- Vincenza Cucco -
11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Vincenza Cucco Qualche Mistero In Meno Su «il Signore Degli Anelli». L'opera Narrativa E Critica Di J.r.r. Tolkien
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Vincenza Cucco
9788865917435Categoria: Libri e riviste
Tolkien asseriva che la realtà interior e di uno scrittore fosse così diversa dagli avvenimenti della sua vita che descriverli ed enumerarli non aiuta affatto a comprendere la sua opera e il suo pensiero. 1 Per tale r agione, nella seguente ricerca, preferisco rifarmi ai testi che ci ha lasciato, e per me glio comprenderli, mi propongo d’attingere agli studi critici da lui elaborati parallelamente alla sua opera creativa. Tolkien non si considera “un inventore di storie, ma uno scopritore di leggende”, e fa di tutto per indurci a credere che scoprì ed elaborò “la struttura di leggende più o meno connesse comprendenti temi elevati, cosmogonici e fiabe romantiche.”
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Vincenza Cucco in Libri e riviste 2
- Donileen R. Loseke -
43.74 EUR
Donileen R. Loseke Narrative As Topic And Method In Social Research
Brand: Donileen R. Loseke
9781071851661Categoria: Libri e riviste
Narrative research is an increasingly popular qualitative method across the social sciences. This book has two purposes: firstly to show students and researchers how to do research on narrative topics, particularly on questions about narrative productions of meaning, and secondly to explain some fundamentals of research methods suitable for exploring these topics. A final part of the book provides empirical examples of how such research is done. These chapters use small amounts of data to examine the analytic tasks of designing research questions, finding appropriate data, sampling decisions, contextualization, data categorization, and communicating study findings.
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Donileen R. Loseke in Libri e riviste 3
- Yvens R. Serpa -
56.24 EUR
Yvens R. Serpa The Cores Of Game Design: Mechanics, Economics, Narrative, And Aesthetics
Brand: Yvens R. Serpa
9781032397542Categoria: Libri e riviste
This book considers the four essential cores of game design: Mechanics, the interactive elements that allow players to be part and interact with the game itself; Economy, the resources and numerical concepts that will enable players to evaluate and consider the options in the game, creating strategy, risk, and fun; Narrative, the textual features that enable players to create and generate meaning for the game and its parts; and the Aesthetics, the audiovisual elements that allow players to experience the game through their senses and feelings.\n\nThis book discusses all four essential cores and how to design games by using each one as a starting point. It also discusses how each one is connected and can be understood as a valuable tool to elevate a game's design. It follows a practical approach to how we can implement the game design and development process by being prototype-focused, user-centred, and lean.\n\nThis book will be of great interest to students, indie game developers, and aspiring early-career designers looking to hone their game design craft.
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Yvens R. Serpa in Libri e riviste 4
- Marylene Cloitre;lisa R. Cohen;kile M. Ortigo -
57.49 EUR
Marylene Cloitre;lisa R. Cohen;kile M. Ortigo Treating Survivors Of Childhood Abuse And Interpersonal Trauma, Second Edition: Stair Narrative Therapy
Brand: Marylene Cloitre;lisa R. Cohen;kile M. Ortigo
9781462543281Categoria: Libri e riviste
Now revised and expanded with 50% new content reflecting important clinical refinements, this manual presents a widely used evidence-based therapy approach for adult survivors of chronic trauma. Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR) Narrative Therapy helps clients to build crucial social and emotional resources for living in the present and to break the hold of traumatic memories. Highly clinician friendly, the book provides everything needed to implement STAIR--including 68 reproducible handouts and session plans--and explains the approach's theoretical and empirical bases. The large-size format facilitates photocopying; purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. First edition title: Treating Survivors of Childhood Abuse: Psychotherapy for the Interrupted Life.\n\n New to This Edition\n *Reorganized, simplified sessions make implementation easier.\n *Additional session on emotion regulation, with a focus on body-based strategies.\n *Sessions on self-compassion and on intimacy and closeness in relationships.\n *Chapter on emerging applications, such as group and adolescent STAIR, and clinical contexts, such as primary care and telemental health.\n *Many new or revised handouts--now downloadable.\n *Updated for DSM-5 and ICD-11.
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Marylene Cloitre;lisa R. Cohen;kile M. Ortigo in Libri e riviste -15%5
- Gianni Celati -
15.3 EUR 18 EUR
Gianni Celati Narrative In Fuga
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Gianni Celati
9788822903099Categoria: Libri e riviste
Quattordici saggi di Gianni Celati sui suoi autori stranieri d’affezione.\r\nIl Bartleby di Melville (che proprio a Celati deve la sua divulgazione in Italia), Céline, l’amatissima Certosa di Parma di Stendhal, il Gulliver di Swift, l'Ulisse di Joyce, e altri ancora. Sono saggi densi e illuminanti, ma anche emozionanti e belli da leggere. Perché scritti con l’inconfondibile tono di Celati; ossia il tono di chi ti mette a tuo agio raccontandoti una storia.\r\nPubblicati come introduzioni o postfazioni, sono stati nella maggior parte riscritti rispetto alle versioni stampate.
