- Alan R Hall -
12.1 EUR 24.2 EUR
Alan R Hall The Naked Queen: A Tangential Arthurian Legend
- Goldart -
57.59 EUR
Goldart Piastrella Da Pavimento E Rivestimento Interno Rettificato Marble Queen In Gres Porcellanato Smaltato Lucido Verde 60 X 120 Cm Sp. 9 Mm Traffico Medio (pei 2/5)
Spedizione: 29.9 EUR
Brand: Goldart
8020138094551Categoria: Materiali da costruzione
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Goldart in Materiali da costruzione 3
- Goldart -
201.57 EUR
Goldart Piastrella Da Pavimento E Rivestimento Interno Rettificato Marble Queen In Gres Porcellanato Smaltato Lucido Verde 120 X 120 Cm Sp. 9 Mm Traffico Medio (pei 2/5)
Spedizione: 39.9 EUR
Brand: Goldart
8020138094568Categoria: Materiali da costruzione
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Goldart in Materiali da costruzione 4
- Goldart -
57.59 EUR
Goldart Piastrella Da Pavimento E Rivestimento Interno Rettificato Marble Queen In Gres Porcellanato Smaltato Lucido Verde 60 X 60 Cm Sp. 9 Mm Traffico Medio (pei 2/5)
Spedizione: 29.9 EUR
Brand: Goldart
8020138100924Categoria: Materiali da costruzione
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Goldart in Materiali da costruzione 5
- Emily R. King -
11.24 EUR
Emily R. King The Warrior Queen
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Emily R. King
9781503903371Categoria: Libri e riviste
In the final volume of The Hundredth Queen Series, Kalinda will risk everything to save the man she loves.\n\nKalinda has brought peace to the Tarachand Empire, at least for now. Bhutas no longer need to hide their gifts. The last of the rebels have been banished. And Prince Ashwin is set to take over as rajah.\n\nBut for Kalinda, this all came at a great loss. Her childhood home. Her best friend. The love of her life.\n\nDeven is still trapped in the Void, although he is able to find his way to Kalinda each night. He has been lucky so far—mortals are not meant to last in the Void for long, and Deven has lasted longer than most. But when he doesn’t visit her one night, Kalinda knows that his luck has run out.\n\nShe will do whatever it takes to save the man she loves, even if it means convincing a god to guide her through the Void. Freeing a mortal from the Void is nearly impossible, but Kalinda has never let those odds stop her before…
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Emily R. King in Libri e riviste 6
- Heather R Darsie -
31.25 EUR
Heather R Darsie Stuart Spouses: A Compendium Of Consorts From James I Of Scotland To Queen Anne Of Great Britain
Brand: Heather R Darsie
9781399095914Categoria: Libri e riviste
_Stuart Spouses_ looks at the oft-overshadowed consorts of the Stuart monarchs, from 1406 to 1714\. By focusing on these people and detailing their rises to matrimony, the trials and tribulations of their courtships, and the impact their unions and dissolutions had on the kingdoms of Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales, one learns not only the history of these kingdoms but the true, sometimes soft, power behind the throne.
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Heather R Darsie in Libri e riviste -5%7
- Roberto De Ponti -
24.7 EUR 26 EUR
Roberto De Ponti Queen. Opera Omnia. Le Storie Dietro Le Canzoni
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Roberto De Ponti
9788809884090Categoria: Libri e riviste
Perché fu la caparra per un appartamento a cambiare la storia dei Queen? Per quale motivo Dio è stato inserito fra i crediti di una canzona di Brian May? Perché l'impianto audio di una discoteca di Monaco convinse i Queen a indirizzarsi verso la disco music?\r\n\r\nQuesto libro affronta tutte le canzoni Queen, dai controversi esordi dei primi anni '70 al finale di partita di \"Innuendo\", ultimo LP con Freddie Mercury in vita, secondo il collaudato schema della nostra collana: il massimo di informazioni su ogni singolo brano, dai primi germi di idea alla messa in nastro, dal racconto del lavoro in studio agli eventuali sviluppi sulla scena. Si parla dell'accoglienza dei fans, non si dimenticano i giudizi della stampa: ma soprattutto spiccano le parole dei diretti interessati, scelte con cura appassionata dalle migliaia di interviste rilasciate nel corso degli anni. Un mosaico che vale non solo come immenso repertorio di consultazione ma anche come importante traccia biografica.
