- Abel Prieto -
26.6 EUR 28 EUR
Abel Prieto I Viaggi Di Miguel Luna
Brand: Abel Prieto
9788898582372Categoria: Libri e riviste
Era assai comune, a quei tempi, che i cubani provassero un certo fascino per i viaggi aerei internazionali, sentimento che si faceva ancor più intenso e perturbante tra coloro che coltivavano le arti e le lettere, per natura avidi di dosi sempre maggiori di ossigeno, universo e apertura cosmica. Nel caso di Mikimún (il protagonista di questo romanzo), la verginità insulare si era trasformata in un’ulcera sanguinante che lo tormentava senza tregua e senza sosta. Spesso quel vuoto o vacuità si trasformava nel suo contrario, in una pietra o lapide, che gli gravava sul petto rischiando di schiacciarlo, soprattutto se si considerava che alcuni dei suoi peggiori nemici letterari scorrazzavano di continuo per il globo, totalizzando più ore di volo, come si dice, di un pilota della Cubana o di qualsiasi altra compagnia aerea tra le più attive e volatili.
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Abel Prieto in Libri e riviste 2
- Design_fan -
29.9 EUR
Design_fan Applique Abel 2xe14 Fino A 25w Lampadina Non Inclusa In Gesso 410x170x130 Mm
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46.79 EUR
Abel Gance And The End Of Silent Cinema
- Abel González Melo -
21.84 EUR 22.99 EUR
Abel González Melo Teatro. Chamaco; In Nessun Posto Al Mondo; Raccontami Tutto Da Capo
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Abel González Melo
9788855103329Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il volume raccoglie tre testi teatrali che compongono un ritratto crudo e vivo della realtà cubana attuale. Chamaco, una «dolorosa indagine di una zona cancellata dall’umanità» come la periferia profonda di L’Avana; In nessun posto al mondo, trama familiare che affronta il tema dell’esilio e di una separazione che sembra avere piena corrispondenza tra individuo e la realtà di un paese isolato; Raccontami tutto da capo, una rilettura del Macbeth dove la «millenaria ricerca di quelle passioni che possono condurre qualsiasi essere umano verso le più abiette infamità» viene ricalibrata nei temi dell’epoca contemporanea. Con i suoi personaggi e le sue storie «letterariamente e scenicamente vive» González Melo indaga in modo unico sui problemi della frammentata e lacerata società cubana.
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Abel González Melo in Libri e riviste 5
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15.49 EUR
Abel And Cain
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10.99 EUR
- Abel Posse -
12.82 EUR 13.5 EUR
Abel Posse Diari Di Praga
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Abel Posse
9788889188408Categoria: Libri e riviste
Nel 1966 \"Che\" Guevara lascia la politica attiva e, con un gruppo di fedelissimi, trascorre sei mesi in clandestinità nella Praga stalinista per preparare l'attacco finale contro il Capitalismo. L'autore ricostruisce con il rigore del biografo e la sensibilità dello scrittore questa fase della vita del \"Che\" quasi del tutto ignorata dalle biografie ufficiali. Il fantasma del \"Che\" si aggira senza pace nei vicoli della città antica nascosto dietro gli occhiali e l'abito grigio di un pacifico borghese commerciante di legname. In questo momento di forzato riposo Ernesto Guevara de la Serna ha il tempo di riflettere sul suo passato di argentino, di latinoamericano e di rivoluzionario.