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Gianni Celati in Libri e riviste -5%6
- Gian Enrico Rusconi -
15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Gian Enrico Rusconi La Teologia Narrativa Di Papa Francesco
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Gian Enrico Rusconi
9788858128749Categoria: Libri e riviste
Peccato e misericordia, due fondamenti della dottrina cristiana, sono tenuti insieme e riproposti in una narrativa religiosa che ora affascina ora sconcerta credenti e non credenti\r\n\r\nL’idea diffusa che papa Francesco sia ‘forte’ nella pastorale ma ‘debole’ nella dottrina è un equivoco. La grande espressività del pontefice vive infatti di una originale ‘teologia narrativa’, che è a un tempo tradizionale e innovativa, legata al quotidiano e rivolta a tutti, credenti e non. Nelle sue parole ricorrono appelli di solidarietà sociale per i più deboli, i temi della gioia, dell’amore e della misericordia; ma emergono anche concetti e passaggi problematici come l’‘incondizionata misericordia’ di Dio che lascia indeterminati alcuni motivi religiosi tradizionalmente fondamentali quali il castigo, la punizione e l’espiazione del peccato. Bergoglio mette così in atto una faticosa ridefinizione del concetto stesso di peccato: «siamo tutti peccatori» ma perdonati. Dietro al nuovo sforzo ermeneutico e semantico del pontefice si intravede un abbozzo di nuova e potente teologia. Dove porterà questa ‘rivoluzione’? Quali sono i contraccolpi teologici e dottrinali? Gian Enrico Rusconi esplora le conseguenze della teologia narrativa di Francesco sulla Chiesa, sui laici e sulla società in generale.
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Gian Enrico Rusconi in Libri e riviste -15%7
- Valeria Razzini -
36.12 EUR 42.5 EUR
Valeria Razzini Una Matematica Da Favola. Percorsi Narrativi Per Superare Le Difficoltà Nell'apprendimento Dei Concetti Matematici. Livello 2 Scuola Primaria. Kit. Con Software
Brand: Valeria Razzini
9788859038122Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il kit Una matematica da favola 2 propone una strada alternativa per aggirare gli ostacoli dell’apprendimento della matematica: la narrazione. I bambini e le bambine amano ascoltare le storie, soprattutto se i protagonisti sono principi, maghi o ragazzini come loro.\r\n\r\nI racconti diventano, in questo kit composto da libro e web app, un’efficace strategia per introdurre e chiarire in modo divertente alcuni concetti matematici tipici del programma del terzo, quarto e quinto anno di scuola primaria, anche con BES e fragilità.\r\n\r\nIl libro propone la dimensione alternativa della narrazione per aggirare gli ostacoli della matematica. La simpatia dei racconti e dei personaggi, unita al coinvolgimento emotivo, permette ai bambini e alle bambine di sviluppare il corretto atteggiamento nei confronti della matematica e di affrontare senza fatica e senza paura:\r\n• le proprietà delle quattro operazioni\r\n• l’avvicinamento al problem solving\r\n• il calcolo del resto monetario\r\n• le misure di tempo\r\n• le misure di superficie\r\n• le espressioni\r\n• le potenze.\r\n\r\nAll’interno della web app si trovano le attività e gli esercizi contenuti nel libro, arricchiti e adattati per una migliore resa digitale. Infatti, per un maggior coinvolgimento motivazionale dei bambini, le proposte sono state integrate da elementi tipici della gamification quali: missioni da completare, avatar da personalizzare, feedback sonori ponderati e puntuali, stelline-premio, elementi sbloccabili al termine di una sezione e l’acquisizione di un attestato finale.\r\n\r\nIl kit si rivolge principalmente a insegnanti di scuola primaria, logopedisti e specialisti di didattica, e promuove l’instaurarsi di un clima sereno in classe attraverso l’educazione alla comunicazione assertiva.
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Valeria Razzini in Libri e riviste -15%8
- Rita Charon -
21.25 EUR 25 EUR
Rita Charon Medicina Narrativa. Onorare Le Storie Dei Pazienti
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Rita Charon
9788832851045Categoria: Libri e riviste
Con esempi tratti dalla pratica clinica e dalla letteratura, con un impianto teorico solido e multidisciplinare, Rita Charon ci mostra in che modo si possa sviluppare un contatto empatico con il paziente, per una medicina più umana, etica ed efficace. Più narrativa.\r\n«Un saggio ormai diventato un classico» - il Venerdì di Repubblica\r\n«Non tutti i colloqui portano a rivelazioni sconvolgenti, ma può venir fuori qualcosa di fondamentale nel bel mezzo di conversazioni banalissime e quotidiane» - Il Messaggero\r\n«Il racconto è anche il miglior modo di onorare le storie dei malati» - Corriere della Sera Salute\r\n«Rita Charon si è fatta pioniera di un approccio che va sotto il nome di medicina narrativa, raccontata in un libro di grande impegno teorico e altrettanta esperienza clinica» – La Lettura\r\n\r\nCome integrare le storie dei pazienti nella pratica clinica? Come arricchire l’oggettività della scienza medica con le emozioni individuali?\r\nIn un saggio che è ormai un classico, Rita Charon risponde a queste domande\r\nmettendo la narrazione al servizio della medicina, per farci scoprire il potere\r\ndel racconto nelle relazioni terapeutiche. Attraverso la lettura e la scrittura, infatti,\r\nsi possono allenare e sviluppare quelle capacità di ascolto e di attenzione\r\nnecessarie non solo per arrivare a diagnosi più adeguate e a terapie più condivise,\r\nma anche per prendersi cura davvero di chi soffre, in contrasto con un sistema\r\nsanitario che sembra anteporre le preoccupazioni aziendali e burocratiche\r\nai bisogni delle persone.