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Roberto De Ponti in Libri e riviste 8
- Maurice Druon -
12.49 EUR
Maurice Druon The Strangled Queen
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Maurice Druon
9780007491285Categoria: Libri e riviste
‘This was the original game of thrones’ George R.R. Martin\n\n\n The King is dead. Long live the King.\n\n\n Philip IV is dead and his great kingdom is in disarray. It seems the fatal curse of the Templars is plaguing the royal house of France.\n\n\n His son has been enthroned as Louis X; but with his disgraced wife Marguerite imprisoned in the Chateau Gaillard for her adultery, Louis can produce no heir with which to secure the succession. But neither can he marry again while she lives…\n\n\n The web of scandal, murder and intrigue that once wove itself around the court of the Iron King continues to draw in his descendants, as the destruction of his dynasty continues apace.
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Maurice Druon in Libri e riviste -5%9
- Meghan March -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Meghan March Queen. La Regina Indomabile
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Meghan March
9788893900850Categoria: Libri e riviste
Queen è il secondo capitolo della trilogia più calda dell’anno, che si apre con King e si conclude con Desire.\r\n \r\n“Questo romanzo dovrebbe essere accompagnato da un’avvertenza: il libro potrebbe prendere fuoco mentre lo leggete.” - Marieke’s books\r\n \r\nIo sono la sua distrazione. Il mio corpo è il suo giocattolo. \r\nHo dovuto cedere, non avevo scelta. \r\nLo odio, mi dico, ma ogni volta che entra da quella porta sento un brivido.\r\nCome posso desiderarlo e detestarlo allo stesso tempo? Mi sta facendo impazzire.\r\nNon dovevo finire in questo gorgo, dovevo immaginare che Lachlan Mount è un maschio senza regole. \r\nMa non ho nessuna intenzione di arrendermi, non voglio che veda le mie debolezze. \r\nPagherò il mio debito e manterrò intatto il mio cuore.
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Meghan March in Libri e riviste 10
- Alberto Angela -
16.24 EUR
Alberto Angela Cleopatra: The Queen Who Challenged Rome And Conquered Eternity
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Alberto Angela
9780062984227Categoria: Libri e riviste
“The political machinations, betrayal, and battles may appeal to those fans of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series interested in a real-world game of thrones.” -- Booklist\n\nOne of Italy’s most revered cultural figures reconstructs the extraordinary life of the legendary Cleopatra at the height of her power in this epic story of passion, intrigue, betrayal, and war.\n\nOur world today would not be the same without Cleopatra. While she is one of the most famous figures in history, the legendary Egyptian queen remains, in many ways, an enigma. In this mesmerizing history, Alberto Angela offers a fresh and dynamic portrait of this extraordinary ruler, revealing a strikingly modern woman born in an ancient era and skilled in the art of diplomacy and war, who would conquer the heart of a general—Marc Antony—and Rome itself.\n\nCleopatra focuses on a twenty-year period that marked a sweeping change in Roman history, beginning with the assassination of Julius Caesar that led to the end of the Republic, and ending with the suicides of Antony and Cleopatra and the birth of the Augustan Empire. Angela brings the people, stories, customs, and traditions of this fascinating period alive as he transports us to the chaotic streets of the capital of the ancient world, the exotic port of Alexandria in Egypt, and to the bloody battlefields where an empire was won and lost. \n\nMeticulously researched and rich with vivid detail, this sweeping history, reminiscent of the works of Simon Schama, Mary Beard’s SPQR, and Tom Holland’s Rubicon, recreates this remarkable era and the woman at its turbulent center.\n\nTranslated from the Italian by Katherine Gregor\n\n“[Cleopatra] combines scholarship with novelistic detail and character depth…[Alberto Angela] effectively draws on previous scholarship, wading through legend and myth to get at the truth of what actually occurred… a character-rich historical biography.” -- Kirkus