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Abel Posse in Libri e riviste 8
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82.99 EUR
Abel L'angelier & Françoise De Louvain (1574-1620)
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15.99 EUR
Abel Und Joe
- Abel Rodríguez;bruno Mendes -
51.19 EUR
Abel Rodríguez;bruno Mendes Probability, Decisions And Games: A Gentle Introduction Using R
Brand: Abel Rodríguez;bruno Mendes
9781119302605Categoria: Libri e riviste
Introduces the fundamentals of probability, statistics, decision theory, and game theory, and features interesting examples of games of chance and strategy to motivate and illustrate abstract mathematical concepts\n\n Covering both random and strategic games, Probability, Decisions and Games features a variety of gaming and gambling examples to build a better understanding of basic concepts of probability, statistics, decision theory, and game theory. The authors present fundamental concepts such as random variables, rational choice theory, mathematical expectation and variance, fair games, combinatorial calculus, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, Bernoulli trials, zero-sum games and Nash equilibria, as well as their application in games such as Roulette, Craps, Lotto, Blackjack, Poker, Rock-Paper-Scissors, the Game of Chicken and Tic-Tac-Toe. Computer simulations, implemented using the popular R computing environment, are used to provide intuition on key concepts and verify complex calculations.\n\n The book starts by introducing simple concepts that are carefully motivated by the same historical examples that drove their original development of the field of probability, and then applies those concepts to popular contemporary games. The first two chapters of Probability, Decisions and Games: A Gentle Introduction using R feature an introductory discussion of probability and rational choice theory in finite and discrete spaces that builds upon the simple games discussed in the famous correspondence between Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat. Subsequent chapters utilize popular casino games such as Roulette and Blackjack to expand on these concepts illustrate modern applications of these methodologies. Finally, the book concludes with discussions on game theory using a number of strategic games. This book:\n\n \n\nFeatures introductory coverage of probability, statistics, decision theory and game theory, and has been class-tested at University of California, Santa Cruz for the past six years\nIllustrates basic concepts in probability through interesting and fun examples using a number of popular casino games: roulette, lotto, craps, blackjack, and poker\nIntroduces key ideas in game theory using classic games such as Rock-Paper-Scissors, Chess, and Tic-Tac-Toe.\nFeatures computer simulations using R throughout in order to illustrate complex concepts and help readers verify complex calculations\nContains exercises and approaches games and gambling at a level that is accessible for readers with minimal experience\nAdopts a unique approach by motivating complex concepts using first simple games and then moving on to more complex, well-known games that illustrate how these concepts work together\n\n Probability, Decisions and Games: A Gentle Introduction using R is a unique and helpful textbook for undergraduate courses on statistical reasoning, introduction to probability, statistical literacy, and quantitative reasoning for students from a...
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Abel Rodríguez;bruno Mendes in Libri e riviste 11
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14.99 EUR
Abel Ou La Traversée De L'eden
- Abel González Fernandez;laura Mott -
72.44 EUR
Abel González Fernandez;laura Mott Cuban Mid-century Design : a Modernist Regime
Brand: Abel González Fernandez;laura Mott
9780847831401Categoria: Libri e riviste
Primarily focused on the post-revolutionary era of Cuba from the late 1950s through the 1970s, this volume brings together a prolific cohort of artists, designers, and architects that materialized the ideology of their time, and ultimately narrate the country s arc from revolutionary promise to authoritarian retrenchment. Design and architecture played an important role in shaping the country's identity and cultural expression during this time period. Consisting of nearly 100 works, including approximately 50 pieces of furniture, the exhibition and accompanying catalogue features seminal objects of functional design, architectural renderings, speculative prototypes for a design for all ethos, and key examples of art and graphic design that contributed to the zeitgeist of the era. The book also includes several examples by contemporary Cuban artists and designers who explore how this post-revolutionary aesthetic survives today.
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Abel González Fernandez;laura Mott in Libri e riviste -5%13
- Abel Quentin -
18.05 EUR 19 EUR
Abel Quentin Il Veggente D'Étampes
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Abel Quentin
9788833578002Categoria: Libri e riviste
Jean Roscoff è un ex docente di Storia della Guerra Fredda, neopensionato, divorziato di fresco, ex-moglie in carriera, figlia lesbica e fan del wokismo. Un passato di fallimenti alle spalle, una carriera accademica mediocre, sclerotizzata nella sua routine, alcolista. Una volta in pensione, Roscoff cerca riscatto scrivendo un libro su Robert Willow, poeta e musicista americano vissuto in Francia negli anni '50, poi ritiratosi in campagna a Étampes, infine dimenticato dalla storia. La pubblicazione del libro scatena una bufera mediatica senza precedenti che Roscoff, figlio di un’altra epoca e ignaro dei mutamenti avvenuti nel frattempo in tutto il mondo, non riesce a spiegarsi: viene accusato, tra le altre cose, di appropriazione culturale e si ritrova travolto da attacchi sui social, vandalismi e isolamento sociale, venendo spinto a confrontarsi con le nuove dinamiche sociali e con le conseguenze delle sue azioni.