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Rita Charon in Libri e riviste -15%9
- Valeria Razzini -
29.75 EUR 35 EUR
Valeria Razzini Tabelline Da Favola - Percorsi Narrativi Per Superare Le Difficoltà Nell’apprendimento Dei Fatti Numerici (software + Guida)
Brand: Valeria Razzini
9788859032632Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il kit Tabelline da favola, destinato e progettato per insegnanti della scuola primaria, logopedisti, educatori e genitori, propone un approccio alle tabelline basato sullo storytelling e sul gioco: due degli strumenti più efficaci per un apprendimento rilassato e coinvolgente.\r\n\r\nLa narrazione immergerà i bambini e le bambine in una realtà virtuale potentissima, che farà dimenticare loro la paura per le tabelline, li aiuterà a visualizzare ciò che viene descritto e, tramite trigger verbali e visivi, darà loro preziosi strumenti a supporto della memorizzazione. Il gioco digitale permetterà di allenare e consolidare in modo divertente le competenze apprese mediante l’ascolto della storia e lo svolgimento degli esercizi.\r\n\r\nLa struttura del libro punta a un apprendimento inedito, concentrato sulla metà delle tabelline presenti nella tavola pitagorica allo scopo di far entrare i fatti aritmetici nella memoria a lungo termine nella loro completezza. Il volume, suddiviso in otto unità didattiche, prevede suggerimenti per la pratica didattica, favole o filastrocche e diverse schede operative graduate, che catturano l’attenzione di tutti gli alunni e chiariscono in modo divertente i concetti matematici.\r\n\r\nIl software, attraverso simpatiche audiofiabe e strumenti compensativi (come la tavola pitagorica e la tavola del 100), presenta attività di preparazione, allenamento e consolidamento dei concetti appresi. Per un maggior coinvolgimento motivazionale, le proposte sono state integrate da elementi tipici della gamification quali: missioni da completare, avatar da personalizzare, feedback sonori, stelline-premio e acquisizione di un attestato finale. La sezione «Statistiche» permette inoltre di monitorare l’andamento di ogni utente.
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Valeria Razzini in Libri e riviste -5%10
- Gareth R. Jones -
46.55 EUR 49 EUR
Gareth R. Jones Organizzazione. Teoria, Progettazione, Cambiamento
Brand: Gareth R. Jones
9788823821590Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il libro è uno strumento di apprendimento didatticamente efficace e capace di sfidare una materia complessa, multidisciplinare e teoricamente molto frammentata. La costruzione narrativa gioca su un continuo passaggio tra le definizioni dei concetti e la sistematica citazione di esempi e traduzioni pratiche dei concetti stessi. L'autore elabora i contenuti del libro attorno al concetto di organizzazione come potente fonte di vantaggio e differenziale competitivo. Il design organizzativo è proposto come leva competitiva prioritaria e non come processo subalterno alle tradizionali azioni di marketing o di finanza d'impresa. La teoria organizzativa deve fornire strumenti utili a spiegare il vantaggio competitivo delle imprese e, conseguentemente, la progettazione organizzativa può contribuire a generare differenziale competitivo. Sul piano dei contenuti, il libro offre al lettore un inquadramento sistematico di tutto il processo di design organizzativo. Nelle tre parti in cui è articolato sono presentati i modelli e le teorie per l'analisi di come le organizzazioni influenzano, e sono influenzate da, il loro ambiente, i principi di progettazione e gli interventi di cambiamento operati dai manager per migliorare la rispondenza di un'organizzazione al suo ambiente e implementare la strategia. La sezione finale è stata arricchita con quattro importanti casi per approfondire i temi trattati nel libro, agevolare una didattica attiva e stimolare gli studenti nel processo di apprendimento.
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Gareth R. Jones in Libri e riviste 11
- Mark R. Thompson -
21.25 EUR
Mark R. Thompson The Philippines: From 'people Power' To Democratic Backsliding
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Mark R. Thompson
9781009398480Categoria: Libri e riviste
This Element explores how in the Philippines a 'whiggish' narrative of democracy and good governance triumphing over dictatorship and kleptocracy after the 'people power' uprising against Ferdinand E. Marcos in 1986 was upended by strongman Rodrigo R. Duterte three decades later. Portraying his father's authoritarian rule as a 'golden age,' Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. succeeded Duterte by easily winning the 2022 presidential election, suggesting democratic backsliding will persist. A structuralist account of the inherent instability of the country's oligarchical democracy offers a plausible explanation of repeated crises but underplays agency. Strategic groups have pushed back against executive aggrandizement. Offering a 'structuration' perspective, presidential power and elite pushback are examined as is the reliance on political violence and the instrumentalization of mass poverty. These factors have recurrently combined to lead to the fall, restoration, and now steep decline of democracy in the Philippines.
