The panzer corps covered 250 kilometres and reached the outskirts of the city in only eight days.\n\nIn 1940, commanding the same formation, Hoepner fought the French Cavalry Corps in Belgium, partook in the encirclement of Allied forces near Dunkirk, and advanced southwards over the Weygand Line deep into French territory. In 1941, Hoepner became the commander of Panzer Group 4, which was the main attack formation for the advance on Leningrad. It made rapid progress to begin with, but an increasingly wide and exposed front meant that the attack gradually ground to a halt. After one final attempt to capture the city in the middle of September failed, the panzer group was redeployed to the central sector of the Eastern Front. It was there that the panzer group was to help with the push towards Moscow. In conjunction with Panzer Group 3, Hoepner’s Panzer Group 4 completed and eliminated the Vyazma pocket. Hoepner frequently felt that he was not allowed to advance on Moscow quickly enough by his superiors, yet his decision to conduct a withdrawal in January 1942 led to his dismissal.\n\nIn this book, Walter Chales de Beaulieu provides insight into Erich Hoepner’s ability as a panzer commander, painting a picture of a man who was committed to the military profession, who possessed a strong sense of responsibility, and who was confident enough to exercise his own will.
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Linden Lyons;w. Chales De Beaulieu in Libri e riviste 9
- James H. Hallas -
31.25 EUR
James H. Hallas Fly Boy Heroes: The Stories Of The Medal Of Honor Recipients Of The Air War Against Japan
Brand: James H. Hallas
9780811771313Categoria: Libri e riviste
On the morning of December 7, 1941, Aviation Chief Ordnanceman John W. Finn, though wounded, continued to man his machine gun against the waves of Japanese attacks around Pearl Harbor. Just over three years later, as World War II struggled into its final months, a B-29 radioman named Red Erwin died to save his fellow crewman in the skies near Japan. They were the first and last of thirty U.S. Navy, Army, and Marine Corps aviation personnel awarded the Medal of Honor for their actions against the Japanese. They included pilots and crewmen manning fighters and dive-bombers and flying boats and bombers. One was a general. Another was a sergeant. Some shot down large numbers of enemy aircraft in aerial combat. Others sacrificed themselves for their friends.\n\nFly Boy Heroes is the story of the Pacific theater of World War II through the men who received the Medal of Honor in the air war against Japan. They served in U.S Army air squadrons, on U.S. Navy carriers, in U.S. Marine Corps air units. Who were these now largely forgotten men? Where did they come from? What inspired them to rise \"above and beyond\"? What, if anything, made them different? Virtually all had one thing in common: they always wanted to fly. They came from a generation that revered the aces of World War I, like Eddie Rickenbacker, the civilian flyer Charles Lindbergh, and the lost aviator Amelia Earhart-and then they blazed their own trail during World War II.
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- -
31.24 EUR
Current Of Music
9780745642864Categoria: Libri e riviste
Fleeing the Nazis, Theodor W. Adorno lived in New York City as a refugee from 1938 until 1941. During these years, he was intensively involved in a study of how the recently developed techniques for the nation-wide transmission of music over radio were transforming the perception of music itself. This broad ranging radio research was conceived as nothing less than an investigation, partly empirical, of Walter Benjamin's speculative claims for the emancipatory potential of art in the age of its mechanical reproduction. The results of Adorno's project set him decisively at odds with Benjamin's theses and at the same time became the body of thinking that formed the basis for Adornos own aesthetics in his Philosophy of New Music. \n Current of Music is the title that Adorno himself gave to this research project. For complex reasons, however, Adorno was not able to bring the several thousands of pages of this massive study, most of it written in English, to a final form prior to leaving New York for California, where he would immediately begin work with Max Horkheimer on the Dialectic of Enlightenment. Robert Hullot-Kentor, the distinguished Adorno scholar, reconstructed Adorno's project for the Adorno Archive in Germany and provides a lengthy and informative introduction to the fragmentary texts collected in this volume.\n \n\n Current of Music will be widely discussed for the light it throws on the development of Adorno's thought, on his complex relationship with Walter Benjamin, but most of all for the important perspectives it provides on questions of popular culture, the music of industrial entertainment, the history of radio and the social dimensions of the reproduction of art.
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in Libri e riviste 11
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