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Abel Quentin in Libri e riviste -5%14
- Abel German -
11.4 EUR 12 EUR
Abel German Il Silenzio Che Dicono-el Silencio Que Dicen
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Abel German
9788876068911Categoria: Libri e riviste
Sgorga la poesia - la poesia scritta, per meglio dire - anche quando la sua fonte, per periodi molto lunghi, diffonde amarezza e scetticismo, persino incomprensione per tutto quel che la circonda. Sgorga la poesia perché il poeta, come accade ne Il silenzio che dicono, non abbandona la lotta neppure nei momenti di amarezza, di scetticismo e di totale disincanto. Vale a dire, il poeta si lamenta ma al tempo stesso si scatena contro quel bersaglio, spesso impreciso e ingannevole, che viene definito il male sociale del tempo. Il male sociale del tempo può essere la banalità, l’ipocrisia, persino la proposta ingannevole del rame sotto l’oro falso; un compito che da tempo hanno fatto proprio i tiranni… Abel Germán è un poeta che si esprime sia con la ragione che con il sentimento, per questo fa sgorgare dal cuore simili versi: “Le risa si sono spente. La città è vuota, solo restiamo le ceneri/ e io…”; mentre altri versi sono frutto della ragione, del suo intelletto: “La memoria è una pinza guidata dalla mano imprevedibile di un ubriaco,/ prende di qua e di là, lascia andare quel che prende, lo trattiene, non ha proprio idea”. (dall’introduzione di Félix Luis Viera)
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Abel German in Libri e riviste 15
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16.99 EUR
Abel Bonnard
- Abel Posse -
15.2 EUR 16 EUR
Abel Posse Il Viaggiatore Di Agartha
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Abel Posse
9788886755696Categoria: Libri e riviste
Il Terzo Reich sta crollando e Hitler ordina ad un ufficiale delle SS di raggiungere Agartha, il mitico regno sotterraneo, fonte dei poteri occulti di cui il nazismo si sente investito. Un viaggio attraverso Asia centrale e Tibet, al cuore delle mitologie pagane, in cerca del segreto magico cui il Führer affida la sua ultima disperata scommessa. Un cammino insondabile verso il mistero, durante il quale le certezze dell'ufficiale tedesco si sciolgono poco a poco all'ombra dei fantasmi del passato e della condizione umana.
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Abel Posse in Libri e riviste 17
- Abel Escriba-folch;joseph Wright;covadonga Meseguer -
35 EUR
Abel Escriba-folch;joseph Wright;covadonga Meseguer Migration And Democracy: How Remittances Undermine Dictatorships
Brand: Abel Escriba-folch;joseph Wright;covadonga Meseguer
9780691199375Categoria: Libri e riviste
How remittances-money sent by workers back to their home countries-support democratic expansion\n\nIn the growing body of work on democracy, little attention has been paid to its links with migration. Migration and Democracy focuses on the effects of worker remittances-money sent by migrants back to their home countries-and how these resources shape political action in the Global South. Remittances are not only the largest source of foreign income in most autocratic countries, but also, in contrast to foreign aid or international investment, flow directly to citizens. As a result, they provide resources that make political opposition possible, and they decrease government dependency, undermining the patronage strategies underpinning authoritarianism.\n\nThe authors discuss how international migration produces a decentralized flow of income that generally circumvents governments to reach citizens who act as democratizing agents. Documenting why dictatorships fall and how this process has changed in the last three decades, the authors show that remittances increase the likelihood of protest and reduce electoral support for authoritarian incumbents.\n\nCombining global macroanalysis with microdata and case studies of Senegal and Cambodia, Migration and Democracy demonstrates how remittances-and the movement of people from authoritarian nations to higher-income countries-foster democracy and its expansion.