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Mark R. Thompson in Libri e riviste 12
- J. R. Daniel Kirk;adam Winn;sandra Huebenthal -
31.25 EUR
J. R. Daniel Kirk;adam Winn;sandra Huebenthal Christology In Mark's Gospel: Four Views
Brand: J. R. Daniel Kirk;adam Winn;sandra Huebenthal
9780310538707Categoria: Libri e riviste
Gain Insights on Mark's Christology from Today's Leading Scholars\n\nThe Gospel of Mark, widely assumed to be the earliest narrative of Jesus's life and the least explicit in terms of Christology, has long served as a worktable for the discovery of Christian origins and developing theologies. The past ten years of scholarship have seen an unprecedented shift toward an early, high Christology, the notion that very early in the history of the Jesus movement his followers worshipped him as God. Other studies have challenged this view, arguing that Mark's story is incomplete, intentionally ambiguous, or presents Jesus in entirely human terms.\n\nChristology in Mark's Gospel: Four Views brings together key voices in conversation in order to offer a clear entry point into early Christians' understanding of Jesus's identity: Sandra Huebenthal (Suspended Christology), Larry W. Hurtado (Mark's Presentation of Jesus; with rejoinder by Chris Keith), J. R. Daniel Kirk (Narrative Christology of a Suffering King), and Adam Winn (Jesus as the YHWH of Israel in the Gospel of Mark).\n\nEach author offers a robust presentation of their position, followed by lively interaction with the other contributors and one \"last-word\" rejoinder. The significance of this discussion is contextualized by the general editor Anthony Le Donne's introduction and summarized in the conclusion.\n\nThe CriticalPoints Series offers rigorous and nuanced engagement between today's best scholars for advancing the scholarship of tomorrow. Like its older sibling, the CounterPoints Series, it provides a forum for comparison and critique of different positions, focusing on critical issues in today's Christian scholarship: in biblical studies, in theology, and in philosophy.
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J. R. Daniel Kirk;adam Winn;sandra Huebenthal in Libri e riviste 13
- Katie R. Peel -
106.25 EUR
Katie R. Peel Readers And Mistresses: Kept Women In Victorian Literature
Brand: Katie R. Peel
9781526176479Categoria: Libri e riviste
Readers and Mistresses: Kept Women in Victorian Literature identifies kept mistresses in British Victorian narrative and offers ways to understand their experiences. The author discusses kept women characters in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist, Elizabeth Gaskell’s Mary Barton and Ruth, Anne Brontë’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, and George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda, and examines the methods their authors use to encourage reader empathy. This book also usefully demonstrates how to identify kept women when they are less visible in texts, including in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, Dickens' Hard Times and Dombey and Son, and George Gissing's The Odd Women. -- .
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Katie R. Peel in Libri e riviste 14
- R. Malcolm Errington -
42.44 EUR
R. Malcolm Errington A History Of The Hellenistic World: 323 - 30 Bc
Brand: R. Malcolm Errington
9780631233886Categoria: Libri e riviste
A History of the Hellenistic World provides an engaging look at the Macedonian monarchies in the period following the reign of Alexander the Great, and examines their impact on the Greek world.* Offers a clearly organized narrative with particular emphasis on state and governmental structures* Makes extensive use of inscriptions in translation to illustrate the continuing vitality of the Greek city states prior to the Roman conquest* Emphasizes the specific Macedonian origins of all active participants in the creation of the Hellenistic world* Highlights the relationships between Greek city-states and Macedonian monarchies
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R. Malcolm Errington in Libri e riviste 15
- Vanessa R. Sasson -
23.74 EUR
Vanessa R. Sasson Yasodhara And The Buddha
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Vanessa R. Sasson
9781350163164Categoria: Libri e riviste
By combining the spirit of fiction with the fabulism of Indian mythology and in-depth academic research, Vanessa R. Sasson shares the evocative story of the Buddha from the perspective of a forgotten woman: Yasodhara, the Buddha’s wife. \n\nAlthough often marginalized, Yasodhara’s narrative here comes to life. Written with a strong feminist voice, we encounter Yasodhara as a fiercely independent, passionate and resilient individual. We witness her joys and sorrows, her expectations and frustrations, her fairy-tale wedding, and her overwhelming devastation at the departure of her beloved.\n\nIt is through her eyes that we witness Siddhattha’s slow transformation, from a sheltered prince to a deeply sensitive young man. On the way, we see how the gods watch over the future Buddha from the clouds, how the king and his ministers try to keep the suffering of the world from him and how he eventually renounces the throne, his wife and newly-born son to seek enlightenment. \n\nAlong with a foreword from Wendy Doniger, the book includes a scholarly introduction to Yasodhara’s narrative and offers extensive notes along with study questions, to help readers navigate the traditional literature in a new way, making this an essential book for anyone wanting to learn about Buddhist narratives.