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Alberto Angela in Libri e riviste -5%11
- Ellery Queen -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Ellery Queen Il Delitto Alla Rovescia
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Ellery Queen
9788804717300Categoria: Libri e riviste
Un enigma straniante e fascinoso che Ellery Queen propone ai lettori in quest'opera magistrale, definita dal critico Julian Symons «una fra le migliori storie poliziesche mai scritte».\r\nSembrava che una mano gigantesca avesse strappato di peso quella stanza dall'edificio, per scrollarla come un bussolotto prima di rimetterla al suo posto. A prima vista sembrava in uno stato di totale sconvolgimento. Tutti i mobili erano stati spostati. C'era qualcosa che non andava nei quadri alle pareti, e anche il tappeto sul pavimento aveva un aspetto strano. Le sedie, il tavolino, ogni cosa...\r\n\r\n Il mistero della camera chiusa, uno dei sottogeneri in cui si è ramificato il giallo nella sua età d'oro, costituisce una delle sfide intellettuali più intense e appassionanti dell'intera storia del poliziesco. La ricetta è semplice quanto geniale: un delitto compiuto in modo tale che nessuno possa esserne l'autore. Una delle variazioni più riuscite è questo romanzo di Ellery Queen del 1934. Il racconto inizia quando, nella stanza ermeticamente sigillata di un grande albergo, viene trovato il cadavere di uno sconosciuto. L'uomo, morto con la testa fracassata da un pesante attizzatoio, non può certo essersi suicidato. Ma un elemento, apparentemente assurdo, rompe la ferrea logica che domina i gialli. Infatti l'uomo indossa gli abiti alla rovescia, così come sono rovesciati tutti gli elementi dell'arredamento, dai quadri ai mobili. Perché?
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Ellery Queen in Libri e riviste 12
- Brian May -
73.13 EUR
Brian May Queen In 3-d. Ediz. Illustrata. Con Stereoscopio
Brand: Brian May
9788894260809Categoria: Libri e riviste
Versione esclusiva in lingua italiana.\r\n\r\nSono stati scritti numerosi libri sui QUEEN, ma questa è una novità assoluta: una visione intima, dall’interno, di un membro fondatore della band, la prima storia di un qualsiasi gruppo rock mai realizzata in 3-D. Non solo Brian May ha scritto personalmente il libro (non c’è un “ghost writer”), ma le illustrazioni sono state tutte scattate con fotocamere stereoscopiche, per lo più da Brian stesso. Fin dagli esordi, infatti, May era solito portare con sé una stereocamera (3-D); così durante i tour dei Queen o durante le registrazioni poteva catturare dei rari momenti dietro le quinte di una delle più grandi rock band di tutti i tempi. Ora, a distanza di decenni, queste immagini vengono condivise per la prima volta! Pensato inizialmente come un lavoro veloce, questo progetto si è poi trasformato per May ed il suo team in una vera e propria passione che li ha travolti per più di tre anni. Ogni volta che il libro sembrava prossimo alla conclusione, ecco sbucare delle nuove foto in 3-D, dimenticate chissà dove, che suscitavano una nuova ondata di ricordi arricchendone la narrativa. L’opera alla fine è diventata una vera e propria storia dei Queen dalla nascita fino al presente. Il libro comprende circa 360 illustrazioni fotografiche, la maggior parte delle quali visibili nel loro splendore stereoscopico e si presenta con copertina rigida identica alla versione inglese - in un cofanetto con foto lenticolare 3-D in copertina e con un esclusivo stereoscopio OWL 3-D incluso brevettato da Brian May stesso.