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Abel Escriba-folch;joseph Wright;covadonga Meseguer in Libri e riviste 18
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14.65 EUR
Abel Sanchez And Other Stories
- Abel Paz -
34.2 EUR 36 EUR
Abel Paz Durruti E La Rivoluzione Spagnola. Con Dvd
Brand: Abel Paz
9788889413425Categoria: Libri e riviste
Espropriatore e organizzatore sindacale, pistolero e finanziatore di collane editoriali, Durruti è stato un simbolo e un mito che ha sintetizzato le esperienze rivoluzionarie e le tensioni libertarie di migliaia uomini e donne che hanno fatto grande la lunga stagione dell'anarchismo spagnolo. Lotta, galera, fuga ed esilio hanno trasformato un giovane apprendista fabbro in un leggendario leader. Dopo il golpe di Franco del luglio 1936, Durruti è l'anima e il braccio del movimento libertario in Catalogna dove, battuti armi alla mano i militari ribelli, si sviluppa una delle più profonde e importanti esperienze rivoluzionarie che la storia abbia registrato: industrie, terre, trasporti e servizi vengono espropriati, collettivizzati e autogestiti dai lavoratori. Durruti partecipa alla sollevazione di Barcellona, poi parte per Saragozza alla testa di una colonna che porta il suo nome, e infine accorre in difesa di Madrid, dove troverà la morte. La biografia di Abel Paz ripercorre, sulle tracce della vita di un uomo, la storia dell'anarchismo spagnolo assieme alle speranze e alla tragedia di un intero popolo.
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Abel Paz in Libri e riviste 20
- Abel González Melo -
31.24 EUR
Abel González Melo Selected Plays By Cuban Playwright : Chamaco (kiddo); Nevada; Weathered; Outside The Game; Tell Me The Whole Thing Again; Abyss
Brand: Abel González Melo
9781350453784Categoria: Libri e riviste
\"One of Cuba’s most important contemporary playwrights, Abel González Melo is known for a hybrid poetics in which he employs contemporary formal features, such as non-linear storytelling and flashbacks, interwoven with elements from the classical tradition in order to stage the ignoble realities of postmodern life. \" (Lillian Manzor, University of Miami)\n\n Born in Havana in 1980, Abel González Melo is a rare example of a contemporary Cuban playwright whose work is performed and celebrated not only in Cuba, but also in the US, the Americas more widely, Europe, and beyond.\nInvestigating a raft of national and universal themes, such as queer sexuality, the dilemma of leaving or remaining, political power and censorship, family dynamics, the ambition and responsibility of the artist, and so-called ‘cancel culture’, González Melo’s work is international and universal in scope. The result of a 20-year collaboration with translator William Gregory, this collection of six plays surveys González Melo’s eclectic two-decade career: from his beginning with earlier works exploring the pulsing underworld of early-2000s Havana in Chamaco and Nevada, through to his most recent takes on theatre and its intersection with contemporary issues in Tell Me the Whole Thing Again and Abyss.\n\n Complete with an edited introduction by Ernesto Fundora and a translator’s note from Gregory, Selected Plays by Cuban Playwright Abel González Melo explores not only González Melo’s oeuvre but also his distinctive stylistic and aesthetic variety, gained from living in both Spain and Cuba.
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Abel González Melo in Libri e riviste -5%21
- Abel Bonnard -
13.3 EUR 14 EUR
Abel Bonnard I Moderati
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Abel Bonnard
9788868011536Categoria: Libri e riviste
Vera e propria categoria dello spirito, quella dei \"moderati\" è la tragedia del nostro tempo: buoni a nulla ma disposti a tutto, sono diventati, purtroppo, la spina dorsale del ceto politico europeo. Scritto nell'intervallo fra le due guerre mondiali da un intellettuale francese, Accademico di Francia, che non esitò a schierarsi dalla \"parte sbagliata\", il saggio “I moderati” è ancora oggi, forse più di ieri, un lucido e spietato ritratto della insipida classe dirigente che non dirige nulla, ma si limita a obbedire.
