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84.23 EUR
Lgbt Psychology
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131.03 EUR
Lgbt Athletes In The Sports Media
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56.15 EUR
Lgbt-parent Families
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81.53 EUR
Lgbt Victorians
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46.79 EUR
Lgbt Transnational Identity And The Media
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93.59 EUR
Lgbt+ Youth And Emerging Technologies In Southeast Asia
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46.79 EUR
Lgbt Activism And The Making Of Europe
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18.05 EUR 19 EUR
Migranti Lgbt. Pratiche, Politiche E Contesti Di Accoglienza
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
9788846758668Categoria: Libri e riviste
Questo libro tratta della richiesta di protezione internazionale da parte di soggetti perseguitati nei loro paesi d'origine per la loro identità di genere o il loro orientamento sessuale, e propone un'analisi socio-politica delle logiche istituzionali e delle dinamiche comunitarie che le persone migranti LGBT si trovano ad affrontare in Italia. Il volume nasce dall'incontro di molteplici interessi e desideri di ricerca, riflessione e intervento all'interno e all'intersezione del contesto accademico e del campo dell'associazionismo, ed è il punto di arrivo di un percorso di ricerca che non fugge dalla sua dimensione sociale e politica, ma ne assume la responsabilità, facendosene carico e rivendicandola. I saggi qui raccolti hanno l'obiettivo di mostrare e raccontare realtà spesso (rese) invisibili e invitano a una riflessione che interroghi le pratiche, le politiche e i contesti di accoglienza in cui le persone migranti LGBT sono accompagnate, inserite, portate – e spesso deportate. Contributi di: Dany Carnassale, Giulia De Rocco, Francesco Della Puppa, Enrico Gargiulo, Calogero Giametta, Olivia Guaraldo, Noemi Martorano, Massimo Prearo, Michela Semprebon. Prefazione di Olivia Guaraldo.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
in Libri e riviste 9
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131.03 EUR
Lgbt Populations And Cancer In The Global Context
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93.59 EUR
Lgbt Activism And Europeanisation In The Post-yugoslav Space
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11.27 EUR
Teens & Lgbt Issues
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16.15 EUR 19 EUR
Migranti Lgbt. Pratiche, Politiche E Contesti Di Accoglienza
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
9788846758668Categoria: Libri e riviste
Questo libro tratta della richiesta di protezione internazionale da parte di soggetti perseguitati nei loro paesi d'origine per la loro identità di genere o il loro orientamento sessuale, e propone un'analisi socio-politica delle logiche istituzionali e delle dinamiche comunitarie che le persone migranti LGBT si trovano ad affrontare in Italia. Il volume nasce dall'incontro di molteplici interessi e desideri di ricerca, riflessione e intervento all'interno e all'intersezione del contesto accademico e del campo dell'associazionismo, ed è il punto di arrivo di un percorso di ricerca che non fugge dalla sua dimensione sociale e politica, ma ne assume la responsabilità, facendosene carico e rivendicandola. I saggi qui raccolti hanno l'obiettivo di mostrare e raccontare realtà spesso (rese) invisibili e invitano a una riflessione che interroghi le pratiche, le politiche e i contesti di accoglienza in cui le persone migranti LGBT sono accompagnate, inserite, portate – e spesso deportate. Contributi di: Dany Carnassale, Giulia De Rocco, Francesco Della Puppa, Enrico Gargiulo, Calogero Giametta, Olivia Guaraldo, Noemi Martorano, Massimo Prearo, Michela Semprebon. Prefazione di Olivia Guaraldo.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
in Libri e riviste 13
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60.83 EUR
Japanese Lgbt Diasporas
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12.99 EUR
The Lgbt Guide To Concealed Carry: How To Arm Yourself For Security, Protection And Self Defense.