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Brian May in Libri e riviste 13
- Meredith Ochs -
25 EUR
Meredith Ochs Aretha: The Queen Of Soul: A Life In Photographs
Brand: Meredith Ochs
9781454934585Categoria: Libri e riviste
This beautifully illustrated unofficial retrospective celebrates the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, and reflects on her life, music, and legacy.\n \n Aretha Franklin's voice was legendary, unforgettable: deeply rooted in gospel, yet versatile enough to brilliantly interpret R&B, rock, soul, pop, and jazz standards, it fueled a six-decade career. Her vocal wallop was a mix of preaching, rebuke, and elation. From the languorous \"I Never Loved a Man (the Way That I Love You),\" to the funky \"Chain of Fools,\" to the fiercely feminist \"Think,\" to the definitive, demanding version of Otis Redding's \"Respect,\" Franklin's songs played out against the tumultuous sociopolitical backdrop of the late '60s like a soundtrack meant to set things right. Her accolades were many: she received the Kennedy Center honor in 1994, won 18 Grammys (R), was the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and performed for presidents and the Pope. Illustrated with 85 photos, and with insightful text from noted radio personality and author Meredith Ochs, Aretha explores the diva's life, from her formative years growing up in Detroit, to her singing and recording career from the 1950s until her untimely death in 2018, to her numerous honors, awards, and causes, including her advocacy for civil rights and the arts.
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Meredith Ochs in Libri e riviste -5%14
- Sali Hughes -
14.16 EUR 14.9 EUR
Sali Hughes The Queen. Diario A Colori Della Regina Elisabetta. Ediz. A Colori
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Sali Hughes
9788855052375Categoria: Libri e riviste
Un libro vibrante di colore, un'esplosione che cattura lo sguardo, alla scoperta dei mille colori della regina e di come sono stati indossati nelle occasioni fondamentali che hanno segnato la nostra storia recente. Un esempio da imitare!\r\nDio salvi la Rainbow Queen!\r\nIn un mondo in cui i colori sono sinonimo di frivolezza e la serietà sembra vestire sempre di grigio o nero, la regina Elisabetta ci insegna che resilienza, dedizione e discrezione possono essere espressi da tutte le sfumature dell'arcobaleno. Questo libro è un viaggio nell'eleganza - e nella stravaganza - della regina più amata: una collezione di foto che abbracciano in un arcobaleno un secolo di stile. Scelte e commentate dalla giornalista e presentatrice Sali Hughes, che coltiva fin da bambina quella che lei stessa definisce «un'insana passione per questa regina magnetica», le immagini di questo libro celebrano la sovrana più iconica della storia, in un omaggio al suo stile ma anche alla sua fermezza, resilienza, temerarietà. Dai castigati twin-set ai kilt da matrona, dai giudiziosi tacchi squadrati alla fidata borsa Launer sempre al suo fianco, Elisabetta II ammalia grazie a un guardaroba che ha finito per diventare il simbolo non solo di una monarca, ma anche di una monarchia. Con la Prefazione di Rossella Migliaccio.
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Sali Hughes in Libri e riviste 15
- Neil R Storey;fiona Kay -
25 EUR
Neil R Storey;fiona Kay Victorian Fashions For Women
Brand: Neil R Storey;fiona Kay
9781399004169Categoria: Libri e riviste
_Victorian Fashions_ _for Women_ explores the British styles and clothing throughout the long reign of Queen Victoria, from the late 1830s to the first years of the 20th century. Within are a superb overview of the dresses, hats, hair styles, corsetry, undergarments shoes and boots that combined to present the prevailing styles for each decade. From those who had enough money to have day and evening wear and clothes for sports and outdoor activities, to those with limited income and wardrobes or labouring folk with little more than the clothes they stood up in.\n\nAll decades are illustrated with original photographs, adverts and contemporary magazine features from the authors' own remarkable collections, accompanied by a knowledgeable and informative text that describes the fashions, their social history context and influences reflected in the clothes of the time. Laid out in a clear and easy-to-follow chronological order, the key features of styles, decoration and accoutrements will help family historians to date family photographs and will provide a useful resource for students and costume historians or for anyone with a love of fashion and style to enjoy.
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Neil R Storey;fiona Kay in Libri e riviste 16
- J.r. Thorp -
12.49 EUR
J.r. Thorp Learwife
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: J.r. Thorp
9781838852849Categoria: Libri e riviste
AN OBSERVER BEST DEBUT NOVELIST OF 2021\n\n'Seductive . . . Gorgeous' The Times\n'Gives voice to one of fiction's most conspicuously absent women' i\n\nWord has come. King Lear is dead. His three daughters too, broken in battle. But someone has survived: Lear's queen.\n\nThough her grief and rage threaten to crack the earth open, she knows she must seek answers. Why was she exiled? What has happened to Kent, her oldest friend? And what will become of her now? To find peace she must reckon with her past and make a terrible choice - one upon which her destiny rests.