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Abel Bonnard in Libri e riviste 22
- Abel A. Nkunda -
16.24 EUR
Abel A. Nkunda The House Is Burning
- Susanne Abel -
18.81 EUR 19.8 EUR
Susanne Abel Gli Anni Della Polvere
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Susanne Abel
9788842934202Categoria: Libri e riviste
Tom non ha mai avuto un buon rapporto con la madre. Ma, da quando Greta ha iniziato a mostrare chiari sintomi di demenza senile, ha messo da parte i risentimenti per prendersi cura di lei, sopportandone persino le dimenticanze più dolorose, come chiamare il defunto padre col nome sbagliato o chiedere notizie della «sorella» di Tom, che però è figlio unico. Tuttavia c'è qualcosa nel tono di Greta – una dolcezza così insolita per lei – che induce Tom a dubitare si tratti solo di deliri indotti dalla malattia. E i suoi sospetti si trasformano in certezza il giorno in cui, nascosti in un cassetto, trova la foto di un soldato afroamericano e una vecchia bambola. Inizia così per Tom un viaggio attraverso un passato che Greta non ha mai voluto condividere con nessuno: gli anni spensierati nella casa di famiglia nella Prussia orientale, all'epoca parte del Reich; poi la fuga a piedi verso ovest, cacciati dai sovietici alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale; i primi, durissimi mesi ad Heidelberg, a lottare contro la fame e il freddo, e infine l'incontro con Bob Cooper. Bob, che era stato il primo, travolgente amore di Greta, un lampo di felicità purissima spazzato via dai pregiudizi di un Paese in cui non c'era posto per chi aveva un diverso colore della pelle… Seguendo il filo della memoria, a poco a poco Tom ricostruisce la figura di una donna lontanissima dall'immagine che aveva di sua madre, una donna forte, appassionata e caparbia. E capisce che l'amore è l'unica cosa che rimane quando si ha dimenticato tutto, e sarà quell'amore, alla fine, a indicargli la via per ritrovare la sua famiglia perduta...
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Susanne Abel in Libri e riviste 24
- Ernest L. Abel -
76.25 EUR
Ernest L. Abel Death Gods: An Encyclopedia Of The Rulers, Evil Spirits, And Geographies Of The Dead
Brand: Ernest L. Abel
9780313357121Categoria: Libri e riviste
In cultures throughout human history people have believed that some part of themselves continued to exist after they died. Part of that belief is that living can influence what happens to the dead in the afterlife, and the dead can return from the afterlife to affect the living. Death Gods: An Encyclopedia of the Rulers, Evil Spirits, and Geographies of the Dead describes the many ways the afterlife-especially that part of the afterlife commonly known as Hell-has been characterized in myths from around the world. The hundreds of entries provide readers with a guide to the afterlife as portrayed in these myths - its geography, its rulers, its inhabitants, how they got there, and what happens after their arrival. While the Devil is a prominent resident and ruler of the afterworld in many religions, especially Christianity, this book examines many other versions of Hell whether presided over by the Devil, Hades, or one of the many other rulers of the dead.\n\nDeath Gods provides concise encyclopedic entries on all aspects of the mythology of the afterlife: The underworlds form the myths of cultures from across the globe-for example, Xibalba, the underworld of the Quiche Maya; Di Yu, the underground realm of the dead in Chinese mythology; the gods and demons of the afterlife-the Hindu god of death and justice Yama; Ahriman, the evil twin of the benevolent god Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrian mythology; Buso, the invisible ghouls who haunt graveyards and feed on human corpses in Philippine mythology. The volume includes an extensive bibliography of the most useful resources for understanding the mythology of death and the afterlife.