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Vanessa R. Sasson in Libri e riviste 16
- Dennis R. Okerstrom -
48.69 EUR
Dennis R. Okerstrom Project 9: The Birth Of The Air Commandos In World War Ii
Brand: Dennis R. Okerstrom
9780826220271Categoria: Libri e riviste
Project 9: The Birth of the Air Commandos in World War II is a thoroughly researched narrative of the Allied joint project to invade Burma by air. Beginning with its inception at the Quebec Conference of 1943 and continuing through Operation Thursday until the death of the brilliant British General Orde Wingate in March 1944, less than a month after the successful invasion of Burma, Project 9 details all aspects of this covert mission, including the selection of the American airmen, the procurement of the aircraft, the joint training with British troops, and the dangerous night-time assault behind Japanese lines by glider.\n\nBased on review of hundreds of documents as well as interviews with surviving Air Commandos, this is the history of a colourful, autonomous, and highly effective military unit that included some of the most recognizable names of the era. Tasked by the General of the Army Air Forces, H. H. \"Hap\" Arnold, to provide air support for British troops under the eccentric Major General Wingate as they operated behind Japanese lines in Burma, the Air Commandos were breaking entirely new ground in operational theory, tactics, and inter-Allied cooperation. Okerstrom's in-depth research and analysis in Project 9 shed light on the operations of America's first foray into special military operations, when these heroes led the way for the formation of modern special operations teams such as Delta Force and Seal Team Six.
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Dennis R. Okerstrom in Libri e riviste 17
- Jonathan R. Lyon -
37.49 EUR
Jonathan R. Lyon Corruption, Protection And Justice In Medieval Europe: A Thousand-year History
Brand: Jonathan R. Lyon
9781316513743Categoria: Libri e riviste
What was an \"advocate\" (Latin: advocatus; German: Vogt) in the Middle Ages? What responsibilities came with the position and how did they change over time? With this groundbreaking study, Jonathan R. Lyon challenges the standard narrative of a \"medieval\" Europe of feudalism and lordship being replaced by a \"modern\" Europe of government, bureaucracy and the state. By focusing on the position of advocate, he argues for continuity in corrupt practices of justice and protection between 750 and 1800. This book traces the development of the role of church advocate from the Carolingian period onward and explains why this position became associated with the violent abuse of power on churches' estates. When other types of advocates became common in and around Germany after 1250, including territorial and urban advocates, they were not officeholders in developing bureaucracies. Instead, they used similar practices to church advocates to profit illicitly from their positions, which calls into question scholarly arguments about the decline of violent lordship and the rise of governmental accountability in European history.
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Jonathan R. Lyon in Libri e riviste 18
- Christopher R. Hutson;mikeal Parsons;charles Talbert -
28.74 EUR
Christopher R. Hutson;mikeal Parsons;charles Talbert First And Second Timothy And Titus
Brand: Christopher R. Hutson;mikeal Parsons;charles Talbert
9780801031939Categoria: Libri e riviste
Drawing from many parts of the broad Christian tradition, this commentary on First and Second Timothy and Titus helps readers gain a stronger understanding of early Christian ministry in the first two centuries. Paideia commentaries show how New Testament texts use ancient narrative and rhetorical strategies to form and shape the reader and provide a fresh reading of the biblical texts in light of ancient culture and modern issues. Students, pastors, and other readers will appreciate the historical, literary, and theological insight offered in this commentary.
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Christopher R. Hutson;mikeal Parsons;charles Talbert in Libri e riviste 19
- Gilbert R Thompson -
112.5 EUR
Gilbert R Thompson Resolving The Cholesterol Controversy: The Scientists Who Proved The Lipid Hypothesis Of Causation Of Atherosclerosis And Coronary Heart Disease
Brand: Gilbert R Thompson
9781800613973Categoria: Libri e riviste
Resolving the Cholesterol Controversy recounts the science and scientific personalities behind the chain of discoveries upon which the lipid hypothesis of atherosclerosis was built.The narrative covers a period of just under 100 years, starting with Anitschkow's experiments with cholesterol-fed rabbits in 1913, and recounts the endeavours and achievements of the leading actors in this protracted scientific drama. The cast is drawn from an extraordinary variety of scientific disciplines: pathology, biophysics, epidemiology, nutrition, cardiology, lipidology, genetics, microbiology, pharmacology, and clinical trial design. Most of the scientists believed that cholesterol played a causal role in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, but there were some who dissented strongly from this conclusion.The breadth of scientific disciplines involved in proving the lipid hypothesis is matched by the geographical spread of the participants. Anitschkow worked in Russia, Endo discovered the first statin in Japan, their commercial development by Merck took place in the USA and evidence of benefit from lowering cholesterol came from trials conducted in Scandinavia and the UK. The subsequent meta-analysis of these statin trials in 2005 proved the validity of the lipid hypothesis beyond any doubt. The history of how this all came about and its impact upon health policy and medical practice is recalled here in Resolving the Cholesterol Controversy.