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J.r. Thorp in Libri e riviste 17
- Emily R. King -
11.24 EUR
Emily R. King Crown Of Cinders
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Emily R. King
9781542023740Categoria: Libri e riviste
Going to battle against a Titan in the war of all wars, one woman is making history in an epic novel of ancient Greece by Emily R. King, author of the Hundredth Queen series.\n\nMay Gaea be with you...\n\nAlthea Lambros is growing into her power, wrestling with a burdensome heritage, and unwilling to concede to Cronus, the redoubtable God of Gods. For that, Cronus is making good on his promise. Calling upon the elder Titans, he's bringing down his wrath on the world. Suffering quakes, tempests, fire, and hail, mortals are paying in blood for the war of the gods.\n\nWith the help of her friend Theo, Althea takes cover with her sisters, Bronte and Cleora. But they can't hide forever. To mastermind the downfall of the evil king, Althea must recruit allies of her own before the aggrieved mortals surrender the sisters to Cronus in exchange for peace.\n\nIs Althea formidable enough to win? It'll take the help of her sisters and those willing to fight for the cause of the just. As the gods pick sides, Althea must divide heaven and earth to defeat the enemy and write the true history of the war to end all wars.
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Emily R. King in Libri e riviste 18
- Neil R Storey;fiona Kay -
18.74 EUR
Neil R Storey;fiona Kay Victorian Fashions For Women
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Neil R Storey;fiona Kay
9781399004206Categoria: Libri e riviste
Victorian Fashions for Men explores British the styles and clothing throughout the long reign of Queen Victoria from the late 1830s to the first years of the 20th century. Within are a superb overview of the suits, coats, hats, hair styles, accoutrements, shoes and boots that typified the prevailing styles of men's attire for each decade. From those who had enough money to have day and evening wear and clothes for sporting and outdoor activities to those with limited income and wardrobes or labouring folk with little more than the clothes they stood up in.\n\nAll decades are illustrated with original photographs, adverts and contemporary magazine illustrations from the authors’ own remarkable collections and are accompanied by a knowledgeable and informative text that describes the fashions, their social history context and influences reflected in the clothes of the time. \n\nLaid out in clear and easy to follow chronological order the key features of the styles for each decade will help family historians to date family photographs and will provide a useful resource for students and costume historians or for anyone with a love of fashion and style to enjoy.
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Neil R Storey;fiona Kay in Libri e riviste 19
- Emily R. King -
11.24 EUR
Emily R. King Wings Of Fury
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Emily R. King
9781542023733Categoria: Libri e riviste
From Emily R. King, author of the Hundredth Queen series, comes an epic novel of ancient Greece, Titans and treachery, and the women who dare to rise up against the tyranny of the Golden Age.\n\nMy mother told me that men would speak about the Golden Age as a time of peace and happiness for all... However, the women of our age would tell a very different story...\n\nCronus, God of Gods, whose inheritance is the world. Among his possessions: women, imprisoned and fated to serve. The strong-minded Althea Lambros controls her own fate and lives to honor her dying mother's plea to protect her two sisters at all costs. Althea's journey toward crushing the tyranny has begun. It is a destiny foretold by the Fates. And she is following their visions.\n\nOn the southern isle of Crete, hidden among mortal women who have fled the Titans, is the Boy God, son of Cronus and believed dead. He shares Althea's destiny to vanquish the Almighty-fate willing. Because Cronus has caught wind of the plot. He's amassing his own forces against Althea's righteous rebellion and all those who will no longer surrender or run. There will be war. If she's to survive to write their history, the indomitable Althea must soar higher than any god.