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Ernest L. Abel in Libri e riviste 25
- Barbara Abel -
12.49 EUR
Barbara Abel Mothers' Instinct [movie Tie-in]: A Novel Of Suspense
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Barbara Abel
9780063414686Categoria: Libri e riviste
The inspiration for the major motion picture starring Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain\n\n“Had me in its grips from the first page to the astonishing and jaw-dropping ending.” —Samantha M. Bailey, USA Today bestselling author of Woman On the Edge\n\nA dark, intense domestic thriller about next-door neighbors whose close friendship is upended by a tragic accident, from the queen of Belgian crime.\n\nThere is no love like a mother’s love.\n\nTiphaine and Laetitia are inseparable friends who live next door to each other in a tranquil suburb. Their sons, born in the same year, grow up together as close as brothers. But when one of the boys is killed in an accident, the mothers’ idyllic world shatters. Tiphaine is consumed by grief and bitterness for her lost son, while Laetitia is wracked with guilt. Soon the best friends are barely speaking.\n\nThen mysterious “accidents” begin to happen to Laetitia’s son, raising her suspicions. As an increasingly paranoid Laetitia frantically tries to protect her son from harm, the little civility left between her and Tiphaine curdles into outward hostility. Is Laetitia just imagining things? Or is Tiphaine secretly conspiring to exact revenge for her loss . . . and if so, who will pay?\n\nTranslated from the French by Susan Pickford
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Barbara Abel in Libri e riviste 26
- Jessamyn Abel -
32.49 EUR
Jessamyn Abel Dream Super-express: A Cultural History Of The World's First Bullet Train
Brand: Jessamyn Abel
9781503629943Categoria: Libri e riviste
A symbol of the \"new Japan\" displayed at World's Fairs, depicted in travel posters, and celebrated as the product of a national spirit of innovation, the Tokaido Shinkansen-the first bullet train, dubbed the \"dream super-express\"-represents the bold aspirations of a nation rebranding itself after military defeat, but also the deep problems caused by the unbridled postwar drive for economic growth. At the dawn of the space age, how could a train become such an important symbol? In Dream Super-Express, Jessamyn Abel contends that understanding the various, often contradictory, images of the bullet train reveals how infrastructure operates beyond its intended use as a means of transportation to perform cultural and sociological functions. The multi-layered dreams surrounding this high-speed railway tell a history not only of nation-building but of resistance and disruption. Though it constituted neither a major technological leap nor a new infrastructural connection, the train enchanted, enthralled, and enraged government officials, media pundits, community activists, novelists, and filmmakers. This history of imaginations around the monumental rail system resists the commonplace story of progress to consider the tug-of-war over the significance of the new line. Is it a vision of the future or a reminder of the past, an object of international admiration or a formidable threat? Does it enable new relationships and identities or reify existing social hierarchies? Tracing the meanings assigned to high-speed rail shows how it prompted a reimagination of identity on the levels of individual, metropolis, and nation in a changing Japan.
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Jessamyn Abel in Libri e riviste -5%27
- Barbara Abel -
15.1 EUR 15.9 EUR
Barbara Abel Oltre La Siepe
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Barbara Abel
9788892960473Categoria: Libri e riviste
Sylvain e Tiphaine, David e Laetitia sono amici da sempre. I quattro trascorrono insieme quasi ogni giorno, dato che le loro case sono separate soltanto da una siepe, e i loro figli – Maxime e Milo, sei anni – sono inseparabili. Ma l’idillio è destinato a infrangersi quando Laetitia vede Maxime, il figlio di Tiphaine, che si sporge pericolosamente dalla finestra. Pochi ma preziosi secondi persi a capire cosa fare e, quando Laetitia corre ad avvisare Tiphaine, è troppo tardi. Maxime è caduto ed è morto sul colpo. Laetitia avrebbe potuto salvare il bambino? Sylvain e Tiphaine la ritengono responsabile? Laetitia inizia a temere che i vicini stiano meditando vendetta e, presto, si ritrova ossessionata dall’idea che vogliano uccidere Milo. Ma la spirale di paranoia in cui si lascia trascinare rischia di travolgere anche suo marito e suo figlio.