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Gilbert R Thompson in Libri e riviste 20
- James R Edwards -
57.49 EUR
James R Edwards The Gospel According To Luke
Brand: James R Edwards
9781783592685Categoria: Libri e riviste
This new Pillar commentary devotes attention throughout to the vocabulary, historical background, special themes, and narrative purpose that make the book of Luke unique among the four Gospels.\n\nThough the Gentile focus of Luke is often held to be primary, James Edwards counterbalances that by citing numerous evidences of Luke's overarching interest in depicting Jesus as the fulfillment of the providential work of God in the history of Israel, and he considers the possibility that Luke himself was a Jew. Edwards also draws out other important thematic issues in excursuses scattered throughout the commentary, including discussion of Luke's infancy narrative, the mission of Jesus as the way of salvation, and Luke's depiction of the universal scope of the gospel.\n\nThis readable, relevant commentary attends to the linguistic, historical, literary, and theological elements of Luke that are essential to its meaning and considers Luke's significance for the church and the life of faith today.
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James R Edwards in Libri e riviste 21
- R F Foster -
21.24 EUR
R F Foster Modern Ireland 1600-1972
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: R F Foster
9780140132502Categoria: Libri e riviste
Masterfully blending narrative and interpretation, and R.F. Foster's Modern Ireland: 1600-1972 looks at how key events in Irish history contributed to the creation of the 'Irish Nation'.\n\n 'The most brilliant and courageous Irish historian of his generation'\n Colm Tóibín, London Review of Books\n\n 'Remarkable ... Foster gives a wise and balanced account of both forces of unity and forces of diversity ... a master work of scholarship'\n Bernard Crick, New Statesman\n\n 'A tour de force ... Anyone who really wants to make sense of Ireland and the Irish must read Roy Foster's magnificent and accessible Modern Ireland'\n Anthony Clare\n\n 'A magnificent book. It supersedes all other accounts of modern Irish history'\n Conor Cruise O'Brien, Sunday Times\n\n 'Dazzling ... a masterly survey not so much of the events of Irish history over the past four centuries as of the way in which those events acted upon the peoples living in Ireland to produce in our own time an \"Irish Nation\" ... a gigantic and distinguished undertaking'\n Robert Kee, Observer\n\n 'A work of gigantic importance. It is everything that a history book should be. It is beautifully and clearly written; it seeps wisdom through its every pore; it is full of the most elegant and scholarly insights; it is magnificently authoritative and confident ... Modern Ireland is quite simply the single most important book on Irish history written in this generation ... A masterpiece'\n Kevin Myers, Irish Times\n\n R. F. Foster is Carroll Professor of Irish History at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford. His books include Modern Ireland: 1600-1972, Luck and the Irish and W. B. Yeats: A Life.
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R F Foster in Libri e riviste 22
- R. I. Moore -
14.99 EUR
R. I. Moore The War On Heresy: Faith And Power In Medieval Europe
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: R. I. Moore
9781846682001Categoria: Libri e riviste
The war on heresy obsessed medieval Europe in the centuries after the first millennium. R. I. Moore's vivid narrative focuses on the motives and anxieties of those who declared and conducted the war: what were the beliefs and practices they saw as heretical? How might such beliefs have arisen? And why were they such a threat?\n\nIn western Europe at AD 1000 heresy had barely been heard of. Yet within a few generations accusations had become commonplace and institutions were being set up to identify and suppress beliefs and practices seen as departures from true religion. Popular accounts of events, most notably of the Albigensian Crusade led by Europe against itself, have assumed the threats posed by the heretical movements were only too real. Some scholars by contrast have tried to show that reports of heresy were exaggerated or even fabricated: but if they are correct why was the war on heresy launched at all? And why was it conducted with such pitiless ferocity? \n\nTo find the answers to these and other questions R. I. Moore returns to the evidence of the time. His investigation forms the basis for an account as profound as it is startlingly original.
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R. I. Moore in Libri e riviste 23
- Carl J. Bon Tempo;hasia R. Diner -
37.5 EUR
Carl J. Bon Tempo;hasia R. Diner Immigration: An American History
Brand: Carl J. Bon Tempo;hasia R. Diner
9780300226867Categoria: Libri e riviste
A sweeping narrative history of American immigration from the colonial period to the present\n \n“A masterly historical synthesis, full of wonderful detail and beautifully written, that brings fresh insights to the story of how immigrants were drawn to and settled in America over the centuries.”—Nancy Foner, author of One Quarter of the Nation\n \n The history of the United States has been shaped by immigration. Historians Carl J. Bon Tempo and Hasia R. Diner provide a sweeping historical narrative told through the lives and words of the quite ordinary people who did nothing less than make the nation.\n \n Drawn from stories spanning the colonial period to the present, Bon Tempo and Diner detail the experiences of people from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. They explore the many themes of American immigration scholarship, including the contexts and motivations for migration, settlement patterns, work, family, racism, and nativism, against the background of immigration law and policy. Taking a global approach that considers economic and personal factors in both the sending and receiving societies, the authors pay close attention to how immigration has been shaped by the state response to its promises and challenges.