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Emily R. King in Libri e riviste 20
- J.r. Thorp -
18.74 EUR
J.r. Thorp Learwife
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: J.r. Thorp
9781838852832Categoria: Libri e riviste
AN OBSERVER BEST DEBUT NOVELIST OF 2021\n'Seductive . . . Gorgeous' The Times\n'A fresh perspective on an age-old tale' Irish Times\n\n'I am the queen of two crowns, banished fifteen years, the famed and gilded woman, bad-luck baleful girl, mother of three small animals, now gone. I am fifty-five years old. I am Lear's wife. I am here.'\n\nWord has come. Care-bent King Lear is dead, driven mad and betrayed. His three daughters too, broken in battle. But someone has survived: Lear's queen. Exiled to a nunnery years ago, written out of history, her name forgotten. Now she can tell her story.\n\nThough her grief and rage may threaten to crack the earth open, she knows she must seek answers. Why was she sent away in shame and disgrace? What has happened to Kent, her oldest friend and ally? And what will become of her now, in this place of women? To find peace she must reckon with her past and make a terrible choice - one upon which her destiny, and that of the entire abbey, rests.\n\nGiving unforgettable voice to a woman whose absence has been a tantalising mystery, Learwife is a breathtaking novel of loss, renewal and how history bleeds into the present.
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J.r. Thorp in Libri e riviste 21
- Laurie R. King -
11.24 EUR
Laurie R. King Castle Shade: The Intriguing Mystery For Sherlock Holmes Fans
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Laurie R. King
9780749027568Categoria: Libri e riviste
Queen Marie of Roumania, granddaughter to both Victoria, Empress of the British Empire, and Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, is in need of Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes' services. The Queen, a famous beauty who has transformed Roumania from a quiet backwater into a significant force, invites the pair to Bran castle, the ancient fortress that sits on the border with the newly regained territory of Transylvania. \n\nThe threat the Queen fears is dubious: shadowy figures, vague whispers, dangers that may only be accidents. But a young girl is involved. So, putting aside their doubts, Russell and Holmes set out to investigate the mystery in a land of long memory and hidden corners, from whose churchyards the shades creep.
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Laurie R. King in Libri e riviste 22
- Christine Feehan -
18.74 EUR
Christine Feehan Lightning Game
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Christine Feehan
9780349428352Categoria: Libri e riviste
The queen of paranormal romance . . . I love everything she does J. R. WARD \n\n\n\nDanger and passion fuse in this electrifying GhostWalker novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan. \n\n\n\nGhostWalker Rubin Campo's rough upbringing made him into the man he is today: strong, steadfast and wary of outsiders. When he and his brother return to their family's homestead in the Appalachian Mountains, he can immediately sense that a stranger has taken up residence in their cabin-a woman who just happens to be a GhostWalker too. \n\n\n\nJonquille looks deceptively delicate but is clearly a fighter. She also doesn't seem to care that Rubin could kill her where she stands. She sought him out, wanting to connect on their shared interest in electrical charges. As one of the first failed GhostWalker experiments, Jonquille can produce lightning with her body-but she can't control it. \n\n\n\nTheir connection is magnetic, their abilities in sync. Rubin knows she's his match, the answer to a lifetime of pain and intense loneliness. But Jonquille came to him with hidden intentions, ones that threaten to destroy their bond before it can truly begin....\n\n\n\nEveryone's talking about Christine Feehan . . . \n\n\n\n'[A] dark and seductive paranormal romance series.' HeroesandHeartbreakers.com\n\n\n\n'Heart-stopping action. Crazy sexy-time scenes. Tender emotions.' Harlequin Junkie\n\n\n\n'Hot-blooded . . . intense and thrilling . . . you don't want to miss it!' Joyfully Reviewed\n\n\n\n'With a Feehan novel you know you will get well-developed characters and...a dose of sizzling sexuality...an unbeatable mix.' RT Book Reviews
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Christine Feehan in Libri e riviste 23
- Christine Feehan -
12.49 EUR
Christine Feehan Lightning Game
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Christine Feehan
9780349428369Categoria: Libri e riviste