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Barbara Abel in Libri e riviste 28
- Nicola Abel-hirsch -
22.49 EUR
Nicola Abel-hirsch Bion: An Introduction
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Nicola Abel-hirsch
9781912691838Categoria: Libri e riviste
Bion’s life spanned key events in the twentieth century. Born in India in 1897, he came to boarding school in England aged 8 and at 18 fought in the tanks in World War One. He trained as a doctor between the wars and, in his World War Two work for the army, he was an innovator. After the war, he became a patient of Melanie Klein, qualified as a psychoanalyst, and was part of an extraordinary period in psychoanalysis of work with psychotic mechanisms in patients. In the late 1950s, he identified the configuration container/contained as being at the heart of human development. He looked outside of psychoanalysis to philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, and even theo-mystical thinkers. His work evolved radically throughout the 1960s and, at age 70 when many would be thinking of slowing down, he emigrated to California and began to travel internationally, giving lectures and supervisions across three continents. After Freud, Bion appears to be the most quoted psychoanalyst of our time and this book provides the opportunity, even for those familiar with his work, to gain insight into its sheer breadth, showcased so brilliantly in this slim volume.\n\n\n\nAs author of Bion: 365 Quotes, Nicola Abel-Hirsch’s immersion in Bion’s vast œuvre has enabled a comprehensive introduction to Bion and his work. Her lightness of touch, whilst retaining the necessary depth, makes it a joy to read. Bion and his work can be somewhat enigmatic but Abel-Hirsch’s understanding offers the ideal introduction to the man and his work.
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Nicola Abel-hirsch in Libri e riviste 29
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131.03 EUR
The Abel Prize 2013-2017
- Daniel C. Abel;r. Dean Grubbs -
37.5 EUR
Daniel C. Abel;r. Dean Grubbs The Lives Of Sharks: A Natural History Of Shark Life
Brand: Daniel C. Abel;r. Dean Grubbs
9780691244310Categoria: Libri e riviste
A richly illustrated and comprehensive introduction to the world’s sharks\n\nSharks are the top predators in many marine ecosystems. But tales of the killer instincts and fearsomely sharp senses of these hunters can obscure their full life histories. In fact, sharks are characterful, exhibit surprisingly complex behaviors, and lead secretive lives full of interest in every type of marine habitat. The Lives of Sharks is a fascinating and beautifully illustrated guide to these iconic marine creatures from two world-renowned experts. This book explores shark physiology, anatomy, behavior, ecology, and evolution, as well as conservation and the impact of human activity on shark populations. With stunning photographs and illustrations, as well as profiles of selected species, this is a comprehensive, authoritative, and inviting introduction to global shark life today.
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Daniel C. Abel;r. Dean Grubbs in Libri e riviste 31
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14.99 EUR
L'affaire Abel
- Daniel Abel -
13.74 EUR
Daniel Abel Sharkpedia: A Brief Compendium Of Shark Lore
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Daniel Abel
9780691252612Categoria: Libri e riviste
A fun, pocket-size A–Z treasury about sharks, featuring fascinating, little-known facts and captivating illustrations\n\nSharkpedia is an entertaining and enlightening celebration of sharks featuring close to 100 entries, based on the latest knowledge and enriched by original illustrations. Avoiding tired factoids, shark authority Daniel Abel gives new bite to essential information about sharks, including their adaptations as top predators, 450-million-year evolution, behavioral complexity, ecological importance, existential threats, and often sensationalized appearances in popular culture, from Jaws to Shark Week.\n\nThe notion that sharks are insatiable killing machines is a toothless myth—yet the fear of shark attacks still holds on to many people like a set of locked jaws. Sharkpedia reveals that sharks are much less to be feared—and much more interesting, complicated, and important—than many realize. Filled with compelling stories, Sharkpedia debunks shark myths (for example, that sharks are large and coastal when in fact most are small and inhabit the deep sea), describes their lives (where and how long they live, how many offspring they have, what they eat, and how their bodies function), introduces a variety of iconic and obscure species (such as the Happy Eddie Shyshark), explores our love/hate relationship with sharks, and much more.\n\nWith charming drawings by leading shark artist Marc Dando, Sharkpedia is a scientific and cultural treasure trove that will leave you with new insights about these remarkable animals. Dive in!\n\n\n\n\nFeatures a cloth cover with an elaborate foil-stamped design
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