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Carl J. Bon Tempo;hasia R. Diner in Libri e riviste 24
- R. Mavi -
16.5 EUR
R. Mavi Nottefonda
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: R. Mavi
9788863963434Categoria: Libri e riviste
Questo libro è un vorticoso alternarsi di versi e frammenti narrativi che condensano nella parola sentimento e razionalità, conscio e inconscio. I caratteri diversi tracciano tre percorsi paralleli: la vicenda narrata in poesia, le pagine sparse di un diario e il pensiero della protagonista. Una ragazza vive una travagliata storia d'amore, clandestina ma irrinunciabile. Lui è il suo datore di lavoro, più grande e sentimentalmente legato a un'altra donna. Lei è pura passione che gli si dedica interamente: disposta ad assecondare ogni suo desiderio fino a perdere la propria dignità agli occhi degli altri, travolta dall'amore, dal sesso e dall'alcool, si troverà a fare i conti con la faccia più ruvida della vita, quella che non perdona e condanna. La vera tragedia l'aspetterà di fronte allo specchio: rinnegare una gravidanza rende fantasmi, esseri umani privi di futuro e speranza. Ma rinascere si può: con la rabbia è possibile distruggere le ultime macerie e iniziare finalmente a ricostruire. Nottefonda è tradimento, aborto, diffamazione ma anche moralità, fede, preghiera. È soprattutto lotta contro la finzione e l'ipocrisia dei nostri giorni, contro i benpensanti e la morale borghese ormai superata. È fallimento, ribellione e rinascita.
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R. Mavi in Libri e riviste 25
- Mary R. Tahan;cornelia Lüdecke -
37.49 EUR
Mary R. Tahan;cornelia Lüdecke Stranded At The Top Of The World: A Story Of Exploration And Heroic Rescue In The Arctic
Brand: Mary R. Tahan;cornelia Lüdecke
9783031562877Categoria: Libri e riviste
This book provides a well-researched, well-structured, interesting, and informative narrative depicting the little-known yet successful efforts of the Captain Arve Staxrud Norwegian Arctic Rescue Expedition of 1913 that searched for and saved members of the Lieutenant Herbert Schro¨der-Stranz German Arctic Expedition of 1912 in Spitsbergen (Svalbard). The book portrays the cooperative and strategic endeavors of the humans and animals involved in the Staxrud expedition who worked together to save human lives on the icy fjords and glaciers of the far north during an unseasonable time of year for exploratory expeditions. It examines and analyzes the unpreparedness and lack of training that resulted in the failure of the Schro¨der-Stranz expedition. It compares and contrasts concurrent rescue expeditions that failed, including the Kurt Wegener expedition and the Theodor Lerner expedition. It describes the crucial role of animals in both the Norwegian and German expeditions, as well as German interest and Norwegian activity in Spitsbergen leading up to the expeditions. And it reconstructs the interaction and organization of principal officers, overwintering experts, Norwegians, Sa´mi, draft reindeer teams, and experienced sledge dogs who made the Staxrud rescue mission a success and who created and enabled improved search and rescue capabilities for Spitsbergen and for the future of the Arctic archipelago.
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Mary R. Tahan;cornelia Lüdecke in Libri e riviste 26
- Vanessa R. Sasson -
75 EUR
Vanessa R. Sasson Yasodhara And The Buddha
Brand: Vanessa R. Sasson
9781350163157Categoria: Libri e riviste
By combining the spirit of fiction with the fabulism of Indian mythology and in-depth academic research, Vanessa R. Sasson shares the evocative story of the Buddha from the perspective of a forgotten woman: Yasodhara, the Buddha’s wife. \n\nAlthough often marginalized, Yasodhara’s narrative here comes to life. Written with a strong feminist voice, we encounter Yasodhara as a fiercely independent, passionate and resilient individual. We witness her joys and sorrows, her expectations and frustrations, her fairy-tale wedding, and her overwhelming devastation at the departure of her beloved.\n\nIt is through her eyes that we witness Siddhattha’s slow transformation, from a sheltered prince to a deeply sensitive young man. On the way, we see how the gods watch over the future Buddha from the clouds, how the king and his ministers try to keep the suffering of the world from him and how he eventually renounces the throne, his wife and newly-born son to seek enlightenment. \n\nAlong with a foreword from Wendy Doniger, the book includes a scholarly introduction to Yasodhara’s narrative and offers extensive notes along with study questions, to help readers navigate the traditional literature in a new way, making this an essential book for anyone wanting to learn about Buddhist narratives.