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27.97 EUR
Respectful Lgbt Conversations
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93.59 EUR
Transnational Lgbt Activism And Uk-based Ngos
- Einaudi -
15 EUR
Queer. Storia Culturale Della Comunita' Lgbt+ - De Leo Maya - Einaudi
Spedizione: 2.5 EUR
Brand: Einaudi
9788806258108Categoria: Libri e riviste
Queer. Storia Culturale Della Comunita' Lgbt+ - De Leo Maya - Einaudi
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Einaudi in Libri e riviste -5%18
- Nicolò Pezzolo -
22.8 EUR 24 EUR
Nicolò Pezzolo Identità In Parata. Diventare Attivista In Un'associazione Lgbt
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Nicolò Pezzolo
9788857573434Categoria: Libri e riviste
Cosa significa oggi fare attivismo LGBT in Italia? Il lavoro di Nicolò Pezzolo tenta di rispondere a questa domanda analizzando la costruzione del discorso politico all'interno del Circolo di cultura omosessuale Mario Mieli, celebre associazione LGBT radicata da lungo tempo sul territorio romano, e osservando il processo di soggettivazione dei singoli attivisti dell'associazione tra identità collettiva e vissuto quotidiano. Servendosi del metodo più conforme al lavoro antropologico, l'etnografia, l'autore cerca di narrare, grazie alla lunga esperienza sul campo, la vita sociale e politica delle e degli attivist* queer con cui ha condiviso parte della sua vita dal dicembre 2015 al giugno 2017. Il presente volume offre quindi una prospettiva inedita sull'attivismo LGBT a Roma e in Italia, il risultato è un'etnografia articolata che ha come oggetto il modo in cui una minoranza cerca di negoziare il suo spazio e di produrre un suo discorso.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Nicolò Pezzolo in Libri e riviste 19
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68.74 EUR
Activism And Lgbt Psychology
9780789036759Categoria: Libri e riviste
Go beyond traditional approaches to therapy, research, and teaching Psychotherapy works toward change, but has traditionally focused solely on the individual. Today it is understood that discrimination and other adverse social conditions adversely affect the mental health of minority groups. Activism and LGBT Psychology takes note of the influence of social factors and offers examples of how mental health professionals can use their professional skills to empower the LGBT community. Respected leaders in the field of psychotherapy describe theoretical, clinical, community interventions, and personal approaches to changing attitudes toward LGBT people and within LGBT communities. Prejudice against a minority has an undeniable impact on mental health treatment. Recognizing and understanding this dynamic, Activism and LGBT Psychology reveals strategies to lessen societal discrimination, work for positive change, and reinforce LGBT-affirmative mental health practices. This valuable guide shows how to integrate the mental health professional’s unique skills into activism for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues. Topics in Activism and LGBT Psychology include:\n\n\n\n integrating activism into clinical practice \n theoretical alternatives for clinical practice \n mental health issues as the consequences of social injustice \n strategies for using liberation psychology in psychotherapy with LGBT clients \n practical strategies to bring an integrated clinical approach which encourages client empowerment and self-definition \n how research can be social activism \n providing training and support to make educational professionals agents of change \n personal accounts of integrating professional work with an activist role \n and more! \n\nActivism and LGBT Psychology is a positive, insightful guide for change that is valuable for community psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists, educators, students, and professionals in the mental health field.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
in Libri e riviste 20
- Susan Burgess -
100 EUR
Susan Burgess Lgbt Inclusion In American Life: Pop Culture, Political Imagination, And Civil Rights
Brand: Susan Burgess
9781479819720Categoria: Libri e riviste
A compelling explanation of the American public’s acceptance of LGBT freedoms through the lens of pop culture\n\nHow did gay people go from being characterized as dangerous perverts to military heroes and respectable parents? How did the interests of the LGBT movement and the state converge to transform mainstream political and legal norms in these areas?\n\nUsing civil rights narratives, pop culture, and critical theory, LGBT Inclusion in American Life tells the story of how exclusion was transformed into inclusion in US politics and society, as pop culture changed mainstream Americans thinking about “non-gay” issues, namely privacy, sex and gender norms, and family. Susan Burgess explores films such as Casablanca, various James Bond movies, and Julie and Julia, and television shows such as thirtysomething and The Americans, as well as the Broadway sensation Hamilton, as sources of growing popular support for LGBT rights. By drawing on popular culture as a rich source of public understanding, Burgess explains how the greater public came to accept and even support the three central pillars of LGBT freedoms in the post–World War II era: to have consensual adult sex without fear of criminal penalty, to serve openly in the military, and to marry legally. LGBT Inclusion in American Life argues that pop culture can help us to imagine unknown futures that lead beyond what we currently desire from contemporary politics, and in return asks now that the mainstream public has come to accept LGBT freedoms, where might the popular imagination be headed in the future?