The queen of paranormal romance . . . I love everything she does J. R. WARD \n\nDanger and passion fuse in this electrifying GhostWalker novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan. \n\nGhostWalker Rubin Campo's rough upbringing made him into the man he is today: strong, steadfast and wary of outsiders. When he and his brother return to their family's homestead in the Appalachian Mountains, he can immediately sense that a stranger has taken up residence in their cabin-a woman who just happens to be a GhostWalker too. \n\nJonquille looks deceptively delicate but is clearly a fighter. She also doesn't seem to care that Rubin could kill her where she stands. She sought him out, wanting to connect on their shared interest in electrical charges. As one of the first failed GhostWalker experiments, Jonquille can produce lightning with her body-but she can't control it. \n\nTheir connection is magnetic, their abilities in sync. Rubin knows she's his match, the answer to a lifetime of pain and intense loneliness. But Jonquille came to him with hidden intentions, ones that threaten to destroy their bond before it can truly begin....\n\nEveryone's talking about Christine Feehan . . . \n\n'[A] dark and seductive paranormal romance series.' HeroesandHeartbreakers.com\n\n'Heart-stopping action. Crazy sexy-time scenes. Tender emotions.' Harlequin Junkie\n\n'Hot-blooded . . . intense and thrilling . . . you don't want to miss it!' Joyfully Reviewed\n\n'With a Feehan novel you know you will get well-developed characters and...a dose of sizzling sexuality...an unbeatable mix.' RT Book Reviews
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Christine Feehan in Libri e riviste 24
- Christine Feehan -
12.49 EUR
Christine Feehan Leopard's Wrath
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Christine Feehan
9780349423258Categoria: Libri e riviste
The queen of paranormal romance . . . I love everything she does J. R. WARD \n\nDiscover a dizzying world of desire and an exotic, sensual race: the Leopard People. \n\nHe's a man who's used to getting what he wants, but she's not the type of woman to take things lying down....\n\nBorn into a world of crime, Mitya Amurov has had a hard life, and his leopard has developed into a feral beast to protect him. It's constantly trying to claw its way to the surface, until a chance encounter with a stranger instantly calms the predator inside him. While Mitya wants Ania desperately, it's only a matter of time before his past catches up with him, and he'd rather die than put her in danger. But Ania is dealing with dangers of her own.... \n\nConsidering her family's history, Ania Dover should know better than to get mixed up with a criminal like Mitya, but she just can't stay away. Something wild in her responds to his presence. A need so strong it scares her. But she's not sure she can accept what he's offering. Ania has always been an independent woman, and Mitya expects to be obeyed in all things. \n\nEven with her body calling out for his, Ania won't let anything stop her from settling a deadly score years in the making-not even the man who wants to claim her as his mate.\n\nEveryone's talking about the Leopard People series... \n\n'[A] dark and seductive paranormal romance series.' HeroesandHeartbreakers.com\n\n'Heart-stopping action. Crazy sexy-time scenes. Tender emotions.' Harlequin Junkie\n\n'Hot-blooded . . . intense and thrilling . . . you don't want to miss it!' Joyfully Reviewed\n\n'With a Feehan novel you know you will get well-developed characters and...a dose of sizzling sexuality...an unbeatable mix.' RT Book Reviews
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13.96 EUR 39.9 EUR
Signe Bergstrom Gli Archivi Della Magia. Esplora I Segreti Del Film Animali Fantastici: I Crimini Di Grindelwald
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Signe Bergstrom
9788869054082Categoria: Libri e riviste
Esplora il backstage dell'universo magico popolato dai maghi e dalle creature magiche create da J. K. Rowling, e scopri i segreti di Animali fantastici: I crimini di Grindelwald con questo straordinario volume a colori.\r\nNewt, Tina, Queenie e Jacob, gli amati protagonisti di animali fantastici e dove trovarli, sono tornati! In questa nuova avventura incontreranno alcuni dei personaggi potteriani preferiti dai fan, compresi Albus Silente, Nicolas Flamel e il mago oscuro Gellert Grindelwald. \r\nAutorizzato ufficialmente da Warner Bros. Consumer Products e creato da MinaLima, il team di designer che ha realizzato le scenografie e moltissimi oggetti di scena per i film di Harry Potter e per Animali fantastici e dove trovarli, questo esauriente compendio offre un punto di vista unico sulla realizzazione del film adatto ai fan di ogni età.\r\nGli Archivi della Magia soddisferà ogni tua curiosità su Newt Scamander e la sua coloratissima schiera di amici – sia animali che maghi – e ti permetterà di osservarli da vicino mentre affrontano il malvagio Gellert Grindelwald, uno dei più potenti maghi oscuri del mondo, in una storia che si svolge tra New York, Londra e Parigi. Traboccante di segreti sulla realizzazione del film, di illustrazioni a colori e di aneddoti raccontati dagli attori e dalla troupe, questo splendido volume contiene, oltre ad alcuni incredibili effetti speciali, anche una decina di riproduzioni rimovibili di oggetti di scena e altri materiali. Magico tributo alla realizzazione del film, è una guida indispensabile per tutti i fan del mondo magico e per coloro che aspirano a diventare concept artist, sceneggiatori o esperti di cinema.