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Vanessa R. Sasson in Libri e riviste 27
- Michael D. Richards;paul R. Waibel -
32.49 EUR
Michael D. Richards;paul R. Waibel Twentieth-century Europe: 1900 To The Present
Brand: Michael D. Richards;paul R. Waibel
9781119878735Categoria: Libri e riviste
Provides an engaging narrative account of modern European history, featuring new chapters on modern Europe and the post-Cold War world\n\n Twentieth-Century Europe: 1900 to the Present provides a concise and accessible review of the significant themes and major events that shaped European history from the beginning of the twentieth century. This student-friendly textbook places Europe in a global context as it explores key themes such as the slow unraveling of European colonial and political power throughout the world, the emergence of the United States as a major influence on European politics, the different postwar approaches to European cooperation, and competing perspectives on political, economic, and social questions. Each of the book’s four parts opens with a brief overview, summarizing the main themes of the period and providing historical context to the upcoming chapters. The text is organized chronologically, with each chapter including a brief chronology. Maps, tables, Illustrations, and photographs are scattered throughout.\n\n The fourth edition of Twentieth-Century Europe: 1900 to the Present offers an extensive revision of all chapters, including new and updated content on Brexit; terrorist attacks in France, Belgium, Germany, and Britain; the Covid-19 pandemic; the Russian invasion of Ukraine; the rise of right-wing parties in Italy and Hungary; and much more. Discussions of intellectual and cultural trends are included, enabling readers to examine political and economic developments in their historical context.\n\n \n\nProvides brief chapters suitable for both traditional and non-traditional courses\nThe text is divided into four chronological sections and 12 logically organized and easy to read and comprehend chapters\nIncludes an extensive index and a useful appendix of abbreviations and acronyms\nFeatures useful maps, illustrations, and other visual aids to reinforce learning of key themes in European history\n\n Twentieth-Century Europe: 1900 to the Present, Fourth Edition is an ideal textbook for undergraduate history courses and an excellent introduction to modern European history for general readers with an interest in the subject.
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Michael D. Richards;paul R. Waibel in Libri e riviste -15%28
- John R. R. Tolkien -
20.4 EUR 24 EUR
John R. R. Tolkien La Compagnia Dell'anello. Il Signore Degli Anelli. Vol. 1
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: John R. R. Tolkien
9788845299193Categoria: Libri e riviste
Composto da tre romanzi pubblicati in Gran Bretagna fra il 1954 e il 1955, \"Il Signore degli Anelli\" è uno dei più grandi cicli narrativi del XX secolo. J.R.R. Tolkien, studioso di letteratura inglese medievale e anglosassone, è riuscito a creare un mondo e un epos che da sempre affascinano e influenzano lettori e scrittori di tutto il mondo. La Compagnia dell'Anello si apre nella Contea, un idilliaco paese agricolo dove vivono gli hobbit, piccoli esseri lieti, saggi e longevi. La quiete è turbata dall'arrivo dello stregone Gandalf, che convince Frodo a partire per il paese delle tenebre, Mordor, dove dovrà gettare nelle fiamme del Monte Fato il terribile Anello del Potere, giunto nelle sue mani per una serie di incredibili circostanze. Un gruppo di altri hobbit lo accompagna e strada facendo si uniscono alla banda l'elfo, il nano e alcuni uomini, tutti uniti nella lotta contro il Male. La Compagnia affronta un cammino lungo e pericoloso, finché i suoi membri si disperdono, minacciati da forze oscure, mentre la meta sembra allontanarsi sempre di più.
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John R. R. Tolkien in Libri e riviste 29
- Dean R. Ulrich -
21.24 EUR
Dean R. Ulrich Now And Not Yet: Theology And Mission In Ezra-nehemiah
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Dean R. Ulrich
9781789743463Categoria: Libri e riviste
The books of Ezra and Nehemiah have been neglected in Old Testament scholarship, but as Dean Ulrich demonstrates in this valuable study, new in the NSBT series, Ezra-Nehemiah as a literary unit is part of the Christian Bible that tells God's grand story of saving activity.\n\nNow and Not Yet explores how the narrative theology of Ezra and Nehemiah shows us how to be a godly participant in God's story, and how the moral imperatives of leadership are bound up in the larger context of God's acts and promises: God's redeemed community that is bigger than any individual person, and at the heart of this is mission - participation in God's purpose for his world.\n\nSeeing these books as the record of the beginning of a new work of God among his people after the exile, Ulrich also illuminates how the theology of Ezra and Nehemiah connects to the larger biblical narrative and leads to the first coming of Jesus.\n\nInsightful and accessible, Now and Not Yet is a brilliant addition to the New Studies in Biblical Theology series. It is ideal for students, pastors and anyone looking for studies on Ezra and Nehemiah that dig deeply into their theology, particularly in relation to biblical mission.\n\nNow and Not Yet will leave you with a greater understanding of Ezra-Nehemiah as a literary unit, and how its theology is still relevant for Christians today - the new work it reveals enables God's people to be restored in their relationship with God, through both hope in God's promises and obedience to his instruction concerned with mission.
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Dean R. Ulrich in Libri e riviste 30
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32.83 EUR
La Biblia De Fang - Nuovo
Spedizione: 4.90 EUR
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32.83 EUR
El Joc De Ripper - Nuovo
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La Reliquia De Rasputin / The Rasputin Relic (spanish Edition) Cd Nuovo
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
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