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Susan Burgess in Libri e riviste 21
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14.99 EUR
The T In Lgbt
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48.56 EUR
Religious Freedom, Lgbt Rights, And The Prospects For Common Ground
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84.23 EUR
Intersectionality And Lgbt Activist Politics
- Susan Burgess -
29.99 EUR
Susan Burgess Lgbt Inclusion In American Life: Pop Culture, Political Imagination, And Civil Rights
Brand: Susan Burgess
9781479819751Categoria: Libri e riviste
A compelling explanation of the American public’s acceptance of LGBT freedoms through the lens of pop culture\n\nHow did gay people go from being characterized as dangerous perverts to military heroes and respectable parents? How did the interests of the LGBT movement and the state converge to transform mainstream political and legal norms in these areas?\n\nUsing civil rights narratives, pop culture, and critical theory, LGBT Inclusion in American Life tells the story of how exclusion was transformed into inclusion in US politics and society, as pop culture changed mainstream Americans thinking about “non-gay” issues, namely privacy, sex and gender norms, and family. Susan Burgess explores films such as Casablanca, various James Bond movies, and Julie and Julia, and television shows such as thirtysomething and The Americans, as well as the Broadway sensation Hamilton, as sources of growing popular support for LGBT rights. By drawing on popular culture as a rich source of public understanding, Burgess explains how the greater public came to accept and even support the three central pillars of LGBT freedoms in the post–World War II era: to have consensual adult sex without fear of criminal penalty, to serve openly in the military, and to marry legally. LGBT Inclusion in American Life argues that pop culture can help us to imagine unknown futures that lead beyond what we currently desire from contemporary politics, and in return asks now that the mainstream public has come to accept LGBT freedoms, where might the popular imagination be headed in the future?
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Susan Burgess in Libri e riviste 25
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46.79 EUR
Marginality And Global Lgbt Communities
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131.03 EUR
Cancer And The Lgbt Community
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31.25 EUR
Fighting With Pride: Lgbt In The Armed Forces
9781526765253Categoria: Libri e riviste
To mark the 20th anniversary of the lifting of the British Armed Forces gay ban' on 12 January 2020, this book brings together a selection of LGBTQ servicemen and women who have served in the Armed Forces since the Second World War. Their stories are profoundly moving testaments to their loyalty, their courage on the battlefield, and their unswerving sense of right and wrong.\n\nIncluded are ten accounts of members of our Armed Forces who have lived remarkable lives. In some cases they were dismissed in disgrace or forced to resign when asked questions about their private lives. Their stories are those of remarkable sacrifice and courage in their units (and in battle), but who were forced to live in secret before their services were removed at the stroke of a pen after being declared 'no longer required' or dismissed in disgrace'.\n\nThese are the stories of the David and Goliath battle for equality, through every court in the UK and Europe. For others their story is one of remarkable careers at the front line of operations worldwide, with accounts of service in the Second World War, the Falklands War, the Gulf Wars and the war in Afghanistan.\n\nThis book celebrates the lives of servicemen and women who have stood tall and taken their place with pride and dignity in the fighting units of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Royal Air Force and the British Army. These are the inspiring stories of people who have created amazing careers and sought and found a welcome denied to so many.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
in Libri e riviste 28
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12.05 EUR
Fair Play: How Lgbt Athletes Are Claiming Their Rightful Place In Sports
- Matteo Mennini -
17.58 EUR 18.5 EUR
Matteo Mennini Credenti Lgbt+
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR
Brand: Matteo Mennini
9788829012541Categoria: Libri e riviste
A partire dagli anni Sessanta del secolo scorso, in sintonia con i movimenti di contestazione, numerosi gruppi di credenti LGTB+ in diverse parti del mondo iniziarono a porsi la questione della propria permanenza all’interno delle Chiese cristiane a cui appartenevano, portando in superficie interrogativi non solo attuali, ma cruciali per la fede e la teologia. Come conciliare Bibbia e omosessualità? Quale accoglienza dare alle persone e alle coppie omosessuali? In che modo integrare le recenti acquisizioni scientifiche in ambito psichiatrico riguardo all’omosessualità? Il volume, per la prima volta, ricostruisce la storia del movimento dei credenti LGBT+ in Italia dagli anni Settanta fino al Duemila, anno del grande Giubileo e del World Pride celebrato a Roma. Basandosi su inedite fonti di archivio, su interviste ai vari protagonisti e sulla documentazione interna ai gruppi, il libro valorizza i principali dibattiti e il contributo che le esperienze italiane di aggregazione per credenti LGBT+ hanno apportato nelle Chiese protestanti e in quella cattolica. L’analisi delle dinamiche interne a quei gruppi è profondamente connessa all’evoluzione dei movimenti per la rivendicazione dei diritti delle persone LGTB+ e alle trasformazioni che hanno riguardato il cristianesimo italiano nell’ultimo mezzo secolo.
Confronta anche i prezzi:
Matteo Mennini in Libri e riviste 30
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48.46 EUR
Lgbt Non Binary Pride Bandiera Gatti Carini Felpa (b5q)
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR
Brand: --