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12.49 EUR
Lesley Cookman Murder By Mistake: A Totally Addictive Cosy Mystery
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Lesley Cookman
9781472278357Categoria: Libri e riviste
LIBBY SARJEANT IS BACK\n\n'Lesley Cookman is the Queen of Cosy Crime' PAUL MAGRS\n'A real page turner' KATIE FFORDE\n\nLibby Sarjeant returns to take on her latest case in this gripping and twisting whodunit from Lesley Cookman. Perfect for fans of Faith Martin, J. R. Ellis and LJ Ross.\n\nSuper-sleuth Libby Sarjeant returns with a baffling new case . . . two people missing in a single week.\n\n When a homeless man from the old-fashioned English seaside town of Nethergate appears to go missing - and the police are not available to investigate - amateur detective Libby Sarjeant and her psychic friend Fran are called in to search for him. \n\nBut it seems the case might be far more complex than they anticipated - and when a second person disappears without trace, Libby suspects there must be a sinister connection between the two.\n\n Following a murky trail to uncover the truth, Libby and Fran find themselves uncovering secrets hiding in plain sight.\n\nCan they solve a puzzling mystery before anyone else suddenly vanishes?\n\nREADERS LOVE THE LIBBY SARJEANT SERIES:\n\n'I've read all of the books in this series and love them all' 5* Reader Review\n\n'Just can't get enough of reading about Libby and her friends' 5* Reader Review\n\n'Libby's gang are like old friends and I was hooked from the start' 5* Reader Review\n\n'Love this series, roll on the next one!' 5* Reader Review\n\n'I adore the characters and the village. I wish I could live on All Hallows Lane and be a part of this gang. Hoping for a new novel soon. Highly recommend' 5* Reader Review\n\n'The characters are so likeable. I would love to visit the mythical Steeple Martin!' 5* Reader Review
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18.74 EUR
Christine Feehan Dark Tarot
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Christine Feehan
9780349428338Categoria: Libri e riviste
A new sexy, action-filled, intoxicating pageturner set in the Dark Carpathians world, from the bestselling author that J R WARD called 'the queen of paranormal romance'!\n\nLight and dark combine as the cards reveal hidden truths . . . \n\n___________________________________\n\nSandu Berdardi continues to exist only to protect his people. An ancient Carpathian, his entire long life has been dedicated to honor above all else. He knows his time has passed, especially since he has not been able to find his lifemate - the anchor to keep him sane in a world he no longer understands. But just as he truly starts to give up hope, a voice reaches out to him in the night and his world explodes into color.\n\nAdalasia enters Sandu's mind seamlessly, as if she has been a part of him forever. While she can see the shape of things to come in her deck of cards, her gift is both a blessing and a curse. The true course of Sandu's quest remains unclear, with danger waiting at every turn. She cannot see everything the future holds, but she does know it is a journey they will take together.\n\nBy joining him, she will start them down a dangerous, seductive path from which there is no coming back....\n\nPraise for Christine Feehan:\n\n'After Bram Stoker, Anne Rice and Joss Whedon, Christine Feehan is the person most credited with popularizing the neck gripper' Time\n\n'Feehan has a knack for bringing vampiric Carpathians to vivid, virile life in her Dark Carpathian novels' Publishers Weekly\n\n'The erotic, gripping series that's defined an entire genre! Must reading that always satisfies!' J.R. Ward\n\n'The queen of paranormal romance' USA Today
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